Chapter 7

Game day

A gut wrenching pain in my soul woke me up from my deep sleep. I gasped and wrapped my arms around my middle instinctively while looking around the room for whatever had attacked me. The dark room held nothing suspicious as another wave of pain wracked my body. I felt Sans stir beside me as I whined.

"Hey babe are you, you ok?" Sans says rubbing his eye socket as I gasped.

"I don't…. something's wrong. Go get the reader." I manage out as my soul throbbed painfully in my chest. Sans stares at me but quickly fetches the little tool. He returns and presses it against my stomach.

"350...351….352…. Babe I think it's time." Sans says sloppily writing the numbers down on a Sudoku book cover on the nightstand.

"I thought when it was time my soul would tell us?" I say rubbing my stomach as the pain subsided. Sans waved a hand in front of my chest making my soul spring out. The bright red soul was shivering and looked swollen. Every now and again when the pain would hit me it would convulse and pulsate rapidly.

"Frisk, it's definitely time." Sans says furiously writing down what he saw covering the front of the sudoku book with messy scrawl. I nodded and slipped my nice cream slippers on while Sans gathered all of our things that we had prepared.

The past week his mp had stabilized at 350 so we had everything on hand. Sans helped me slip my night shirt off and put a warm sweater on before grabbing our cell phones.

"Ready? 3 2 1." Sans says teleporting us to Doctor Anura's clinic. The echo flowers glowed serenely while the water babbled in the background.

"Ugh...That felt bad." I groan as Sans helps me shuffle into the clinic.

"Don't worry babe, it'll pass soon." Sans says soothingly as he opens the door. He had most of our belongings floating behind us with his magic making his left eye glow. The receptionist looked up with a gasp.

"Princess! Angie go get a wheelchair quick! Guess you were right about the timing Sans." The receptionist says as the nurse she called out to brought a wheelchair.

"Now sit down Princess, easy does it." She says softly as I sit down.

"Don't have to call me Princess." I breath out as the pain in my soul increased.

"Nonsense. Now Angie go wake the doctor up. Sans you can… stop doing whatever it is you're doing and follow me." The receptionist says as she pushes me further in the clinic. The click click of the wheels echoed in the quiet halls as she pushed the wheelchair into a large room. Suddenly my soul sprang out of my chest and hovered over me.

"There it is, now we can start preparing." The woman says clucking her tongue in approval.

"What's that mean." I say panting.

"It means that you're in your first stage of labor. I'd say we've got twenty minutes before the next stage." She says helping me stand up.

"Sans can you help her change into this? I have to get the team ready." She says handing Sans a hospital gown. He nods as she exits the room with her claws clicking.

"Lift your arms up kiddo." Sans says easing the sweater off me.

"If I would have known that my soul would hurt first I woulda drank more sea tea." I say with a weak grin making Sans chuckle.

"We didn't know exactly what would happen, nobody's seen anything like this before." Sans says taking my clothes and folding them up neatly.

I felt liquid trickle down my leg making me look down in confusion. It was a light purple and carried the feeling of magic.

"Guess my water broke." I mumble.

Sans was already wiping it off my leg with a damp towel.

"Got it." He says with a wink.

"Well aren't you just all prepared." I say.

"Have you texted everyone?" I say wincing as my soul throbbed.

"Yeah. I sent a mass text to everyone, they should be here soon." Sans says helping me lay down. The nurses burst into the room armed with tools and towels.

"Good you're already laying down." A pyramid head nurse said.

"How would you rate your pain levels?" She says as the other nurses bustled around me.

"About 7. Is Doctor Anura awake?" I say as she makes quick note of my pulsing soul.

"He should be here in a moment Princess. Right now we're going to try and make you as comfortable as possible ok?" She says with a smile.

"Thank you so much." I say closing my eyes as the pain in my soul hit me. My lower hips had been aching this entire time but now it felt like they were on fire. Sans stroked my head and held my hand as I practiced my breathing through the pain.

"Doing ok sweetheart?" Sans says softly.

"Yeah. Excitement and all that." I say waving my hands.

