A/N- So, In my story I did want to mention the age of my characters. Unlike most fan fictions, I have slightly older main characters. Kayla is 37 and Amy is 34.

Another thing, Jazz is going to have the same body model as the G1 version in this fic. Reason being, I cannot stand to see him with 'claws' and that weird face plate that is suppose to be a visor. :)

Leave reviews if you can, this is my first fic and I'd love the comments to help better my next work.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!

A lone black pod soared through space, the bottom starting to glow and flicker as it started to enter Earth's atmosphere. The gentle rocking of the pod was no longer soothing, not by a long shot. After being cramped in the small space for days the mech in the pod shifted uncomfortably. He sighed "Soon..." He'd been waiting to scratch a certain itch on his nose since he woke up from stasis and it was gradually getting worse. He hoped that by checking in with his leader, he could either land soon or just take his mind off of his achy aft.

:Jazz to Prime, ya there?: he commed

A few moments passed before he heard the commanding voice on the other end.

:Go ahead Jazz:

: ETA is around two Earth hours, given everythin' goes smooth.:

:Good, I'll send you the coordinates shortly:

While waiting for the coordinates Jazz lifted his head to touch the pod walls with his nose and rubbed at the itch in vain. "UGH!" He moaned. As he stared at the glass menacingly he spotted another pod making it's way further south, starting to trun red from the heat of descent. Upon further inspection, the opposing pod rotated enough for Jazz to glimpse a Decepticon symbol stamped sideways in red on it's shiny black hull.

His beeper went off and he saw the Earth coordinates flash across his visor.

:Thanks boss bot, I'll catch up to y'all in a bit. Going to slag up this Decepticon glitch 'fore he causes trouble:

:Understood, just make it fast, we cannot afford to waste time.:

:Jazz out!:

I backed up slowly with my camera pointing at the sow and her piglets. The mother javalia had been mild for about 20 minutes, providing me with some spectacular pictures of the sow's gentle side. I fired off a couple more quick shots as the sow decided she'd have enough and regarded me with open hostility, pawing at the dirt with her massive hooves.

"Easy girl... I'm goin'..."

The grey and tan sow snorted and lowered her head, which was still tall enough to easily reach my hips with her shoulder.

A few more steps back and... RUN!

I took off in the opposite direction as fast as I could possibly go.


The sow was hot on my trail with her nose down, baring her massive yellow tusks for me. I tucked the camera under my arm and shot more photos upside down. I'd been working on that sow for a while now, who must have finally gotten tired of a meddling woman getting too close to her piglets.

Cresting a small ridge, I slid down the hill with one foot forward and a hand out to steady me while gripping my camera with the other. Rocks dug painfully into my exposed palm and some made their way into the top of my boot and shirt. I didn't want to stop to take them out, partly in fear of the giant angry mother behind me. I ignored the pain and hurried along, my adrenaline pushing me faster than I thought towards the waiting yellow quad and it's driver.

"Hurry up Amy!" Kayla called from the drivers spot as she pat the back seat with a gloved hand.

By this point I could swear I felt the heat from the sow's heavy breaths, the sharp sting of it's glare like a dagger on my back as I flung myself onto the back end and clung on for dear life. "Go go go!"

"Whhhoooooo hooooo!" Kayla cried out as she pumped the gas and peeled out in the mud, leaving the furious sow squealing in anger as bits of mud pelted her in the face.

Kayla's long black hair trailed behind her in the wind as her cowboy hat wiggled around, not able to move thanks to the drawstrings. I was on the receiving end of Kayla's hair whips, thankfully haven gotten used to it over the years.

We had been quad racers together when we were young and had been inseparable since. We both still have our racing quads, Kayla has a bright yellow quad with black dragon markings on the back fenders while mine is an electric blue with the same dragon markings.

Kayla lead the quad down the hill more and splashed through the creek at the bottom before turning sharply and taking the jump over a cactus bush and back up another hill. I grinned from ear to ear as the adrenaline pumped "Faster!"

