Ever since summer started, I haven't been writing anything due to the intense heat. I was so hot and sweaty, I didn't even feel like writing. Instead, I just wanted to lie down on my bed next to my fan.

Hope this chapter can make up for my lack of update.

Chapter 34: Prime's Declaration

It has been two hours since his visit with Mrs. Neederlander, and during that time, he has been enjoying his tour with Chase. Except for the part where Chase started scolding him for accepting gifts from a civilian while on duty. Sam told him that it was no big deal, but Chase started torturing him by giving him lectures about laws and regulations. He felt like banging his head against the window just so he can end this torment. Chase reminds him of Ratchet when he's in his lecturing mood. He prays for something to happen that would get Chase to shut up. He doesn't have the heart to tell him that himself.

Almost as if his prayers have been answered, a speeding white car zoomed right past them, startling the two and finally silencing Chase.

"What was that?" Sam squinted his eyes to try and identify the vehicle that passed them at high speed.

"Someone breaking the law, that's what!" Chase turned on his sirens and began to chase the lawbreaker. Sam began to laugh excitedly as he felt the sudden rush coursing through his body. As Chase tries to catch up to the criminal, he began contacting Chief Burns. "Chief, Sam and I are in pursuit of a speeding vehicle. What are your orders?"

"The usual, Chase. Stop the vehicle and have Sam write the driver a ticket."

"But Sam is not a police officer."

"I know. Just help Sam with the ticket and that's that. After that, head back to the firehouse."

"Understood." Chase hung up and focused on apprehending the driver. Probably that Don human again. They really need to boot his car to prevent him from speeding. Finally spotted the car, he sped even more to catch up.

Upon getting a good look on the car, he was able to identify the car to belong to none other than Doc Greene's solar car. The same solar car that caused them trouble not so while ago. Not matter. He'll just stop it like last time and all will be good.

"Hang on tight." He advises Sam. Chase sped even faster until he's at the rear of Doc's car. Like last time, he transforms to his Bot mode and grabbed the rear of the car.

But there was something different this time. Last time, it didn't took long enough for the car to come to a complete halt. This time, it won't stop. The bumper gave out and Chase fell to the ground. Frustrated, Chase transformed back to his vehicle mode and resume his pursuit.

"How are you doing, Sam?" Chase was surprised to see Sam looking very pale and groaning in discomfort.

"Don't ever...transform...while I'm inside!" Sam swallowed the disgusting bile that was threatening to come out. Sam looked down at the bag that he used as a barf bag and stared at it with sadness. "Looks like the treats are ruined."

Chase apologizes Sam and returns his focus at the out-of-control car. "Sam, I'm going to try and get next to him. His name is Doc Greene, and tell him to stop his vehicle before he hurts anybody."

Sam sobered up when he detected the seriousness in his tone. He prepared himself when Chase was able to catch up and was able to level himself right next to the driver's window. Luckily, the window was down. "Excuse me, Doc Greene! Can you please stop?! You're endangering the lives of the citizens with your driving!"

Doc Greene was surprised to see a kid driving the Chief's police car. But it puts his mind somewhat at ease if this kid is able to use one of the Rescue Bots. Only the Burns family are the only one they listen to. So this kid must be special. But right now, he would need his help to stop his solar car.

"I'm trying, but my brakes aren't working!"

This is more problematic than they thought. An idea formed inside Sam's head, a crazy one to be exact. But it's the only idea he has right now. He unbuckled his seatbelt, climbed out through the window and up to the roof.

"Sam, what are you doing?!"

"Just keep it steady! I'm going to jump over and help the man before he ends up hurting himself and others!" Sam explains as he's crouching down to get into position to jump over.

"Are you mad!? You most certainly will not! We gotta call for backup!"

"I got this!" Sam declared as he jumped over. Everything felt very slow-motion as he is jumping. But he was able to make it on top of the roof. "I made it!" He let out a breath that he's been holding since his jump. He was quite surprised he actually made it, though. He made calculation in his head, and there was a high chance he would've missed it. Being able to make it with ease can only happen in Hollywood movies.

