AN: And here it is! The last chapter and the epilogue of the previous chapter! I cannot thank you guys enough for sticking with me all the way to this point, I love you all! I hope you enjoyed it, or at the very least tolerated it! Enjoy this epilogue and last, alternate chapter!



Bilbo had a slow recovery. They had only just been able to save him, after all, and it had taken weeks for him to wake from his sleep. The only thing that made it bearable for the Hobbit was the presence of Thorin constantly at his side. Thorin made it a point to tell Bilbo every day just how much he loved him, and how sorry he was, and how afraid he had been when he arrived in Mirkwood. Bilbo was left with absolutely no doubt of the extent of Thorin's feelings for him, even if sometimes he was insecure about their budding relationship. Much had happened between them that should have disallowed any possibility of a relationship, but Thorin was determined to prove himself to Bilbo, and the Hobbit could see that quite plainly.

Legolas also helped, being very supportive of them, much to Bilbo's surprise. Apparently the Elf and Dwarf had become friends, of all things, while Bilbo slept. Bilbo admitted to having heard a few things as he slept, and he had been curious about the conversations that had apparently been friendly between the two. He never thought he would see the day. He sometimes wondered if he was still sleeping, hovering between living and dying in some kind of no place where many impossible things seemed possible.

Any time he brought such thoughts and concerns to Thorin, the Dwarf assured Bilbo that this was very much reality, and if it wasn't, then Thorin did not want to wake to the real world.

When Bilbo was healed, or as close to healed as he could be, they returned to Erebor. The Hobbit would never be completely the same after his overdose of poison. He was slower than before, his muscles achy and heavy. And sometimes he zoned out for hours and no one, not even Thorin, could rouse him. But when he was awake and conscious, Bilbo retained every bit of his knowledge and mannerisms as he had at the beginning of the quest.

The company was more than thrilled to receive Bilbo back into the mountain. And they made sure to treat him exactly as they should have been treating him all along- as a friend and a brother. They did not mother him endlessly, or ignore him, they had learned very well from those mistakes. Life in Erebor flourished and happiness was easy to come by.

Bilbo still had urges, but they were easy to combat as time continued. Thorin made sure to offer his constant support, without being suffocating, and his sister Dis was also a great help to Bilbo when she arrived in Erebor. Everyone made sure that Bilbo knew they would be there for him if he needed them. Even the people of Erebor adored the Hobbit, and approved of Thorin's One.

After three years of living in Erebor at Thorin's side, Bilbo relented to marrying the Dwarf and becoming the Consort Under the Mountain. Many years later, the couple received an adopted son in the form of an orphaned Frodo who came to the mountain when his parents perished. Bilbo would take Frodo on all kinds of adventures, which constantly worried Thorin, but he had no power to stop his little love and his surrogate son.

It was on one of these adventures that they chanced upon a certain ring deep in the mountains that neither saw fit to mention to Thorin. In the future it would influence both their lives in terrible and wonderful ways, but neither could have known that at the time.

When at last the time had come, as it inevitably does, Bilbo went peacefully into the next life, with Thorin following shortly after. It was a celebrated time, full of joy for those who knew the King and his Consort. They had suffered and endured so much together, and at last they had peace together. No more blood or tears to be shed from either.



2nd ending

The road back into Mirkwood was a slow one, as the ponies refused to enter the forest and the Dwarves had to make absolutely sure they stayed on the path by taking it slow. But Elves met them only half a day's walk in and after a quick assurance that he was King Thorin of Erebor and Thranduil had granted him permission to come to Mirkwood, they were persuaded to take the two to the kingdom. It was only once they were in the kingdom that the problems started.

"I am here to reacquire my Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. You will take me to him immediately." Thorin thundered for what felt like the twentieth time. The guards were quite insistent that they be taken to guest rooms until Prince Legolas could receive them and decide whether their request could be granted. But Thorin was not budging on this. He'd left Bilbo alone in this hell for far too long already, and he was not going to wait one moment more.

