Author has written 35 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Jak and Daxter, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, Hobbit, Sherlock, and Gotham. About Me Call me Sabulana, or Sabby. For those that are interested, I'm English, I procrastinate far too much and I stay up too late at night. Email most often checked: sabulana@ Tumblr: emmageddon A brief note for my dear readers and reviewers If a fic is labelled as a 'one shot' or marked as 'complete' then it is, in fact, COMPLETE. That means that I shall not be adding to it any time soon. This goes double for my Jak and Daxter fanfics. I have not been active in that fandom for quite some time and do not feel confident enough in my characterisations to even think of going back to any of those fics any time soon. I'm sorry to those of you who may be waiting for updates - although given that it has been years since I last posted to that fandom, I really do not think there will be anyone - but that is just the way it is. I have been replaying the games lately but I am not ready to resume writing or editing my terrible past fanfics. In fact, I would take them down out of pure embarrassment but I keep them up to show myself how far I have come. On Haitus Undying Love: Yes, I know it's been a while. Everyone's given up on it. If I ever find my motivation for the Jak and Daxter fandom again, I'll finish it. Somewhere I Belong: Even if I could find my notes for this, the motivation is gone. I still love Kingdom Hearts but my heart is no longer in the fandom. |
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