Author has written 11 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy VIII, Demon Diary, Yu-Gi-Oh, Jak and Daxter, Final Fantasy X-2, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Hello again everyone! After a very long, completely unplanned hiatus, I am back, with the promise of updates. (Well, at least a lot more updates then there has been recently) So keep an eye out. Just a note for anyone that writes/reads Jak and Daxter fanfiction... There's something that's been bugging me. Why the hell does everyone think Seem is a girl? Seem is a monk, meaning male! Check the official Jak and Daxter 3 website if you don't believe me. Spread the word! Give Seem back his dignity! Fandoms you might see me post in (and fandoms you have to choose from if you want a request written): Bleach, Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 10, Final Fantasy X2, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Gravitation, Dragonball Z, Getbackers, Demon Diary, Sorceror Hunters, Yu-gi-oh, Duel Masters, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, RahXephon, Fruits Basket, Peacemaker Kurogane, Petshop of Horrors, Samurai Champloo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai 7, Chrono Crusade, Saiyuki. Pairings I Love (these are by no means the only ones I will write. These are probably the only ones I'd base an entire story on though, unless I was writing a one-shot) Bleach (which I have recently become addicted to): Zangetsu/Ichigo, Ichigo/Ishida, Orihime/Tatsuki, Yoruichi/Sui Fon, Ikkaku/Yumichika Chrono Crusade: Chrono/Rosette, Chrono/Joshua, Aion/Chrono (yeap, Chrono's a slut), Aion/Joshua, Satella/Rosette (I don't know why more people don't spot this one) Cowboy Bebop: Jet/Spike Demon Diary: Eclipse/Raenef V, Raenef IV/Krayon Dragonball Z: Gohan/Piccolo (my absolute favorite), Goten/Trunks, Goku/Vegeta, Cell/Frieza (dunno what sparked this one off, but the idea that they would be right for one another hasn't left me over the past couple of months) Final Fantasy 8: Irvine/Zell, Biggs/Wedge, Laguna/Kiros, Fujin/Ellone, Squall/Quistis Final Fantasy 10 and X2: Isaaru/Beclem (yes, I'm probably the only person in the world that has ever even thought about these two being together, but I don't care) Biggs/Wedge (I do believe in soulmates. I do, I do, I do. Come on, every time they appear in a game, it's together. Coincidence? I think not.) Gippal/Baralai, Nooj/Baralai, Seymour/Baralai, Auron/Jecht, Paine/Rikku, Tidus/Yuna Final Fantasy Unlimited: Kaze/Makenshi Fruits Basket: Hatori/Ritsu, Hatsuharu/Yuki, Shigure/Ayame Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy/Ed, Russell/Ed, Havoc/Fuery, Scar/Al, Fletcher/Al (after they grow up a bit, of course) Envy/Wrath, Greed/Kimbley Gankutsuou: Franz/Albert, Count/Albert Getbackers: Juubei/Kazuki, Ban/Ginji, Akabane/Kagame, Hevn/Natsumi Gravitation: Sakano/Tohma, Tatsuha/Ryuichi, Hiro/Suguru, Yuki/Shuichi (what yaoi fangirl doesn't love these two) Yoshiki/Rage Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus Jak and Daxter: Torn/Jak, Jak/Seem, Sig/Jak, Torn/Ashelin (although I prefer him with Jak), Razer/(human)Daxter Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Sora, Leon/Cloud, Axel/Roxas Peacemaker Kurogane: Hijikata/Okita, Heisuke/Shinpachi/Sanosuke, Yoshida/Suzu, Ryoma/Tatsu Petshop of Horrors: D/Leon Rurouni Kenshin: Sanosuke/Kenshin Saiyuki: Sanzo/Goku, Gojyo/Hakkai (yeap; real original huh?) Sorceror Hunters: Gateau/Marron, Sirius/Dota Samurai Champloo: Jin/Mugen Samurai 7: Kambei/Kyuzo, Kikuchiyo/Heihachi (yes, weird I know, I'm not going to make any excuses) Yu-Gi-Oh: Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou, Malik/Bakura, Tristan/Joey In progress: Another Horizon (Dragonball Z), Yes Sir (Final Fantasy 8), 30 Kisses: Havoc and Fuery (Fullmetal Alchemist) Coming soon (soon being any time between now and when I die): King and Consort The Other Side Happy Ending In Love and War Ten Minutes Too Late Heaven Above, Hell Below Formation of a Trio Being Ginger The Tolkien Door Letters From a Suit of Armour (Working Title) Unrequited Two By Three (Working Title) If you're particularly anxious to read one of the stories, just let me know. I usually work the most on whatever people want to read the most, unless one of my muses gets in the way. |
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