Feather Flight: "When Even the Stars are Falling."
(part 1)
A Kuja Alternate-Universe fic
// Give me a sign. Lord... just one sign.//
The small boat tossed and spun as the storm-driven waves pushed it first one
way, than another. The sail was in tatters and provided little use aside to
barely control the wildly swaying boom. Laying on the deck, grinning at the
violent storm, a gaunt figure stared up at the dark sky. Another tall wave
swept the ship causing it to tilt wildly, but still the man did nothing. Shaking the sea water from his eyes he watched the
lightening fork and felt the hard rain pelt with bruising force over his
exhausted body, waiting.
// Do I live? Or do I die...? I don't know anymore... I can't see the end like
I used to. I don't know my purpose. So I'm leaving it to you... ok? Lord, if
you mean for me to keep going... if my life is to have /any/ use to anyone...
then show me. If not, then let the sea take me. At least it would be a clean
death, a warrior's death. This broken shell and spirit deserve at least that
small consideration I think... I have failed you... failed everyone... but I
leave it in your hands. //
Laro shifted himself to lie more comfortably against the slick wooden deck. The
sea had not yet managed to toss him free of the little craft. The fishing boat
was sturdily built, but battered as it was, it would only be time until
neglected, it took on too much water, and capsized. He
felt faintly guilty at the idea, the boat was stolen
after all. Tomorrow some poor fisherman would discover its wreckage scattered
along the shore. Life was full of such insults, but the man would recover his
loss, and Laro would be long past caring by then. With any luck, the ocean
would swallow him whole.
The chill water and rain were succeeding in leaching the feverish heat from his
recent wounds and newly healing bones. For the first time since his capture, he
felt almost free of pain. Only the ever present throbbing of his joints
reminded him of how much his weak body should've been protesting this continued
// Broken... Failure... Useless... I understand, Lord.
Take your revenge, I'll accept, and gladly. //
Vague memories of his childhood rose in his mind, most full of a tender joy he
could now barely comprehend. He could almost see the children running along the
wide sandy beaches of his home, their parents working near by repairing the
nets. He could almost hear his own light laughter; feel the sand beneath his
toes; the sun, so bright and golden, beating down on his face.
Laro closed his eyes, willing the memory to stay. Those had been happy times,
before the Selwe came, before the never-ending war.
The thought brought out /another/ memory despite his every attempt to suppress
it, the same beach, but at night. There had been no moon, the beautiful stars
were hidden by smoke, but he could remember looking around and picking out the
terrified faces with fearful clarity. They all were illuminated by the cherry
red glow of the fires as the small town burned to ash.
The soldier remembered watching the flames, even as he shepherded the younger
children to shelter, letting the memory of the town, and the dead, etch itself
into his memory. He would never allow himself to forget, it was the day his
childhood ended. Laro let the rain wash away the few tears he had the energy to
summon, willing to wait as long as it took for the little boat to finally
surrender to the elements. He would not jump, that would be cowardly.
// And simply doing nothing and letting death claim
you /isn't/?! //
// It's out of my hands...//
// The Lord only helps those who helps themselves. You've told people that all
your life! //
// Hardly matters /now/ does it? Besides, I doubt I
can even /move/... It was hard enough to even make it to the boat, to get it in
the water... /standing/... with a twice-broken leg, on a sea like /this/? Even if I managed it... I'd never have the strength to steer
the thing... //
His cynical self-evaluation was slowly interrupted as reality once more made
itself known, and for a moment he was confused. At first he could make out a
new sound, a high pitched shrieking that made itself
known even above the noise of the storm and the waves. It was accompanied by a
blazing red light, one that washed over his closed eyes; uncertain if he was
hallucinating he opened them, expecting to see the village burning once more.
After a moment of disorientation, he comprehended that both the noise, and the
light, were coming from the /sky/. Something was falling.
