Reviews for Level Pair
Lila Dunmare chapter 31 . 6/22
Great fanfiction ! Very original and well-written !
Crazy Little Yaoi Trash chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
ahhh... at this time i start saying "kiss! kiss! kiss already! "
leohotstuff chapter 31 . 2/27/2017
Oml I read this in like 4 hours, I could not stop!
Lillinette chapter 31 . 1/3/2017
Ok, I read this in like 3 days.
First of all, I can see the difference between an amateur and a professional. You really are a wonderful writer! English is not my mother tongue and I suppose I had some difficulties with the narration, but it helped me increase my knowledge. Thank you very much!
About the story: wonderful. Did you create this AU with only a picture? This is wow...more like WOW! You should definitely change the names and publish this work! But...what happened to Oikawa? And will they live like that always? What about winter? What if someone wants to leave? Will their bond win or will they split up? I think you should write another chapter! . And Hinata's wings? Will he be able to fly? When?
Awwwww I love this story! Wonderful, really!
Good work~
Anonymous Person chapter 26 . 12/31/2016
Honestly their completely mixed group reminds me super strongly of Ice Age probably because of the complete disregard for same species sticking together.
Guest chapter 31 . 12/22/2016
Oh my goodness. I don't even know where to start and where to end. Let me just say this: this whole story is beautiful. To me, as a reader, it is so much more than just a fanfiction. It has so much weight to it. I wish you would publish some of your other works that you spoke of before! Some parts made me tear up while other stuff had me jumping for joy. I love this AU and am so glad GREAT writing has been placed along it. What is even better is that you made it your own. Thank you so much and I can't wait for your next project! :)
Cooliceprincess chapter 31 . 10/21/2016
I think your writing style's fine, but that's a bit of a biased comment because my own style is similar and I absolutely enjoy long and deep descriptions. As for the 'Momma Yu' thing, I do notice, but I'm a recent reader and this 31st chapter's already out before I start reading, not to mention I'm the type to comment AFTER I finished reading all of the existing chapters. For one, you make a minor typo at ch 30 or 29 (I forgot which) where you typed Tsukishima's name as 'Tsukishimi'. Other than that, I think it's in the clear.
SomeonetheElusiveFangirl chapter 31 . 10/11/2016
I've only just found the time to read this!
It's actually really nice just to read your "rambling" as I can find a lot to relate to (especially the writing too much detail and the annoyance as a reader when a writer starts to drop a story)!
I am SO happy that you wrote the story roughly in order to make yourself carry it on, since as someone who is considering posting a fanfic in the future, I am ensuring my plot is complete and at least half of the story is fully written before I even think about posting- I am so conscious of annoying readers with inconsistent updates with long waits...
I noticed the Momma Yu thing when she was introduced, but I wasn't very bothered by it as it flows a lot better than Momma Nishinoya, and I have seen FAR worse mistakes in other stories!
Personally, I really like your writing style and the way you structured this story! I love that Hinata and Kageyama's emotional and physical recovery was the centre of the story and not the attack, since I am a HUGE fan of Kagehina fluff!
I can't wait to see these plot bunnies you're writing!
Until the next time! XD
Tacitamura chapter 31 . 10/11/2016
Hello ! I know that I won't be able to convey all my feelings about this fic here. First because there is so much to say. Second because I don't really know what to say. So if anything to remember is that I LOVED your story.
I took a look at the work of craziiwolf (it's amazing, all her/his AUs) and to read what you made of that is amazing.
I especially liked the first line of each chapters. They were short and always chosen carefully to convey the feelings you wanted. Really a great thing.
I loved the interactions between Hinata and Kageyama : how they were lost, frightened, angry. How Hinata is a sunshine himself. Your depiction of him was really straight on what I tought of him, i.e. not so much of an airhead and viciously sharp.
Each pairs you made feel right to me and even if Oikawa was'nt made a way you liked I feel that he was more a broken one than anyhing else in this story. And the one introspection I especially loved was Kuroo. I really like this guy and the way you described him made me feel a lot.
Thank you for this splendid work.
LoveFromIzumi chapter 31 . 10/11/2016
Uh hi! I read your entire story in one day. And I really liked it, I mean wow, you did a really good job at carrying across the winglessAU idea and I just wanted to know how much I admire you for putting out a 30 chapter story as your first. I think you did a really good job with the characters, even Oikawa wasn't too terrible, though it felt like you weren't sure what to do with him. If you wrote some more tidbits about this AU that would be amazing and I'd love to see some Hinata calling Kageyama 'Tobio' more often and around others and how he reacts to that. Also to hear about Hinata playing Ground Volley once his wings are back, would he subconciously use his wings too or be so use to not using them that it's not a problem? Also, Hinata is not a crow but a songbird? I would love to hear more about everyone discovering that and if he's like half crow or something (if that's a thing?) maybe if he met his sister? And also, Kenma has a string to Lev! I ship Kenma and Kuroo but hearing about that string and how it developed would be interesting. Also hearing about some small group of cats or owls coming across this mashed gang of animals would be really cool! Obviously owls and cats and other birds being together is strange so I'd love to see them ban together or ignore others strange reaction or something. Sorry for such a long review, I really loved your story and it has so many questions and ideas popping up in my head. Thank you so much for writing and finishing this story (I mean writing an entire story is an accomplishment on it's own!) and I look forward to reading more from you if you do put something up.
