Kanou closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hospital room. Everything was quiet, save for the soft snoring coming from his old friend. Just as he thought, there was a vase half-filled with water perched on the nightstand beside the bed, and he tucked the bouquet of flowers into the clear water. He wondered how long they'd last.

"Mmn…" Mihashi turned over in bed and Kanou looked over to him. He felt considerably uneasy at the moment, since he couldn't remember walking into the hospital just a few minutes earlier. He remembered walking up the path, then the next thing he remembered was sitting in a chair in one of the empty conference rooms. What was he doing in there? And why? At first he figured he'd just ignore it but it was way too weird to just forget about. And for some reason…

"Did you have anything to do with it?" he asked aloud to the unconscious Mihashi. Kanou shook his head. That's ridiculous, Mihashi has been asleep for a long time, there's no way he'd have anything to do with that black out of his.

"…Hm?" Mihashi opened his eyes and looked up to his old friend. "Shuu…"

"Oh, you're awake." Kanou said, taking the seat beside Mihashi's bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I have a bit of a… headache." Mihashi mumbled, sitting up. "How long have you been here? You could've woken me up."

"I just got here, don't worry about it." Kanou smiled. "Your team is still outside though, they didn't want to wake you."

"They can come in." Mihashi said. "I'm awake now."

"Alright, I'll go get them then." Kanou said, and got up to leave the room. The moment he stepped out the door, Mihashi felt a slight shiver, before feeling wide awake. His traits had finished settling, and he was now functioning as he was before this all happened.

"Hey Mihashi." Tajima said, leading the group as they filed in. "You doing okay?"

"Yep." Mihashi nodded. "I'm awake now, and I'm feeling pretty good. Actually, I feel better than good, I feel great! I don't remember what happened at the game though, did we win?"

"Hell yeah we won!" Tajima grinned, relieved their pitcher was back to normal.

"Define feeling 'great'." Abe said. Mihashi flinched before taking a second to think.

"Ah, um…" he mumbled. "Like… like…"

"Like you could run a marathon?" Tajima suggested. "Or like you could eat four bowls of udon? Or like you could punch someone in the face for the hell of it?"

"Uh, yeah!" Mihashi said. "W-Well, maybe not the punching part… But I feel great like that!"

"Must be because you got so much sleep." Izumi said, trying to hint to the team that they shouldn't talk about what went down over the past couple days. "You must've been really tired after the game, you've been out for two days."

"T-Two days?!" Mihashi squeaked. That means he missed practice!

"Don't worry about if you missed practice or not." Abe said, not necessarily reading his mind, but his facial expression had given away his worry. "Coach let us have those couple days off while you rested up. But she wants us at practice tonight, you up for it?"

"Y-Yeah!" Mihashi said.

"I'll go get the doctor." Hanai said. "Discharging him shouldn't take very long."

"I'll go with you." Sakaeguchi followed close behind.

"Doctor…?" Mihashi asked.

"You haven't realized you're in a hospital?" Kanou asked. Mihashi jerked his head around the room, just now realizing that he was indeed in a hospital, and laying in a hospital bed.


"You fainted after the game." Izumi said. "So we brought you here just in case something was wrong."

"Nothing's wrong!" Mihashi whimpered. "I-Is there?"

"You got hit in the head with a ball." Tajima said. "I mean, you looked okay for a second, then you passed out, so we were worried."

"I feel fine…" Mihashi muttered.

"That's good then." The cleanup grinned. "I'm sure the doctor'll let you out, but he might want to give you a checkup first."

"O…Okay." Mihashi mumbled.

"Do you think he's back to normal?" Oki whispered to Nishihiro.

"Looks like it to me." Nishihiro answered. "He doesn't seem to remember anything that's happened over the past couple days, though."

"That's probably a good thing." Suyama said. "Those guys did do some crazy stuff."

"It's probably best that we don't mention it at all." Izumi cut in. "Let's just pretend nothing happened."

The three nodded as Hanai returned with Sakaeguchi and a doctor in tow. The group was asked to leave while the doctor did his mandatory evaluation, but Abe insisted on staying. If anything had changed with Mihashi's weight or anything else, he had to know immediately. The doctor permitted him.

"It's a good thing he's doing better." Kanou said, to no one in particular. "When Ruri called me to tell me he had been hit, I was a little worried."

"We all were." Sakaeguchi said. "But now that he's back to normal, there's nothing to worry about anymore."

