A/N: Hey guys! It's the Fandom Vortex! I know that I said I would get the next story out soon but I was busy(procrastinating) with other stuff(being a lazy fuck.)
Anyway. This will go on as long as I have interest in writing it. Don't worry. I wont stop it with a horrible ending like everyone dies or something.
Warning: I do not own Hetalia. T for swearing (as shown above! ^^)
A Secret Alliance
Chapter I: Plea's Left Unheard and Unknown
~Normal PoV~
Italy ran through the day with the same struggle. It was the G8 Meeting in Russia. For some reason, his smile was weakened. It wasn't as life filled as the other days. It seemed more, plastic. Italy looked outside. He was in a large room with an oval, pine table and 8 pine chairs surrounding it. Russia, Italy, Germany, England, Japan, America, France, and China sat on the velvet cushions that rested on the dark wood. As dull hazel eye's stared blankly at the serene, swirling snow outside, the G8 Meeting rattled on behind the Italians back. No one seemed to notice Italy's lack of enthusiasm today. Or so the short, olive skinned boy thought.
The pale skinned, violet eyed Russian eyed the youthful boy with curiosity and worry. He always felt that there was something off about the abnormally bright smiles that the Italian nation wore but never bothered the young boy about it. But today, Russia noticed the sudden change in demeanor. The atmosphere around the boy no longer glowed as bright. It was clouded by something unknown to the Russian representative. He made a decision. He would ask Italy what was wrong by the end of the meeting. He couldn't shake the feeling that the bubbly nation was, alone.
~After one hell of a hectic meeting~
Italy opened his vanilla folder and grabbed the scattered papers in front of him. He checked over the titles of each one to make sure he wasn't missing something voluntary to his work he had to do when he arrived as his house in Italy.
Germany took note of this and patted the auburn haired man on the back saying, "Good job Italien," left for his car which was now covered by a thick sheet of pure white snow.
Russia let his eyes wander from his work to Italy. He was still here. Russia watched as the Italian sorted his papers and closed the vanilla folder and started to put on the dark colored winter clothes. Now.
The platinum haired Russian walked up to Italy and placed a large hand over his now padded shoulders.
"Italy," was the only word he had to utter before Italy looked up with fear.
"Y-yes Russia?" he stuttered out. Russia let his muscles relax and softened his gaze.
"What seems to be the matter?"
Italy looked baffled by the question, acting as if he had no idea on what he was talking about, when he really did.
"What do you mean Mr. Russia?"
"Italy, please. It pains me to see such suffering etched into your face. I beg of you. Tell me. What's wrong? We might find some common ground to stand on." Russia let his voice come out silky sweet like honey. He knelt down and held Italy's much smaller hands in is large ones.
Italy stared into the violet orbs that bore into his own hazel ones. The drifting snow outside the window almost made the Russian look slightly, angelic.
"I-i, um." Italy looked around, obviously nervous about any trailing spectators who might stumble upon his words.
"I see. Please, I invite you to stay at my place for the night. There we can talk with privacy," Russia said, smiling.
"But what about the Baltic States? Or Ukraine, or Belarus?!" Italy rambled.
"No one ever comes to my place," Russia said with a saddened tone. Italy's eye's widened at this. Was Russia really that alone. Were we more alike that anyone else?
~At Russia's~
"Please, sit," Russia gestured to the other seat on the red, silk couch. Italy gratefully took the spot and looked Russia dead in the eyes. "Now, what makes your smile falter, little Italy?"
Italy teared up at the question. Someone noticed. Someone cared. "I'm alone," is all he could say without breaking into tears. Italy took a second to calm himself down before continuing. "I always smile for everyone else, when I have suffered more than they have. I have to hide everything and, no one ever says, 'Italy, why do you smile?,' or 'Thank you for helping me through this.' They don't realize what I'm sacrificing to make them happy. To make everyone happy! And I just can't," he choked a bit, tears streaming steadily down his sun kissed skin, "I can't keep it up anymore!" He finally broke down and crashed into Russia's chest, sobbing loudly. His tears darkened the light tan fabric of the Russian's uniform. Pain filled sobs and cries tore through Italy's throat and rang through the empty house.
Russia held Italy and rocked him back and forth like Ukraine would when he was sad. Tears ran down his own pale skin as he looked down at the sobbing mess. It reminded Russia all too much about his own, lonely life. Russia let his head fall onto Italy's shoulder as he cried onto his blue jacket.
They sat like this for what seemed to be forever until Russia felt the breathing beneath him mellow out and instead of the ragged, uneven breath's of the Italian's cries, it turned into the soft, sleepy, and feathery breath's of deep, comatose like sleep. Russia smiled at this and stood, with the Italian still rocking in his arms, head resting on his sculpted chest. Russia slowly took Italy into his room and laid the somber nation on the bed before climbing in after him.
Stroking the soft, auburn hair out of the closed eyes of the sleeping Italian, he let himself nod off into the sweet blissfulness of the dream realm.
~Italy's Dreams~
~Italy's PoV~
I felt the warming wind against my skin. I shook in fear. That dream always started like this. I closed my eye's tightly, not wanting to open them again.
