One Plus One

            by Lethe Seraph

            Chapter One: In which our protagonist struggles against bouts of self-loathing

            He was doomed.

            Hopelessly, irrevocably doomed.

            He was doomed beyond the point of redemption: truly, even the doomiest of doomy dooms would not compare. 

            Of doom.

            "I just don't understand," he moaned, burying his head under his hands.  He looked lost, miserable, and alone.  The tragedy of his pain was visible to anyone within a fifty-meter radius.

            Erutis grinned.  Raenef was just so cute when he was being pathetic.  "You fail another test, Rae?"

            He sighed a pained sigh and ran an injured hand through his wispy hurt hair.  "How'd you guess?" he mumbled gloomily.

            "It was kind of obvious."  Chris sat at the lunch table, tray in hand, and smirked.  "You are reeking of wretchedness, my liege."


            "He was kidding, Raenef," said Erutis immediately.  "It's too bad he doesn't have a sense of humor, huh?" 

            Raenef had stopped paying attention, though.  Its span was quite short – possibly the reason he tended to fail so many tests.  He just didn't get it.  He didn't understand anything at all.  What god had he pissed off in his past life to be born with so few brain cells?

            And did he really want to know?

            During this moment of self-pity, Erutis and Chris continued to converse. 

            "He must be really out of it," said Erutis.  "He's not even eating his lunch."

            "And the cafeteria lunch had tomatoes on it, too…" said Chris thoughtfully, taking a bite of his own. 

            "We should so something to help him."


            "Just because you're on his level doesn't mean you can't be nice."

            "What?  I'm better than that kid!" said Chris immediately.  "I'm going to beat him into the ground one day!"

            She rolled her eyes.  Of course.  "Well, I'm going to try and help."

            "How?" said Chris curiously.  What could possibly improve Raenef's condition?  After all, he had known Raenef for a year – and Erutis even longer than that.  He was a dreaming boy with a mind of fluff and a body to match.  Hell, when he had met Raenef, he had thought the kid was a girl.

            He shuddered at the memory.

            "You're pretty."


            "Um.  I said you were pretty."

            "Thanks!"  Raenef burst into a grin.  "You're pretty too."

            His voice was rather boyish for a girl.

            Chris silently cursed.

            One potential date down.

            "Not you too!" 

            Chris snapped out of his reverie.  "Huh?  What?" he said, looking around.

            Erutis rolled her eyes.  "Having one space case is enough, Chris.  Try to stay on Earth, would you?"

            "Yeah, yeah.  Whatever."

            "Don't you 'whatever' me!" said Erutis, taking offense immediately.  She grabbed his ears and tugged.  Hard.  "You should feel blessed to be graced by my presence!"

            "I'm a monk's son, Erutis!  You are definitely not what I would consider a blessing!"

            "What was that?!  Die!" 

            "Hey!  Hey!  No fair!" cried Chris, wilting under her attacks.

            And then, of course, the bell rang.

            Chris was out of the cafeteria like a shot.

            "Raenef!" said Erutis, shaking the boy's shoulders.  "Get up!  We have Algebra now, Raenef."

            "Not… math…" mumbled Raenef.

            "Hurry up, or I'll be late too."

            Raenef sighed and rose dejectedly.  "Sorry Erutis…"

            "It's all right.  It's not your fault you were born an idiot," said Erutis cheerfully.

            "If you say so."

            Jeez, thought Erutis.  It was almost no fun cracking jokes at the kid.  "Are you all right?"

            "Yeah.  I mean, it's not like I have to worry about parents being mad at my grades…"

            That's right… he lives alone.  He looks so sad…  She pulled him into a hug.  "Aw, Raenef, I can yell at you if you want."

            He grinned sheepishly.  "Uh, that's okay."

            She grinned back.  "All right.  Now, let's hurry up!"

            And then, of course, the bell rang.

            Raenef and Erutis were out of the cafeteria like a shot.



            What was the point? thought Raenef, rolling over and curling into a ball.  It was probably a telemarketer or something .  Why bother answering?  The rest of the day hadn't gone very well either – Great Teacher Krayon (his preferred title) had yelled at him again because he knew nothing, nothing at all, and how had he passed eighth grade math anyway? did he even know what one plus one was? and then Miss Meruhsae, or whatever her name was, seemed to have the same opinion about his grasp of history, although she was nicer about it, and wouldn't Raenef just learn where to end a sentence for crying out loud?  He was probably failing his language class, too.


            Aw, why not… Raenef picked up the phone.  "If you're a telemarketer, go away," he mumbled into the phone.

            A burst of laughter.  "That's great," said a young male voice.  "Hey, I thought of something that could help you."

            "Huh…?  Oh, Chris!  Hi!" Raenef immediately went back into bubble-mode.  "What's up?"

            "As I said!" said Chris.  "I had an idea."

            "All right, shoot," said Raenef.

            "You should get a tutor!"

            Raenef was silent.  Chris could feel his depression-waves over the telephone.

            "But…" said Raenef.  "I don't know.  Wouldn't it be a waste?  I don't have that much money, and it might not help anyway-"

            "You should at least try.  I'm talking to Erutis online right now, and she says that her family has more than enough money.  We'll help you, Raenef."

            Raenef began crying.  "You're the best friends ever…" he sobbed.

            "I know.  So, we found a tutor for you and he'll be at your house in fifteen minutes."



            Um. ^_^;; Heh.  Guess who the tutor is?  C'mon, just guess. ^_~

            What do you think so far?  I would be very happy if you reviewed!  Please do!  ::nudge::

            If you have any ideas/comments/constructive criticisms, I would love to hear them.

            Thank you!
