Author Note: I do not own Harry Potter or anything from the DC Universe. Also some of this story was inspired by the fanfiction Harry Isley. If you recognize something from my fanfic then I probably don't own it.

Summary: Harry Potter grew up abused with his relatives. But when he was on vacation in Gotham Harry once again became an orphan when his relatives were killed. Watch Harry growing up in Gotham under the care of Poison Ivy and during his time in and out of Hogwarts. (All Seven Years of Hogwarts and beyond. A Harry Potter/Barbara Gordon/Daphne Greengrass pairing.)

Harry's early years in Hogwarts and pre-Hogwarts years will be more of a summary with a lot of time skips until the story goes more in-depth when Harry is a bit older.

Warning: This story will be very AU so if you don't like the fact that I messed with the Harry Potter or DC Universe, you can read something else.




Chapter 21

The weeks following the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament were a major success for Harry's group as a whole. With his new found popularity, Harry and Daphne quickly started to make contacts with the foreign wizards and witches staying at Hogwarts, but the biggest surprise was Harry and Daphne's new friendship with Fleur Delacour.


Harry and Fleur were walking side-by-side along the Hogwarts grounds and coming up to the Black Lake, when Harry turned to Fleur and asked,

"Fleur, do you think you could give me some advice?"

"Oui, 'Arry?" How can I 'elp you?" Fleur asked while turning around to look at her younger friend.

"Well, I mostly need some advice Fleur... about girls?" Harry shyly replied while trying to look anywhere but at Fleur.

Fleur smirked at Harry as she sauntered closer to him.

"Who is zis girl zat you need 'elp with 'Arry?" Fleur asked in a husky voice.

Harry's previous blush deepened at the sound of her voice before he replied.

"Barbara and Daphne?"


Having sufficiently derailed the mood, Harry continued,

"I'm not sure who I should ask to the upcoming Yule Ball. On one hand, I know I should ask Daph because she is my Betrothed, but part of me also wants to ask Babs. I mean, not only is Babs my best friend, but if I don't ask her then she can't come."

Looking Harry over Fleur seemed to come to a decision before saying,

"Zen ask neizer."


"'Arry, I meant zat you should take neizer, but 'ave zem take each-ozer."

"I don't know if they will go for this."

"Oh 'ush 'Arry, of course zey will agree. After all, I'm already providing you wiz a date."

"... I'm going with you?"

Fleur merrily laughed at him before saying,

"of course not 'Arry."



"You are going wiz my leettle sister."



The following day Harry and Daphne were once again practicing for their O.W.L.s when Daphne decided to bring up the Yule Ball.

"So let me get this straight Harry." Daphne said while practicing some wand movements, "Instead of bringing one of your fiances-"

"Daphne, I only have one betrothed."

"Don't interrupt Harry!" Daphne snapped back.

"Yes Dear."

"Instead of bringing on of your fiances to the Yule Ball, you are bringing some Vela that you never met before..."

"Daph, it sounds worse when you put it like that."

"So how would you put it then?" Daphne asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Ummmm... I'm... ahh... I'm participating in a show of international cooperation. Yeah, that sounds good."

"Right. And have you told Barbara about this 'international cooperation' yet?"

"No, but I was hoping that you could possibly talk to her about it for me?"


"Wrong answer Daph?"

"Yes Harry."


The days leading up to the Yule Ball quickly sped by for Harry and his friends. After dodging a few hexes from Daphne and bribing Barbara with some rare potion ingredients, Harry was pleased that they decided to attend the Ball together. However he was a little worried when they mentioned something about keeping some slut off of their idiot... he was positive Sirius wasn't attending the Ball.

But Yule Ball drama aside, Harry couldn't be happier about how things were going this year at Hogwarts. Since the end of the First Task, he had managed to figure out the clue of his egg and was already trying to come up with a plan for some underwater rescue. After all, while anyone who can talk to plants and has knowledge in Herbology could tell you that gillyweed would be any easy solution to surviving the Second Task, Harry and Daphne had decided the point of the tournament wasn't to survive and win the tournament... it was to blow away the competition and enhance the myth of the elusive 'Lord Potter'. After all, he couldn't be called boy anything if he wanted to be taken seriously past the age of 18.

That being said, Harry and his friends were also very pleased with how their take over of the Daily Prophet had been working for them. Sure it may have cost a large portion of the Potter-Black fortune, but already the returns had been amazing for the group. The first thing they did was print articles on the truth of Meta-humans and how people like Harry weren't 'Dark Creatures'. After that they started to slowly release articles that questioned both Dumbledore and the Ministry over many of their policies and actions, such as laws against Magical Creatures, the 'Dark Arts', and support of 'imperiused' Death Eaters. All together the wave of news articles had managed to shift some of the beliefs of the 'sheeple', as Daphne and Harry like to call them, and public support of Lord Potter-Black was steadily on the rise after his many editorials...written by Daphne and Barbara in his name... that were released with the Daily Prophet.


