The sound of footsteps echoed loudly throughout the almost empty hall as golden light shone through the stained windows lighting up the floors and columns. This hall, judgment hall, contained the two most important people in the whole underground, maybe the world, at that moment. The Judge, and The Angel. The Angel, however was more of a Demon in The Judge's opinion. What would happen next would determine the fate of the world. If The Judge fell, the world was lost forever. If The Angel fell... the world was doomed to reset.

At first glance the two seemed like the least likely pair to fight for the world. A child, who had died years ago but gained new life VS a short lazy skeleton who had lost everything. As Chara slowly approached him Sans wondered what the reactions of his friends would have been if they saw him now. 'Undyne would have thought i was crazy.' He mused as Chara reached the 50m mark. 'Pap would probably be crying, and that lady... She would probably not forgive me for breaking my promise. Well, considering the circumstance, i think she might forgive me'. Chara stopped about 3 to 5m away from Sans.

"heya" he said, looking at his feet.
"you've been busy, huh?... so, I've got a question for ya" Sans continued as he looked up directly into the eyes of the devil.
"do you think even the worst person can change...? that everyone can be a good person, if they just try? heh heh heh heh..." Sans broke off into nervous chuckles.
"all right." He decided to start again.
"well, here's a better question."

Sans looked up again, directly into Chara's eyes but he did something different this time. As he looked up his eyes were pitch black, all light and joy was gone.
"Do you wanna have a bad time? cause if you take another step forward... you are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Sans threatened. He knew he was going to fight but he might as well try to stop it. As the child stepped forward, grinning like a maniac, Sans's shoulders slumped forward and he sighed and looked back down
"welp. sorry, old lady. this is why i never make promises."
The familiar three clicks of engagement filled the hall as Sans engaged the demon.
"it's a beautiful day outside" he began.
"birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, kids like you..." Sans took a pause before continuing, eye sockets black once more

He pulled his left hand out of his pocket, the familiar feeling of power shining out of his left eye socket, and flung it to the ground. Chara's soul turned blue and slammed to the ground, screaming as their body following. Before they could fully get up he flung his hand back up and impaled their arm with sharp bones. His smile widened when they screamed in agony as Karmic Retribution took effect and their very power turned on them. Before Chara could recover he flung his arm out to the left and a barrage of bones impaled her screaming body to a column to the left. He flung his hand up again, eye socket blazing with blue light as he summoned his blaster. The massive dragon skull stared at Chara's limp yet living body and a high pitched whine like a jet engine starting up was heard as it's maw was filled with pure white magic. Sans, still grinning and eye still blazing, dropped his arm. The Skull's bottom jaw split in half as it's mouth opened to let out a powerful beam of pure magical energy. The child had no time to scream as the beam vaporized not only their soul, as normal magic attacks do, but also their body, and the column they were pinned to. The skull dissipated with a flash of light as Sans slowly took his spot back in the middle of the room, waiting for the child once more.