He stared in idle curiosity as the storm raged on, the grey sky above him
turned first purple, then an angry red as whatever it was punched through.
Finally, it broke through the under layer of cloud, the sound of its fall now a
roar. If he squinted Laro could just barely make out the core of light from
amidst the massive fiery umbra and tail. More of a meteorite than a missile, he
smiled in wonder as it plummeted towards him.
// Well if death by sea is too mundane a punishment, /this/ will certainly be
note worthy... //
The small falling star drew closer, forcing him to look away as the brightness
became too much for his tired eyes. He shielded his face from the inevitable.
With a rush of scalding air, and a tremendous splash, the large meteorite hit
water not one hundred feet from his boat. The soldier sat up in disbelief,
peering through the rain and steam towards the distant patch of water.
// It... /missed/...? //
He began to laugh again, not caring how hysterical it sounded. He wasn't sure
if he was angry, or grateful. Clinging to the rail he rode out the next wave
crest, shaking the water from his eyes to attempt to keep the steaming impact
point in sight. A flash of silver white caught his eye. He blinked, certain his
tired eyes were lying. The distance was too great. The storm was too heavy. It
/couldn't/ be. Laro stared again, it was. He watched in amazement as a slim arm
broke to the surface again, its owner vainly trying to cope with the rough
seas. In the middle of the still steaming area of surf, someone was trying to
keep afloat, and failing. He bit off a curse as the reality of what he was
seeing sank in.
The person was drowning.
The errant boom, so long ignored, swung back around with vicious force and
caught him across the shoulder, sending him sprawling to the wooden deck. He
shook off the pain with long experience, pushing it aside in favor of the
mission plainly in front of him. He would need rope, lots of rope, and a
// Imbecile... You /are/ do you know that? You're a moron, how the hell did you
ever convince anyone to /ever/ let you lead an army?! //
Gasping for air, Laro forced his tired limbs to not
only tread water but to push him forward through the rough surf. The rope
attaching him back to the wildly bobbing boat felt like heavy chain as it
dragged in the water behind him. His stinging eyes could barely make out the
destination. He was going almost entirely by feel. The water grew warmer as he
drew close to where he thought he had seen the body, but he could make out
nothing. He was almost at the end of his tether.
// What sort of lunatic would come out in the middle of the ocean to commit
suicide, then decide to rescue a meteorological phenomena instead... for all
you know, it could be one of /them/. //
He shuddered at the memory of the endless weeks in the Selwe
camp; the ceaseless cycle of torture and neglect.
// Why is it so surprising... Haven't I always been the fool to risk all to
save another...? I can face the thought of my own death with apathy, but I
cannot bear to see someone die, not without at least /trying/... I know they
were around here somewhere... //
Before another wave could swamp him, and before the little remaining portion of
his sanity could object, Laro took in a deep breath and dove beneath the murky
// Please... Please still be here... I couldn't bear it if... //
He could make out little in the dark water save for the shimmer of bubbles
below him. The soldier grimly angled his dive accordingly, and surprisingly,
felt his fingers brush against /someone/. Fumbling for a better grip, he struggled his burden to the surface. Laro secured the body
to his chest with one arm, and slowly, /slowly/ worked his way back towards the
relative safety of the ship. His body was shaking almost uncontrollably when he
finally was able to cling to the craft, fatigue causing his vision to fade
in-and-out with the rocking motion of the waves.
Later on he would be unable to recall by what inhuman force he was able to get
himself back into the boat, but he accomplished it, and began to rigorously
force the water out of the boy's lungs. The boy -for so he seemed- at length
began to cough, clearing the remaining fluid from his chest. Large blue eyes
fluttered open to gaze blankly up but the darkness was now near perfect, Laro
could barely make out their color and form by the light of the flickering
lightening. His features were remarkably feminine. The illusion was assisted by
the wild mass of shimmering hair. If he hadn't felt the smooth muscled chest
under him, the soldier would have doubted his initial assumption. He flinched
at the look in the wide eyes, terror. Delicate hands moved to ineffectually
push him away, too weak to do more then brush against his tired arms.