The doors burst open once more revealing Toriel with a shaken Papyrus in tow. Papyrus was holding a small human in scrubs who looked terrified.

"Hey mom, hey paps." I say weakly as Papyrus bounded over to me.


"Thanks paps. You might want to put her down" I say. Papyrus gasps and quickly puts the small woman on her feet. She smoothes out her shirt and looks at me.

"So you're the one having the baby?" She says with a smile.

"Looks like it. Welcome to the show." I say wincing as the pain in my lower regions increases.

"I'm going to take a quick look ok?" She says patting my hand before pulling a stool up and rolling to my legs. She lifts the sheet and looks around before putting it back down.

"You're already fully dilated surprisingly. Once Doctor Anura shows up we'll start ok?" She says smiling at me. I nod as she goes to talk with the other nurses. Toriel steps up to my Sans free side and smoothes my frazzled hair down.

"How's it going mom?" I say looking up at her red eyes.

"It's three in the morning and I'm going to be a grandmother soon. It's going amazing my child." She says with a warm smile. My soul shuddered making me wince. Toriel frowned and placed a hand around my pulsing soul.

"My soul acted like this when Asriel was born, do not fear my child." Toriel says pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Glad I'm a normal monster." I say with a laugh. The door opened gently to reveal Doctor Anura.

"Seems the party has started without me hmm?" the frog monster croaks.

"Heeeey Doc, mind helping?" Sans says rubbing my hand. Doctor Anura ribbits and listens to the nurses for a moments before looking at my soul.

"Well, I would say you are almost ready for the grand finale." He says touching my soul lightly.

"That would be great." I say as the pain was beginning to become unbearable. The doctor and nurses checked me over a few more times as the pain continued to build. My soul was twisting and convulsing rapidly in the air. Every now and again it would swell before snapping back.

"Okay Ms. Dreemurr, it's time to start pushing. Are you ready?" The small woman says patting my leg.

"Anytime would be a great time." I say through gritted teeth.

"Good good. Now I'm going to count to ten and you're going to push until ten okay? Ready?" I nod and swallow. Sans holds my left hand and Toriel holds my right.

"Okay here we go." She starts ticking off numbers as I push. The pain in my soul was blinding, making it even harder to concentrate on the task at hand. I screamed as she reached ten.

"Good, now you're going to want to stop." She says soothingly as Doctor Anura looked at my soul once more. It was swollen and was pulsing a light purple.

"You've got a few minutes before the end dear, keep going." He croaks. The nurse nods and looks at me.

"You heard him, let's race to the finish line." She says with a smile. I jerk my head down and gasp for air as the building pressure was making it hard to breath. I heard her start counting and I pushed.

Sweat rolled down forehead, Sans and Toriel were cheering encouragement to me, Papyrus' eyes were bulging out his skull as he panicked, all of this happened around me as a final wave of pain sliced through my soul. I screamed until my throat felt raw as my soul shuddered above me.

I could feel the pressure leaving my lower body as my soul shivered before pulsing purple once more. A bright red cloud swirled around my soul as something ripped itself out.

All of my pain was forgotten as a small purple soul shined beside my own. It was so small, so frail looking. It shivered slightly, causing my soul to rub against it gently. I stared at it in amazement as it hovered. The small purple soul slowly descended until it came to a stop by my hips were a tiny cry filled the room.

"Congratulations Ms. Dreemurr, it's a boy." The small nurse says holding a tiny figure. The small purple soul hovered over his chest before sinking inside. I snapped back to reality as Sans looked at me in wonder.

The nurses quickly handed the tiny infant to each other to wash the goopy magic off of him and run a few tests. I felt all of my excess magic leave my body quickly as the nurses wiped my head off and washed my lower body.

"Did I…. Did I do it?" I breath out as they wheel a part of the hospital bed away and lift the edges up so I could lay down.

"Yes my child, you did it." Toriel says rubbing my hand.

I noticed I had my hands clasped deathly tight around Sans and Toriel's hands. I slowly released their hands as my soul sank back into my chest.

