Via chance, Anko discovers an abandoned baby. With no choice she has to take it with her back to Konoha and find herself dealing not only with that, but rumors and gossip about her and Iruka as well.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"This stinks. What a dull ass day." A female voice was heard grumbling as a figure was seen seated in the treetops. "Nothin' at all has happened." The female said as the camera panned to reveal a young woman with purple hair wearing fishnets over her body and beige shorts and a coat as she lazily lounged about in the tree she was on a stick of eaten Dango in her mouth.

Anko Mitarashi, Jonin Kunoichi, Snake Summoner, and all around Crazy Lady sat in the tree a bored look on her face. She was hoping that something would happen. Anything! Bandits, a forest fire, heck that bozo Gai hopped up on Alcohol. Something to relieve her of her boredom.

She looked on at the sun as it was the middle of the day and she was bored. She needed something to excite her, maybe a game of five finger fillet would spice things up a bit.

She let out a bored yawn as she sat there her hands on her knees. Things were peaceful and quiet around here, but Anko didn't like it. It was too much for her tastes. Missions were slow right now and there wasn't any fresh batch of Genin she could torment for fun so she for the past couple of days had had nothing to do at all which was enough to drive her loco.

Anko sat there looking on and let out a bored sigh and leapt down as she tossed the empty stick away. "Might as well head home, maybe Kurenai will want to go clubbin' later tonight." She muttered as she began to walk back towards the Village.


Anko stopped what she was doing in midstep and turned her head. "What the?" She said as she turned her head. She could've sworn she just heard something just now. She stood on guard thinking it was possibly an ambush as she set all her muscles ready. If anyone tried to get the jump on her they were going to be in for a rude awakening once she was done with them.

She stood there like a statue on edge but nothing happened. After a few seconds she shrugged her shoulders. "Just your imagination Anko." She said to herself as she relaxed as she brought her arms up to her head and stretched.

She got ready to go again when she heard another sound. "Okay, now I know I heard something." She mumbled to herself as this time was no imagination tricking her.

Anko heard the noise and it sounded like someone…crying? "Huh?" The spunky Kunoichi said as she turned towards the direction it was coming from. She took a few steps and listened and heard it again. No doubt that was crying.

She made her way following the noise and a minute later saw where it was coming from.

A small basket was seen, and it was hanging on the branch of a tree twenty feet away from her. Anko approached the basket and another cry was heard and the basket stirred a bit as something was inside it. Anko slowly approached the basket as she made her way to it.

She looked into the basket and saw a wrapped up in a green blanket a tiny baby wriggling in it. The baby only had on a small shirt covering it as it laid there. It had short fuzzy black hair and green pupil less eyes that were squinted trying to look out of them.

Anko looked on at it, staring at the tiny form that laid in the basket. A part of her wondering what she should do right now as it let out small cries.

"Is anyone here?" She called out looking around. "Hello? Did someone leave this? Hey! There's a baby here!" She shouted as she looked around but didn't see anybody and got no answer aside from the wails of the baby as it hanged there as tears were forming in its face. Anko waited but didn't see anyone appearing or showing up. That meant only one thing.

The baby had been abandoned.

Anger found its way into heart over the fact that someone would do such a thing. Who in their right mind would leave and abandon a baby? She looked on searching trying to spot anyone and she checked the ground but didn't see any tracks. This must've happened hours ago.

(Now what?) She thought and she was interrupted when the baby cried again its cries louder this time.

Anko looked on at it wondering what she was suppose to do.

This was a well traveled route, people from farmers to ninjas often came on this road. Someone would come by and see it and take it. She shouldn't concern herself with this. She told herself and began to walk away from it. It was not her business.

The baby's cries continued as it lost sight of her and Anko after five steps stopped and sighed. "What are you doing Anko, you can't just leave it." She said chiding herself for daring to leave and walked back to it. When it saw her again The baby calmed down recognizing her. Anko grasped the handle and slipped it off the branch taking hold of the basket and set it down and getting on her knees looked on at the infant in it who stared back up at her.

"First I need to see what you are." She said and reached to the blanket covering him and unfolded it. "You're a boy." She muttered after she checked him and put the blanket back over him. The baby had calmed down and was no longer crying as he looked on at her. The two unlikely people staring at each other. You couldn't find a stranger match up.

Anko looked on at him as the two stared at one another. The infant looked on and slowly started whimpering as he wanted to be held by her. "Oh no, please don't start again." Anko said as she dreaded him crying again. She was not a big fan of kids to say the least, especially screaming ones but found herself having to stick with this one as apparently its parents had ditched him. Anko gently lifted up the basket carrying it under her arm as he squirmed in it.

"I guess, I have no choice but to take you with me." She muttered looking on at him. The baby looked on up at her from his basket as he settled down

With a reluctant sigh she began to go back to Konoha, not at a fast pace she'd like to go so she wouldn't scare him. A part of her wondering just what she got into this time.

A/N: That's it for this chapter. Review please Favorite this if you think Anko should kick Kishi in the nads for how he treated her.