A/N Hi y'all! So sorry to keep you waiting! Real life got busier than anticipated and my muse has been nagging me to focus more on my other story, "Downward Spiral" and I struggled with this chapter. A lot.

Thanks to everyone who has read/favorited/followed and especially reviewed this fic! Special shout out to Elileo who has introduced me to her amazing artwork and the wonderful world of deviantart and HikariFighter who gave me the craziest, randomest awesomest sugar induced review ever! Though every review I've recieved has been cherished and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I truly appreciate the feedback.

I'll try to get the next chapter up soon! In the meantime...enjoy!

Chapter Five

Mikey was having the trippiest of dreams. Trippy didn't even begin to describe the weirdness of it. First he was flying like a bird and a hunter shot him down. He rescued an angel, and she kissed him goodbye. Then Donnie stabbed him, twisting the knife and he screamed in agony while Master Splinter spoke softly to him before striking him down and he fell into a kaleidoscope of different shades of red.

The next thing he knew he was floating.

The floating dream was the trippiest part. He saw himself, lying on a table, he saw Donnie stabbing him, and Splinter did nothing to stop him. Leo was there looking sad and worried but he too did nothing. He saw that April was sobbing in the living room and Raph was in the dojo, fighting an army of training dummies. He floated out of the lair and found himself in the streets of New York. People were walking all around him, but no one noticed him. He floated higher and higher until he was looking down at the skyline. The Statue of Liberty's torch glowed, burning like a beacon calling him closer. The light glowed brighter, casting its brilliant shine over the city and it was so beautiful that he couldn't look away.

He reached for the light and it pulsed, it's shine glowing brighter, engulfing him in its brilliance.

Come on, Mikey, don't do this! Come back to me!

It was Donnie's voice. He sounded terrified and even though Donnie hurt him, he couldn't deny his brother. He knew Donnie wouldn't hurt him on purpose, there had to have been a good reason… Coming Donnie… With a sad reluctance he abandoned the light and sank down, down, down…

Then the dream shifted and he was in a world of pain as he lay bleeding in an ally.

What the fuck? Is the circus in town? Hey buddy, Halloween's in October dumbass!

Why would someone like me want to be friends with a freak like you?

He didn't recognize the first voice, though it was painfully familiar but he knew the second voice that echoed in his head. Chris Bradford. Mikey turned to the voice and saw his former friend look down at him and sneer. He stepped down on his shoulder and he cried out in pain. Donnie, Leo and Raph appeared behind him and Mikey sighed in relief but then they looked down at him and scowled.

Don't you have anything better to do?


We don't care what you do, just annoy someone else…


Go away Mikey, can't you see I'm busy?


Bradford disappeared and Donnie knelt beside him and jabbed a knife into his shoulder while the others held him down.

He screamed.

His brothers vanished and he felt a light touch of silk on his shoulder and the pain subsided. He looked over and saw the angel. She smiled at him.

Why would I be afraid of you?

My name's Grace…

You have a kind voice…

You saved my life, I don't care what you are.

Come back so I know you're OK…

She faded from view and was replaced by his brothers. This time they were looking at him not in anger or hate, but worry. They ally dissolved and he found himself somewhere warm and safe.

I say we make a pact…



Leo. Donnie.

Donnie nodded and the three of them bumped their fists together and when they did they seemed to glow. Golden tendrils of energy swirled into the air and wrapped around him like a cocoon and Mikey felt warm and loved. Just beyond them standing in the background were Splinter and April, and behind them was a girl and her dog. He whispered her name…


She smiled.

Thank you so much Mikey, for all that you've done for me.

Soon everyone vanished like a vapor and he was alone.

The pain was back.

Guys? Come back! Don't leave me alone!

Suddenly he realized that he wasn't alone after all. He couldn't see them, but he felt his family was near. Their invisible presence was all around him and a warm inviting scent wafted in the air…it was familiar…it smelled a little like…like…

"Do I smell…pizza?"


