It was just the middle of a chilly winter day, and Italy, bound up in a fur-lined coat, looked over the fountain he now stood in front of, watching the small ceramic creatures along the beautiful sculpture pour forever-running water out of small pots decorated in shining ice left from the night's cold freeze. He rubbed the small copper coin he had in-between his fingers once more, and lifted his arm.

Italy tossed the penny in with blind aim, whispering his wish four times before the penny hit the water of the fountain with a soft slap, floating down to the shallow bottom. He watched the fountain spit out more water for a few moments, the wish echoing in his head like an ancient mantra.

'I wish for my chance at getting pregnant. To have my own child'

He hoped and wished for it as he stared into the clear water, finding his penny at the aqua tiled bottom. He knew that it could just as easily happen on accident, or if they focused on trying. Something always belittled him though on the subject.

Yes, countries could get pregnant. They could because they had a female population within their represented country. It gave them that ability, but it confused all of them because they found the female nations sterile. The males….they were free game to impregnate. The women took it kindly and help them when they could. It wasn't that though….

Italy wondered how he would actually get pregnant, and if he did how did it get out?

He shook his head free of the cobweb thoughts. He didn't have to worry. His body did it somehow. He really did hope that magic wasn't just something England, Norway and Romania boasted about, or that wishes really worked. He got England to go home after wishing on a star, so why couldn't he get his baby if he did a bit of wishful coin tossing. He sighed softly, resting his hands together in front of him. Humans milled around him, some talking and busying themselves in conversation, others throwing their own coins into the fountain, whispering their wishes into the coin before tossing it to its final resting spot.

Couples also milled around, using the fountain as their setting for a date. He watched a couple, a gay couple by all coincidences, whisper wishes into the shiny gold coins they had in their hands and watched them toss them, their free hands curled together. It was cute, and even through a few hard stares others were giving them, they made it through. They left as they whispered the wish they both swore to the metal currency one last time. He smiled toward the direction they left. He hoped their wishes come true.


Italy turned around to find Germany jogging up to him, a few bags along his arm. He looked amazing as he finally came up to him, smiling and taking the hug Italy threw at him, pressing his face into the Italian's shoulder, taking a look at the fountain.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. I was picking….a few things out that I thought you'd like" Italy leaned away from the hug, and gasped.

"Luddy bought things for me?" Germany nodded and Italy once more jumped into Germany's arms, almost knocking said bought things to the ground. Germany barked at him about being more careful, but quickly deflected the harshness with a soft kiss to Italy's forehead. Italy blushed a bit, but found himself joining Germany in the blushing fest as his German boyfriend took hold of his hand, entwining their fingers. He tugged on it, signaling that he wanted to leave. He understood. The pressure from the others surrounding them and judging them was heavy. He nodded and both started to walk away from the crowd, heading toward home.

"What were you doing there anyway? Making a wish for something?" Germany asked, looking back only once to the fountain fading into the background as they rounded a corner. Before they rounded it though, Italy stared hard at it, his wish echoing once more.

"Yes, for something important"

Italy found himself once more thinking. He was in Germany's room, dressed in only a long button-down shirt and lying in his bed, looking out the open window. It was slowly getting dark, the sky slowly turning colors of darker blue and purple, on its way to black like every evening. The rest of the day after Germany picked him up after his wishing went calmly and a bit uneventful to his disappointment. They simply enjoyed the day inside the house they shared now, eating a peaceful and tasty dinner while watching a romance film that just happened to be on.

Germany had also a bit of work he needed down, so as soon as the movie was over, he rushed off to his separate study and left Italy to his devices. All he really had done was slink up to Germany's room; throw all his clothes off, put on one of Germany's shirts and thought about the day's events, but mostly on the forever important topic for him of conceiving.

It just….excited him to the idea of bearing children. It was always to humans that women could be the only ones to have such a wonderful talent to have children. From the tales of some of the earliest ancient countries, which were left by Grandpa Rome, the citizens always thanks the gods of goddesses of Paganism and Nature Worship for their gift to women for having the ability to bear children. It was always a gift, always a beautiful god-granted gift to women. Men were left to wonder about it, but accepted it, at least in ancient times. Now people seemed to take it as a bit of a joke sometimes, but it was still marveled by some people.

