The sound of the slash of a knife instantly made his heart drop down to the pit of his stomach, his mind unable to put together words as the sound replayed over and over in his head.


Sans rushed to the rail around the core, his young mind instantly scarred as he watched the corpse of his father drop down below.

He could hear Papyrus bursting into tears and cling to him in a mix of fear and sadness as the splash below signaled their father's demise.

A small chuckle made Sans' eyes widen as he looks around, the image of a kid with a green and yellow striped sweater was seen to be running down the hall...a bloody knife in her hand.

Sans ran toward her, powered by rage. She KILLED him! She KILLED his FATHER! And she was going to pay!

The walls of the lab soon became snowy trees, Sans' running becoming walking as the ground became further away as he grew taller, his clothes fading into basketball shorts, slippers, a t-shirt and a blue hoodie.

"What the?" was all he could say as he looked around, his feet crunching in the snow.

"Hmm...I see you are approaching...are you offering a hug of acceptance? WOWIE! My lessons are already paying off! I the GREAT Papyrus...welcome you with open arms! NYEH HEH HEH!"

At the sound of that laugh, Sans' pace quickened, making him round the bend to see a human kid with a blue and pink striped sweater walk toward Papyrus, their eyes hidden by their bangs.

"What are they doing?"

Sans was soon answered when he sees a knife hidden behind the kid's back.



Sans' pace stopped instantly as he watched Papyrus' head drop from his shoulders.

"That...wasn't what I expected...but still...I believe in you. You can do a little bit better, even if you don't think so. I...I promise..."

And just like that, the last bit of family was gone.

Sans watched as the kid walked away without any sign of regret for what happened.

Sans ran to where his brother used to be as fast as he could, sliding through the snow on his knees to the pile of dust.

"P-Papyrus? Br-Brother?" he asked quietly, lifting his brother's scarf to his chest, tears coming to his eyes.

"No...NO!" he shouted, sobs coursing through him as he hugs the scarf close, not noticing as the cold became absent and the cloudy atmosphere became brighter.

He opens his eyes to see himself in the main hall of the king's palace, Papyrus' scarf around his neck and the kid in front of him, knife in hand.

"'s a beautiful day outside...bird's are singing...flower's are blooming...on day's like like you...should be burning in HELL!"

Sans' left eye began glowing a bright blue as he summoned his gaster-blasters, their deadly beams shooting at the kid over and over again, but it wouldn't do anything. The kid just kept on dodging, to the point where even SANS was feeling fatigue. There was one last thing he could do.

" than I thought. I have no choice but to SPECIAL attack." he said with a grin as his turn began...and didn't end.

He and the kid sat in silence for a little while, the special attack taking effect. Sans felt his eyes weaken. He felt tired. It's been pretty eventful lately. Sans felt his head nod as he fell asleep standing up.

THAT...was a BIG mistake...


Sans' instantly opened his eyes when the familiar slash of a knife was heard.

"Heh...did you really think you would be able to..."

His worlds were cut off when searing pain erupted in his body, blood seen on his chest instantly where the knife cut into him.

" that's it..." Sans managed to say between gasps, blood staining his mouth as he struggled to his feet.

"Just...don't say I didn't warn you..." was all he could say as he began to walk away.

"Welp...I'm going to Grillby'"

His eyes widen when he realizes what he said, the memories coming back making him unable to stand as he collpases on the ground, the pain becoming unbearable.

"Heh heh heh..."

Sans' forces his eyes from closing as he looks up with a wince, a familiar green and yellow sweater seen.

"How's THIS for a bad time...?"


Sans screamed as he bolted up, his eye shining blue and sweat running down his face.

"Wh-What the HELL?!"

Sans brought a hand shakily to his head, trying to calm down.


Sans looked up to see Toriel in the doorway, a concerned look on her face.

"T-Tori! Hey! Um...s'up?"

Toriel ignored his breezy tone.

"Sans...I heard screaming. Are you okay?" she asked in concern, walking over as she did before sitting next to him on the bed.

"I'm fine Tori. Just a bad dream."

"Are you sure? You sounded so scared."

Sans forced a smile on his face.

"Nah, it was nothing. Just took me by surprise is all. Don't worry about it Tori. I swear to you it wasn't a BAAAAAD time..." Sans joked, making a goat noise when saying bad.

Tori couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Well...if you're still making puns I guess you're feeling okay. Just...know that the others and I are here...if...there's ever anything bothering you okay?"

Sans smiled.

"Sure thing Tori. G'night."


Sans watched Toriel leave the room before his smile disappeared instantly.

"Sorry Tori...but it WAS a bad time...a REALLY bad time..."