![]() Author has written 18 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Naruto, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Saiyuki, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Young Justice, Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy XI, and Elder Scroll series. My real name will never be revealed unless I decide to reveal it, same goes for my birthday, and my age. So please don't even ask me this. I strongly hate flamers, and anyone who leaves reviews that have swears in them or is flat out mean to a writer. There is no need to swear at the poor writer, if their story sucks or if it's just plain terrible. Look if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all! If you decide to leave a review, then please be polite, and respectful about it. I understand that their might be some harsh or critical reviews, since everyone is entitled to their own opions, but there is no need for swearing or being very cruel in your review to the writer by posting such a nasty review. Leaving reviews is suppose to help a writer improve on their stories, not bully them just because their story may be terrible or bad! Listen...some writers, might just be writing Fanfiction stories in order to help them get over a tragic event in their lives, or the fact they really enjoy writing stories, and hope to be a writer someday. I should know my dream is to one day be a writer, even though my spelling, and grammar is pretty terrible, but I am trying to improve that. However I should tell you one other thing, in hopes you people can understand something. My best friend who has an account on Fanfiction, I wont reveal who she is due to the fact, that I honor our friendship, and don't wish to invade her privacy. However she is simply writing fanfiction stories, in order to help her move on, from the tragic event of loosing her father, who had dropped dead right in front of her, from a sudden heart attack. He had basically died right in her arms, before paramedics could help him, and she was also unable to help her own father. How would you feel if you were in her position, then someone sends you a review filled with swears directed at you, besides telling you how much your story sucks, and then basically telling you to leave FanFiction, just because your story wasn't very good, and yet you are only writing stories in a way to help you move on from that tragic event in your life? Just so you guys know...my friend's also trying very hard to get over her depression, she blames herself for her father's death, suffering from nightmares of what had happened to her father, and is trying her hardest to keep herself from falling suicidal, because of all the stress she is under right now. She ended up with some of these very harsh, and cruel reviews, which I just mentioned, with swears in them that were practicaly directed right at her, and guess what? She almost decided to just kill herself, because of that one stupid review! Look leaving swears or nasty reviews, is just plain cruel, it is just like another form of cyber bullying. So don't do it! Please...you never know how someone, will handle these reviews, and they might do something drastic as in taking their own life. So please, I beg of you...do not swear or leave any cruel reviews. Like I said before I know some reviews will be harsh or critical, but their is no reason to be flat out mean and spitefull about it. Look...I might not be a very good writer, however I am trying to improve on my writing skills, so that I can become a good writer some day. So give me a break, no one is perfect. Even if my grammar and spelling are terrible. Just know that I am trying to correct and improve on this. However my Spelling and Grammar have always been my worst subjects. Lastly no one is perfect. About Me: Let's see...I'm friendly, kind, polite, respectful, honest, a tiny bit crazy, and I care about others. I'm known for being very soft hearted, and I'm known for being over protective of my friends, and my family. I will never start a fight, but I will finish one, anyway possible. Since that's what I was always taught. I'm also a military brat, since my dad was in the NAVY. Be warned that I am rather lazy at times. I'm currently under a lot of stress right now, due to personal reasons that I don't really wish to share, but hopefully now that I have a job I won't be so stressed out, (I was horribly and terribly wrong! My new job has made me even more stressed out, more depressed and very sleep deprived). So updates on my stories will be random due to my job's work hours that they schedualed me for. Lastly I am no liar. Transformers Stuff: Let's see...I'm an Autobot fan, so this means I love Transformers G1, Transformers Prime, Transformers Animated, Transformers Beast Wars, and Transformers.
I took a few transformers personality tests on the internet. These were my results.
