A/N: This takes place right after The Darkest Sparks. You should read that first or else you're not going to understand what is going on. Remember, the Justice Lords universe has A/B/O dynamics and the regular universe does not. The A/B/O dynamic isn't as focused in this story (mostly just in the prologue but even then it's not really all that much) as it was in the previous story.


Bruce: 35years old

Clark: 34 years old

Dick: 21 years old

Jason: 19 years old

Tim: 13 years old

Baby Clark (Later named Ko): Been born for 2 months but since he was premature, he's technically -4 weeks old at the beginning of the story. By the end of this story, he will be 3 1/2 months old.

Prologue – Justice Lords Universe:

Bruce walks through the portal back to his universe. The first thing he notices is how quiet in the cave it is. It's not that uncommon for the cave to be quiet but this seems different somehow. The next thing Bruce notices is how much of disarray the cave is in. The display cases with the various Bat suits, Robin suits, and Batgirl suits in them are destroyed, there are other souvenirs knocked over and broken, and there are scorch marks in different places. Bruce can also see some dried blood around the cave.

Bruce's heart speeds up in his chest and he runs up the stairs leading to the Manor. The grandfather clock is broken off the wall and thrown across the room. Bruce steps through the passage and sees that the Manor isn't in any better condition than the cave. There is dried blood up here too.

"Alfred!" he calls out but there's no answer. He's been gone for far too long. He should have never stayed away for two and half months but he couldn't bring himself to just leave his son behind in that kind of condition. Bruce had to know his son was going to survive first. Bruce goes to each room, looking for the butler that had basically raised him after his parents' death but he's nowhere in the Manor.

Bruce goes back down to the cave and uses the computer to try and call their safe house in which they use for their rendezvous. That's where Alfred would have gone after Bruce sent the signal to get out of the Manor when Clark came for Bruce. No one picks up the phone and with worry building in his chest, he hangs up that line and tries to call Dick. Still no one picks up. Tim would have gone to the rendezvous as well or to Dick where they would have waited for Bruce to come to them. Bruce thinks about trying the com-link to contact them but he doesn't want Clark to know he's back quite yet.

Instead, he takes a deep breath to try and clamp down on his worry. Bruce won't be any good if he lets the worry take over. In a worst case scenario, Clark killed them due to not being able to find Bruce. In another scenario that isn't as bad but still bad enough, Clark has taken them and locked them up somewhere in order to torture them.

Bruce takes another deep breath and looks to the portal. With any luck, Batman and Superman have already either begun or have completely destroyed their portal. Pressing a button on the computer, his own portal comes to life. Bruce knows that it would be entirely too easy to just go back to that alternate universe and live there to raise his son in peace. But he also knows he can't do that for the sake of his own world. With a deep sigh, Bruce presses another button and watches as the portal starts to overload. Smoke starts to build up as the machine sparks and then pitters out, no longer functional. Bruce knows he won't be building another one no matter what.

Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out the picture of him and his son. He smiles at it sadly and fondly at the same time. Bruce would have liked to have raised him but he knows he'll be fine with Batman and possibly even Superman if Superman can convince Batman to allow him to help. With another sigh, he tucks the photo back into his back pocket and then goes to one of the broken display cases with one of the suits in it.

Bruce looks at it and then looks over to his Justice Lords Bat suit which is lying further away. It has the most scorch marks than any of the other suits. He then looks back to the suit he is standing in front of. It's his old suit, the one he wore before the Justice Lords took over, with the black cape and cowl, the rest of the suit being grey. He pulls it up and starts to get dressed into it. Bruce then starts to put on all the armor that is surprisingly not that damaged from whatever happened here.

He has to make a plan on how to take out Clark. He can use the Kryptonite now that he doesn't have to worry about it hurting his baby or compromising the pregnancy, and he can also use his contingency plan for taking Clark down. The problem is, is that Bruce's heart isn't into it. Bruce knows he has to but still loves Clark despite everything that he has done. Seeing Superman holding his son, looking so much like his own Clark, doesn't make it any easier.