"You're going to be alright!" The storm nearly swallowed Laro's hoarse shout. He wasn't certain that the boy heard
him at all, but it didn't seem to matter. The pale face seemed to stare in
wonder a moment then fall slack, eyes slipping closed.
// Three-quarters drowned, and probably a concussion from hitting the water,
not to mention gods know what might be broken... He needs help.../now/... //
The soldier smiled grimly at the stupidity of the statement, staring at the
outlines of the leaden waves all around him.
// Well, if we survive the storm, and the boat doesn't sink... well, /then/
I'll worry about getting us home... /somehow/. //
Fumbling in the tiny hold, he came up with a largish
tarp, and methodically began to first wrap it around their sodden forms then
lash it to the small deck. If they didn't get swept overboard, and if they
didn't freeze, there was a chance.
// God? If this is your idea of a sign... you've got a sick sense of humor. But
I have to admit... it worked... //
Laro wrapped his arms around the frail body, trying to impart his meager warmth
to his unconscious companion. // I can hardly go and die /now/... how horribly
inconvenient... //
He rested his forehead against the damp hair, feeling himself surrender to
absolute exhaustion. The skin was smooth to touch, if a little cold.
// I think I inhaled too much water... I almost can swear that I smell...
cinnamon... // The bemused though followed him into
roaring darkness.
Every muscle in his body ached. Laro cracked an eyelid with effort. The faint
sound of seagulls triggered some vital realization deep in his tired brain. A
warm breath gently ruffled his hair, and he marveled at the sensation, as well
as that of the lithe form pressed against his, and the too-hot sun attempting
to burn his back. His throat when he swallowed forcibly reminded him that
attempting to drink sea water was something he should've known better than to
// Then the bloody stuff should've stopped trying to shove its way down my
throat... By the nine hells, I /hurt/... //
The soldier fully expected to be bruised from head to foot, bit cautiously
tensing each muscle, he was glad to feel that no new bones were broken, or
// Another day... another scar. //
He forced his body to move, and muzzily untangled
himself first from the sticky strands of silver hair that seemed to be
/everywhere/, and then from the remains of the shredded sail. It took some
time. The day was brilliant. In the nature of sudden squalls, the incredibly
violent weather had blown itself out in a little over twelve hour; a single night
transforming the deadly sea into a picturesque blue paradise. Rubbing the salt
from his eyes, he was amazed to see that they had been carried /towards/ land
by the massive waves, floating calmly within the sedate waters of the large
bay. If he concentrated he could almost make out the tiny city on the shore.
His parched lips cracked with his smile but he didn't care, turning his face
into the warm sunlight like a child.
// So I guess, the answer is "Live."
Right...? /Right/. //
Laro stared undaunted at the distance to the shore, now that his choice was
made he felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of calm.
Somehow the ragged man managed to avoid carefully studying his sleeping
passenger for several energetic minutes. There were scraps of rope to be
knotted and strung, a small sail to jury rig, and water to bail; all were
activities that happily consumed most of his limited resources. It wasn't until
he felt the first gust of wind fill the crude sail, and settled back to the
deck to man the tiller that he really took the time to /look/ at what the ocean
had brought him. What he saw took his breath away. The boy was simply
Laro felt himself staring at the sleeping form, but barely glanced away long
enough to check that his heading was true before his eyes were riveted once
more. The long strands of hair, definitely silver, glistened in the morning
sun, spilled over the deck in a loose tumult. He blinked a moment, but his eyes
proved true, tangled amongst the strands, as if they belonged there, silver
feathers curled and fluttered in the breeze. His brain accepted the
information, but was still too punch-drunk to decipher the meaning. Eyes did
not need conscious thought to guide them however as they admiringly traced over
the smooth lines of the body. The sheltering tarp had been claimed as sail, and
with his clothes in rags, there was little to be left to the imagination.