He gave a thumbs up to Chase, imagining that shocked look on his faceplate, before he jumped into the passenger seat and startling Doc Greene. "What seems to be the problem, Doc?" Sam looked around and saw the inside of the car looks somewhat advanced. Right above them, there was a large tube, filled with green liquid

"It's my brakes! I keep stepping on it, but the car won't stop!" To prove it, he kept stepping on the brakes.

Sam looked down and then looked back at Doc Greene with a deadpan expression. "Have you tried pulling the emergency brake?"

Doc Greene blinked a few time before looking down at his seat. He grabbed hold of it and pulled it back, causing the car to come at an abrupt stop. The sudden halt made Sam jerk forward and bump his forehead on the dashboard. Sam held back a curse that threaten to come out from his lips. So instead, he let out a muffled groan as he soothes his aching forehead.

"I apologize. I completely forgot I have one." Doc Greene smiles sheepishly.

Sam couldn't help but chuckle. Looking at the rearview mirror, he spots Chase stopping behind them. Sam pulls out a small comlink that was given to him by the Chief, and turns it on. Not one second has passed, and already Chase is giving him an earful.

"Calm down, Chase. I'm okay."

"Do you know how dangerous that stunt you just pulled off?! I have half a mind to put you in house arrest for giving me a spark-attack!"

Sam couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Chase reminds him of Ratchet. "Look, I got the situation under control. The Doc's car is fixed. There's nothing to worry about." Chase gave out a little muttering about contacting the Chief and Optimus about what happened before he disconnected. "That was a wild ride." He tells the Doc.

"Again, I would like to apologize for causing such a disturbance. I completely forgot I had the emergency brake installed after my last incident with this car."

"Naw, it's okay. No one was hurt. The most important thing is that this is all over." Doc Greene nodded in agreement.

Unbeknownst to them, located in the car's engine, there is a small black nanobot, shaped like a spider, crawling around the engine. It came to a halt and sank its fangs into a cable. Doing so caused the car to suddenly start up and drive off all of a sudden. The sudden movement startled Sam and Doc, and Chase saw the car disappear around the corner.

"What's going on?!"

Doc Greene tries and tries to stop the car by repeatedly stepping on the brakes and even using the emergency brakes, but nothing seems to work. "I don't understand. It's as if I have no control over my car."

The first thing that came in Sam's mind was Decepticon. But he didn't spot any Decepticon insignia, so he can cross that off the list. Right now, all he can do is call Chase for assistance.

"Chase! We need help! Looks like the car really is out of control!"

"Sam! Are you alright!?"

"Optimus!" Sam cried out happily at the sound of Optimus's voice. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"What's your location?"

"We're just outside of town and heading down a road. Not sure where it'll lead us."

"I am having a serious Déjà vu moment right now." Doc declares somewhat very happily. "I remember this route very clearly. It is the same one that I took the last time I lost control of this car."

"And where are we heading?" Sam asked worryingly.

"Why, to the Old Canyon Road, of course!" As soon as those words finally reached his brain, his brighten mood fell. "Oh. That's not good. It says we're going to the Road, but the GPS is saying we are heading straight to a cliff. And we only got a few minutes until we meet our untimely death."

Sam nodded slowly, his mouth slightly open. "Optimus, I'm gonna have to call you back. We only got a few minutes before we drive over a cliff, and only I can save us both." Sam disconnected the call, ignoring Optimus's protest. Looking at the rearview mirror, there was no sight of the Autobots. And he can't wait for them to rescue them. So he's taking matters into his own hands, again.

Sam spotted a toolbox at the back of the seat and grabbed it. And just like what he did with Chase, he climbed out of the car and into the roof. Doing so frighten Doc Greene.

"Are you mad?!" He cried out in terror.

"Apparently, I am!" He agreed with a laugh. "But it's either this or fall to our doom. So pop open the hood for me, yeah?"

Doc Greene feels uneasy having Sam up on the car, but his reasoning is sound. So he pops open the hood, watching it fly off its hinges, and sees Sam climbing down and inspecting the engine. He then heard a loud horn that sounded a lot like a truck. Looking at his mirror, he spotted a big red truck and a few other familiar vehicles. He cheered ecstatically seeing the Burns Family with their Rescue Bots.

