so... this sparked from seeing all the Miraculous Ladybug games for girls where Ladybug/Marinette is pregnant. in one game the baby had a mask in the womb. of course Chat Noir/Adrien is the father... but, it's still an interesting concept if they still don't know who each other is under the masks... thus this was "Born".
this has no connection to any of my other Miraculous stories.
last chapter! I hope the ending is very satisfying. sorry for the long wait... I was having computer problems... still kinda am... but I digress, this last chapter is Emma and Hugo centric.
hope ya'll enjoyed!
Ch, 10. Buzz Furward
A little girl about seven years old with emerald green eyes and long honey blonde hair pulled into cute pigtails sat at a table scribbling with a yellow crayon. She wore a cute little green sun dress with black paw prints all over the fabric. She smiled wide to show she was missing one of her canines as she put down the crayon and picked up her masterpiece. "Done."
A little boy the same age as her with blue bell eyes, short black hair that was perfectly quaffed, and a smile that was missing his canine on the other side of his mouth looked over her shoulder to see her drawing. He wore a red over shirt and a black under shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. "Why did you draw mommy and daddy like that?" He raised an eyebrow.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "Because we're supposed to draw our families, I drew our family." She shoved the drawing in his face.
Her drawing consisted of stick figures as their mom and dad as Ladybug and Chat Noir holding hands with a heart between them, herself, her brother, and the new baby Louis.
He rolled his eyes and held up his own drawing. "You were supposed to draw mommy and daddy like this."
His drawing consisted of an anime like style with their mom and dad holding hands with a heart between them, himself, his sister, and the newest addition to the family a baby brother named Louis, whom had blonde hair and blue eyes.
She put her drawing down and crossed her arms. "I did."
"No you didn't." He sat his drawing down too.
She picked up a tube of blue finger paint and squirted it all over his shirt.
He grumbled and retaliated with a tube of pink.
It wasn't long before they were both covered in paint as their classmates chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Their teacher snatched the paint tubes out of their hands and gave them both a disappointed look. "Good little boys and girls don't fight with paint." Her eye twitched.
"Yes miss Rose." The twins shrank and held their heads low.
Her eye twitched again. "One more fight and I'm calling your father."
"That was their fifth fight this week ma'am." A boy with glasses falling of his face pointed out.
Emma looked over at her paint covered brother. "Paint me."
He handed her a tube and she squirted it on the boy with glasses.
The teacher's eye twitched one more time as she grabbed her cell phone and pressed call.
A blonde man with green eyes and a million-dollar smile stood in front of a class of students. He was still young, but he knew what he was talking about. The female students (and some of the male students) swooned as he smiled as he spoke about particle physics. His pocket then buzzed.
He stopped smiling and pulled his phone out of his lab coat. He looked at who was calling. "Hey Rose, let me guess: the twins are in trouble."
"They painted each other… and then they painted another student." She smiled through gritted teeth. "Come get your little angels."
"But I'm in the middle of a lecture." He explained.
"Where's Marinette?" She asked.
"London." He shrugged. "She and my father are there for a fashion expo with our youngest tagging along. Little Louis has the modeling bug."
"Adrien Agreste come get your kids!" She yelled and then hung up.
He put his phone back in his pocket. "She wasn't that shrill in high school." He looked back at his students. "Sorry class, but we'll have to pick this back up on Friday, something came up and I need to pick up my kids from first grade."
The entire class groaned as they picked up their stuff.
"Make sure to read chapters 88-96." He smiled again.
The entire class groaned again.
"It's only 8 chapters." He gave them a sly smile and crossed.
A few moments passed and he was soon at the twins' classroom. He knocked before he entered. He poked his head in and the twins rushed to great him.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Emma jumped up and down as she held her drawing up. "I drew our family. Look it! I gave myself a tail cuz you're always calling me kitten!"
Adrien opened the door some more and smiled as he accepted the drawing. "Very cute kitten." He then noticed how she drew himself and his wife. "What an imagination you have."
"Mine's better." Hugo crossed his arms as she stuck her tongue out at him. He then handed his drawing to their father.
Adrien looked over his son's drawing. "Well you definitely inherited your mother's drawing skills. But I love both your drawings equally. Now why are you two covered in paint?"
"He/She started it." The twins pointed at each other.
"Take them home… Now!" Rose yelled as her eye twitch.
Adrien blinked at her. "When did you become so shrill?"
Her eye twitched again as she fake smiled. "This year. Why do you ask?"
Adrien gabbed both twin's hands. "Have a nice day Rose."
"Get them out of here. Home school them if you have too." Some paint fell on her. "Just do something with them."
"Bye Miss Rose." The twins waved.
Once they were in the hall, Adrien made sure no one was around as he knelt down and looked his daughter in the eyes. "Emma, Kitten… why did you draw mommy and me this way?" He held up her drawing.
She smiled wide. "Because you're Chat Noir and mommy is Ladybug."
Adrien rubbed his eyes and groaned. He then looked her back in the eyes. "As true as that is Kitten, nobody can know."
She tilted her head as her smile faded. "Why daddy?"
Hugo crossed his arms. "Because they have secret identities."
Adrien messed up both twins' hair. "and one day, it will be your secret."
Emma smiled wide once more to show her sharper than average canine.
Hugo cracked a small smile and gave a small salute. "see you in the comics dad."
Adrien rolled his eyes, chuckled, and messed up their hair again. "When we get home, your both getting a bath… and your both grounded for fighting in school and painting each other."
The twins groaned as he stood back up and they grabbed a hand each.
"No Anime for Emma and no video games for Hugo… for a week." Adrien smiled as they walked down the hall.
"Daddy! That's not Fair!" Both twins cried.