"Welp, that could have been worse." Sans says rubbing the back of his sweaty skull.

"You did great Frisk, I love you so much." Sans says kissing my cheek.

"I love you too Sans. I'm surprised I did it." I say laughing slightly. Doctor Anura came back and checked my vitals quickly.

"As I assumed, you did perfectly Princess. We just need to run a few more tests and then you can have him all to yourselves." Doctor Anura says with a smile.

"Thank you Doctor." I say smiling back. Sans and I shake his hand, he nods at Toriel before exiting the room.

The door had barely closed when it was smashed off its hinges. Undyne stood in front of it with her foot lifted with Alphys blushing behind her.

"UNDYNE YOU CAME JUST IN TIME! WE GET TO MEET HIM SOON!" Papyrus says launching himself at the fish monster.

"How'd it go punk? Where's the squirt?" Undyne says supplexing Papyrus over her shoulders.

"The "squirt" shall be here momentarily Undyne. Now please put Papyrus down, you will need to contain yourself around the baby." Toriel says gently.

"Psssh, fine." Undyne says putting the lanky skeleton down. Alphys padded over by me while Undyne listened to Papyrus explain the entire ordeal.

"Are doing okay F….Frisk?" She says softly.

"Doing as good as somebody who just gave a part of my soul away could be doing." I say with a sarcastic grin.

Alphys rolls her eyes but gives me a genuine smile. The small human nurse walks back into the room carrying a white bundle.

"Ready to meet him?" She says standing by me.

"Yeah." I say. Sans shakes slightly by me but smiles. The nurse gently hands me the small bundle.

I settle him in my arms and push the blanket back revealing his pristine white bones. His tiny fingers unfurled as he blinked and looked up at me with his white pupils.

"Hi….. It's good to finally meet you." I say gently as he gazes up at me. He looked surprised to hear my voice outside but his mouth stretched into a Sans smile.

"Oh wow, smiling just like me. Poor kid." Sans says wiping bright blue tears off his cheek. He looked over at Sans and grinned even wider while reaching a small hand out at him.

"Here, he wants you." I say gently. Sans looked surprised but took him as I lightly handed him over. I saw Sans stare down at his perfect face with tears running down his cheekbones. He covered his mouth with a hand as he sobbed.

"Are you okay?" I say stroking his arm. Sans nods and moves his hand to stroke his small cheek.

"I'm okay. He's just so perfect." Sans says with a smile. Sans looks at me with his smile and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, I love you so much." He says as the infant in his arms looked up confused.

"Don't worry buddy, he's just happy to meet you." I reassure the tiny skeleton. His worried expression switches back to a smile. He stretches his small hands up and gurgles. I laugh and Sans wipes the last of his tears away.

"I guess we should name him." I say putting a finger in his small hand. He held on tight and babbled.

"No need to, he already has a name." Sans says looking at his typeface. I look at the bright white letters for a moments before his name popped in my head.

"Jasper Daniels, huh." I say looking back down at his perfect bones. He babbles happily and brings my finger to his mouth to gnaw on it. I laugh and look up.

"Alright who wants to hold Jasper." I say as the eager monster had mostly sat on my bed.

Jasper was passed between everyone arms making everyone laugh. Toriel had told him a pun that made him giggle for the first time, Papyrus had told him how great of an uncle he had making him waggle his tiny fingers, Undyne had tried juggling him making Sans and I panic, and Alphys had whispered to him that she'd let him watch mew mew kissy with her.

Eventually he was returned to my arms where Sans and I gazed down at the beginning of our forever.

That's the end of this small journey! :3 I hope you all enjoyed my interperataion of these wonderful characters. Undertale has struck a chord in my heart that made me just have to write the fluffiest abomination ever.

But! Real talk now. I am currently working on two new stories right now. One's an underfell one, and another is one that we delve deep into the science behind Frisk's magic. I'd love for your guy's input for what you want next for your reading pleasure.


A week from now at 7 am central time I'll start posting the new story that was requested the most.

Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, and just skimmed through my story. You have no idea how much it means to me :D

May the odds be ever in your favor! Toodles