"King Thorin, it really isn't a good time right now. Most of our people are asleep, and Prince Legolas is a very busy man at the current moment. What you are demanding is simply impossible-"

"Take me to him right now!" Thorin shouted, the Elves actually flinching at his roar.

"Thorin." The Dwarf King turned his eyes away from the Elven guards and to Legolas, who stood a few feet behind them. The guards parted at a gesture from Legolas, the Thorin stormed forward. "What are you doing here?" Legolas asked, his voice lacking his usual bravado. He sounded...sad. Worn down.

"You know why I'm here. Where is he?" Thorin demanded, ignoring the sadness. Legolas tensed and closed his eyes for a very long moment. It gave Thorin no peace of mind. "Where is Bilbo?" Thorin reiterated. He was not going to leave until he saw the Hobbit. Legolas must have sensed that because he sighed and gestured for Thorin to follow him. Thorin in turn signaled for Dwalin to stay behind and then eagerly trailed after the Elf. Legolas said nothing as they walked, and with every step, the weight of anxiety got heavier in Thorin's gut. He did not like the Elf's silence. And why did Legolas look so sad?

Thorin refused to acknowledge the obvious answer until they stopped outside of a room. But it was impossible to even think of. Bilbo simply could not be dead. He had agreed to sending Bilbo to Mirkwood just so that would not happen!

"I am sorry Thorin." Legolas whispered, actually sounding genuine. Thorin had no time to ask what Legolas was sorry for. The Elf pushed open the door, and Thorin looked between the opening and Legolas for a few moments before cautiously entering.

His eyes examined the room as he walked in. It was large and airy and there was a balcony with a big oak tree on it and a shallow pool in the middle of the indoor room. It was peaceful and something that Bilbo would like. But in the middle of the pool was a raised platform. And on the raised platform was a very still body. Thorin's heart jumped to his throat as he recognized golden curls and pale skin and large, hairy feet. It was Bilbo. Bilbo was on the platform. And he was...oh Mahal, no. It couldn't be! It just couldn't! How could this have happened?

Thorin stumbled forward, through the pool and in a daze, until he reached the side of the platform. Bilbo's face was peaceful, but so pale. So still. Even his lips had lost their color, turning blue around the corners. His hands were crossed over his belly and through the gossamer sleeves, Thorin could see his veins, turned black all down his arms. The veins of his neck also held the sickly blue black color, though it stopped before his face could be tarnished. Oh Bilbo...what...why...?

"After we left Erebor he shut everyone out. He wouldn't eat and he hardly slept. I thought it would pass, with time. His door was locked when I went to check on him. By the time we got it was far too late. The poison had run its course." Legolas told him, his voice sounding far away. Thorin couldn't even summon rage for Legolas and Thranduil, who had let Bilbo die in their own home! All he could feel was the crushing, all consuming sadness. He felt himself breaking inside as he looked at his One, or what was left of him. Bilbo's soul was somewhere far away now, and all that remained was his tiny, scarred body.

"Bilbo..." Thorin choked, cupping the cold face in his hands as tears rose to his eyes. It just couldn't be true. None of this could be happening! This had to be some kind of disgusting trick to make him suffer for everything he did to Bilbo! And any minute now, his Hobbit would open his stunning blue eyes and smile at him for falling for it! His entire being ached with longing for such a scenario, even though he knew it was just the desperate imaginings of a broken heart. "How could you let this happen?" Thorin demanded, though he never took his eyes off Bilbo's freezing and still face.

"We tried everything we could to help him. Every healer in the Kingdom came to see him, to try and break through to him, but he wouldn't listen to any of them. I even tried to send for you, but the day after I sent the letter...he..." Legolas stopped, sounding choked by his own emotions. As much as Thorin wanted to hate the Elf, he realized that Legolas was probably suffering just as much as he was. The Elf had also loved Bilbo, deeply and unreservedly. And he had never hurt Bilbo like Thorin had. He deserved Bilbo, not Thorin, but now neither of them could have the love they so sought for.