Mikey blinked in confusion, his eyes looking around the room…Donnie's lab? and saw everyone looking down at him with love, worry and amusement. He frowned because he couldn't quite figure out what was funny.

It took him a moment to realize he was awake because he had been having the trippiest dream and he felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

He groaned and tried to move but his body screamed in protest and Leo gently placed his hand on his uninjured shoulder, "Lie still," he said, gently pushing him down.

Feeling weak as a newborn kitten Mikey didn't have the energy to try to move much anyway and he released an involuntary whimper because trying to move hurt like hell. His eyes drifted to the piece of pizza in Leo's hand and he frowned, still a little confused.

You had pizza without me? I hope you saved me a slice…

He blinked, his eyelids feeling heavy. When he opened them again Donnie was in view, and for reasons Mikey couldn't explain, he flinched when Donnie reached for his neck. Donnie pulled his hand back, eyes wide, like he had just been burned.

"Mikey? You OK?"

Mikey glanced blearily towards the sound of Raph's voice.

"I-I just need to check your vitals," Donnie stammered, "is that OK?"

"Of course," Mikey replied, his voice hoarse. He had complete trust in his brothers, so he really didn't understand why he flinched. It was like a knee-jerk reaction to a distant memory. He relaxed and let Donnie check him over as he closed his eyes.

He could hear his brothers talking to him, but their voiced faded as he found himself falling into a dark abyss.


The next time Mikey woke up he was slightly more aware, though everything seemed fuzzy and uncomfortably hot and sticky. One side of his face felt funny, like it was three times larger than the other side and the way it throbbed he figured maybe it was. His entire body ached, his leg throbbed at the knee, and his shoulder felt like it was on fire but his fingers on that hand tingled with the pins and needles sensation that came when feeling was returning after numbness.

He groaned and opened his eyes, aware this time that one eye felt too swollen and heavy to open properly. He saw Master Splinter standing over him, and he placed a gentle hand on Mikey's forearm, "Michelangelo," he said softly, his voice conveying pure relief.

Glancing around the room he noticed that it was just the two of them in the room this time. "Master Splinter?" he whispered hoarsely, "Wh—" he cleared his throat with a wince.

Sensing what he was asking Splinter smiled, "It's late and your brothers are sleeping. You've been asleep for almost two days, my son." Splinter's hand left Mikey's arm to gently rest on his forehead. His hand felt cool to the touch and he leaned slightly into his Sensei's palm as Splinter softly stroked his head, his smile dissolving into a frown. He looked slightly troubled as he moved his hand away and shook some pills into his hand, "You need to take this," he told him, setting the bottle of pills down and sliding his arm under his neck to gingerly help him sit up. The movement sent waves of pain through his body and he whimpered but Splinter was gentle and soothed, "Easy Michelangelo, breathe through the pain. You can relax in a moment."

As his Sensei spoke Mikey could see something in his eyes that troubled him. Splinter was typically stoic and hard to read and only revealed what he wanted to reveal. But while Mikey saw relief and joy, he could also see fear in his eyes and…and… had he been crying?

"Y'OK Sensei?" he asked weakly.

Splinter lifted his brows in surprise and he gave him a genuine smile. "I am now," he replied simply as he reached for a nearby glass of water. He held him upright, almost in a hug as Mikey shakily took the pills.

His head felt fuzzy and after Splinter eased him back into his pillow, he closed his eyes and grinned his thanks and then he was out.


The next few times he woke up, it was mostly a blur. He would later learn that his wound had become infected and he battled a high fever for a good two more days before it subsided. He didn't remember much of those times, but he remembered that every time he woke there was always someone there with him.