As a country, it was reversed. The men could bear, the women were left to wonder about it; well the women nations knew almost everything about it. Italy guessed that it hurt all of them to know that they could not share in the wonders of their female population. The men, from what he could remember when it was found out that they could conceive, were absolutely terrified because they had no knowledge of the act. It wasn't until France conceived Canada that they knew of it. A few followed after him; England with Sealand, China with Hong Kong but those….were just spontaneous conceptions. No confirmed fathers. Italy wondered that maybe he just had to randomly conceive to have a child.

He sighed heavily and looked away from the receding sun, now looking at the door. He hoped Germany would finish soon. He wanted to talk to him about it. He rubbed his wedding ring absently, his eyes starting to fall. He knew he was tired, but he would wait for his lover. A few minutes passed and the door finally opened, Germany walking in and finally undressing for bed. As he stripped of pants and shirt, he sat on the edge of the bed and brought Italy's awaiting head to his lips, peppering his forehead with soft, whispery kisses.

"I thought you would be asleep by now, Feli…." He said, settling next to Italy. Italy shuffled a bit on his behind, until finally settling with his knees pressed lightly on his chest.

"I just wanted to talk to you about…something"

"Like?" Italy looked down at his feet for a moment, hesitating when he shouldn't. He sighed and finally stretched out, playing with one of the buttons on his borrowed shirt, not looking at his husband.

"What would you think….if we had children?"

Germany was silent for a moment, looking over at Italy as he sat up curled up in himself. He didn't know what to think about the subject. It was never something he talked about, wondered about or even ever considered. He kept his eyes trained on Italy, who seemed to be on the verge of crying. He hugged him close to his chest, smiling into his shoulder.

"I don't know what I would think. Why would you bring this up?" he asked softly. He scooted back to find Italy in tears, rubbing his eyes, a soft sob escaping his throat.

"I don't know. The idea of having kids just sounds….wonderful and I know that male countries can have them and I thought that we could have a family, but I was worried that you would hate it and I would get yelled at for thinking of such an absurd thing-"

"It's not absurd. Not at all. I'm just surprised you would think about it because from what I've learned, it's a full time job"

Italy sat back a bit; looking into Germany's eyes, searching for the underlying answer he knew would be waiting for him. He could see the approval, and hope of it. He wanted it, even though he probably never thought about it. He set his hands alongside his lover's face, slowly pulling him down to him until their eyes had shut closed, and their lips sealed in on one another. Slowly, as the innocent kiss gradually turned more heated and passionate, Italy's arms wound around Germany's neck, both of them slowly falling on to the bed.

"We'll work it out, but now…." Italy looked down, trialing his eyes down his body to the rising erection he was getting. Germany chuckled, pinching a few buttons free on Italy's shirt. He leaned down close to him, pressing them together with one hand under his back, resulting in a long groan from the smaller man below him.

"Well, we should start trying now….just in case" Germany whispered, a seductive smirk crossing his lips. Italy was excited and thrilled. He quickly went to work on the opportunity he was gifted with, making it everything he wished for. They quickly moved from foreplay to actually making love, letting the night move along without them. The night turned into a beautiful moment for them, a time of hope and pure passion. It didn't seem to end for the both of them. The night moved slowly on, the two lovers going at it until they both let themselves fall into Sandman's trap.

Through the night, Germany stayed asleep, keeping Italy within his arms, tucked to his chest. Italy however found himself awake albeit restless. He kept himself in Germany's arms, staring at his peaceful sleeping face, running a hand gently through his loose hair. Even though he felt the weight of his tired mind and body, he could not will himself asleep deep enough to stay that way. He had tried everything, but found himself unable to fall completely into sandman's realm. He slowly lifted himself up to a sitting position, resting Germany's previously draped arms in his lap and where they tightened around him.

He looked out of the window, mystified by the natural entertainment whirling around in rampant wind. A small snowstorm must have rolled in during their coital streak through the early moments of the evening. The wind moved the collected snow in beautiful waves of white and silver, dark shadows joining into the near formal dance of nature's frozen tears. It seemed so professional and perfect, yet as it swished this way and that, like bellowing dresses as they moved with their wearers, it looked so primal and unrehearsed and imperfect; the futile battle that worked hand-in-hand. Even from the small viewing cube, it seemed to go on forever.