Harry was waiting inside of the Slytherin Common-room before the start of the Yule Ball, when his breath was taken away. Looking towards the entrance of the girls' Dorm, Harry watched Daphne and Barbara walking towards him through the room. Daphne was wearing a traditional violet formal gown, that in Harry's opinion brought out her violet eyes, while also wearing and amethyst necklace and having her long black hair tied up into a bun. Barbara on the other hand was wearing a strapless, sapphire blue dress, that in Harry's opinion displayed the difference in development between a 14 Daphne and 16 year old Barbara.

Closing his gaping mouth, Harry walked up to both girls and then kissed both of their hands before saying,

"Babs...Daph, you both look breath taking tonight."

Barbara and Daphne both blushed before looking Harry up in down in his tuxedo-style dress robes and replied in sync.

"You look very handsome yourself Harry."

Settling himself down, Harry offered each girl his arm before asking,

"Would you like me to escort you to the entrance before I go and meet my date."

Barbara and Daphne looked at each other and then Barbara reached out to grab Harry's left arm, but Daphne interrupted her with a smirk while saying,

"That's alright Harry, I'll escort my date for the night. Have fun with your Vela."

Having made her point, Daphne dragged off a gaping Barbara from a stuttering Harry while mentally awarding a point to herself.


Harry walked towards the main Hall when he spotted Fleur talking to her date, Viktor Krum. Calling out to her briefly Harry approached her while looking around for any signs of his date.

"'Arry!" Fleur called out before grabbing Harry's face and kissing both checks. She then left a red-faced Harry, much to Viktor's amusement, to bring a 13 year old, blue-eyed, platinum blond girl, who was wearing a pearl formal dress, over.

"I would like you to me my leetle seester, Gabrielle Delacour." Fleur continued while lightly pushing Gabrielle towards Harry.

Harry walked up to Gabrielle and then kissed her hand before saying,

"Hello Gabrielle, my name is Harry Potter. I'm glad that you could make it tonight, Fleur has mentioned you often."

Gabrielle blushed before replying,

"It is good to meet you as well 'Arry, Fleur has written about you often in her letters home."

"All pleasant things I hope?"

"But of course 'Arry, how could she not have pleasant things to say about the magnificent Lord Potter-Black?"

Harry just gave her a sheepish smile before replying,

"I take it you read the Daily Prophet?"

"Oui 'Arry. However the black and white photos just don't seem to do the green of your...eyes... justice."

Harry blushed once again before offering Gabrielle his arm to enter the Ball.

"Well then, I guess I will just have to be glad that you didn't wear green this evening, it wouldn't do to have my date clash with my 'eyes'."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm.

"So 'Arry, why have you not commented on my lack of an extreme french accent like Fleur?"

"Oh, I just assumed that you're less of a snob."


The rest of the night sped by for Harry and his friends, but over all they all had a fun night. Harry spend most of his time dancing with Gabrielle, Daphne and Barbara, but he also danced a few songs with Fleur and Susan. He tried to dance with Tracey and Hannah, but both of them seemed to disappear for long periods of time in the garden with their dates. Though Harry did wonder why Neville and Blaise were walking around grinning like loons later that night.


The days after the Yule Ball seemed to fly by for Harry and his friends. During the day Harry would often work on researching new spells, and at night he and Daphne would study for O.W.L.s. The only real changed that happened during the month of January, as opposed to the other months, was

that Barbara was declared healthy enough to go out at night as Oracle. However, it was agreed that she would only go out when she had back-up that didn't include Sirius 'watching' the computers.


When the day of the Second Task finally approached, Harry Potter was more then ready. Over the last two months he had perfected his new spell that he personally created (with the help of Barbara) to use for the Second Task. In addition, Harry and Daphne had finally finished the fifth year materials that they needed for O.W.L.s, and now they were spending more time studying mundane subjects.

As Harry approached the Black Lake, he couldn't help but think back on how his life had changed over the last few years and more specifically the last few months.

Ahhhh! I can't wait until this god forsaken tournament is over. Harry thought to himself as he stretched. It will be great to finally be out of Hogwarts, but I'm not looking forward to attending High School next year. Psh, stupid Babs telling me and Daph that we're not ready for college. We tried telling her that we could easily get in, but Nooooo... Evidently it's wrong to send in our applications with compulsion charms on them. Whatever... Though, I am excited to finally be out of this castle and back in the real world, even if it does mean that I need to start hunting for the new Mrs. Potter soon. Hopefully Daph is right about Babs being interested... But I can't help but wonder if it isn't so much that Babs is interested as much as Daph really seems to hate Gabrielle for some reason. I mean, I know that Daph isn't a blood purist, but I just don't get what she was going on about how 'she's too stubborn for her own good' and how 'she won't follow the pecking order like Barbara will'. Oh well, I'm sure it will work itself out in the end.