He had a lot of weird dreams too. He didn't have the weird floating dream again, though it stuck out in his memory, as did the one with Donnie stabbing him. Those were the ones that felt the most vivid and real and they left him feeling empty and strange whenever he thought of them. He might have dreamt of them as a memory but he wasn't sure. Most of his dreams faded away into oblivion the moment he woke up, but the emotions they left him with lingered. Sometimes they were good, but more often than not they were bad and had him practically in tears. When those dreams came along, it was like a dark shadow had wrapped around him, dragging him into a state of hopelessness and despair.

He was grateful that at least one of his brothers was always there to chase the darkness away as they whispered words of comfort while coaxing pills down his throat. They probably had no idea how profoundly their presence protected him from the things unseen that tried to drag him under.

Eventually his fever had broken and he was able to stay awake longer than a few minutes. He was still pretty out of it, and far too exhausted to do much, but after another day of rest his head felt clear enough that he was finally able to tell everyone what they wanted to know.

With his brothers and his beloved Sensei in the room with him, it was almost like the dark void that haunted him during the worst of his fever never existed. Almost. And even though his body hurt like crazy and he still had a long way to go before he was better, he felt more like himself than he had been in days.

"So what happened?" Raph demanded, sounding harsher than Mikey knew he intended to, his eyes angry and cold. Leo shot him a look and Raph shrugged, but his expression softened. However, Mikey knew the anger wasn't directed at him or anyone in the room. Raph was looking for retribution and Mikey guessed that he was tired of waiting.

The funniest part was Leo wore a similar expression, despite wordlessly scolding Raph for looking so harsh. And when Leo said, "Go ahead, Mikey, any time," in almost the exact tone as Raph, he couldn't help but snicker at the irony, and when their expressions changed to puzzlement, he giggled harder and they looked at him like he grew an extra head.

The thing was, even though it really wasn't that funny, he needed to laugh. It was the best way to chase away the darkness, and besides, he got the feeling that his brothers needed it even more than he did.

Donnie stepped forward and felt his forehead, a quizzical look on his face, "His fever's pretty much gone so I don't think he's delirious…Raph how many pills did you give him?"

"What? I followed the dosage you told me to give him!"

"The yellow and red capsules right? Not the white ones…"

"Of course the yellow and red ones! What do I look like an idiot?"

This made Mikey laugh harder, even though it hurt, "Dudes, you're the best bros a turtle could ask for! If you could see yourselves right now…you don't even realize how funny you are!"

They exchanged confused glances but then they smiled, Raph chuckled under his breath and said, "It's good to have you back, Knucklehead."

Mission accomplished… Mikey thought as he stopped laughing and instead smiled at them all brightly. "Good to be back," he replied.

"So what happened?" Leo asked after a moment and Mikey sighed.

Just like that, the darkness was back, he could practically see it, encroaching upon the room. So was the pain. It had been almost tolerable, thanks to the pain medication Donnie had given him before he fell asleep earlier, but it was starting to wear off.

"Well…" he started, closing his eyes with a wince, "I was on my way to my favorite skateboarding tunnel, but I heard a noise above…I climbed up to check it out…it was a girl and her dog and these guys were attacking her."

"You went topside? Alone? What were you thinking?" Raph exclaimed. Leo and Donnie wordlessly echoed him, their body language tensing and eyes narrowing.

"Raphael," Splinter admonished, using that tone that could convey a thousand words. It was gentle, yet stern, and Mikey knew that even as he reprimanded Raph for the accusation, Mikey knew he thought the same thing. But Master Splinter was fair, and rarely was quick to judge.

"You would've done the same thing," Mikey retorted, looking Raph in the eye, "heck, isn't that how we met April?" he turned to Donnie and then to Leo, "She needed my help."

"Why didn't you come and get us?" Raph frowned.

"What good would that do? It would've been too late!" Mikey exclaimed, "They weren't trying to kidnap her so we could rescue her later, they were going to ra—do something awful and sickening to her." He shuddered at the thought of what could've happened to Grace if he wasn't there. "You would've done the same thing and I would do it again if I had to."

Splinter sighed, he seemed conflicted. "You did the right thing, Michelangelo. Please understand that our objections are only out of concern. You scared us all."

