Reviews for Needy Child
CallMeKayden chapter 1 . 5/30
Oh god, what a great story, I applaud you. 3
Maple Syrup-tard chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
Holy crap. In my search for another fic I read years ago regarding teenage America and child Canada (where America had to babysit Canada for England while he went off for meetings, but then child Canada starts growing up before America's eyes without really knowing why and he kinda freaks and just rolls with it. If you know what fic I’m talking about, hmu lol~) I stumbled upon this gem.

And wowie wow. I’m so in love with what you have here!

I’m honestly a sucker for sick fics too but to see how much angst and fluff you have injected into this beast of a story was the amazing. Not to mention it’s ACE family and it’s just so- *chef kiss* wonderful.

But yeah. I just really loved how you explored where Canada’s low self esteem comes from. Not necessarily his fault but due a mixture of factors that’s just how he is. And oh god, that end scene where Matthew was just confessing everything about why he feels he’s useless? My heart was just crushed. He’s so precious and all I wanted to do was scoop him up and give him a big hug. I’m so glad you had America and England do that in the end to fill my need to hug him and that Canada ultimately felt better 3

And man, you said English isn’t your native language? No way man, you write so well! You should be proud of how well you express yourself in a different language :)

Anyway, ramblings aside, I really really enjoyed your story. It had me tear up a few times and my heart swelling with love at the end. Thanks so much for sharing!
Phantom Jeanne chapter 2 . 12/17/2018
Oh, jeez. This whole chapter had me on edge and then I wanted to cry at the way Mrs. Jane was treating Mattie. That poor boy, he needs so much love!

Sad to say, but I know what it's like feeling useless. I can sympathize.
Ocenia chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
This story deserves so much more recognition. Thanks for a wonderful read!
Passserby chapter 6 . 11/18/2017
I love how caring England is being haha I actually headcannon him being this gentle with his kiddos, especially those who deserved it like Canada lol
I like your portrayal of the characters, though this makes me want to cry thinking about Revolutionary War ;_; I think we need more fic focused on Canada!
Keep up the good work, love!
KatDusk chapter 6 . 6/27/2017
This made me cry.. and I wanted to punch Jane, you know? This was very good..
Fornever Tash chapter 6 . 5/14/2017
This was so wonderful, and beautifully written. I also have an alarmingly deep soft spot for hurt/comfort/sick fics and yours was a pleasure to read. Thank you!
sunsetonmars chapter 6 . 2/9/2017
I've been so busy, but now I finally have the chance to sit down and read this chapter. I love it! This is a good way to end it. I'm glad Matthew got his feelings out and that his family listened to him and showed him how much they love him. I like your interpretation of his relationship with France. It's hard to write them sometimes because the canon is so contradictory, but I like the middle ground you've found here. This was a great story I really loved it, and I'll be sure to read anything you publish in the future!
NyleveLlama chapter 6 . 2/5/2017
You write very well. The story drew me in immediately and I found myself following to find out what happened next, how does it end? That's very good.

I'm glad you put more thought and development into the character of Jane, that she wasn't abusive only for the convenience of the story. She had legitimate pain and she's inflicted legitimate pain, her grief does not excuse her actions but it does explain them. Good work on that development. Your shifts of perspective between Canada and America are also smooth and speaks volumes to their own characters, which is the strength in your narrative.

My main critique is this: don't play your power card too soon. Your story is revolves around emotion so it's crucial to place every emotion evoking sequence in the exact right place so the reader can feel sad, happy, mad and so on at the right times (it's incredably difficult to do and takes a lot of practice). I feel as if you revealed your emotional climax a little too soon. Canada involuntarily revealed Jane's abuse and Kuma confirmed it, which was fine. However, America (and England to an extent) trying to talk about it to Canada before the last chapter was when you played the hand. Afterwards, that discussion with Canada lost its powerful punch in the emotional gut. It was still there, just not as strong as it could have been. It's a very subtle thing and it can easily be overlooked, but it is an important thing to be conscious of when telling a story. As a writer, you want to intentially hold back your most powerful card until the last moment it can be played. If America had only apologized first, then England waited until the last chapter to convince Canada that he was truly loved, on top of the two older nations discovering the source of Canada's insecurities, all in one (or two if necessary) scenes then I think the effect would have been exactly what you intended and more.

Thank you very much for the lovely story! I look forward to more.
27aquarrow72 chapter 6 . 2/4/2017

. . . I can't stop smiling.

. . . But I can never get enough of this.
Land of Stories and Randomness chapter 6 . 2/4/2017
browsofglory chapter 6 . 2/4/2017
I cried. The last scene about France and Canada broke my heart. I really love your take on France and Canada's relationship! I think that it works really well for their characters. This chapter is great; it's suspenseful, tender, it ties up all of the loose ends, and it hit me right in the feels!
Monaterofsturf16 chapter 6 . 2/4/2017
This was such a good chapter! The ending was very satisfying that had things that can be built on and it wasn't open ended where the audience was ripping their hair out in frustration. I'm so happy you updated, your updates are things I always look forward to. I'm also very glad you didn't make Francis into a complete jerk. I hope life calms down for you in the next while. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the next works you decide to do, if you want to do any. Though, if you are, you could build a little on Mattie and Francis' relationship before Canada became a British colony.

Great work on this chapter and story in general. It made me sad and happy a lot, making my chest hurt sometimes. I loved it. You definitely have to be my favourite author on this site. I would recommend going into professional writing or becoming an author. Have a good one!
I Am the Leader chapter 5 . 1/22/2017
Awesome! Can't wait of more!
sunsetonmars chapter 5 . 1/22/2017
(sorry for the late review) YAY England is finally here! I'm so relieved. It's so nice to see how sweet he is with Alfred and Matthew. I hate fics where they make England more of a stern caretaker because it's so out of character. In all the canon flashback scenes we've seen of America and Canada's childhood, England has always been very kind and loving towards them. So I'm glad you write him this way. It's also heartbreaking to see that America doesn't really understand how fragile humans are compared to nations, poor Alfred. I also really like the research you put into the medicinal stuff.
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