(Authors note)
The poll results are clear. Out of 140 followers, only 6 people voted, including me. If I didn't It would be clear that my story was being asked for a rewrite.
But I'm sorry. I wrote what I wanted to because it was fun. When I write for someone elses fun and not my own, both you and me end up having no fun. YOU notice when a chapter has no life in it. No love. No passion. If I rewrote this series the way you want me to, neither of us would be happy with the result.
So I'm putting this story up for adoption.
This last chapter is what I was planning on doing for the Cell Vs Frieza fight. I was thinking that far ahead, yes. So many events have been planned, and I would often struggle to find ways to bridge the gaps between events.
But I don't have to do that anymore. Your reviews are true, my character is basic. Cause I'm basic. It's a self-insert. So it's hard not taking it as a personal attack when, out of everything to criticize, it's him. Though I do see your points and they aren't wrong.
This chapter is a rough info dump. The ideas that will never see light.
I'm sorry to the ones who actually enjoyed my writing.
But I was hoping that anyone who actually cared would go vote. It costs nothing to click on a poll.
And if that's asking too much, It's hard to keep going.
And to TorioWint, I'm especially sorry. Hopefully someone better will write a better Frieza self insert. One day.
Anyways, Authors note over! Time for the info dump!
Trunks already know's he is a good guy (And knows why goku lost in their time line.)
Things get very complicated, since goku's heart failure isn't the only problem.
The Frieza from that timeline underestimated cell, having achieved fake gold form and still losing.
The Spirit bomb from Namek was why he could keep up with SSJ goku, not his mutated 1st form, that was actually far weaker than the original cannon's final form. It supercharged him like how goku can absorb spirit bombs.
Frieza now needs to actually train, and since this goku has no instant transmission, Frieza needs to make up for it.
Everyone is uneasy with his existence.
Vegeta is uncomfortable with it all, unsure if he should be happy that the original Frieza got his body stolen, or if he should be angry that that face will be his ally. The face of someone he hated so hard.
Goku interrogates him briefly, but accepts him anyways.
Dei is alive again, and calls Frieza a dumbass.
Yamcha immediately tries to Hercule Frieza, and Frieza is just happy to have made a friend.
Dei explains, with his brief knowledge exchange with Piccolo, how that dazed state Frieza was in when he fought Gohan, Vegeta and Krillen, was the remnants of Frieza's will that was left over from the imperfect possession. But all that disappeared completely in an extremely painful spirit bomb. If Frieza wasn't a good guy, he would have died 100 times over. No bets off it. He was, after all, in a mutated 1st form.
Timeline Differences:
Goku has no Instant Transission:
He can't use it to get to the lookout instantly anymore.
He can't save Tien when cell is in his second form.
He can't do his instant Transmission Kamehameha.
He can't do sudden saves anymore.
Frieza is known as an ally by Trunks:
Trunks know's that Frieza knows stuff due to how desperate he was in the failed timeline.
Frieza struggles to find a balance between what to reveal he knows and what to keep secret, as the cannon comes crumbling down around him.
Event's from the show start shifting around entirely, some event's never even taking place.
Frieza knows that Cell has a ego, and will use that to plant a seed: The Cell Games.
Frieza plays with the thought of if it's still a good idea to rely on gohan. ESPECIALLY since he knows that now, with so much on the line, and how lucky he was to be the villain last time with how merciful he was, how easy it would be for everyone to die with one mistake.
Frieza will be training with everyone.
It's in cannon even if Frieza trains with a random trooper, he can gain extremely quick results. So he needs to be careful with how quickly he gains strength, as not to discourage some others from growing. Saiyins don't get disheartened by stronger opponents, but some will become complacent with strong ALLIES.
Frieza knows he might, MIGHT be able to completely become overpowered and win their universe if he trains. But what about making beerus happy eventually? Who knows how easily Beerus could Hakai Frieza. Goku can appeal to him easier. Especially if he isn't weak as shmit.
Gohan isn't super saiyin by the first cell games cause he had no catalyst from which to draw rage from.
When Tien saves everyone, Frieza needs to rush in to save him, since goku can't instant transmission. He still dosen't know how to transform. It's a bloody battle with only a thin strand of hope for frieza to escape, much less buy time. (Fate/Stay Night UBW 2015 Ost.-Emiya (30 Minutes Extended).
