At school the next day Torial had talked to the kids that were bullying Frisk. As far as Torial knew only time would tell if they actually stopped teasing her.

Of course though, just having a talk with a teacher did nothing. The group waited across the street from Muffets in an alley, waiting for her to get out and hoping neither of the skeletons were with her.

"How long does it take to get a donut or something?"

"I don't know, but she really doesn't need it anyways." The kids talked as they sat on their bikes waiting for her.

"There she is!" One of the boys said pointing to her as she left the bakery. "Come on let's-"

Before the group could even come out of the alleyway a hand was put over Frisks mouth and another arm around her torso, holding her arms down. Frisk kicked and screamed and let out muffled cries for help. The group of kids stood there in shock, watching as a group of adults dragged Frisk into a van.

"We have to do something." One of the girls whispered.

"But if we go over there they'll take us too."

"M-Muffet. Muffet will help, right?"

"How are we gonna get across the street without them seeing us?"

"Oh, you big bunch of baby's!" the girl whisper yelled. She came out of the ally and went across the street the adults didn't even notice her, they were too focused on Frisk. The rest of the kids followed once they saw no one was paying attention. "Mrs. Muffet!" The girl yelled as she entered the bakery.

"Huh? Yes how may i-. Wait, you're one of the kids Frisk was just telling me about! Your one of the bullies!" Muffet exclaimed. "Well, i should have you know i don't like it when others pick on my favorite-"

"Frisk is being kidnapped!"


"Please in the ally you have to do something!" The girl begged as the other kids entered quietly.

"Stay here. All of you." She said quickly walking to the back. "My cell phone is by the register. Call Sans."

Muffet went to her back entrance and had her pet climb over the building to cut the kidnappers off. She went and stood at the other end with a small army of her spiders. She saw the group trying to push Frisk into a white van but Frisk put her feet on the sides of the doorway, pushing back with everything she had. "Hey!" The spider girl yelled. "Just what do you all think your doing with my favorite customer?" She smiled in a sickly way as more spiders came down from the walls surrounding them. A visual look of relief past Frisks face. Only for it to be replaced by pain when a man inside the van tased her. Her muscles went limp and she was pushed quickly inside the van followed by the adults that were forcing her in. "Attack!" Muffet yelled. Her pet came closer and closer into the ally chomping on air with each step, as the smaller spiders closed in. The person who was driving however, didn't seem to care. He headed straight foward right towards Muffet at a high speed.

"muffet!" A voice yelled and she was surrounded by blue magic. She was thrown against the wall, perhaps harder than intended. Sans looked as if he was ready to kill. He wrapped his magic around the van as it sped past him. Or at least tried to speed past him. With his magic he made the vehicle stop dead in its tracks. He lifted it up into the air and turned the truck so the driver was looking directly at him. "where do you think your going buddy?" He grinded his teeth as his eye rapidly changed color. The man in the passenger seat opened his window and shot at Sans. The bullet went right into his glowing eye socket, breaking his concentration, and dropping the truck. His hand immediately went to his eye and he heard his daughter scream inside the truck. The group desperately tried to get away. Sans tried to grip them again, but all his magic came from that one eye. The Van only slowed a bit when they were caught in the web Muffets spiders made, then they took off. "no!" Sans yelled trying to chase after it but he wasn't fast enough. He finally clasped to his knees as the van turned.

"Sans?" Muffet asked in a quiet voice. "We'll get her back. Some of my spiders stuck themselves to the van, and i'm sure they are inside as well. They'll relay the information of wherever they take her back to me. We WILL get her back."

"no." He said and stood up. "IM GETTING HER BACK"

The group had given Frisk something to make her sleep and when she woke up she felt pain where they had given her the needle. She looked around, and tried to move but found it impossible as her hands and feet were tied up.

"Daddy?" She called. "Mommy? Uncle Pappy? Muffet? Undyne? Someone? Please." she begged. "Help…"

"So you're finally awake huh?" A man's voice called. " 'bout time."

"What do you want from me?"

"Ya see kid. We don't like the monsters up here. We want them back in the underground where they belong."

"The only monsters that belong down there is YOU!" She yelled.

"HA! Ya' got some balls don't ya' kid?" He laughed and Frisk stayed quiet. "We want them gone, but the problem with that is...well, you. Ya' see you've become a symbol to those things. A symbol of hope. So we destroy you, and they lose hope." He said and picked up a baseball bat as others started to come from the shadows, holding various weapons. "Dont worry kid, you won't be the last one we *take care of* all those kids that accept these creatures will be with ya' soon enough."

A/N: This was part of my other series for about an hour and then i decided the tone was too different and decided to make it its own separate thing. Im going to try to update the other story tonight.