Walking over to the lead safe that he keeps Kryptonite in, he unlocks it and opens the door. Bruce figures Clark probably left it alone because if he had opened it he would have been hurt by the green rock. There are different kinds of Kryptonite in the safe including the green and red variety. Bruce wants one of the specific Kryptonite rocks, however. He reaches into the safe and pulls out a small lead box. Opening it, he peers at the glowing, green ring. With a deep breath, he takes it out of the box and places it in a lead compartment on his utility belt. He swallows hard and closes the safe. The ring should be enough.

The next thing Bruce approaches is the car which he notices right away how damaged it is. Clark must have smashed it up either in his anger or when he was fighting whoever confronted him down here. Bruce has a bad feeling that it was probably Dick as Tim should know better but he also wouldn't put it past Tim to join in on the fight. The only problem with his theory is that he doesn't know why the two of them wouldn't use the Kryptonite. Unless they didn't have time to get into the safe before Clark attacked. More worry bubbles up in his chest as he thinks about his boys. He doesn't want to lose them like he did Jason and especially not at the hands of his past mate. If the two of them and Alfred are dead, he doesn't know what he'll do.

Leaving the car, he goes to the Batwing, dutifully named when Dick was just a little boy and a newly appointed Robin. The Batwing seems to be in okay condition, at least good enough condition to fly, so Bruce jumps into it and starts it up. He flies out of the cave with his nerves skyrocketing. He first has to get Clark's attention which could turn out to be extremely easy or extremely hard. Briefly, Bruce wonders if Clark has moved on and has gotten together with someone else. He wouldn't be surprised if he had gotten with Diana as she has no caste like Clark and the two of them have always been close. Of course, Bruce had been close with Diana as well. After all, they weren't called the Trinity for no reason.

He uses the Batwing's computer to listen to what he has missed within the two and half months he's been away. By the sounds of it, the rest of the Lords have gotten their powers back as well and have started up their domination once again, with Clark as their leader. To Bruce, it seems to be worse than before, however, with Clark and the Lords being more brutal, more murderous. Bruce's heart aches.

He thinks about his son again, safe and sound in another universe with an alternate version of himself. Bruce has to do this, has to kill Clark in order to keep him safe. If he can't do that, then he has failed his last son in existence and he can't fail his only surviving family member. Bruce reprimands himself for thinking such a thing. He doesn't know if Dick, Tim, and Alfred are really dead. They could be alive and well, somewhere in hiding. But if Bruce thinks about it and rationalizes it, he knows there is no hiding from a Kryptonian with super hearing and x-ray vision.

Bruce lands on top of a tall building with a flat roof. He knows if there is going to be a showdown, then it'll have to be right away. If he waits, he might lose his will to kill someone he loves. Bruce hops out of the Batwing and walks a few paces away from it, swallowing hard. He's not only nervous about this fight but he is also nervous to see Clark after all this time.

With a deep breath, Bruce says in his regular voice, "Clark? Do you hear me?" He pauses to allow Clark to process who is talking. "I'm back and I need to see you."

He doesn't have to wait long before he hears a sonic boom and then Clark is landing on the roof. His outfit is the same white one that he had worn before. Bruce has always been amazed at his ability to not let it get stained by blood. "Well, well, look who has come back."

"Didn't take you long to come here," Bruce says.

Clark scoffs. "Of course, not. My ex-mate comes back after disappearing for two months and you expect me to not come right away?" Clark laughs. "You've lost your touch." Clark scans him, Bruce can tell, and his easy face quickly turns to narrowed eyes. "You had our baby. Where is he?"

"Where is Alfred and the boys?" Bruce counters.

Clark doesn't answer him right off and instead studies him. Finally, he says, "Tell me where our child is Bruce."

"Never." Bruce reaches to the slot on his utility belt that he placed the Kryptonite ring into, his hand hidden by his cape. "Now where's my family Clark?"

Clark is back to studying him with narrowed, suspicious eyes. Realization quickly forms in them. "You didn't." He grows angry, hands balling up into tight fists. "Are you crazy Bruce? Leaving our child in another dimension!"

Bruce unbuckles the pouch. "Not as crazy as you."

"I'm crazy?" Clark's eyes flash red before they settle. "I'm not crazy, Bruce. You just never seemed to understand what we are doing here is for the good of the people."

"This isn't good for them Clark." He puts the ring on. Bruce is standing too far away for it to have any effect on Clark right now but as soon as either he approaches Clark or Clark approaches him, it'll take effect immediately. "I don't understand why you can't see that. I tried to understand but I can't."