"I know," Mikey replied softly, "and I'm sorry. I scared myself." He closed his eyes and winced, remembering. His shoulder twinged at the memory of getting shot and he subconsciously reached and grasped it.

"Mikey, you OK?" Donnie asked.

He nodded, "Yeah…" he took a deep breath and continued. "There were five of them in total. Th-they all had weapons and knew how to use them…"

"Who were they? Do we know? Have we seen them before?" Raph practically growled.

"I…I don't know. Some street gang I guess. They weren't trained or disciplined in any fighting style like we were… but they were still strong and knew what they were doing. I'm sorry, I tried to fight them off but I…" he shivered, wincing as the pain throbbed with more and more ferocity than before, "I should've been able to take them but then I totally landed wrong on my leg and then my knee couldn't support my weight anymore and then it all kinda fell apart… and then after I…you know…" he vaguely gestured to his shoulder. He winced, "They got away."

"What about the girl?" Leo asked.

"She's OK, she's safe," he said quietly, a happy but tired smile on his face, marred only by the bruises and swelling and the lines of pain around his eyes.

"Should we…I don't know, be worried about…y'know…" Raph gestured around the room and at everyone in it.

"You worried that she'll tell everyone about me, about us?" Mikey queried, the thought not even occurring to him. He saved her, and she protected him from being discovered by others. He saw no reason why he shouldn't trust her and felt a little offended that they'd worry even a little bit considering how easily everyone trusted April.

His offense must've shown because Raph stiffened and his frown deepened. He opened his mouth to say something but Leo spoke before he could.

"It's a fair question Mikey."

"We have enough to deal with without somehow ending up on the cover of tabloids or the six o'clock news," Raph added, shooting Leo a slight glare for interrupting. Leo just shrugged.

"Well, you don't have to worry about her. She's blind." It wasn't a lie, yet it was misleading enough that it wasn't exactly the truth either. He didn't know why he opted to keep the fact that she knew what he was despite her blindness from his family, but he did. He saw their point, but their comments rubbed him the wrong way so Mikey decided he would let them draw their own conclusions. "And the guys that attacked her…I think they thought I was wearing some costume. At least they did at…at first…" The pain in his shoulder flared again and he let out a pained gasp, grasping it tighter.

"Are you sure you're OK?" Donnie asked again.

He nodded, but the pain only intensified and he squeezed his eyes shut, his whole body tensing. He could hear his brothers talking, but he struggled to make out what they were saying. It was like a switch. One second he could handle the pain, the next it was too much.

"Donnie, where are the painkillers?" Leo asked.

"It's too soon for him to take another dose," Donnie exclaimed. "I'm not supposed to exceed one every four hours, it's only been three."

"Look at him Donnie!" Raph snapped, "he's turning white! Do something!"

"Michelangelo," Splinter's voice was suddenly right beside him and he felt his hand grasp his, "breathe. Deep breaths. Don't focus on the pain, focus on my voice."

Mikey nodded absently as he tried to do as he was asked. He could hear his brothers arguing with Donnie in the background, as Donnie tried to explain that the painkillers were very powerful and could cause more problems if Mikey took too much. I don't care just make it go away! He thought, feeling tears build in his eyes, Srew the consequences! He took a deep breath and did his best to tune them out, listening only to Splinter as he told him gently when to breathe in and when to breathe out. He vaguely remembered Splinter coaching Raph in a similar manner when he broke his wrist last year while he and Donnie set the injury and Raph handled the pain like a pro. Mikey only wished he was tough and strong like him, maybe it would've been easier.

Meditation was never something Mikey could do very well, in fact he was awful at it. He could go through the motions, but his mind was always wandering no matter how hard he tried.

"I'm sorry Sensei," he grunted, "I c-can't…"

"Yes you can," he told him firmly, "focus."

