A/N: Here's the finale! It's short, but, as promised in the title, they finally kiss! A final thank you to you beautiful, amazing people who even looked at my writing! Love you all!
As always, comments, questions, reviews, and helpful criticism are highly appreciated.
Poppy sighed and brushed off her hands. It had been one week since Trollstice and the legendary party that had lasted two full days and everyone was starting to come off of the adrenaline rush that had accompanied it to realize that they had a lot of work in front of them.
The Trolls all wanted to move back into the Troll Tree, but they had left everything back in the old village. The Bergens volunteered to help carry pods back and forth, which drastically reduced the travel time and the load for the Trolls, but that was only part of the process.
Poppy had her hands full as she tried to sort out things like food supplies, water, who got to put their pod where (and all the arguments that caused), the logistics of placing too many pods on one branch, and so on down the line until she was close to exploding.
Poppy probably would have cracked under the pressure if it wasn't for her friends and Branch.
The twins put their creativity to practical use, building temporary tents and other shelters for the Trolls that didn't have homes right away. DJ Suki was a great motivator, and Guy Diamond helped her with refreshments and activities to keep spirits up. Smidge did lots of the heavy lifting, Cooper discovered that he was built for pulling carts long distances with very little strain, and Fuzzbert and Biggie helped Poppy mediate in clashes over who claimed what spot.
Branch, though, was the best thing Poppy could have hoped for and more. He led almost every one of the treks to and from the old village, taught the Trolls about how to survive in the wild alone just in case, was an amazing leader who knew where someone would excel and where they wouldn't do so well, and helped Poppy with the construction, as he had a knack for it.
Poppy was grateful for their help, but she was still exhausted and in desperate need of a break. The work was finally coming to a close, and Poppy left her father in charge with the Snack Pack to back him up as she headed to Branch's pod, which was still under construction. The dark blue pod was right next to Poppy's, but hidden in a clump of leaves, which suited Branch just fine. Poppy was pleased with the arrangement as well.
"Hey, Poppy!" Branch called out as Poppy made her way along the path toward him. He smiled at her and she felt butterflies flutter in her stomach.
"Hey, Branch. What's up?" she fell into step beside him.
"Just going to stock up on blueberries," he answered, slowing his pace to let her walk with him and showing her the basket tucked under his arm. Poppy saw the bandage that still covered his cut and glanced away, feeling guilty. "Wanna come?" Branch didn't seem to notice that Poppy had seen his injury.
"Sure," Poppy said happily, pushing the incident out of her mind and bouncing in front of him, leading the way to the blueberry bushes. Branch laughed and sped up.
Branch and Poppy harvested the berries in peaceful silence, occasionally asking a question or two or tossing a particularly good-looking berry to the other to give them a taste. Poppy felt so at ease out here alone with Branch and laughed as he missed the berry she had thrown to him. It smacked him in the face and splattered him with juice. He laughed with her before they went back to picking.
"I think that's good, Poppy," Branch finally called up to her. Poppy swung down from the bush and put the three berries she was holding into Branch's basket, snagging one and popping it into her mouth. "Let's head back."
"Wait," Poppy grabbed Branch's hand. He looked at her, surprised, and Poppy couldn't blame him. She bit her lip.
You can do this, she told herself. He's right there. Just kiss him!
"Poppy-" Branch began, but Poppy lunged forward and smashed her lips against his, cutting him off.
There was a brief pause before Branch responded, kissing her back. Poppy vaguely noticed that his lips tasted like blueberries, but she was more focused on that fact that they were kissing to notice much else.
Branch pulled back, smiling at her, and Poppy sighed dreamily.
"Glad we weren't interrupted again," Branch joked. Poppy giggled and grabbed his hand.
"Come on, dork," she said, picking up the basket of berries. "You taste like blueberries, by the way," she told him, tugging him along. "Blueberries and the forest," she added to herself. Branch just laughed.
"You do realize that means we're dating now, right?" Poppy pointed out. Branch blushed and Poppy laughed.
"You're the queen," he said. They headed back to the Troll Tree, laughing and joking and holding hands.
Poppy had never felt so happy, and, judging by the faint glow coming off of Branch, he hadn't either.
Poppy couldn't wait to see what the future held.