Clark has a smirk on his face. "You seemed to understand perfectly well when you were killing right beside me."

"Because I didn't want you leaving me," Bruce shouts. "Because we had a baby to raise, a family to start, and I didn't want that to-" he cuts himself off.

Clark laughs. "And look who was the one to leave, the one to break things apart between us. You're the one who betrayed me, who let that laughable Justice League mess with your head, and then proceed to take my child away from me by leaving him in that forsaken universe."

"I left him there to protect him from you, because what you are right now, Clark, is not the man I fell in love with, bonded with. You're nowhere near that." Bruce says.

The two stare at each other for a long time before Clark starts talking again. "Either you go get our child or I will."

Bruce shakes his head. "I destroyed the portal. There's no going back."

More staring and Clark's features slowly calm. "Then build another one."

"No," Clark immediately gets angry again. "I'll never build another one." Bruce takes a few step forward and Clark's eyes dart down to where his hand is still behind his cape. He can probably feel the Kryptonite now. When Clark meets his eyes again, Bruce continues. "I also destroyed the notes on how to build one so you won't be able to replicate one yourself."

Clark's anger is clearly on his face. "So now what? We fight and you kill me?"

"Or you kill me," Bruce says. "Either way one of us is going to die."

"You don't have the guts kill me." Clark is sneering.

"I don't know Clark; I've gotten pretty used to killing." Another step forward. "Just please, Clark, before we do this, just tell me if Alfred, Dick, and Tim are alive."

A bead of sweat rolls down the side of Clark's face. The Kryptonite is starting to take effect. Clark says very calmly, "Why should I tell you anything? You ruined our family." Bruce doesn't say anything and instead just takes another step forward. Clark scoffs. "They're alive but I don't know where they are. Got into a fight with Dick down in the cave, injured him pretty badly, but I let him go. I didn't look for them after that and they've been in hiding."

Bruce sighs in relief. "I guess I should be thankful to you for that."

"Don't be," Clark says, voice devoid of any emotions. "Let's just get this over with Bruce."

Bruce pulls his cowl back, wanting to do this with no masks on. "I wish this didn't have to happen Clark." Clark says nothing and waits. Bruce reveals his hand so Clark can clearly see the Kryptonite ring and Clark's eyes dart down to it. He's being standoffish, probably already feeling sick and weak. "You know the funny thing is Clark?" Bruce asks as he steps up to him. He places his hand that has the Kryptonite ring on it onto Clark's cheek and Clark flinches slightly. "I still love you."

Something flashes in Clark's eyes but Bruce doesn't allow himself to analyze it. Instead, he punches Clark where his hand was earlier. Clark stumbles backwards and lands on his hands and knees heavily. When Bruce goes to punch him again, Clark catches his wrist with a growl. Clark shoves him away and Bruce goes flying backwards. Groaning in pain, Bruce sits up from where he landed and sees Clark standing up shakily. Clark is also panting and sweating heavily now.

Bruce staggers to his feet as well, and charges at Clark. Seeing as Clark is still faster than him at the moment, it's no surprise when Clark dodges Bruce easily and promptly slams Bruce down on the ground by landing a blow on his back. With a gasp, Bruce hits the ground hard. Clark gets on top of Bruce, straddling his back. Bruce swings his arm backwards and gets a hit onto Clark's side. With a grunt, Clark falls off.

Bruce rolls and climbs on top of Clark, wrapping both his hands around Clark's neck and squeezing. Because of the Kryptonite, Clark is easily able to be choked and so Clark's breath hitches. He's getting weaker and weaker every second and when Clark wraps a hand around Bruce's wrist, there's no strength behind it. Bruce can feel Clark's feet scrabbling along the roof, trying to find purchase but not being able to. The both of them are shaking; Clark from the pain and Bruce because of how overwhelming his emotions are.

Clark is looking him in the eyes, something like resignation in them but there's something else too. Sorrow maybe? Clark opens his mouth to try and take a breath but can't. His legs are slowing down as the life is squeezed out of him and his hand falls away from Bruce's wrist. A shudder goes through Clark's entire body. Bruce's vision goes blurry and small droplets of water fall onto Clark's face. A sound that is too close to a sob, escapes from Bruce's mouth that he couldn't stop from coming out.