// You're almost drooling, /stop it/! This is
/juvenile/ and you're more than old enough to know better. He's injured for
heaven's sake, to even /think/ that he could... that you'd want... It's just
not fair... //
Still, it was easy to imagine how the figure would
look without the many bruises marring the pale skin. The graceful sweep of the
arm as it curled under his body, the slender calf and leg -almost entirely
exposed by the shredded boot- as were intensely desirable. Even the feline
tail, its silver fur ruffling in the sea breeze as it dried, seemed to curl
seductively. Its gentle twitching seeming to reflect
its owner's dreaming state.
// Wait... /Tail/?! //
Laro stared at the additional appendage in silence for several minutes,
attempting to fathom the cause for his distress. Then, finally, it hit him.
// This... he's... He's not human. //
Cold dread raced through his veins along with a heady shot of adrenaline. It
couldn't last though; the sleeping form just wasn't a big enough threat for the
soldier's tired body to take seriously. The burst of energy did serve to fully
awaken the dark man, and he began his study again, this time more serious. The
sum and total was a small but telling list.
// Well, he's not Selwe, at least not of any kind
I've ever seen, and I've seen them /all/... they'd never stoop to such a
'human' shape... to them 'insect' reigns supreme, even for their constructs.
But he's not human either... feathers, tail, and is it just me or does his bone
structure look just plain /wrong/. He's just too delicate, but I know there's
muscle there too. He's built more like a man than a boy, but he looks no more
than seventeen... and a /young/ seventeen at that... //
Laro looked at the fast-approaching shore with a sigh.
// Who are you little one... and where did you come
from? // His subconscious was more than happy to give the answer. // From the /sky/ of course... you saw him. Remember? Like a
shooting star come to earth, he all but dropped into your lap... like some sort
of present... /a present/? //
Eyes wide, the tired man looked at his burden in wonder. // Sort of like... a
/sign/... Hmmm? //
He glared at the inoffensive blue sky.
// What the hell does this mean?! //
The fleecy clouds showed no interest in answering.
"May all Saints uphold and preserve us! Nazer
Kai! What /happened/! What were you doing in that boat? In the Storm?! We've
been looking /everywhere/ for you... I've turned out half the town to comb the
beaches... "
The small man's long mustache trembled as he practically bounced up and down
with joy. Several fishermen were more than happy to wade into the warm water to
guide the little wreck to a safe spot on the beach. Laro grinned sheepishly at
the respectfully worried looks that surrounded him, and foolishly attempted to
stand. His legs, still but newly mended and then abused by his previous-night's
activities, plainly refused to hold his weight and would have sent him down
into a heap if not for several strong pairs of hands that bodily held him
upright and began to support him towards the clinic.
"Wait!... The boy... Someone grab the boy... He's
far worse than I am... I had to pump half the bay out of him... and he's pretty
badly beaten up... "
The short doctor had turned back even before Laro had finished his protest,
leaning curiously over the still unmoving form in the boat. The mustache
twitched again in obvious amazement.
"Well... Well Well... This is most irregular. Nazer Kai...? Might I... "
"Later, Doctor Ing, let it wait till later... He needs help /now/."
"Yes, yes... Of course..."
Another resident of the town, ready with a blanket, gently scooped up the body.
The young man moved very carefully, aware of the war-hero's eyes watching his
every step, and headed towards the tidy little hospital.
When the orderlies had finished re-bandaging his sore and swollen joints,
spread the salves, and watched him drink far more water than he was sure was
good for him, Laro was finally given the satisfaction of hobbling quietly into
the room next door where the doctor was working. The small man was putting the
finishing touches on his newest patient. Turning to see his visitor, he quickly
waved the dark man into a chair.