He tried, he really, really, really, tried, but all he could think about was the pain, it was screaming at him for attention, much louder than Sensei's calming voice. And the darkness was encroaching, shadowy tendrils beckoning him… He forced his eyes open to meet Splinter's, OK, OK focus on Sensei…focus…no pain, no darkness…just breathe…

Splinter continued to try and help him, but it was no use.

Why do I have to be so stupid? It's just breathing, it's not that hard!

"Imagine you are somewhere else and there is no pain," Splinter tried, "Imagine that you are in a meadow. It's warm and sunny, there's a cool breeze, and you are safe and calm and relaxed…there is no pain…just breathe in and breathe out…"

Mikey tried to imagine the meadow. That was easy enough, he had a vivid imagination. He could see a vast field of grass dotted with purple and yellow wildflowers, the sun warm against his skin as he lay atop a hill. But he was also in Donnie's lab, he could hear the voices of his brothers, he could hear Splinter, he could feel everything. His wounds screamed for attention, shoulder burning in pain, fingers tingling with numbness, knee throbbing in time with his heartbeat… He was in a meadow…sun warm against his skin…darkness encroaching, casting its shadow over the meadow in Donnie's lab…

What the fuck? Is the circus in town? Hey buddy, Halloween's in October dumbass!

I don't care what you do, just annoy someone else!

I'm sure a dodo has a higher IQ than you!

Go away Mikey, can't you see I'm busy?

Don't you have anything better to do?


Why would someone like me want to be friends with a freak like you?

He gasped, opening his eyes. There was a tightness in his chest that closed around him and filled him with sadness and longing. It made him feel empty and alone.


It was Donnie. He glanced around and saw that it was the two of them in the lab. The pain was reduced to a dull, tolerable throb and it took him a moment to realize that time had passed.


"How are you feeling?" Donnie asked, reaching to check his pulse. Without meaning to, Mikey flinched and Donnie pulled his hand back, "Do you want me to get Splinter? H-he can check on you if you'd like me to leave…"

"No, why would I…." Mikey whispered, "It's OK. I'm sorry. I trust you."

"Y-you sure?"

"Of course," Mikey murmured in confusion and Donnie reluctantly took his wrist. "Sorry…I guess I was remembering…a dream…" he stammered, wracking his brain trying to figure out what was going on. He blinked, "I dreamt it a few days ago I guess…it was kinda trippy and vivid, but…I dreamt you…" he laughed at the absurdity of it, "I dreamt you stabbed me while the others watched. But that makes no sense…"

"You woke up in the middle of surgery," Donnie blurted.

Mikey blinked, processing that information. He nodded slowly, "Oooh! That explains it."

"That's it? That's all you're going to say?" Donnie asked, raising his brow in confusion.

"What? It's not like it was your fault or anything. Sorry if I was being weird," Mikey shrugged one shoulder. He actually felt relieved by the news because the dream bothered him but now it all made sense.

A shadow seemed to cross Donnie's face as he nodded distantly, "Don't worry about it, it's OK…I…I'm sorry it happened at all."

Mikey watched him as he moved away from him to get something. He realized how scary the past few days must have been for them and that he wasn't the only one haunted by what happened. Donnie looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days. He probably hadn't. Mikey was pretty sure no one did except him.

Donnie returned with something small in the palm of his hand. He handed it to Mikey.

At first he was confused about the small piece of metal in his hand until Donnie said, his voice flat, "That's the bullet I had to dig outta you."

Mikey held it up to his face, holding it between two fingers and squinted, analyzing it curiously, "Really? That's it?"

"Yeah," Donnie frowned.

"Such a small thing to cause so much trouble," Mikey mused.

"It might be small, but those things can cause a lot of damage. You're lucky it was just your shoulder so it missed vital organs, but even still, that one hit an artery, and lodged into your shoulder blade," Donnie explained, "you nearly bled out on us. Twice."