Harry ended his train of thought as he approached the rest of the competitors. In his opinion most of them looked confident, but he couldn't figure out why Fleur looked so nervous. As he prepared himself he listened to Mr. Bagman to begin the announcing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament. In today's task the competitors will have one hour to find someone of great importance to them who is being held hostage in the Black Lake. If they do not retrieve that person within the hour, then they will forever be claimed by the depths of Black Lake... Competing today we have Lord Potter-Black, who is in first place with 46 points. In second place, we have Fleur Delacour with 42 points. Viktor Krum is trailing the pack in third place with 39 points, and finally we have Cedric Diggory with 37 points. If the Competitors are ready, we will begin the Second Task in 3!...2!...1!... BEGIN!"

As soon as he heard 'Begin', Harry quickly used his new spell, that may or may not been inspired by a Kevin Costner movie session with Babs, to transfigure himself a set of working gills behind his ears, as well as to give himself webbed feet. Once the spell took affect, Harry dove into the water and started to swim to the closest swampy area, but he did take notice of the fact that Fleur seemed to be getting steadily paler as she started to swim away with a Bubble-Head Charm on.

As soon as Harry was sure that there was no one around, he focused on the pendant that he and Barbara made for everyone and used it as a small beacon to know where Daphne was being held. With his target located, Harry then merged with the shadows and Shadow-Flashed to a shadow behind a hut in the Mermaid Village. Taking in his new surroundings, Harry quickly located the hostages, but was shocked with what he saw. While he was not surprised to see Daphne, Cho, and a man that looked like an older Krum tied to posts in the village, he was surprised to see that Gabrielle was not only chained to a stone a little farther back in the village, but was being guarded by several armed mermaids.

Harry took all of this in before he started to swim over to Daphne. Once he reached her, Harry cast a wandless Diffindo to cut the ropes on Daphne. He then dragged her to the shadow that he entered the village in and Shadow-Flashed to his starting position. Upon arriving at his target location Harry cast several cushioned charms on Daphne, as well as the Bubble-Head charm, before taking out his wand and casting an over-powered banishing charm at Daphne, in order to send her shooting out of Black Lake and onto the shore. After casting his spells on Daphne and returning through the shadows back to the Mermaid Village, Harry couldn't help but feel that he may not survive this task... and most likely that it would be Daphne that killed him.


Barbara and Sirius were sitting with the audience watching the second task when they were pulled out of their conversation by a scream of:


Spinning around in their seats Sirius and Barbara were rewarded with the sight of a dripping wet Daphne Greengrasses shooting out of the Black Lake and through the air, before landing with a loud crash and wave of sand on the beach of Black Lake. After seeing Daphne starting to stand, while also yelling out many things that she was going to do to Harry that Sirius was sure had to be illegal everywhere but Vegas, Sirius couldn't help but laugh.


As Harry approached Gabrielle, he couldn't help but feel the shiver that went down his spine.

I know that I managed to maintain my ability to have children since I wasn't in Azkaban for too long, but why do I feel like that ability may be at risk again? Harry shrugged the thought off while he studied Gabrielle.

She looks really weak right now, I wonder why that could be... OH! I'm an idiot, of course a Vela would be weak surrounded by water, Fire and Air are their elements. I would be weak too, but Shadow and Air are my elements, not fire. Still, it doesn't explain why the Mermaids are setting a trap for Fleur. Also it definitely won't make this rescue any easier, because in her weakened state I know that Gabrielle won't survive traveling through the Shadow Plane. Oh well, time to be 'heroically stupid' as Daphne would put it.

As Harry got closer to Gabrielle, he pulled out his wand when he saw several Mermaids approaching him while holding spears. The Mermaids started to block his way to Gabrielle, but Harry would have none of that. He just leveled his wand at them and told them to move, but only bubbles came out of his mouth. That being said, it was clear that the guards understood what was going on, because their response was for three of them to rush at Harry with their spears ready, while the other two swam back to Gabrielle.

Preparing himself for the charge, Harry sent a stunning spell at the first one and a wandless banishing charm at another, but it was clear that his magic was weakened while traveling underwater, because the first Mermaid slumped over when getting hit by the stunner, but the banishment charm didn't seem to affect the second Mermaid who was now leveling his spear at Harry.

Seeing his spell's lack of effect, Harry used a wandless banishing charm on himself to force his body to dodge the spear thrusts, but his side was still clipped by the second Mermaid. In response, Harry sent two more stunners at each Mermaid, and was happy to note that both of them seemed to fall unconscious. Mentally patting himself on the back, Harry swam towards Gabrielle while also sending out multiple stunners to the two Mermaids guarding her.