When cell fights gohan (non-ssj), gohan turns gold when he sees all his friends about to die. This is enough to take down cell, as Frieza makes sure that there is no regeneration gimik. Not when they only narrowly won with this. (Gilgamesh Theme (Cosmic Air))
Time is messed up even worse. Gohan is weaker than before, and goku has no last ditch escape.
Frieza makes a plan to take goku to Yaardat, since he can't just sit quietly and wait for the next arc to begin when he can do something about it. He has no clue where buu is buried, so he can make goku goku in a small way.
Frieza, no knowing how to transform, he remains weak; no matter how much he train. Whenever he tries to transform again, he comes back to the same look, only slightly stronger. This is his ultimate base form. No other forms by the looks of it.
Frieza vs Cooler
Frieza can't sense energy, and Trunks is nowhere to be seen.
Cooler is about to wreck the Z fighters.
Frieza takes initative to step in.
Frieza surprises everyone when he steps in and attacks his dad.
His dad is outraged, but is met with a falling sword slash by Trunks.
Trunks says 'told you so' to the group.
Frieza laughs nervously.
(Powered Up)Goku vs Androids:
Frieza is off training somewhere so he dosen't get decked by the androids immediately.
Goku gets recked by the anroids as planned.
Vegeta shows up, and indeed, takes down the potato.
The other 2 are released.
They wreck the Z fighters as per plans.
Everyone patronizes Frieza for doing nothing.
He needs to pretend to be indifferent to prevent them from digging into why he is acting like that.
Nobody is buying it.
Piccolo vs 17
A lot more shaped charges style meele attacks. 17 can't counter these with a barrier as they penetrate or simply send him flying with the barrier into cliffs and the ground. (Like pinball)
17 is still landing a lot more attacks than he should be capable of.
Cell vs the Z fighters
Frieza works with Vegeta to help Cell achieve his perfect form, acting like he also wants a good fight.
Things go south when Vegeta actually loses to Trunks (He learned from Future Frieza that he would lose, so he trained more).
Frieza did not plan this.
Frieza needs to beat Future Trunks with Cell.
First Chapter plans:
(Rolling Down The Street, In My Katamari) Space theme.
He is floating in space.
No way he is going to wait for his dad to pick him up, he flies in a random direction with his weak body.
Gets picked up after a bit of space hitchhiking.
Is not recognised as Frieza, but is commented on similarities.
He is super friendly to dispel that idea.
Asks fastest way to get to earth.
Is offered a lift in exchange for a job.
He goes to a space club.
Helps his lift guy when he comes running back by beating up his pursuers.
They make a hasty escape.
Very Han Solo.
Is dropped off on Earth.
Someone tagged along.
It was an alien.
Seemed friendly enough.
Made the alien a pet.
He learns how to transform, and decides to use this as his ability to develop.
He would abuse the this to make armor, spike weapons, carapace shields and uniqie styles of attacks.
Cell vs Frieza:
(Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua OST - Mighty Wind)
Cell looks me dead on, and I return his gaze.
I push off, flying sideways and immediately shooting a barrage of blasts his way, him cockily dodging my blasts, as if it was no effort. I freeze my blasts as they surround him, and Cell very quickly realizes what I'm doing.
He smirked, and launched himself at me, not just going to let me get my attack off. If I was going for a ranged attack, he'd close the distance.
I Charge.
Cell is slightly confused by willingness to abandon my hellzone grenade. Unless I was planing on getting caught up in my own attack, it was justs stupid to attack close range now.
He pulls back a fist, as do I. With my other hand, I subltly make a hand gesture, but Cell picks up on it, and his smirk grows wider.
He saw through my sneak attack.
He moves his fist to block my fist, and turns his head to smack my approaching ki blast away.
Cell screams in agony.
The blast was easily deflected, but what was hidden inside the blast, a spike, was neatly impaled in his arm.
I take my chance, and immediatey repeat this attack pattern, slaming him with my fists and legs, hitting him with spike'd Ki blasts, not letting him get a chance to recover.
If I was up against anyone else, this level of planning would be considered paranoid, but Cell isn't stupid.
He angrily lets loose an explosion of energy, blasting me away as he readies himself to charge at me, not happy at becoming a cell pin cushion.
I ready to ki blasts behind me, and charge him as well. He afterimages behind me, and moves to punch me in the back of my head. I'm not fast enough to turn around and block him, but I do have my ki blast there, and It's close enough to move and intercept his fist.