His shoulder twinged and his stomach lurched at the mere thought. He frowned, and then glanced at Donnie. His brother's eyes went distant, and his body tense. Mikey wasn't very smart, but he knew when his brothers were deeply troubled and he realized that Donnie was downright traumatized. So Mikey did the only thing he knew how to fix it, despite the pain and the odd empty feeling inside, he flashed Donnie a bright smile, "But hey, you saved me! So it's all good, right?"

Donnie nodded absently, and Mikey could see he was somewhere else.

"Donnie!" Mikey called, "Dude, snap out of it! Seriously! Obviously I didn't like, bleed out or anything because I'm still here. It's all good, you saved me bro. I'm getting better thanks to you!"

Donnie blinked a couple of times and visibly shuddered but he was back in the here and now, and he gave Mikey a weak smile, "Yeah…but it was touch and go for a while and I was way out of my element."

Mikey held up the bullet and stared at it thoughtfully, "Y'know, the movies make it seem like a bullet to the shoulder is no big deal." His brother gave him a sharp look at that but Mikey kept talking, not letting Donnie get a word in, "The hero's always like, 'no biggie, I'll just grab a pair of tweezers, give it a good yank and slap on a band-aid!' and then he's like, right as rain and manages to fight like an army of bad guys, right after! Clearly the writers don't do their research on how much it friggin' hurts!" Donnie huffed softly in amusement, and Mikey continued, "Who'd have thought the movies can be so unrealistic?"

He laughed, shaking his head, "Mikey, you…you're one of a kind, you know that?"

"I get that a lot," he smirked playfully.

"How's the pain?" Donnie asked.

"Hurts, but not as bad as it did earlier," Mikey replied with a sigh as he glanced down at the bandages on his shoulder and then his propped up knee.

"That's good—you really had us worried," Donnie gave him a sympathetic smile, "You're not due for more painkillers for a couple of more hours, but if it gets worse, let me know."

"How long will I be out of concession?"

"Commission," he corrected him with an amused snort, "I'm not really sure, I guess it all depends on you but at least a couple of weeks."

"Aw man, this is gonna suuucckk!" Mikey whined, "Gonna be so boring!"

Donnie grinned, "I'm sure it won't be that bad. Besides, once you're strong enough to stay awake more than five minutes, I've got it covered."

"You do?"

"Sure! I asked April to get you some comic books, and she brought not one, but three anthologies of Justice Force," Donnie told him, "and I know you're not into reading books without pictures, but I found some novels that I think you'd actually enjoy. And don't forget all the games we've got and I downloaded some movies I think you'd like on my laptop."

Mikey grinned weakly, feeling himself getting tired again, "Thanks man, you're the best! Saved my life and my sanity!"

Donnie laughed, and the haunted look in his eyes was almost gone replaced with relief. Mikey weakly lifted his good arm and beckoned him to lean forward.

"C'mere bro!" Mikey grimaced and tried to sit up, "Give ol' Mikey a hug!" Donnie leaned forward and Mikey wrapped his arm around him and Donnie returned it.

"It's good to see you back," Donnie whispered, his voice full of emotion.

"Hey," Mikey could feel Donnie shaking and he tightened his hold, even though it hurt, "you did good man. It'll take more than a stupid gang to keep me away for long." Mikey rubbed Donnie's shell a moment before Donnie pulled back.

Donnie was about to say something else but Master Splinter knocked gently, "May I come in?"

"Of course," Donnie nodded.

"Michelangelo," Splinter smiled, "you're looking better."

Mikey smiled, "As the saying goes, you can't keep a good turtle down!"

"I don't think that's how…" Donnie started but Splinter interrupted him.

"Donatello, it's late. I believe it is time for you to get some rest," he ordered, "I will look after Michelangelo."

"I'm OK, Sensei," Donnie insisted but Splinter gave him a look, one of those looks that says, 'you'll do as I say no arguing' and Donnie reluctantly nodded. "I gave Mikey more painkillers two hours ago, so he won't be due for more until…"

"I've got it from here, go to bed," Splinter waved him off, "you need rest to clear your mind."