Bruce takes a staggering breath in as he lets go of Clark's neck and Clark takes a gulp of air as soon as his passage way is open again. Bruce is openly crying now as Clark tries to find his breath. He slumps and buries his face into Clark's shoulder. "Can't." Another sob is yanked from him. "I can't."

Clark is still breathing heavily as a hand is placed in Bruce's hair. "It's okay Bruce." The hand pats him gently.

Bruce shakes his head in dismay and sits back up. "No, I have to." He places his hand around Clark's neck again but doesn't squeeze.

"I lied," Clark starts, staring up at him. He looks worn out and sick. "When you asked me if I still love you, I lied. I do still love you, Bruce." Clark's hand reaches up and cups Bruce's cheek. "I'll always love you." Clark's hand moves down to wrap around the hand with the Kryptonite ring on it. "Bruce." He squeezes the hand and carefully takes the ring off, his own hand shaking with touching it. "It's okay, Bruce." He reaches down, opens the lead pouch on the utility belt, and drops the ring into it. Clark's color immediately starts to come back. His hand goes back to cupping his cheek. "You don't need to kill me Bruce."

Bruce nods. "Yes I do." He goes to reach for the Kryptonite again but Clark catches his hand.

"No," Clark says. "We can fix this." When Bruce looks Clark in the eyes, all he can see is love in them. Bruce shakes his head and Clark nods his head. "Yes." He pulls Bruce's head down by the nape of the neck. He wasn't forceful and did it gingerly. "We can." He kisses Bruce on the lips tenderly. When he pulls away he says, "This fight, it's pointless. You telling me that you still love me… it… it helped me see, this fight and you telling me that, it helped me see how pointless this all is. It showed me how we should work this out like two people who love each other and not like enemies." Clark kisses him again. "Please Bruce," he whispers against Bruce's lips. "Let's try please. I want to fix this."

"Clark…" For the third time Clark kisses him. Clark is warm and Bruce has missed this terribly. He sounded sincere and Bruce really should know better than to fall for it but it's been months since he's heard Clark talk to him in that loving tone, it's been months since he's felt Clark's body pressed against him, his lips on his, and Clark's hand in his hair. He's missed this so much that it's clouding his judgement and the part of him that wants to experience this again for just a little while longer is winning out.

That's why Bruce is surprised when he feels a sharp, burning pain in his side. Clark pushes up against him and lays Bruce down onto the ground, digging the knife in Bruce's side a little more in. "I'm sure you didn't expect me to come with a weapon."

"Clark," Bruce tries to say but it comes out strangled.

Clark's voice has gone cold. "I'm sorry Bruce, but you did betray me." He pushes the knife and Bruce gasps. "If I had thought talking would have brought you to my side, then what I said wouldn't have been lie." A shrug. "Of course, I must say telling you that I love you was not a lie, I do love you. Nothing could ever stop me from loving you. But…" A smirk. "When someone betrays me, they must be punished, no matter who they are." His smile falls. "I wish it hadn't come to this either, Bruce. Oh, and I will get our son back, even without your help."

Tears start pooling in Bruce's eyes again, blurring his vision once more. Some fall down his temples as they build up. "Clark."

Clark leans down and kisses his forehead and Bruce closes his eyes at the feeling. "I'm sorry Bruce," he whispers. "Goodbye."

Clark pushes the knife all the way in and Bruce gasps again. Before his vision goes black, Bruce reaches up and cups Clark's cheek. "Clark."

I wanted to make Bruce able to convince Clark to be good again but then what I want to happen in the rest of this story wouldn't be able to happen. So instead, we get this sad ending for the prologue. I'm sorry! *Dodges things that are thrown at me*

Anyways, I don't normally post multi-chaptered stories until I've completed all the chapters but… well, I really wanted to get this story posted asap since the first story was only recently completed. Plus, a lot of people are waiting for this.

With that being said, I don't know how frequent updates are going to be. I work and go to college and finals week is coming up really, really fast (then I've got summer classes, yippy! that "yippy" is meant to be sarcastic.) I will try to be as consistent as possible with updates and hopefully there won't be too long of gaps between when I post chapters.

Thank you all for reading this prologue. More to come sometime in the future. :)