Hands moved throughout the air gracefully, and the nearby river flowed in correspondence. Standing on the shoreline was an elemental, a water spirit named Naida. Her dress gently swayed back and forth in the gentle breeze, and her toes curled into the dirt as she concentrated. Her breathing was deep and steady; her eyes were closed.
One snap of a twig and her eyes opened. The sea blue pupils looked around her as the water fell back into its natural pattern. The breeze had stopped; she could tell something wasn't right. She dipped one foot into the river and prepared to defend herself.
A dark chuckle was the last thing she heard before magic shot at her.
The Groundhog was not particularly happy about having to stand outside in the freezing blizzard that was raging outside of the North Pole Workshop. He wasn't allowed in until North AKA Santa Claus approved an audience with him. Only then would the yetis and elves allow him entrance.
The door finally opened again and a yeti stepped aside to let Groundhog in.
"Finally," Groundhog muttered before stepping inside and wiping his paws on the plush carpet. It felt good underneath his almost frozen toes.
He was given a mug of hot chocolate and led throughout the workshop until they reached a large wooden door with a fancy 'N' inscribed on the door. The yeti nodded to Groundhog, then walked off to attend to his duties. Groundhog stood there for a moment, admiring the place. He'd never actually been in North's home before. He finally reached out and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" a Russian accent boomed from the other side of the door.
Groundhog carefully opened the door and ducked just in time to have a train fly above his head and out into the hallway.
"Dingle!" An elf stood to attention. "Please, fetch that train!"
Dingle ran around Groundhog and down the hallway after the train. Groundhog watched in shock for a minute before he heard big footsteps and turned back towards the room.
In front of him stood the large Russian spirit, dressed in his usual festive attire, nibbling on a cookie. He definitely held up the persona of the unofficial leader of the Guardians of Childhood. The Christmas spirit smiled and placed a large hand on Groundhog's shoulder.
"Long time no see, comrade," North greeted the spirit. "Please, come in. Have cookie."
"I'll pass," Groundhog politely declined. "I'm here to report a concern."
"I'm sorry," North sighed and turned back towards his desk. "I cannot control what Jack does 24/7."
"What?" Groundhog asked in confusion. "No, North, this isn't about Jack. Well, is it, kind of. It's about the elementals as a whole."
"Isn't that something to direct towards Mother Nature?" North cocked an eyebrow in curiosity.
"She's never in one place for long, North," Groundhog said, as if it was obvious. "She's too hard to track down. Besides, I wanted you to deliver the message to MiM. Maybe he can figure out what's going on."
North sighed and sat in his chair, facing Groundhog. He motioned to a chair in front of his desk, which Groundhog took. He clasped his hands together, signaling Groundhog to begin.
"Normally, I don't pay attention to elemental spirits," Groundhog shrugged. "But animals are starting to hide in fear from certain areas around the world. At first, I just thought it was hunters too into their hunting. Then, I started hearing rumors. I didn't believe them until yesterday."
"What kind of rumors?" North asked.
"Leprechaun claimed he found an air spirit named Anil in the Sahara," Groundhog explained. "The boy was dead, North. Then Cupid claimed he found a fire spirit, a girl named Topaz, lying in the Ozark Mountains in Missouri. She was dead as well." Groundhog's eyes seemed to fade in fear. "And yesterday, I found a water spirit, a girl named Naida, by a river in Asia. She had been burned to death, North." He took a deep breath. "I think someone is deliberately trying to kill off elementals. And who knows when they'll start turning towards the seasonal elementals."
The color drained from North's face. His mind immediately went towards Jack Frost, the newest and youngest Guardian, born an elemental by both the Man in the Moon and Mother Nature. He was the first cross-spirit ever born: a Guardian by MiM, but a winter spirit by Mother Nature.
North stood up and grabbed his swords, rushing towards the Globe Room. Groundhog followed behind, desperately trying to keep up with fast-paced spirit. North grabbed a lever and pushed down, sending the Northern Lights out into the sky.
"Oh," Groundhog said in realization. "I always wondered what magic conjured the Northern Lights."
"They're a warning," North plainly said.
"For what?" Groundhog asked, nervous for the answer.
"To the other Guardians," North said, watching as the Moon glowed, seeing the lights. "They're on their way."