"OK," Donnie sighed, "and don't forget he needs another dose of antibiotics soon…"

"I know," Splinter smiled gently, "you have done a great job looking after your brother, it's my turn now. If I need you I will call, but we should be OK."

"Right," Donnie nodded, "Well, good night then Mikey, I'll see you in the morning."

Mikey frowned in confusion, having no sense of time of day. It kind of threw him a bit because he had been sleeping so much the last few days, "Night."

Donnie left the room somewhat reluctantly and Splinter gave him a warm smile, "Donatello has hardly left this room the past few days. It's been quite an ordeal for him, for all of us. Indeed all of your brothers have been quite reluctant to leave your side, but especially Donatello. So much was thrust on his shoulders, I think he's still quite shaken up about it."

"I kinda picked up on that," Mikey replied softly, He yawned, his eyes heavy as he stared off in the direction Donnie had left, "I'm sorry to put you guys through that."

"It's not your fault," Splinter replied, "you did the right thing."

"I should've been able to take them," Mikey sighed, feeling a little sorry for himself. I'll bet Leo or Raph or Donnie would've been able to save Grace and still be OK...

"Well, you were at a disadvantage," Splinter pointed out, "yet even injured you managed to protect that girl and get away with your life. Don't dwell on what has passed, learn from it. We are just relieved that you are alive and getting better."

"Master Splinter?" Mikey asked softly, feeling himself fall into a healing sleep once again but he fought it. There was another question on his mind that he needed to figure out, "While I was fighting those guys…after they shot me I kinda passed out."

Splinter nodded, silently urging him to continue.

"Well…I heard your voice call my name," Mikey continued and he saw something shift in his Sensei's eyes, "It was like you were right there beside me and I woke up a second before they could shoot me in the head. If it weren't for that…voice…I think they would've actually succeeded in killing me… Was it…I don't know…you keep talking about the universe and connectedness and stuff…did I imagine things or did you…"

Mikey was taken aback, because he saw Splinter's eyes water and he placed his hand on Mikey's cheek and lowered his head so that his forehead was pressed against Mikey's.


Splinter lifted his head but kept his hand on Mikey's cheek, "Perhaps. There are many mysteries that we may never come to understand…"

Closing his eyes Mikey smiled softly. His answer was ambiguous, but it was his reaction, what remained unspoken that helped him understand the truth. Thanks for saving my life, father.

"Rest my son," Splinter said as Mikey started to drift off. He felt his hand leave his cheek and felt him tuck his blanket around him, "We will be here when you wake up."


Meanwhile Chris Bradford nursed a drink, a frown on his face. Beside him was Xever, who seemed just as miserable but also a little smug. It had been a little over a week since his spectacular failure with the turtle freaks, and he was still waiting to hear from Master Shredder and they both knew he was not going to be pleased. His successful dojo business and small time celebrity status managed to keep him busy, and thankfully Master Shredder had yet to summon him, but now that his convention was over, it was only a matter of time before he would have to face his master.

Hopefully Master Shredder would go easy on him, after all he was his number one disciple, and hadn't failed him before, though he was not exactly known for mercy. Bradford only hoped he wouldn't have to be reduced to begging for it.

It had been a perfect trap, the idiot turtle fell for his ruse hook, line and sinker…he was the perfect bait. How did his stupid brothers manage to turn the tables on them?

I still can't believe that idiot turtle used my own Death Dragon against me…

He motioned the bartender for another drink and when he set the glass on the counter in front of him he asked, "Hey you look familiar, aren't you that martial arts guy? Chuck…no uh Chris, that's right Chris Bradford!"

Bradford had just finished a convention and was not in the mood for dealing with more fans. It was exhausting trying to keep a smile on his face and an easy going attitude with such a failure hanging over his head, knowing that he was going to be in deep shit once Master Shredder found out. His hand was still aching from all the autographs he had to sign to his fat, lazy fans who could only dream to possess the skills he had, but lacked any motivation to pursue them.