Kayla brought us into a drift in the mud around a grove of trees and back down the mountain and on to the road.

Kayla shoved her long black hair behind her ear as her green eyes flashed in amusement "That was fuckin' fun! I should take more camera safaris with you, girlie!"

I smiled back "Agreed! It's so much easier having a get away vehicle at the ready."

Kayla shook her head at that. "Yeah, well, I remember a certain someone calling me from a tree when they tried to get close to a rutting elk! As classy as that was, I'd like to not have a repeat!"

I cringed slightly at the memory of Kayla laughing at me from the base of the tree, but before Kayla could help she was chased up as well. We had to wait most of the night for the elk to move onto the next grazing field before we could make our silent get away."Yeah, that wasn't one of my best ideas... But I did get one of those photos published in the weekly!"

Kayla laughed and shook her head "Only you!"

"What?!" I cried indignantly

"You can always find something good to say about any situation, I'm slightly jealous!"

I smiled softly back but didn't comment. You can't fight the truth.

The town we live in is small, consisting of about 5,000 residents including the college kids. The road is split into two one-ways and only had one stoplight in the entire town "Howdy y'all, welcome to Alpine, Texas" is posted on the split entering town. Kayla frowns and glanced back to me "Sonic is packed, want to hit up Penny's Diner?"

"Sure, they have some really good milkshakes!" I waggled my eyebrows.

"Hah," Kayla snorted and turned her eyes back to the road without another word. I've been trying to hook Kayla up with the cutie cook at the diner, but she seems less and less interested the more we go by to see him.

I scratch my head as she turns into the parking lot and cruses into a spot. The diner is a larger converted airstream with tables on the left and a short bar on the right. It's decorated like it came out of a 1970's magazine, with the posters, old style stools, and classic coke glasses. We decided to plant ourselves at the bar where we can get a good look at his backside from the other side of the white and silver topped bar.

Kayla's eyes were glued to him as I asked while doing the same "I don't see what's wrong with him, Kayla.. I mean, he's a cowboy with manners, clean, great smile.." I trail off as Kayla sighs and the cook walks away from our range of view "Don't forget the nice arse..."

I giggle at that and she snaps out of her daze "I don't know Amy, I just don't think he will be 'the one', you know?"

"How do you know without trying?"

Her cheeks turn cherry red as she plays with a piece of her hair. "I just know. I don't know how to explain it any other way. It's like something is telling me I'll know the right one as soon as I see him."

I smile "Alright, he will stay as eye candy then!"

"Hmm...sounds good, nothing wrong with eye candy..."

The cook walks back by with a giant bag of flour on his shoulder, showing off his muscle as he bends down and gives us a nice view. Our heads move as one as we tilt to the side and gape at his perfect form.

"Nothing wrong with that at all..." I mumble.

A cough breaks us from our thoughts as we blush at the waitress "Can I help you ladies?" She asks with a cheeky grin. I'm too flustered from being caught to form coherent words, thankfully Kayla recovers fast.

"Two milkshakes please, one chocolate and one vanilla."

The waitress nods and starts to busy herself with our order without a word and I laugh. "Kayla to the rescue! You're the best!"

Kayla winks back at me "And don't you forget it, girlie!"

We have the most perfect milkshake relationship in my opinion. I hate whipped cream, she loves it; She hates cherries and I love them. When we get our order I shovel the whipped cream from my chocolate on to hers and in exchange she gives me her cherry.

I eat the cherry first, popping it stem and all into my mouth. About 18 seconds later (give or take a few) I popped out the now tied stem and set it onto the napkin. Kayla giggles "I'll most definitely have to learn how to do that someday!"

I didn't look up from the milkshake "Oh?" I ask, taking another big gulp. Kayla rolls her eyes "It means you're a great kisser, your man will be a lucky one!"

