Frisk walked out of the bedroom going downstairs to have lunch. When Frisk went to living room and saw Sans they was concerned about the short skeleton. Sans face was a little pale than usual and was spread with a faint blue blush. Frisk touched Sans's hand. "Oh hey kiddo.." Frisk pointed to the kitchen. "Oh it's lunch already okay I'm coming." Sans replied his voice was a little scratchy but he already getting up and walking, Frisk wanted to know why Sans was looking uneasy but they were hungry.
While Papyrus and Frisk were eating, Sans just had a little bit of his ketchup before pushing it away. "Sans that is strange you usually eat all of your ketchup." Papyrus said. Sans hesitated for a minute as Frisk was about to check his head for a temperature he stood up and then said. "We'll I'm going to Grillby's to grab a bite." Sans then ran off.
Frisk walked in to the kitchen, it had been at least six hours since Sans left the house. They then found Papyrus in the kitchen making spaghetti despite having it a few hours ago. "Papyrus." Papyrus turned around. "Do skeletons get ill and have diseases?" Frisk asked. Papyrus stood still for a few moments before answering. "Yeah. The most deadliest illness for skeletons is Bone Fever. To know when a skeleton has it they go through high fevers, seizures, vomiting and others things but I don't how skeletons get it and that's Why I've been careful about my health and I haven't been ill for years." As soon as Frisk was going to ask another question. Sans walked and was worse than before he was shivering and paler than before.
"Sans what happened?!" Papyrus asked worriedly as he rushed to his brother. "Nothing...Alright I got attacked while coming and I.." "Sans what's wrong?" Papyrus questioned his brother again and touch Sans left arm. Sans gave a shout of pain and pulled his arm away from Papyrus grip. "Sorry Papyrus you just startled me and that was where I got injured but it's fine." Sans's head started to get dizzy and he had a pounding headache. Sans walked uneasily upstairs into his bedroom and then collapsed on the bed. Every part of his body hurt even his arm since it was the most injured. He heard a few footsteps he looked aside and turned also Sans was pretty much daydreaming.
Frisk walked in the they was concerned about Sans. "Sans...?" There was no reply. Frisk went up to the bed and looked at Sans, his eyes were pretty much staring into nothing. Surprisingly Sans sat up sweating. "Ow my arm...Oh hey kid you startled me. Guess I'm scared to the bone!" Sans joked. They both laughed, Sans puns were pretty good. "You wanna join me sleep?" Frisk climbed into the bed and hug Sans. "Good Night Sans." Frisk warily spoke before closing their eyes. "Good Night kiddo."
In the morning Frisk knew that Sans had already gone to do his shift and that he wasn't coming back until twelve. Frisk sneakily went into Sans's room and opened his draws, they wanted to see what was hiding since he was acting a little strange. She found a picture that showed Sans about 5 years old who was in bed wearing PJ's and Papyrus giving Sans's a hug but the strange thing was that Sans was looking quite ill in this picture. Frisk closed the draw. Was Sans's ill when he was a kid? they went to Papyrus and asked him a question. "Hey Papyrus did Sans ever got sick in his childhood." Papyrus looked at the human. "Why do you ask? Anyway..He did once as I remember he got Bone Fever. There was one time he came from school pretty early since they said he passed out in class while they told him come up and do a speech. Sans usually stayed at home doing nothing but I would play with him."
Papyrus paused tears was swelling in his eyes. "There was a point where he had a seizure in the middle of the night and it was first and worse one."
Papyrus was walking out of the bathroom it was midnight, as soon as he past Sans's room he started to get concerned as Sans's wheezing could be heard from his room. Papyrus crawled to Sans and went his bed. Suddenly Sans woke up screaming quietly before putting his hand on his chest as his breathing harder. "Sans do you want daddy?" Asked the one year old Papyrus. Sans looked at his younger brother. "N-no I-I'm f-fine j-just g-go to s-sleep." Sans weakly suggested.
But Papyrus climbed into the bed snuggled next to his brother. "W-what are y-you d-doing?" Sans hesitated. Then stabbing pain hit him in his chest. "Argh!" Papyrus woke up again. "I'm going to get daddy." Papyrus said. "N-no w-wait P-Papyrus...It hurts." Sans whispered. "What does?" Papyrus replied. "My...My...My!" Sans screamed and started thrashing around the bed. "Daddy..Daddy!" Papyrus called. Gaster bursted in the room as soon as he saw Sans thrashing he dashed over to Sans's side holding the young skeleton down. "Sans, snap out of it!" Gaster ordered. Sans stayed still for a moment before vomiting blood and was shaking uncontrollably. "It's going to be okay, Sans." Gaster comforted him. Sans tried to stay awake but passed out of the sudden heart attack.
"That's what I remember of his first seizure." Papyrus finally finished. He had stopped crying now. Frisk then went to watch TV. Sans walked inside the room but he looked worse he was still pale and the blush started to come a little bit clearer. "Hey kid, do wanna go to Grillby's?" Sans asked coughing a little. Frisk nodded their head and Sans teleported and they arrived at Grillby's. When they went inside there was no one except Grillby. "I guess no one stopped by at Grill's except from us." Sans joked. "Ah Sans, Frisk didn't expect you two." Grillby said. He gave Sans some ketchup and Frisk a hot chocolate. "Hey Sans remember when we went to the same school together?" Grillby asked. Sans choked on his ketchup after coughing, he then nodded giving a thumbs up. "I remember the time when I helped you after you had accident." Grillby laughed a little. Sans started to sweat. "Grillby!" Sans said embrassingly. Frisk chuckled a little. Are they going to tell the story?