He found himself slowly lulling off into a sleep well needed. As he watched Nature's December dance move on without him, he finally joined his slumbering husband in calm sleep, dreams wedging into his personal darkened trap. The dream was something he would not recall in the morning, but he enjoyed it for the moment as he watched dream Germany, dream Italy, and a little girl in an icy blue dress dance with the snow-like background, twirling and twisting, stepping and moving with the ever rotating wind and white.

Morning came with a surprise for them both; fresh snow on the ground for Germany, and an odd craving to play in said new snow. The sun was clouded away by lingering and arriving storm clouds, keeping the sticky snow on the ground and frozen. As Italy threw on the winter gear he dug out of the confines of Germany's closet, said German watched with a knit throw over his shoulders as Italy bounced and sang in excitement. He hadn't played in snow for a long time, and he was glad that it finally time for the beautiful white stuff. December had waited long enough to come around, and they both hoped, though Germany would never admit it, that it would snow. As the last piece of winter gear secured itself on Italy's form, he hummed a quick tune, a tune Germany knew well.

"You know 'Once Upon a December'?" he asked as Italy walked past him and went down the stairs, the tune of the song still going strong.

"A little. I don't know why, but I just feel like singing it" Italy replied, and quickly was off in the snow, fresh snow falling down in its typical light drizzle of unique snowflakes. He twirled around with arms wide; face up to the cloudy sky and catching snowflakes on his already rosy cheeks. He giggled as one landed in his eye, wiping at the invading frozen piece of rain. Germany watched from the heated entrance of his home, keeping an eye on him. Italy started to hum the tune again, twirling like a professional even in the low layer of packed snow. He waved and twisted almost like a ballerina, graceful in every small movement to the running song in his head. Italy found himself lost in the song playing softly in his head, leaping up in a kick as the song in his head slowly faded out.

"You look so graceful doing that" Germany commented, watching with glee as Italy turned to him and blushed, losing his gracefulness instantly and face planting into the snow when he tried to move. Germany chuckled, moving outside along his plowed walkway up to Italy, who was trying to collect himself from embarrassment of losing all grace and trying to get the snow out of his hair.

"Now…not so much" he whispered, brushing some stuck snow off of Italy's head. "Now you look like my fool"


They soon went inside, Italy free of snow and any lingering embarrassment, Germany free of the cold and the shivers that had racked through him as he stepped inside. Italy changed out of his now wet clothes and into something comfortable, snuggling into the couch with Germany around him, watching the news as it spoke of incoming storms for the week. As they flipped through channels, Italy found himself rubbing at his stomach, and not because he was hungry. He pushed the thought away though, settling his arms away from his stomach a second later. His thoughts on the matter came back, and he found himself smiling.

'Maybe it's happening now. I will not know for a while'

He closed his eyes, settling even more into Germany, who hummed in approval. Their next weeks would be calm, peaceful and definitely filled with nightly romps, trying for the hope that something could happen to get their wish. Yes, as weeks passed, the thought of a child with Italy grew to be one on the top of the list entitled 'Want'. The thought did thrill, intrigued and horrify him all at once, but he would take it when it came, if it ever came. A month would pass until things started to get a bit…..weird for them both.

Germany woke up once again to the sound of muffled retching, and before he heard no more than three he was up and opening the bathroom door, finding Italy's head rest on the edge of the toilet. He groaned softly into his arm until another wave of nausea swept hard over him, making him move and dry-heave until it went away.

"Feli….are you okay?" Germany asked, sitting down behind him and rubbing his back soothingly, hoping to help if he could. Italy finally stopped the heaving and let his flaming forehead rest on the cool white rim of the porcelain throne.

"Nooo….I feel like utter crap. I don't know how long I've been here on the floor, throwing up"

Germany sighed and continued his back rub, not knowing what to do. It took a full minute of silence before it hit him, the realization of what it could be. He smiled though, collected himself and spoke softly.

"Italy, I think we did it"

"Ve~….did what?"

"I think it finally happened. I believe you're pregnant, Feli"

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Once Upon a Coin', my first Mpreg story! I was inspired by the song, if you haven't guessed, 'Once Upon a December'. I hope to make this only a few chapters, maybe three or four. Please if you can, spare a favorite, a follow, and/or a review to let me know how I did!

I hope you come back for the next chapter!