"Sam, help has arrived!" That big smile that he had has disappeared when the end of the road has come clear in his field of vision. "Uh, Sam?! What ever it is that you are doing, can you speed it up, please?! Because this car does not have a flight mode. Although, that does sounds grand!"

Sam looked back to see the edge of a cliff fast approaching. Then he looked the other direction and saw the Autobots coming to their rescue. The distance between them is very far, making it impossible for them to make it in time. Which is why he has to fix the car before they end up like Thelma and Louise.

"According to Doc, the main problem are the brakes." He buries his head to locate any damage done to the brakes. He noticed how the engine is quite different from any ordinary vehicle. "As a solar powered vehicle, you don't really need as much."

But then he saw something. Looking carefully, he spots a tiny nanobot latching onto what seems to be a main part of the engine. At first, he thought it was part of the vehicle, but the cables around it seems like it was completely chewed off. He wondered if it's responsible for the vehicle not stopping. Not taking any chances, he grabbed the tiny bot and crushed it. And from what Doc was yelling, he only has approximately one minute before they go flying off. He started working quickly on fixing the damage the nanobot has done.

Sam could hear the frantic call from Doc, saying they are seconds away to their doom. For Sam, he could survive the fall, depending how high they will be falling. But Doc is a different story. Jumping out from the car would have been a great idea, but he calculated the speed of the car, and there will be a high chance the Doc will end with lots of broken bones and twisted limbs.

At last, after working extremely fast, he has fixed the damaged. Looking straight ahead, he could see the edge of the cliff fast approaching. "Doc! Pull the brakes! Now!"

Doc Greene wasted no time pulling the emergency brakes and stepping on the brakes at the same time, stopping nearly at the edge. Whatever Sam did to the brakes, it worked way better than he expected. They came to a complete halt. Unfortunately, the force was strong enough for Doc Greene to jerk violently, hitting his head on the steering wheel and knocking him out cold. But for Sam, he couldn't grab anything to hold on to. So he ended up tumbling off the car and falling over the cliff. His name was being cried out in fear from the others as they finally caught up to them.

Dani rushed to aid Doc Greene, while the others went to save Sam, or see what's left of him. When they looked, they were relieved to see Sam safe. His shirt was caught by a lone branch.

"Sam, are you okay?" Heatwave asked.

"I'm hanging by a branch over here, about to be turned into a shish kabab! Does that sounds like I'm okay!?" Sam tried not to move as much as he was yelling. Looking back down, all he saw are tons of razor sharp rocks. Normally, if he were to fall, he would survive the fall without having to worry about any broken bones. But since he's still made out of flesh, those sharp pointy rocks could easily impale his fleshiness and probably kill him.

"Someone's cranky." Heatwave mumbled quietly so that only his teammates can hear. "I'm gonna lower my hose to get you back up safely. So hang on."

"Not the best choice of words, Heatwave!"

Heatwave just chuckled as he lowered his hose so that Sam could reach it. Once Sam has hold of it, Heatwave pulled him up until he was safely on the ground.

"Sam, are you okay? Any injuries?" Chief Burns asked as he checked for any wounds.

"I'm all good." Sam groaned when Kade came and smacked him on his back.

"That was some crazy stunt you did back there. What were you thinking?"

"I can't just let the Doc plummet to his death. So I took matters into my hands."

Chief Burns ruffled Sam's hair softy as he smiled. "Thanks to you, Doc is safe and sound." He looked back at the car and saw Dani treating Doc's wound, still unconscious. But then he looked at Optimus, still in his vehicle mode, and remembered what he was told. "Sam, Optimus would like to have a word with you."

Hearing that made Sam feel really uneasy, which never happens whenever Optimus would like to talk to him. The way Chief said it made it sound like he'd going to be in trouble.

"Ooh, someone's gonna get it." Heatwave teased in a singsong.

Sam took out his blade and used the hilt to strike his foot, earning him a wince from Heatwave. He then remembered the little nanobot that he found on Doc's engine and gave it to Chief Burns. "Have the Doc exam this for me. Something tells me it was not part of the car's design."

"Will do."