Upon reaching Gabrielle, Harry sent a pair of Reductos at the chains holding Gabrielle and put an arm around her to start swimming away. However, after only swimming about five feet Harry was interrupted by receiving a spear thrust to his calf. Spinning around, Harry sent a Reducto at the Mermaid, but was shocked when he realized that the Mermaid he just launched through the water via Reducto was one of the guards that he previously stunned. Looking around Harry was starting to get nervous when he saw all of the previously stunned Mermaids approaching him, as well as a much larger Mermaid charging him that was wielding a trident.

As the Mermaids approached Harry sent out a trio of Reductos, but the more nimble Mermaids were able to dodge the curses. Swearing to himself, Harry cast a banishment charm on himself in order to dodge a spear thrust and tried to propel himself out of the village, while still maintaining a hold on Gabrielle. However, Harry once again found himself cursing when he needed to use another over-powered Banishment Charm to dodge the thrust of another three Mermaids that came up from behind him.


The next twenty minutes were some of the most trying of Harry's young life. After dodging the newest set of attacks, Harry then proceeded to have a 'running' battle heading towards the exit of the village with the now nine Mermaid Warriors. While Harry fought bravely, he couldn't deny that he was definitely losing, considering that not only were the mermaids more mobile in the water, but he was also trying to protect Gabrielle. As Harry finally cleared the village, he dodged another spear thrust while thinking to himself.

Merlin! That was a close one. This needs to end, but I don't know what I can do. They just seem to shrug of all of the spells that I send at them, with the only one that really effects them is a stunner, but even then they seem to be able to enervate each other. I can't take this much longer. I mean, I've already been hit at least five times, and I'm losing too much blood. If this goes on any longer I don't know if I can make it.

Seeing a trident approaching his face, Harry quickly sent a Stunner at the Mermaid wielding it and then banished himself out of the way.

No! I refuse to die like this. I have come too far to be killed by something like this. I refuse to meet my end now! If they want to kill me, then I'm going to take as many of them with me as possible.

As Harry dodge another spear thrust he saw that he was approaching a cave in the Black Lake. Quickly coming up with a plan, Harry sent out his largest Banishment Charm yet to propel himself and Gabrielle into the dark cave. Much to the relief of Harry, Harry found that the cave was empty upon entering. With his final decision made, Harry let go of Gabrielle and let her float deeper into the cave when he turned to the nine mermaids who were swimming into the cave to join him.

Looking over the nine Mermaids, Harry couldn't help but let an evil smirk appear on his face.

"So you think you can kill me?" Harry said, despite only bubbles coming out.

"You think that I will let you kill me?" This time Harry followed up with a laugh while stepping deeper into the cave.

"Well then, let's see how you do in my element..."

With his speech completed Harry turned to the closest Mermaid and leveled his wand at him while yelling,


The Mermaids were all shocked when a sickly purple light shot out of Harry's wand and impacted the stomach of the Mermaid. Moreover, this shock then turned to outrage when instead of shrugging off his spell like usual, the Mermaid slumped over and coughed up blood after the spell had liquified several of his organs.

As Harry saw the sight of what his organ liquifying curse had done to the mermaid, part of him was disgusted with himself for using the Dark Magic that Daphne had taught him, but part of him couldn't deny the rush of power he felt from using the spell. Embracing that rush of power, Harry quickly leveled his wand at another Mermaid while letting lose another organ liquifying curse. He then followed this up with several bone breakers and even several bone exploding curses. When it was all over Harry was rewarded to the sight of nine Mermaids floating in their own blood while only a few were left alive enough to moan in pain. Watching this seen, Harry once again felt a rush of pleasure when he looked at what his power had brought about to his enemies.

Harry reveled in the feeling for another moment, before turning around to retrieve Gabrielle. However, Harry was brought out of his musings when he was launched forward after getting hit by the trident in the back of his shoulder. Spinning around while still high on power and in a fit of rage, the last thing that the Mermaid Chieftain ever saw was glowing Emerald-green eyes with Ruby cat-like Irises staring back at him before seeing Harry mouth the words 'Avada Kedavra'...

AN1: Hey everyone, I have an important poll question to ask everyone that my finally answer some questions that had been previously brought up. Many people may have noticed that the House of Isley is often left out of mentioning, but that is due to it not being and Ancient and Noble House, but rather just a Noble one. Also I made hints in the beginning that having a third wife is optional unless certain requirements aren't meet. That being said, the poll is on whether or not Harry should have one more girl to his group, and if so, which one. The choices for the poll are either 1. No more girls; 2. Gabrielle Delacour; 3. Fleur Delacour; or Kara Zor-El (aka Supergirl). If there is someone else you REALLY want then send an email or review with the name, but these names were characters who I planned on having Harry interact with throughout the rest of the story, whether or not they are a love interest.