On the plus side, it was good for business and some of the people who signed up had promise. He could usually tell who would be good candidates to join the Foot, and who would only be a waste of time and therefore were the biggest source of income as he charged them almost double. His intuition in that aspect was rarely off.

"That I am," Bradford sighed.

"My son's a big fan," the bartender beamed, "do you think maybe I could get your auto…"


The bartender frowned slightly, but tried to remain cheerful, as though that would help him get a better tip. He sensed Xever beside him tense and strain to listen in on a conversation going on at a nearby table. Curious, Bradford tried to pick up on whatever caught Xever's attention but the bartender continued. "Please? This round's on the house if you'd do this one favor…"

Bradford sighed, "Alright fine. What's the kid's name?"

"Tim, man he'll be so thrilled. He really wanted to go to your convention thingie but…"

"Yeah, yeah," Bradford nodded absently, scribbling his name on a napkin and purposely addressing it to 'Jim'. He pushed the napkin over to the bartender who thanked him graciously as he scribbled over the curl in the letter 'J', trying to remain inconspicuous about it.

The bartender left to help more patrons on the other side of the counter as Bradford turned his head slightly towards the table that caught Xever's interest. There were three people at the table, two of them looked somewhat beaten up, one had his arm wrapped in a bandage and healing bruises and cuts, the other had a line of stitches across his face peeking out from a bandage over his eye.

"Are you sure it wasn't just some kid in a costume?" asked the only guy that wasn't sporting what Bradford guessed was a week old injury. He had his arms folded and had a skeptical look on his face.

"That's what I thought at first," the eye injury guy said, "but I'm telling you it was a turtle, a big, humanoid turtle!"

Bradford perked up at that, exchanging interested glances with Xever.

"Man, you sure you don't have a concussion or something? That's the craziest thing I ever heard!"

"It's true man," arm injury guy added, "and it was like some karate or kung fu expert or something. You know I've been hearing rumors about these mutant creatures…"

"Aw don't tell me you believe that stupid urban legend. You and your dumbass government conspiracies…" he scoffed, "escaped mutants…what you think they were created as like, secret weapons or something?"


"The thing took my eye!"

"You're exaggerating…"

"Doc says that I might never get my sight in this eye back…"

The uninjured guy chuckled, "Sounds like Karma to me…"

Eye injury guy raised a fist, ready to go berserk on his buddy, "Shut the fuck up! When I get my hands on that…thing...I'm gonna make sure it suffers…"

"It's probably already dead," arm injury guy quipped, "it was bleedin' pretty good. Bet it crawled into some corner and…"

"Yeah well if it didn't…" he smacked his fist on the table angrily, growling in frustration.

"Hey!" the bartender yelled, "you gonna fight you take it outside!"

"Whatever man," he scowled, slapping some bills on the table and storming out. The others followed and as they passed the counter Xever stood up to follow.

"Where are you going?" Bradford demanded.

Xever turned to him and sneered, "Recruiting."

"Aw come on, those undisciplined goons are a waste of…"

"You heard what they said," Xever shrugged indifferently as he started to follow, "aren't you even a little curious?"

Bradford rolled his eyes, hating to admit that Xever was right. Scowling at his rival's backside he set his drink down and joined him.

"What the fuck do you assholes want?" the guy with the eye injury hissed when they noticed Bradford and Xever walking up towards them.

"Excuse me gentlemen," Xever grinned, a dangerous and victorious gleam in his eyes, "we couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I've got a proposition to make…"

A/N And so the plot thickens...or thins...hmm. Wow, that was the longest chapter yet! I certainly can be long winded sometimes! Anyway, I am calling this the end of act one. Stay tuned for part two...hopefully it won't take as long to get the next chapter up as it did this one.

Thanks again for reading! Please, leave a review and let me know, good or bad, what you think! Helps keep the muse well fed y'know. ;-)