"Thanks." Sam took a deep to relax his nerves and started walking towards Optimus. As he got closer, Optimus is starting to look more intimidating. Now he knows how the Decepticons felt when facing against Optimus. He can be really terrifying when he's not even trying to. Once he's in front of him, he cleared his throat and prays he doesn't stutter. "Optimus..."

"Get in." Optimus ordered sternly as he opened his door.

Sam wasted no time getting in. Once he's seated, Optimus started driving away from the group without saying another word. As they are driving to an undesignated location, no words has been said by the two. Sam tries to get words out of his mouth, but the tension in the air is preventing him from speaking. For once in his life, he's afraid of Optimus.

Sure, it's reasonable for Optimus to be mad at him for doing something dangerous, especially, the part where he went over a cliff. But Optimus needs to be reminded that if he hasn't done all that, Doc Greene would have perished.

As Sam is still in his thoughts, Optimus entered inside a dark cave, located deep in the forest and far away from town. Optimus came to an abrupt stop, snapping Sam out of his thoughts. Sam checked their surroundings and saw nothing but darkness. Now he's very much confused rather than being afraid of Optimus. Just then, Optimus's human form manifested itself on the driver's seat. Sam isn't gonna get used to seeing Optimus as a human, and a handsome one, he might add. While it's hard to identify his expression as a robot, his human avatar is easily read. And it says that he is mad.

"Sam, why are you wearing another male's clothing?"

Sam's face turned to disbelief. Is that the reason Optimus is in a foul mood today, just because he's wearing Kade's hand-me-downs? "You're not mad about what happened with me jumping on top of a moving vehicle, and then later, going over the cliff and probably fall to my death?"

"What you did back there was courageous. I knew, without a doubt, that you will save that man's life and yours. I was never worried when you went over that cliff." He grabbed Sam's arm and took out his blade. "Knowing you, you would've used your blade to prevent yourself from falling by wedging it on the cliffside. I trust you, Sam. I have faith in you."

Sam was really moved by Optimus's confession. It made his heart beat like crazy. A blush is starting to form on his cheeks and Sam turned to face outside the window, unaware of Optimus moving closer until his lips almost meets his ear.

"What I want to know is, why are you wearing another male's clothing?" Optimus took a whiff of the shirt and his face turned disgruntled. "It reeks of another Alpha."

Sam tried to push Optimus away, but it felt like he's trying to push a mountain. "Optimus, you're making me feel uncomfortable." When Optimus moved away, Sam got a good look at his face. He has this unreadable expression plastered on his face, but his eyes is burning with fury. This greatly confuses Sam, as he has never seen Optimus this mad, nor does he know the reason for his anger.

"Remove your garments." Optimus practically demanded.

Sam remains frozen, unable to comprehend the words that came out from Optimus. Optimus didn't gave a second for Sam to respond, instead, he grabbed Sam and moved him to the backseat. Afterwards, he grabbed Sam's shirt and ripped it off him, earning him a beautiful yelp from Sam.

"Optimus, those are Kade's!" Sam yelled.

Ah, so these clothing belongs to that Kade human? How dare that human try to claim Sam as his by marking him with his scent. He won't have that. He will purge the scent with his. Sam should have his scent on him, no one else's. Looking down, he figures the pants belongs to him. So he teared that off him, leaving Sam completely bare. Optimus licked his lips hungrily at the delicious sight.

Sam tried to cover his body, but Optimus wasn't having any of that. He grabbed Sam's arms and raised it over his head, and his other hand spreading Sam's legs open. "No. I want to see everything." Optimus growled into Sam's ear.

"Optimus, why are you doing this?" Sam asked, trying to struggle free from Optimus's hold.

"You reek of Kade's scent. It is my duty, as your Prime, to cleanse you from this foul stench."

"What are you talking about? I don't smell-ahh!" Sam gasped when Optimus suddenly bit him on his shoulder, extremely hard.

Normally, that will feel excruciating painful, but he was shocked to find that feels extremely good. But that doesn't means he should allow Optimus to do as he pleases. Sam resumes his struggling, but suddenly, his body is starting to lose strength. Sam could sense his body is starting to submit to Optimus's action, which is starting to frighten Sam. Within a few seconds, his body went limp. He is now at the mercy of Optimus Prime.