Finally, I forced them open to find something that surprised me. I was a lush green hill, next to a tall oak tree. I sat on a red and white checkered blanket with a light brown weaved basket on one edge of it. There was food scattered across the blanket. I look to my side and saw the Russian nation sitting next to me, gazing up at the clear blue sky. A warm smile graced his face and I smiled back and looked up with him, leaning back onto my hands.
I no longer felt fear towards the nation. I realized that, we were the same. Two lonely souls looking for another to comfort them. I let my smile get wider and I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of the sun beating down on me and my new Russian friend.
~End of Dream~
I opened my eyes to find my self covered in soft, white sheets. I let my fingers travel across the fluffy blanket. I looked to my side and saw Russia sound asleep. I smiled and thought of something. Slowly, carefully, and quietly, I sneaked out of bed.
~Russia's PoV~
I awoke to an all too similar setting. No one around. Cold atmosphere. Eerie silence. So. He left after all. I knew he never would stay long. I let tears slide down my cheeks but rubbed them away and sat upright.
I shook my head furiously. My mind was manifesting the sounds of knocking doors now!
Knock Knock!
"Stop" I whisper softly and held my head in my bulky hands.
My eye's shot open and I looked up to the door to see it open wide, with an overly cheery Italian in the door way with a tray in his hand. It had toast, pancakes, and a sunflower in a vase. All I could do was smile.
"I made you breakfast Russia! I hope you like it!" Italy said in his cheery voice.
"Thank you Italy." Italy came over to my bed side and sat next to me and gave me the tray and said,
"I already ate so this is all yours!"
I smiled and ate the well prepared breakfast. The pancakes were fluffy and the toast wasn't too crunchy. After finishing, and began to cry again. But this time, tears of joy.
Italy must of noticed the wet drops hitting the blanked blow my face because he asked, "Russia? What's the matter? Why are you sad?" His voice sounded genuinely concerned and slightly sad. I looked up to him with the widest, happiest, most real smile I have ever had on me.
"I'm so happy you didn't leave. Like everyone else!" I laughed a little.
Italy seemed a bit surprised. "Why would I leave my best friend?" he asked.
Normal PoV~
Russia's eye's widened and he said, "I thought that Germany was your best friend?"
Italy looked at Russia with soft and welcoming eyes. "He doesn't understand me like you do." He smiled widely and held out his had and said, "Lets make a secret alliance! No one will know of it. We can be best friends. We can comfort each other when we need it, and escape from the world! Even if it's only for a while."
Russia stared wide eyed at the head extended out to him and smiled, looking at the Italians grinning face. He took the small Italian's hand in his own bulky one and said, "Consider your proposal signed!"
"Hm?" The two new found friends looked at the phone that had called for them to pick it up. Russia stood and walked over to the sleek black phone and held the receiver up to his ear.
"This is Russia da?" he asked into the other end.
"What the fuck have you done to my fratello you vodka bastard!"
Oh god
"I have no idea what you are talking about Romano!"
"You are the only goddamn nation I haven't called yet and no one else has him! Now WHERE IS HE!?"
"How do you know they were not lying?"
"How do I know YOU'RE not lying HU!?"
"Please try to calm down Romano. I'm confident that you can find little Italy."
"Gr, I guess I won't get anything out of you vodka bastard. Arrivederci."
The line went dead.
"I guess I should go then." Italy said.
"Da. I think that would be very wise." Russia smiled and showed Italy to the door. "Be careful! Come and see me sometime soon!"
"Sure thing best friend!" Italy called from his car and sped away into the cascading snow.
~At the Italy's house~
Italy pulled into the driveway and turned off his car. He brushed off the left over slush on his car onto the black pavement and walked up to the door, still in his winter coats. He rang on the door bell and waited for Romano to answer the door.
The hot headed Italian answered with Spain standing behind him. Romano's eyes widened to the size of the moon and pulled the other half into the house and slammed the door roughly.
"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!?" he screamed with such force that Italy closed his eyes to shield his eyes from the flying drops of spit.
"I was out." Italy replied simply, prying himself from his brother's grip and took off his winter clothes while Romano stared at him.
"Yeah, I get that but WHERE were you!?" Romano practically screeched back.
Italy turned to him with the smuggest smirk on his face. "You will never know!" and with that, Italy raced up to his room and locked the door, giggling madly. Not for Romano's sake, but because he was truly happy.
~Next Day~
"I'm heading out Roma!" Italy called out to his brother, packing up a rolling bag with thick coats, extra clothes and of coarse pasta.
"Where are you going?" Romano asked out of curiosity.
"I'm just leaving for a week. No big deal!" he called back and zipped up his bag. He would never tell Romano where he was going because that would raise suspicions. He was heading over to Russia's for a week to get to know him better. Of coarse Russia was aware that the small Italian was coming over for a week so he cleaned up his dusty house and prepared a guest room for him.
"No! I want to know where you are going!"
"Too baaaaaaaad!" Italy sung to Romano as he dashed out the house and put his bag in the car. Just as Italy entered the car and strapped in, Romano came out screaming at him to tell him where he was going. Italy ignored the pleas and drove off to Russia's.
A/N: The mother fucking end. GOD THIS TOOK FOREVER! I be happy dough with how this turned out. I hope you liked it! ^^ Review please!