"Please, please... /sit/. You know you shouldn't be putting undue stress
on your bones yet... Your little adventure may have caused you irreparable
"You cluck like a mother-hen. I'm fine, but how is /he/?"
The doctor studied each of his patients in turn, seriously considering the
question. "Physically? Aside from certain noted
abnormalities... he's fine. Nothing that a week or two in bed won't set a right
and plenty of fluids... the same as you..." The older man stared down the
guilty soldier.
"Well, that's the physical problems. He also has a fairly severe
concussion... that is what I'm really worried about. Was he conscious at all
when you found him?"
The dark man grimaced in distress. "Yeah, barely... He was able to look at
me for a second, and then he just sort of passed out. I ... damn it! I
should've made sure to try to wake him, but there just wasn't the time. I was
too weak..."
"No one blames you Nazer Kai..."
"And how many times have I told you to stop calling me that..."
The doctor combed his mustache in amusement. "You can tell us all you like
Great Kai, it won't change who you are. Injured or not, you're still the
people's hero. The greatest warlord of the century simply doesn't become an
average citizen again, no matter how he may wish to."
"I'm not the greatest /anything/ Dr. Ing, I /lost/, I was /captured/...
beaten like a dog, and only after they were /tired/ of me, after I was
worthless, only then did they allow me to crawl away... My magnificent
'escape'... what a joke."
"Ah, but you /did/ escape... and it was /how/ you lost... Have you ever
considered that you're more popular /now/ than ever before? The people..."
"The people are idiots... enough of that, what about /him/... what happens
Dark eyes watched the steady rise and fall of the chest with worry.
"We must wait. He'll either wake up, or he'll die. There is nothing we can
The soldier flinched at the simple prognosis, "If you don't mind, I'd like
to sit with him a while."
The small man nodded serenely and shut the door leaving the two patients in
silence. Laro watched a moment longer, and then slid his chair along side the
narrow bed.
The boy's bruises were liberally coated with an herbal salve, and bandages were
apparent around the arm peeking out from under the blanket, but neither of
these things made him cringe as much as the most shocking alteration. The mane
of silvery hair, that had captivated him even in its tangled state, was gone.
Drastically shortened and pushed into odd locks by the variety of bandages
swathing the boy's skull, his hair hung forlornly above his delicate ears. The
feathers, a seemingly natural part of his appearance, were the solitary
reminders of the length that should have been. Their weather beaten plumes lay
dejectedly against the pillow. The knight grimaced in sympathy.
// Damn... I suppose it was the only way to clean the wounds quickly... but I
bet he really was proud of his hair... it must have taken a long time to get
that to that length... //
A silky touch brushed against his barefoot and nearly caused him to jump. The
silvery tail, now sporting a small bandage of its own, continued its mindless
// Just like a cat... it never stops, not really... //
On a whim he reach down and gently caught the curling appendage. The dense fur
was softer than any pelt he had encountered, and delighted he allowed it to
slip through his fingers, only to catch it again. He watched it as it
instinctively responded to his grip, alternately trying to free itself and
caressing his arm.
// I wonder what it must be like to have a tail... //
He let it go at last, and returned to studying the sleeping features, no longer
upset by the erratic barbering.
// You'll have to tell me when you wake up... along
with a name... and everything /else/... //
"Wake up soon, ok?"
Laro smiled at the humor of having an infatuation with a person he'd yet to
actually /meet/.
// Well, that can be corrected... and once he forgives us for lopping off his
hair... Maybe... maybe I can start to figure out why you came, and why it seems
that you were meant... for me.//
notes: What is the best way to make Kuja likable in a fic? Don't give him any lines! Muahahaha.... No seriously, I know what I'm doing.... I think... And Laro's really quite central to this silly little Shonen-ai bit of fluff so he might as well get some quality screen time as Kuja's angst will take over pretty soon. I like Laro... he's... a doof. But a well meaning one! Stay tuned for more decadent thought provoking WAFF. In CH2. "I want to see your smile."