Bilbo groaned where he had landed on Bombur, thankful he had fallen on top of the dwarf instead the other way around. He was barely able to roll off of the dwarf and get to his feet before they were swarmed upon by goblins. He struggled against the hands that tugged at him, ripping his maroon coat. He heard the other member trying to fight off the swarm. Dwalin the loudest of all, through the bodies Bilbo could see him struggling to get to his axes off his back before he was set upon by to many goblins. The axes were ripped off his back, all around the goblins stripped the dwarrows of their weapons, long knarly fingers ripped the elven blade from his own waist.

The dwarrows were no match for the number of goblins that filled the bowl that they had been dropped in. Their hands pushed and pulled the company forward deeper into the mountains. Bilbo had tried to drop down to his knees to hide from the goblins, hoping to be passed by unnoticed. But his luck was against him as a goblin caught sight of him and promptly pulled him to his feet, using his crude sword to get Bilbo moving again.

Soon they were being pushed onto a rickety bridge; boards were missing here and there and creaked with the strain of supporting the weight of so many. Bilbo found himself almost pushed off the edge, the bottom could not be seen and Bilbo thought for sure that he was going to fall to his death. So he was surprised at the hand that shot out and snagged him before he could fall. The arm pulled the hobbit close to his body and Bilbo was able to see who had saved him.

Bifur's brown eyes looked down at Bilbo worriedly before pulling him more securely against himself making sure the smaller creature wasn't lost in the mass. He felt Bilbo began to quake as they were lead into a great chamber, the walls echoing with the shrieks of hundreds of goblins. And sitting in the middle of all of it was the biggest goblin that any of them had ever seen.

Bilbo knew immediately who this figure was, his eyes growing bigger as he gazed at the Goblin King, the voice of his mother echoing in his ears. "The Goblin Kings all hold grudges for all of hobbit folk, they never forgot how Bullroarer Took beheaded the great Goblin King Golfimbul. The goblins were forced to retreat into the Misty Mountains, never to gain enough strength to attack the people of Middle Earth above ground again. If you ever come face to face with a goblin dear Bilbo, never mention your Tookish heritage, hide your family crest. Goblins have sworn the foulest of deaths for members of our family.

Bilbo could only pray to the Green Lady that she would be merciful and his death would be quick.