Reviews for Another Horizon
PaleAngel90 chapter 21 . 4/21/2018
Please don't abando the story, I really want to read more of it. Please update it soon! :)
Smithback chapter 21 . 5/5/2016
please... one day... pretty please, update ! Yes?

I like this so much...
ABANDONED052016 chapter 21 . 4/14/2016
I am so sorry I only got my wits together now enough to write you a review. This story remains to be my most favourite of all. It moved me in ways I cannot possibly justify with my inadequate vocabulary. And that's saying a lot because there's only 5 fics of GohanxPiccolo up there on my list that I actually feel that are perfect. I guess what makes fanfiction so special to me is that it is something that picks me up when I feel down, or am in desperate need to feel some love for my favourite couple. (I could be melodramatic and say that to me a good fanfic is literally a lifesaver, but I'm shy to admit it means that much to me, so I'll pretend I'm totally cool, haha.) It is so hard to come by good fics. And by good fics I mean those that managed to stay loyal to their personalities. That for me is the heart and soul of any story (especially fanfiction): perfect characterization. Of course it didn't hurt that you executed it so well. I will go right ahead and state the obvious that even on the technical aspect, you write so darned well, I am sooo envious (haha)! The plot and execution leaves nothing to be desired. I love the world you unravelled and their alternate selves you introduced. I thought what made it so perfect was how the whole story was so brilliantly emotion-driven and well-thought out (which the canon series failed in miserably) and also is believably told despite it being based off the less than desirable events in the canonverse. The only thing is, your story did wonders in redeeming it. You took what the creators ruined and made it as amazing as it deserves to be. You saved Gohan from the personality disaster the canonverse subjected him to. You gave him back his heart which was an essential part of who he was ever since his character was first established. Even the new characters you introduced I found to be seamless. Unlike most OCs that usually feel out of place, yours felt completely original and uncontrived. They were practically alive in my mind's eye as I was reading through their adventures. Every interaction with Piccolo and Gohan was my favourite. Highlights would have to be (SPOILER ALERTS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ) how Gohan consistently stuck up for his love for Piccolo; when the alternate Piccolo overhears Gohan first say he loves him; how they both just turned Siera down flat (so cool); the brilliant plan Piccolo comes up with to resolve Gohan's dilemma of having to choose; the twist with Videl was priceless!; I thought Vegeta was excellently fleshed out, as well as Kakarot; And of course I had to just try and stop myself from bawling stupid over all the parts where Gohan and Piccolo finally get to be together, which is usually where most other writers fail. Their kisses and intimacies were just BEAUTIFUL. All in all, everything was just so impeccably done, every main cast stayed wonderfully in character. Just. Amazing. I must be boring you now with my geeky gushing so I will end by just saying thank you. Thank you for sharing this! I hope someday you will rediscover the inspiration to continue and conclude what I believe to be the most perfect and REAL GohanxPiccolo love story ever written (yes, even incomplete it is already perfect to me). Until then I shall lament that I may never know if dearest Gohan and Piccolo make it out alive and get to finally be free to live out their much deserved happiness together (haha). Ah, but that is how fanfics sometimes are... unconcluded. Still. Thank you! Do take care & I hope life is treating you well. Much love & cheers! -Marie
AyaxRoses chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
I love this story so much. Such a beautifully written Piccolo/Gohan piece!
Loreny15 chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
Es tan triste que los mejores fics son los que nunca están terminados... LO AMÉ TANTO! Mantendré la esperanza incluso tras tantos años sin actualizar de conocer el final. A pesar de eso, gracias por compartir esta hermosa historia con nosotros. GRACIAS!
Kitten chapter 21 . 2/19/2015
I don't suppose you will be updating any time soon
Midoriori chapter 2 . 7/1/2014
...Why can't he just fight him? Gohan beat Cell, who could defeat multiple Super Saiyan opponents.
Little Karma chapter 21 . 3/14/2014
Why is it always the good ones that get abandoned? This story is so well done, and makes me just want to squee at some of the images. I want to see what's coming next.
Zuchiku chapter 21 . 9/3/2013
I don't count myself as a Shounenai fan and I rather think as Gohan and Piccolo as father and son but I liked what you wrote.
I think it's creative as well as It's somehow believable to me how you wrote their relationship and of it's development.
Hopefully you'll find time to finish it.
Lo chapter 21 . 7/23/2013
This is definitely one of the better PiccoloxGohan stories. Thanks for writing; I wish you had finished it.
marsgloss chapter 21 . 7/16/2013
The-Alli-Cat chapter 21 . 10/17/2011
Please please pleeeease write more! This is sooo awesome, you have to finish it! I'll love you forever if you do!
mjmusiclover chapter 21 . 7/4/2011
ahh awesome stuff, it's really well written, can't wait for more to come :D
AsturaMaee chapter 21 . 6/3/2011
Please tell me your gonna finish this sometime soon! You leaving so many eager readers in suspense! xD
Crowleythekingofsass chapter 21 . 3/21/2011
Please update soon! I know it's been like four years since you updated but i really love this story and want it to continue!
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