Title: Good and Bad Magic, One Always Wins
Summary: While breaking into the museum Carlos is drawn to the spinning wheel and pricks him finger. Unfortunately there was just enough magic left to put Carlos to sleep, maybe forever. The others choose to try and find a way to save him over stealing the wand so they go to the one person that they know can help them: Ben.
Author's Note: I will be the first to point out that this mat seem like one of my others stories where Carlos was under a sleeping curse and I want to say now that this was not my intention. The idea for this story came into my head and I really want to write it. Also the characters may be a little OOC because I had them realized that they wanted to be good a lot sooner because of Carlos getting cursed. So that's it and I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Of Sleep and Spells
Carlos's Pov
"Come on guys, let's just steal the wand and get out of here. I really don't want to have to spend a whole day with those uptight, spoiled, silver spooned royalty types" Mal spat out as we entered the museum. As her Jay and Evie ran up the stairs I was stopped in my place when my eyes were drawn to Maleficent's spinning wheel in the center of the room. I walked over and began to read the description and it had the usual talk about its history which everyone knew about but there was something else there. It said that it was rumored that before all the villains were banished to the Isle of the Lost, Maleficent cursed her spinning wheel one last time so that the true love of Auradon's future would fall under the sleeping spell and would only be awoken when his love was realized.
I didn't want to believe that it was still cursed but something about it was drawing me in, my heart was telling me to touch it but my head was being smart and told me to stay away. They were fighting and right now my heart was winning. I felt myself being pulled in and my hand reached out on its own. I tried to resist but the pull was strong and I couldn't break it.
I could hear the sound of alarms and footsteps aproaching but the magic of the wheel made it fade so the sound was dull and it was pushed to the back of my mind, my only focus was the wheel.
"Carlos what are you doing?! We have to go!" Jay yelled and I wanted to move but I couldn't, I was stuck in place and it was taking all my energy to stop my hand from touching the spindle.
"I can't move Jay!"
"What do you mean you can't move?!" Jay screamed. He tried to move me himself but like I said I was stuck in place.
"It's the wheel Jay, my mom cursed it again. It drew Carlos in and if he touchs it he will go down" Mal explained as she and Evie turned off the alarms. Getting caught was the last thing we needed right now.
"Is there anyway we can stop it M?" Evie asked worried, she was like a sister to me and I was like the little brother she always wanted.
"I'm sorry E but there is no way out of this. Carlos will run out of strength and he will fall under the curse"
"Then I guess I should do it now, get it out of the way so that you can focus on getting the wand"
"No, this isn't right! You're more important than any wand or our parents!" Evie shouted and I smiled at her.
"She's right, what good is there taking over the world if you can't share it with the people you love" Mal teased but I knew that she really did care, she just wasn't good at expressing it.
"What about our parents? They won't be happy that you choose me over them and the world. They will disown you or worse"
"Screw our parents Carlos. We don't need them, we have each other" Jay told me.
"You guys are going soft on me" I teased and I felt a tear drop.
"Who cares Carlos, we could never admit it at home but we love each other. Maybe here things can changed for us" Evie confessed and the others nodded. I had thought from the beginning that none of us wanted to do this but I was afraid to say anything. And I did notice in the moments on the Isle when it was just the four of us that we were different people compared to when we were in public. We had to hide who we are because all our lives we were surrounded by people who hated everything that was right and good, and that showing any like that was weakness. But now things have changed, we now are in a place where we can be who we are.
"I love you guys too and I know you'll find a way to save me. I'll see you soon"
I let my resistance fall and my hand gravitated towards the spindle. I felt the small prick, a flash of pain and then my body began to shut down. I could feel my body falling but before I blacked out, images flashed in my mind. Maleficent was casting the curse on the wheel, then there was the king and queen talking about the future and then there was a face. It was Ben.
His name was my last word.
Mal's Pov
Carlos began to fall but Jay caught him in time. And before his eyes slid shut he uttered one word: Ben. Evie and Jay looked confused but I knew what it meant, mother always bragged about the last thing she did before she was banished to the Isle. She gloated about every single detail to me even though she would never get to see it unfold but I get to and thanks to her I knew exactly what was going on and I knew exactly what to do. Since the spell was only meant to work on one person I knew that Carlos was that one and what did that mean? It meant that Carlos is the true love of Auradon's future and there was only one person it could be.
"Ben, it's Ben" I whispered to myself.
"Mal what do we do?" Evie asked me.
"Help me get him up. We'll take him back to the dorms and I'll let you guys know what's happening. My mother told me everything about this curse, I know exactly what we need to do"
"Okay" They said in unison. Together all three of us lifted Carlos up and we ran as fast as we could back to the school and we did manage to slip inside without being seen. People already didn't like us so it wouldn't have been good if we were seen carrying an unconscious body through the school after curfew.
Once all of us got settled in Jay and Carlos's bedroom I began to tell them everything about the curse, how it works and about the one person who could lift it. To say they were shocked was an understatement, they were blown away.
"Ben, seriously? I didn't think he swung that way" Jay commented.
"He may not know yet, in fact Carlos could be the only boy Ben ever likes. But that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that Carlos only has a chance of waking up if Ben realizes that he likes him. But that's going to be tough, we can't force him to like him and true love is tricky. It has to come naturally"
"But how is Ben going to fall for Carlos if he's asleep? And they only just met" Evie questioned.
"I don't know Evie, I guess all we can do is wait and hope that it comes to him somehow"
"So what do we do?" Jay wondered.
"Tomorrow we are going to Ben and we are going to tell him almost everything"
"Almost everything?"
"Yes because if we tell Ben that he's suppose to love Carlos a lot of things could go wrong. He could deny it and never love him or he could only end up loving because he fells that he has to and we don't want that. We will tell him everything up to that point and then things go from there"
"You got it"
"Good now Evie and I should go so we won't get caught"
"Actually Mal could we stay here? I don't want to leave Carlos yet" Evie said as she looked over at his prone form.
"It's fine with me if you guys wanna stay. I wouldn't mind the company"
"I guess we can stay, we will just have to go back to our room before classes incase someone decides to check on us"
We all settled down and cuddled with each other. We may be bad kids but we need to comfort right now, one of our best friends is under a curse. Every now and again one of us took a hopeful peak to see if by some miracle Carlos would wake up but we were always disappointed.
"We will fix you Carlos, I promise"