SomeonetheElusiveFangirl chapter 30 . 10/10/2016
The last chapter, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
I'll be sad not to wake up to a new chapter each day!
I have really enjoyed reading your story, and I'm glad if I managed to encourage you in any way as you are a fantastic writer, and I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on your account in the future for more oneshots or other stories you decide to write! XD
ANYWAY, back to the chapter!
I'm so glad you wrote in Kuroo's POV! His character in your story had been one of my favourites! I also really appreciated it because he's so observant, so we got a good look at all if the characters and their reactions/feelings towards the sleep pile!
I loved how Kuroo tried to make their new additions feel as if they belonged! Imagining the giant sleep pile is so amusing and I bet they'd look adorable!
However, of course Kageyama and Hinata take the prize for the cutest, especially with how they immediately fall asleep! XD
I really liked the look into Kuroo's mind, seeing how much their band of misfits mean to him...
The level threads were something I wasn't sure if you'd mention, but there shouldn't have been any doubt! I like the idea of multiple partners of varying compatibility, and how jealous Kenma's other level threads made Kuroo!
The Tsukishima thread intrigues me...
Though this does make me wonder when they'll make their thread into a wire...
The last line of the chapter really made me smile!
Thank you so much for sharing this story, I've enjoyed it too the very end!
Can't wait to read what you write next!
Until the next time! XD
fullmetalwords chapter 31 . 10/10/2016
Okay here I go
*inhales deeply*
Hm and about the thing you said about dictating your stories, I almost feel like it's better to do that than leaving readers confused with lack of knowledge. As an aspiring author (I haven't even made it through writing a whole book yet because I can't stick to a plot. I'm a mess.) I tend to expect people to understand what I'm saying without explaining anything. It gets in the way of my writing and makes it sound choppy and unclear. It's an annoying habit.
I am 100% satisfied with this story and your writing, you did an awesome job. Thank you so much for writing this I've been wanting an AU like this written in words. When I clicked this I wasn't expecting this much and you completely blew me away. This story deserves a lot more attention. I had fun reading your work ;)
SomeonetheElusiveFangirl chapter 29 . 10/9/2016
FINALLY! I've been waiting so long for this! I can't believe I was right that he already knew! LOL XD
I really enjoyed their conversation, especially Hinata's insecurities and Kageyama's blushing and hug!
Don't worry about them being out of character, I think you've done a fantastic job and the slight OOCness is understandable as of course the last six months would've had a toll on them!
I like how Hinata came to find out, and how he thinks Kageyama's glowing wings are cool!
I'm so relieved for Kageyama that Hinata took it so well!
This story has been, by far, one of the best fanfics (not just Haikyuu! fics) I've read!
You managed to make craziiwolf's AU come to life, and the amount of thought and detail you put into story, the setting and its characters is SO good!
I really hope you'll post some one shot scenes, as I would REALLY like them to kiss at least once! I mean is pretty obvious how deeply they care for one another!
I can't wait to read anything else you decide to upload in the future!
Until the next time! XD
SomeonetheElusiveFangirl chapter 28 . 10/8/2016
I actually really enjoyed Asahi's point of view, and I think it's quite an original choice; his perspective was really interesting!
I really enjoyed ALL the characters in this chapter!
I think it's pretty obvious why Asahi wants to know more about levelers... I mean he's not exactly subtle! XD
I still really love how you portray Kuroo's character, with his remarks that lack bite!
I really liked how you portrayed Asahi's jumpiness as all of the group just "appear from nowhere"!
Yamaguchi's little speech about Hinata wanting to be there for Kageyama was really sweet and let's not forget that all important blush from Kageyama as he admits Hinata's the first thing he sees in the morning! XD
The pranks have commenced, and I doubt they shall end anytime soon!
But OMG I'm SOOOO excited for the next chapter!
We're finally gonna witness Hinata's reactionthere's so many possibilities so I'm REALLY excited to see which you go with! Personally I believe they should have a bit of a quarrel, maybe not talk to each other for a while as they cool off, but their relationship HAS to come off stronger from this! Actually it would be pretty funny if it was made into one of those cliché misunderstandings and Hinata kisses Kageyama as he thinks he's about to confess (hence the nervousness)!
I can't wait until tomorrow!
Until the next time! XD
fullmetalwords chapter 27 . 10/8/2016
Thank you for writing this
It is beautiful
I tore through this whole thing in one day
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