Optimus was pleased Sam finally starting to act like a good Omega should be, and he sank his teeth until he broke the skin. Once he tasted Energon, Optimus started sucking greedily, enjoying the sweet taste of Sam's Energon and hearing such erotic moans from Sam. Letting go, he inspects the damage and marvels at the bite mark he left on Sam's shoulder.

"Are you done?" Sam asked, gasping for air as if he ran a marathon. Sam's face was flushed and he looks like he was almost at the verge of passing out.

Optimus let out a dark chuckle, something so unlike him. He buried his face on Sam's neck and breathe in his scent. He finds himself displeased that Kade's scent still lingers. Looks like he has lots of work to do.

"No, Sam. I've only just begun." Optimus latched onto Sam's neck and started sucking on it.

Sam let out an involuntary moan. He could feel Optimus gnawing and sucking on his delicate skin, which brought him even great pleasure than the feeling he got from Optimus biting on his shoulder. Once Optimus finished leaving a huge red mark on Sam's neck, he switched to the other side and began leaving his mark.

Sam's mind has completely shut down, his body no longer obeying him. His legs started spreading even more on its own, allowing Optimus to snuggle in between. Then Sam felt it. The same huge, hard, hot, and very throbbing object that he keeps feeling in the many nights he's been with Optimus. Curious, Sam tried to see what is that object rubbing against him, but he is unable to move his head due to Optimus keeping his head locked to its side as he still continues to suck on his neck.

Sam felt Optimus ceased his ministration on his neck and took that a sign of relief. Taking a good look at Optimus, he was surprised to see him naked, as well. His mouth starts to water seeing Optimus without clothes on. Those huge, muscular body that makes him feel small in comparison, those battle scars he received during the war. It made him the most attractive man in the entire universe.

Without thinking, he pulled Optimus into a heated kiss, one he gladly reciprocate. But he wasn't going to let Sam be in charge. He learned a few tricks during his time on Earth, and he is going to use them to dominate Sam, in every way he can. Keeping Sam distracted with the kiss, his hand went up to Sam's chest and tugged on Sam's nipple.

Sam broke the kiss to let out a very loud moan. Optimus used that opportunity to slide his tongue in and map the crevice of Sam's mouth. Doing so allows him to muffle most of Sam's moans. It's not like he's trying to keep him quiet, he wants to make Sam scream as loud as he can, which is why he took him to a deep dark cave.

As Optimus is going down, he leaves a trail of wet kisses on Sam's chin, neck, and his chest. When he reached to one of Sam's nipples, he took one into his mouth and started sucking on it. His other hand playing with the other nipple. Sam let out another loud moan at the wonderful pleasure coming from his nipples. Having your nipples played with is one thing, but having someone suck and nibble your nipples is the best feeling ever. Sam grabbed a fistful of Optimus's hair and pulled him closer, urging him for more.

Optimus let go with a pop and focused on the other nipple while he plays with the erect nipple that he finished sucking. As he continues on paying special attention on Sam's nipple, Sam keeps letting out loud moans as he keeps pulling Optimus closer, his legs wrapping around Optimus. Optimus gave one last lick before looking at Sam with those animalistic eyes.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" Optimus asked. Sam replied with a whimper.

Optimus suddenly went stiff. He had just heard the most arousing sound ever, and it went straight down to his groin. All rational thoughts has left Optimus's processors. Instincts has taken over Optimus, and it tells him to mark his territory. And that's what he will do.

"This time, Sam, I will not be gentle. We will not leave this place until I've marked every inch of your body and replace Kade's scent on you with mines. Consider this your punishment for letting another male mark you." To make his point, he bit very hard on Sam's unmarked shoulder.

Sam screamed in pure bliss. Why does it always feels so good whenever Optimus bites him, Sam thought to himself. It always makes him want more. "Harder!" Sam was startled by the fact that came out of nowhere. He could feel Optimus obeying his request, his teeth finally pierced through his skin. There was a few gentle licks on his new bite wound before he is staring at those fierce and loving eyes of the Autobot he admires.

"Know this, Sam: You are mine."