His fist is impaled.
But he dosen't stop.
The spike runs up his arm as his fist lands heavily on my face, sending me crashing into the landscape and creating a new crater, Cell now allowing himself to agonize over the spike in his body.
"Is this you plan, boy!? Fighting me in a way that won't make an difference other than making me angry? I can just regenerate from this anyways you fool!" Cell shouted, making angry motions.
But he was lying.
His regenration comes from Piccolo, and I know for a fact that it has a limit.
And I would do whatever I could to make him reach his limit. It was all I could do right now anyways.
I slowly transform my body while in the crater, making sure that this fight wasn't close. I needed to bring out all my power.
A fake Frieza can only do so much, so I'd need to do what I could, and take it to the limit.
Cell dashes at me, and I at him.
I transform;
spike after spike;
Lashing out at my foe, stabbing them, against this armored shell of a bug, leaving nothing but scratches; but each time, the scratches go deeper.
I put force into my arms, putting both speed AND strength into them at the same time, at cost to damaging them with each reckless blow.
No longer were they leaving shallow scrapes, but gradually becoming slashes and wounds.
I bob and weave my head to avoid his strikes, glancing blows and the occasional flat on impact leaving me disorientated, and through sheer willpower, I force myself through it.
Right now, I felt like a soldier, a soldier who can lose their limbs, get shot, and still go on to fulfill their mission without caring for their life.
And it was a good thing this Frieza body was so darn resilient.
Resilient enough to survive who knows how long in space while only half a body,
I definately would need that durability to keep up with cell.
He is starting to get annoyed, breaking my armor faster than I could create it, my attacks now missing him as he realizes he can't just let me land attacks anymore.
The fight speeds up.
We move at speeds the merely echo across the skies.
Explosive impacts and loud crashes boom in the sky, shaking the atmosphere and making it difficult for observers to even breathe.
I slash faster. I was missing my attacks so I needed to slash faster. Each time my spikes broke apart I grew new ones, abusing my transformation ability to the limit, pushing my body in ways It was never meant to be pushed. I was essentialy a fast moving glass cannon that could grow more glass.
This power was tearing my body apart, using up resources from a pool I was deathly afraid to empty.
But I was emptying it anyways.
Tears formed in my eyes, cell was visibly angry now, scratches and scrapes now gashes and grunts. My vision was going blurry, but I didn't allow myself to slow down one bit, breaking whatever needed to be broken to keep myself at its current pace.
Armor broke, weapons broke, my body broke, my mind was near breaking.
I couldn't afford to care.
He punched me in my head. Hard. Hard enough to daze me to the point where I let up for an instant. Cell took his chance. I took mine as well.
We freeze in our successful exchange of attacks. He had kicked my head, which was below my body, downward, while I was reaching up at him with a spike, stabbing him through his head.
A small smile formed on my face, as I allowed myself to fall.
Cell looks angry yet satisfied, before I weakly wave him goodbye.
He seems confused, before noticing all the spike's that were still embedded all over his body.
Now glowing with energy,
The spikes explode.
Cell and Frieza:
Cell is made of Frieza's cells, and Dr. Gero amplified the evil in the Frieza cells to prevent Cell from being good.
But this Frieza was only fake evil.
That means the good in Cell was also amplified!
This cell can be saved!
Emiya UBW Extended
The world isn't fair.
Cell: "You can't save everyone"
Froze: "In this crazy life we're living, it set no rule that we can't save everyone! Nobody but humans decided that!"
Cell: "You're naieve."
Froze: "And you're even more naieve to think your rules make reality bend to your will."
Cell: "Life's not that fair."
Froze: "You're right, It isn't. Not even to you. That's why you can also be wrong about this."
So it won't be fair to your viewpoint either.
The world isn't 50/50
So I can save everyone, cause reality isn't fair.
It can take everything and give nothing,
It can also give everything and take nothing!
And info dump is over! Feel free to use whatever ideas you want from here. It may not have been a fun read, but It was fun while it lasted. I should probably have gone to writing school so you guy's would have been happier, but I was never a professional. All I got is heart, and when my heart is worn down, and I gain nothing more out of something, I've got no reason to subject myself to sadness for no reason =-)
To the ones who liked my story, I hope you'll come with me as I start my next venture soon! And to those seeking high quality stuff, you've come to the wrong place =-P
Bye for now Friends!