"How long?" Thorin's voice grew more numb, as did his mind, as he continued to try and process the news. He still just could not believe it. How could Bilbo be gone?

"Three days now." Legolas admitted painfully. "We tried Thorin...we tried to save him...he did not want to be saved." Thorin didn't need to see the Elf to know tears had begun to fall. His own tears were stinging his eyes, his dwarven upbringing trying to suppress them while every other part of him begged to let them fall. Of course, he knew if he did start crying he would probably never stop.

He felt thoroughly shattered inside. Like every good piece of him had been tortured and killed in the most brutal way possible. He felt the absence of Bilbo so keenly, like an integral organ of his body had been carved out and tossed to the wargs who had been desperate to tear him apart not so long ago. If he had known that this was how Bilbo would end up, he may have let them devour every inch of him. As it was, he felt the gaping void of Fading already reaching up to drag him under. Nothing, not his kingdom or his sister sons or his people, could bring light to the darkness that was settling upon him.

"Go away." Thorin growled at Legolas, who knew he should not leave Thorin alone, but he desperately wanted to all the same. It was hard for him to see Bilbo, and even harder to see the proud king Thorin Oakenshield in this way. "Go away!" Thorin shouted again, and this time Legolas obeyed, silently closing the door behind him to return to where the bald Dwarf had been left. Perhaps Dwalin would know how to comfort Thorin in this terrible moment.

For the first time since he had lost almost every one of his family members, Thorin cried. Harsh tears that ripped in his already shattered heart with every sob. He could not survive without his One. He would fade gradually, and he would be unsuitable to rule his kingdom. Prolonging the inevitable would only cause him more pain. And Dain would be a good ruler for Erebor until Fili came of age to take the mountain. They had their homeland back, and that was all Thorin ever wanted for them.

All he ever wanted for himself though...was gone. Slipping past his fingers by a mere number of days. He had been so close...and now the only way he would ever be able to be with his little love again would be to join him in the land of their forefathers. It was a cowardly opt out, but it was truly all he could do. He needed Bilbo...and there was only one thing he could do to have him again.


Dwalin tried his best to speak to Thorin. When the Elf Prince had brought him to his King and the lifeless Hobbit, Dwalin had never seen such sorrow. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the worst happened and Thorin began to fade. It happened to all Dwarves, though it could be overcome if the Dwarf had enough loved ones to help. The best option would be to take Thorin back to Erebor as quickly as possible so Fili and Kili and the company could help restore his spirits and comfort him in Bilbo's untimely demise. But Thorin refused to leave Mirkwood, refused to leave his Hobbit.

He spent most of his nights in the room with Bilbo's corpse, staring unseeing at the body on the raised dais. The one night Dwalin and Legolas convinced him to take a room, Dwalin came to check on him in the morning to find him gone. It wasn't hard to find him though. His mourning would allow him to be no where but near his One. Dwalin hadn't been nervous at first, thinking that Thorin of all Dwarves would be able to overcome the Fading. But now...he was nervous.

"I have sent a letter to Erebor, calling the company here. With the permission of your father of course." Dwalin murmured to Legolas one morning as they watched Thorin from the door to the room.

"How soon will they get here?" Legolas asked, not even minding the fact that there would be even more Dwarves in his home. He did not necessarily like Thorin, but he could still see that the Dwarf was sick. He wouldn't eat, and as far as Legolas could tell, would not sleep. There had already been one death in Mirkwood, there should not be a second so soon after.

"A week. If they are quick."

"Let us hope they are."

An uneasy alliance had been formed between Dwalin and Legolas, both hoping to snap Thorin out of his fading. Albeit for different reasons. But nothing either being did was helping. Sometimes it felt like it was doing the opposite of helping. They could only pray that Thorin would last until the company got there. Surely the sight of his nephews and his cousins would help Thorin. It had to help...nothing else was.