The group waited in silence for the doctor to finish giving Mihashi a final checkup, and Kanou brought a hand to his mouth in thought. That blackout of his was still bugging him, but he didn't think to mention it to the Nishiura team. It was probably nothing. Maybe he just wasn't paying attention.

Once the doctor exited the room, Abe told the guys they had to wait for Mihashi's mom to come by and sign him out, since he couldn't do it himself. The team decided to grab some food while they waited, but Kanou chose to stay with Mihashi for the while; they'd bring him something.

The two sat mainly in silence as they waited for time to go by faster than it does, Kanou's thoughts still focusing on the blackout he had. Something told him that Mihashi had something to do with it, but what sense would that make? Mihashi was out cold for the past couple days, how could he have possibly anything to do with the random blackout? Kanou was close to giving himself a headache with thinking about it so much, and Mihashi noticed his frustrated expression.

"Um… Shuu?" he asked, bringing Kanou's attention to him.


"Are you okay?" Mihashi asked carefully.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." Kanou said. "Why?"

"Well uh… your face is kinda…" Mihashi didn't know how to describe Kanou's expression. Scary? Frustrated? "Is… Is there something on your mind?"

"Something… Not really." Kanou mentally kicked himself for making Mihashi worry about him. "Well…"

Mihashi leaned forward with his usual diamond mouth expression, curious as to if he could help his friend with whatever was on his mind.

"To be perfectly honest with you," Kanou sighed, "I don't remember coming in here."

"Wha…?" Mihashi cocked his head to one side.

"Like, I don't remember walking into the hospital." Kanou elaborated. "I remember walking up the path, then the next thing I remember is sitting in an empty conference room. I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but I guess I must've just blacked out, y'know?"

Mihashi nodded in response, though he really didn't understand what Kanou was talking about. Blacking out? Does that happen to people? Mihashi began to think about it while Kanou returned to thinking about it, and when the team returned with lunch, they found the two dazed off in thought.

"Hey! Food's here!" Tajima shouted to get their attention. Kanou flinched and Mihashi beamed with gratitude to his fellow teammate. The two accepted the food the team brought back, and they all began to talk as they waited for Mihashi's mother to arrive. Once she did, Kanou took that chance to say goodbye and head for the train station. It would be about an hour's trip back home, so he figured not to wait until too late. Besides, the team had practice, and Coach Momoe wouldn't be too pleased if they were late.

As the team headed for the field, Mihashi walked beside Tajima and waited for a pause in the cleanup's banter before posing a question.

"Tajima, is it possible for someone to 'black out'?" he asked. "Just like, randomly?"

"What, you mean like falling asleep?" Tajima asked.

"I don't… think so?" Mihashi thought about it for a second. "It's kind of like, you're doing one thing, then the next thing you remember is doing something completely different then what you planned on doing."

"Hm, I don't think that happens a lot, but I guess it could." Tajima answered. "I mean, if we were talking about random sleeping that'd be called narcolepsy… Why do you ask?"

"Cause Shuu, I mean Kanou, said that happened to him today." Mihashi answered. The entire team except for Tajima flinched with the realization that that was only because Innocence knocked him out so he wouldn't find more than one Mihashi running around! "And I was wondering if that was normal."

"Maybe he was just knocked out." Tajima suggested. "Like someone came up behind him and WHAM! instant knock out." Mihashi's face paled and he scrambled for his phone. As he began to text Kanou, Izumi and Hanai pulled the cleanup away and whisper-scolded him for even indirectly mentioning that something went down while Mihashi's traits were running amok. Abe distracted Mihashi by asking him if his wrist hurt at all, and the pitcher put away his phone to show his catcher that it was okay. And the rest of the team helped in keeping the pitcher from texting Kanou, since if he remembered being knocked out, that might trigger a memory that would take hell of a long time to explain. However, once Mihashi was in bed and falling asleep, he remembered to send the text to Kanou.

About your black out: does your head hurt? Tajima said you might've blacked out because someone knocked you out. It could've been an accident or something, you know?

And as the pitcher drifted off to sleep, his phone buzzed lightly beside his pillow, but was unsuccessful in waking him up.

Actually, yeah. The back of my head hurts pretty bad when I put pressure on it.

And there you have it, folks. Each and Every Mihashi is now completed! But I'll be writing a bonus chapter featuring Kanou, so feel free to keep an eye out for that! A sequel is also planned, so review with what you think could happen!