I snort into my drink causing bubbles to rise as I choked "Good heavens, I didn't need to be reminded of that! My aunt said the same thing to me when she taught me!"

Kayla fell into a fit of giggles as I wiped the splatter off my nose and sighed. I really had hoped to forget the time when my aunt explained how to use my tong-... Oh never mind!

When we finish I pay for our 'date' as per our friendship agreement. Basically I pay for our dinners of outings every other time so neither of us end up paying every time or more often than the other. Kayla gives me a ride home, which is a small adobe building on the outskirts of town. She pulled her quad up onto her black trailer and tied it into place then, put her things in her big yellow 2004 dodge ram 1500 before coming inside my humble abode behind me.

I have a small, metal, one car garage that protects my silver Pontiac solstice from the elements. There's a door in the garage that leads into the main hallway in the house, when you first walk in,the bathroom and guest room is to the left and everything else is to the right.

I pull out the crock pot and open the lid to reveal my homemade beef stew. I run my nose over it and inhale the wonderful aroma and take a sip with the ladle to test it. I sigh in approval and dish out a bowl for the two of us and set them in the dining room along with a glass of wine.

Kayla comes in and smiles "Yum! My favorite!"

I wink at her and snagged the remote to turn on Netflix. I knew what she wanted to watch before I asked, but maybe one of these days she will surprise me. "What would you like to watch tonight?"

Kayla mock glared at me "Duh, what else!?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I figured one of these days you'll throw me a curve ball."

I turned on her favorite series 'House' as we ate in silence, occasionally giggling at something Dr. House would do or say. "This show is great," Kayla giggles "Most of what House says is true! I mean, people can be so stupid!"

I nod and swallow another mouthful "Yeah, I wish I could have said that kind of stuff as a pharmacy tech back in the day!" I mocked a deep voice and extreme southern drawl "Now y'all had better change this price! I don't know how ya think ya can get away with increasing my copay! Where does that extra money I'm payin ya go to? Yer supervisors?"

Kayla giggles and sets her hands upon her hips "Now sir, that's somethin you'll have to take up with your insurance, it's not us that's increasing your copay!"

I snarled "I don't believe tha one bit mam! I'm gonna talk to your store manager and have ya fired!"

We both stared at one another a few seconds before collapsing into giggling fits. Yeah, this is a good night!

It was much later when Kayla went home, having to go to bed early for work. Kayla works as a mechanic at the local tire and lube store, and even though her boss is nice, he doesn't approve of tardiness.

I was lounging on the couch watching the news later when there was a report of a local meteor shower that can be seen passing in about another hour. 'Just enough time for me to get a good spot' I thought as jumped up and went into the bedroom to change. I put on a white shin length skirt, red spaghetti strap shirt, and blue jean sandals. I then grabbed my tripod and camera, tossed on a button up jean jacket and ran out the door.

It gets a bit cool at night here, being a desert and all. There's no real trees to break the chilly wind so it can get up to 70mph gusts on a bad day or night on a hill, and that can mean some serious bursts of cold.

I drive out of town, through another small town named Marfa, and up into my aunts large ranch. My aunt works for an older man who owns hundreds of acres and takes care of his cattle and horses. In exchange, he's given her his guest home next to the barn and allows her to use it as she sees fit. I can't remember his name right off, I've only met him once before, but he seemed nice enough.

I drive up the dirt paths away from the house and onto the farthest mountain where there's no light to ruin the photographs. I park on the other side of the mountain at the base and set up the tripod, sticking the camera to it and changing the shutter speed and aperture so the lens would stay open for 15 seconds at a time. I then sat and waited for the first meteor to show.

About thirty minutes later, the first meteor streaks across the skyline, leaving a brilliant red tail behind it. I pressed the button as another raced by, and another, and another! It was a spectacular show, white and red tails flashed past my lens as I watched in awe. I've never seen so many fall at once!

As I pressed the button again, I noticed the sky getting VERY bright. I looked up to see one... Heading straight for me!

I'm so doomed...