On the day the company arrived, Legolas and Dwalin held hope. That hope quickly died when they entered the dais room looking for Thorin...and found him. The Dwarf had slumped down against the side of the pedestal, his legs submerged in the small pool that had grown very red with blood. His arms were split open from wrist to elbow, the cuts deep and fatal. By the time they found the short lived King Under the Mountain, it was far too late. There was nothing to be done except to prepare his body for burial.

The Dwarves were permitted to take Bilbo's body back to Erebor, along with their King's, where they laid the pair to rest in the tombs of their ancestors. The mountain mourned for years to come, for the Dwarf King taken from his kingdom, so soon after winning it back. And for the Hobbit who had suffered so long, only to take his life. But as Thorin thought, Dain was a good and fair ruler of the mountain. As was Fili, when he came of age and took the throne.

Songs were written and sung in a somber tune for ages to come. Songs of Thorin and Bilbo and their star crossed love, which many believed had finally found a happy ending in the next life. They hoped at least. It was all they could do for Erebor's King and the son of the Shire.


"Thorin?" He had to be dreaming. That voice, which had always been an angels voice, could not be real. Bilbo was dead. It was his fault that his One was dead. But, if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake. Slowly he opened his eyes, the blue iris' searching and taking in his surroundings.

Everything around him was white, pure and shining like nothing he had ever seen. Even the Elves had no realm as perfect as the one he stood in. It was beautiful and peaceful and he felt safe. He felt free. How did he come to be in this place? He had been mourning his One, feeling his fading grow and grow with each minute that passed. He knew soon the company would come to take him from his Bilbo. So he had...


He had killed himself. Now he remembered. Then these must be the halls of his forefathers. And that voice- that angels voice- perhaps it was...did he dare to hope?

"Thorin?" The voice was softer now, but he turned frantically to find it. He did not have to look far. Bilbo stood just behind him a ways, watching him with concerned eyes, larger than any Thorin had ever seen. And the perfect shade of blue that Thorin treasured so. Thorin tried to walk to him, but his legs failed him and he found himself on his knees. Bilbo frowned and closed the distance for Thorin.

The Hobbit didn't seem to know what to say, so instead he reached out to tuck some of Thorin's hair behind his ears. The Dwarf King was surprised to see his One's arm so smooth and free of scars. So perfect and whole, as they had been at the beginning of the journey. He couldn't help but to capture Bilbo's arm in his hands to lay kisses over the soft, unblemished skin. Bilbo's look of concern finally broke to a smile and he took one of Thorin's arms as well. It was then that the Dwarf noticed the lack of the open flesh that had ended his life.

"We have a second chance now." Bilbo whispered, and Thorin looked up at him with open eyes, ready to listen to whatever he was going to say. He had paid the price to be with his love again, and he was going to do everything he could to make Bilbo happy, starting with listening to him, as he never had in life. Bilbo had to know that, because the Hobbit seemed to glow as Thorin looked at him. Bilbo smiled again, and oh that smile could cure every wrong in the world. The Hobbit leaned down and places a soft kiss on Thorin's forehead, and in that small gesture, Thorin felt the last of his regrets bleed away. How could he regret anything if it meant ending up here, in this place, with his love. He knew Bilbo felt the same, from the shine in his beautiful blue eyes and the most lovely smile on his soft pink lips.

Bilbo knelt down so he could be on Thorin's level and eagerly wrap the King in a hug. Thorin immediately pulled Bilbo to him and was unsure if he would ever let the Hobbit go again. The next words Bilbo whispered made everything okay. He was unsure of the future, as well as what would become of his Kingdom now that he was gone. He was worried about his sister and his nephews. But none of it mattered as Bilbo turned his face into Thorin's neck and whispered, "Welcome home."

This was his home. Not Erebor. Home was Bilbo Baggins, no matter when or where. And after so long, it felt good to be home. He was never going to leave it again.



AN: please let me know which ending you preferred, or how you felt at the end of the story! Thank you for reading you lovely darlings! Have wonderful lives filled with wonderful fanfiction!