My Favorite Dinosaurs: Velociraptor. They are deadly and intelligent creatures. At least that's what Jurassic Park made them out to be. My second favorite is the Dilophosaur. The spitter from Jurassic Park that has the frill and can spray it's venom. They just look so cool. My Favorite Animes: Inuyasha, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super, Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5'ds, Outlaw Star, Rurouni Kenshin, High School of the Dead, Sailor Moon, Saiyuki, Ouran High School Host Club, Pandora Hearts, and Pokémon. Their are other animes that I enjoy watching, but I'm not going to list all of them. Favorite Movies: All the Pirates of the Carribean movies, all the Jurassic Park movies, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, Jaws the 1st movie only, all the Harry Potter movies, Deep Blue Sea, Transformers, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers Dark of the moon, Transformers age of extinction, Transformers the last knight, Transformers The Movie based off the g1 series of Transformers, Robin hood men in tights, Phantom of the Opera, Man of steel, Sweeny Todd, all the James Bond Movies, All the Alien movies, all the Resident Evil movies, All the Lord of the Ring movies, All the Hobbit movies, How to train your dragon, How to train your dragon 2, All the Death Race movies, A lot of the Disney movies, and all the Batman movies. Too lazy too list all my favorite Disney movies, and their are some other movies that I like as well. I also like a lot of the DC comics animated movies, to lazy to name all of them. Favorite Music Bands: Skillet, DragonForce, Weird Al, and NightWish. I have other favorites, however I'm too lazy to name all of them, so I went wth my top 4 favorite bands. Hobbies: I love listening to music, writing, reading, playing videogames, cooking, watching movies, drawing, making jewelry, hanging out with friends when I have time to do so, I also collect real swords and I recently got into Dungeon and Dragons. My all time Favorite Food: Ramen. I love eating Ramen. In all honesty I'm sort of like a female version of Naruto when it comes to the stuff. Favorite Creepypasta characters: Jeff the killer, and Slenderman. Favorite Videogames: Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, Pokémon Leaf Green, Pokémon Fire Red, Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Saphire, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon Heart Gold, Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Soul Silver, Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, Pokémon White 2, Pokemon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon ultra Sun, Pokémon Ultra Moon, DragonBall Origins, DragonBall Origins 2, DragonBall Z Attack of the Saiyans, DragonBall Fusions, A lot of the DragonBall Z games that came out Play station 2, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 exspansion, Diablo 3, Diablo 3 exspansion, Jurassic Park The Game, All the Harry Potter games, All the Kingdom Hearts videogames, The walking dead game, All the sly cooper games, The wolf among us, All the Devil May Cry videogames, All the DragonQuest videogames, Transformers Prime the game, Batman Arkham City, Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate, Batman Arkham Origins, Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham Knight, Until Dawn, Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy Exsplorers, Skyrim and there is others but I do not want to name them all. Anyways saving up my money to buy a PlayStation 4 just so I can play that new Dragon Ball Z Game that came out along with a few other games that came out for it. Was not a huge fan of Let's go Pikachu or Let's go Eeevee. What Hogwarts House would you have been in?: I would have been in Gryffindor. Favorite animals: Wolves, Foxes, Sharks, Crocodiles, Snakes, Lizards, and Bats. Favorite Disney Villian: Maleficent. Favorite Disney Princesses: Aurora, Mulan, Jasmine and Ariel. I also like Queen Elsa from Disney's Frozen. Favorite "How to train your Dragon" Dragons:
Favorite Five Nights at Freddy's characters: Foxy, Mangle, Plushtrap, Nightmare Foxy, and Springtrap. Naruto personality quiz results I took on the internet:
DragonBallZ personality quiz results I took on the internet:
My top 10 Favorite Pokémon and their evolution forms:
Reshiram 07/17/2020: Rewrite of Itachi's twin rebel of the Uchiha is on the very back burner right now. I have decided to do more research into the Uchiha's clan back ground and re-watch the entire series before I try to tackle the rewrite of this story. I am sorry for not saying a word to anyone about this sooner. Also if I do not update a story in a while it could because of one of these reasons.