Author has written 18 stories for Ninja Turtles, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy´s, Undertale, Hobbit, and Sally Face. Hello readers, My name is Tasha Age: 26 I live in northwestern Wisconsin in the United States of America (Alfred- for those of you who know Hetalia). The reason behind my profile name: Mozart was my best cat friend (currently residing in kitty heaven), and I like fantasy more than reality! I love to read/write and have found a whole bunch of fanfics that are absolutely amazing! Some of these have inspired me to try my hand at writing instead of just reading what other people have written. Well, we'll see if it goes as planned, lol! Hope you like the stories that I come up with and thanks so much for reading! I am also planning on writing an original novel since I realized how much I like writing. Fandoms I am currently obsessed with include; TMNT, Undertale, The Hobbit, Hetalia and Five Nights at Freddy's... along with many others! I am taking some time off writing fanfiction to focus on my original novel. I hope you understand :) Requests closed until further notice. I am usually open to requests pertaining to the fandoms I have written for previously. If you would like me to write something specific feel free to message me and I'll see what I can do. Constructive criticism welcome, hopefully, it will help me improve my writing ability. |
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