![]() Author has written 22 stories for Ninja Turtles, and Gravity Falls. Hi everyone! Thanks for clicking on my profile! Update 11/14/2015 For those who are wondering where I've been the last few months, certain events in my life have forced me to take a hiatus from writing so I can get my life back on track. In the last few months I've lost my own Grunkle, and two very dear friends of mine unexpectedly passed away. One of them was my mentor and my #1 supporter with my writing, who helped me keep going when I felt like giving up. Who helped me deal with writer's block and depression and was my anchor when I thought my life was going to fall apart when chronic pain and depression got the better of me. Losing her has hit me hard and has taken away any desire to continue. But I will continue. I know she wouldn't want me to quit now, but I need time. To add insult to injury, my computer crashed and while I was able to save some files, many were lost including chapter 2 of "Just So You Know" and chapter 3 of "Mending the Rift" as well as some other updates I was working on and I just didn't have the energy to rewrite them. I'm trying to get back in the game and hope to have those two stories at least, finished before the new year. I'll try to get more updates on all my stories out soon, but life has thrown so much at me at once in the last few months, and I've been so busy that I ask that you please be patient. Thank you! Here’s a few things about me for anyone who's interested! I’m an aspiring writer. I’ve been writing stories since before I knew how to write my name. When I was little, instead of my parents telling me bedtimes stories, I would tell them the story based on the pictures. I’ve been writing fanfiction since before I knew it was an actual thing. When I couldn’t sleep (which was often-I’ve been a chronic insomniac since I was a small child) I would tell myself stories, usually starring my favorite characters from my favorite shows/movies/books. I’m never bored. My imagination runs 24/7. Currently I have three writing projects going on. I’m working on my first novel, which I hope to publish by January 2016, even if I have to self-publish. Details are hush-hush because I’m paranoid that way, but it’s a YA Fantasy novel that I hope will appeal to children and adults alike. Not telling you what it’s about, but here’s some clues to what to expect... I’ve always liked fantasy stories set in the real world, but where myth and magic exists and most of the world has no clue. I’m a sucker for ghost stories as well, always in the mood for a good scare. Oh and epic romances are NOT my cup of tea… I’m also trying to achieve the (relatively) impossible. Despite not knowing how to play an instrument beyond the first level, and only knowing the most basic music theory and having no experience composing music, I’m attempting to write a musical. I’ve always been a theatre nut, I’ve been in a few shows, directed a few even, but I’ve never written one. It should be interesting… Luckily I’m not alone in this particular writing adventure so despite being in a little over my head, maybe I’ll be able to get my own show off the ground someday! :P My third writing project is well…this. Fanfiction. This is something I do for fun. It’s a great way to not only continue the adventures of various characters I love, but also to keep the writing muscles in shape, and since I’m overprotective of my original work, it’s a great way to get feedback about my writing. I love receiving constructive criticism, and I will gladly offer it in return. Reviews are like gold as I’m sure most of us would agree. I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow cartoons/animation, though I’m definitely not alone there. Besides aspiring to be a writer, I’ve always wanted to be a voice actor. I love acting; that is my passion. Has been since as long as I can remember. I only have experience on the stage in amateur productions, but to follow in the footsteps of some amazing voice actors like, Tara Strong, Rob Paulsen, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, Jim Cummings, June Foray to name a few…that would be a dream come true. So, what can you expect from my stories? Well, just about anything I suppose, except slash/incest, unless it’s canon. I try to stay true to canon for the most part. Rarely do I go into A/U territory and when I do it’s more a case of answering the question of ‘what if…’ I’m not an avid ‘shipper’, so that will rarely be a focus. And I’m not against OC’s, though I’d be damned if I let an OC of mine become a Mary Sue. When it comes to fanfiction, my rule about OC’s is that they must never overshadow canon characters, rather exist to support their stories. When it comes to reading fanfiction however, I’m a little more relaxed. As long as it’s written well I can enjoy just about any genre, any pairing (one exception is incest) and any OC if a story looks interesting enough. I admit I don’t read a lot of fanfiction nowadays, mostly because I’m quite busy, but when I do I will review because I know how rewarding it is to receive them. Man, it always makes my day when I see a new review in my inbox! It’s always nice to know that people are reading and enjoying my work, and I love to hear what people think so I try to do the same for others. Anyway, if you decide to read any of my stuff, a huge thank you! And don’t hesitate to offer any constructive feedback and even if you don’t have anything to say, a little shout out would be awesome. I’m kind of a review junkie! :-) TTFN! Update: I created a forum! I love talking about stories and the process of story writing and I decided that it would be cool to have a forum where you can talk about that stuff. Anyway, my forum is for just about anything TMNT fanfiction and fiction in general. Also, I thought it would be fun to write a Round Robin so if you're interested in participating, this is the place to go! As well as the place to go if you have a story challenge/request or want to accept a challenge/request. Here's the link! Check it out! http://www.fanfiction.ws/myforums/jadefirefly3D/4414625/ NEW!!! Here's the Gravity Falls fourm! Gravity Falls! Mystery! Fun! FUNfiction Challenges! update! So in my stories, I'm not afraid to put certain characters in life or death situations and I can't guarantee that a character will survive. The dilemma I face however is that well, I hate spoilers but fanfiction etiquette says that if there's character death then I should put up a warning, but to me that's a major spoiler and it just feels wrong. I know that for some, a death fic is a deal breaker, and I totally respect that, but a warning would spoil it for those who don't wish to be spoiled (like myself). That said, if you're reading a story and are concerned about the possibility of character death, don't hesitate to PM me and ask and I will happily help either put your mind at ease or save you from reading further. |