Disclaimer: I do not own anything Naruto. Naruto belongs to rightful creator and owner Masashi Kishimoto. I only own my OC's, and the plot line for this story.

Please do not leave any swears in any of my reviews, The swearing is not helpful to the writer, and is not nessaury. If you do not like the story, then please leave and move on to something else. This is all I ask.

Warning some characters might be OOC, but I will be trying my hardest for this not to happen but it might happen. The story also does not follow the normal time line of the manga or the anime, and some ages of the charaters might be off or changed. Lastly my grammar and spelling can be pretty terrible, but I am trying my hardest to correct this. Since spelling and grammar were never my strongest subjects.

The story is rated M, just because I want to be careful. Strong language such as swearing, cartoon violence, blood, gore, crude humor, and some suggestive themes. Their might also be dark and disturbing themes through out the story.

Summary: Dying was one thing. However when you're suddenly reborn into a world, that you have known only as a anime, and end up as the identical younger twin brother of Itachi Uchiha as the second older brother of Sasuke Uchiha. Believe me, you end up having problems. Especially if you always disliked or hated the Uchiha Clan.

Anyways Please Read, Review and I really hope you like the story.

I always been the rebellious type. The person who never cared, what other people thought of me, and I often did things that, I wasn't suppose to do. I mostly did it, just to piss people off. Look...I'm not going to lie, but damn it. I was always taught how to speak my mind. To do the right thing, even though I often did the wrong thing at times, and how I was taught to never start a fight, but by god finish it, anyway possible. I guess you could say, I was your normal average guy, born in the United States. I was about six-two in height, had pale skin, had a healthy looking form, brown hair and brown eyes.

I forgot to mension, that I had a very bad habbit of fighting dirty, and the fact I loved to fight. Hey, I was a guy...most guys, love fighting. I just happened to be, the type who enjoyed fighting, when ever I was in a fight...that is. I also loved watching anime, playing videogames, skate boarding, fighting, hunting, playing soccer, playing football, and listening to music. My top favorite animes were Naruto, Inuyasha, Saiyuki, Rurouni Kenshin, Black Butler also known as Kuroshitsuji, Pandora Hearts, Ghost Hunt, and High School of the Dead. There was a few other animes but I don't want to bore you with all that. So just deal with it. I was a huge fan of anime.

I had a normal life, I guess. Nothing really special, I wasn't super rich, and I wasn't super poor. Basically somewhere in the normal average range income for a family of three. I always been a military brat, since my father was in the Navy. My family, and I were consteantly moving around, where ever dad had orders to be due to his job. My Mom, however she was a civilian, and often times got annoyed or highly upset.

When ever we had to move, especially if she just got a job...only to find out she had to leave her job, due to a sudden move or something. My mom was strongly thinking about getting a devorce, but she never went through with it. Why? I have no idea. You would have to ask her. I'm not a mind reader, and I truthfully didn't want to know. So it was never brought up.

Since I was a military brat, I guess it was only natural that I follow in my dad's foot steps, and joined the military as well. Which I did, soon after I graduated from high school, I insteantly joined the Millitary. However I joined the Marines instead of the Navy. I wanted to do something different with my life. I guess that was my only excuse as too why I didn't join the Navy, and went with the Marines instead.

My parents were okay with my decision, even if I could see a slight dissappoinment in my dad's eyes. No matter how many times dad smiled, and told me, that he's happy about my choice. I swear I could always see that slight look of disappointment lerking there in his eyes. The reason for that is rather simple. Dad's entire family had always been with the Navy, I guess dad was hoping I would have continued the tradition or something. Sometimes I regret not joining the Navy, but that's all in the past now. Nothing I can do to change it, and believe me there are many things in my past, that I wish could change.

Let's see when it came to my education, I always had good grades, I wasn't super smart or anything like that. I mostly had B's, a few C's and maybe one A or something like that. Other then that I was perfectly fine at being who I was. If others couldn't accept me, for just being myself, then tough luck, I don't need you. Look I'm not going to pretend to be something or someone I'm not. That just wasn't me. I just had to be true to myself, as well as honest with myself. It was just something, that I learned and stayed with while I was growing up.

Well I guess, I should get back on track now. Enough boring you with my past life's story. I guess my story really begins when I died. If your wondering how I died, that is an easy one, car accident. Drunk driver slammed into my vechicle, that sent my car flyining over the guardrail, and down a rocky embankment. I was killed insteantly in the crash, even with a seat belt on. I was twenty nine years old. I was driving home, from a late over night shift at the place I was working. I had retired from the military just last year, and began working as a late night security guard at a museum.

The worse part about the whole ordeal, was that I was suppose to be married in three days to my long time girlfriend, Alice. Man, was she going to pissed and heart broken. When she gets the news, that I died. I just had to die...didn't I, three days before I got married? Damn...I just hope Alice can move on, and find a guy whose a lot better then I ever was. If I'm honest with myself, I would actually say I was royally pissed off, about the fact I died. All because of some intoxicated moron, with no brain had decided to drive drunk! Augh...this was just so damn frustrating.

All I could think about in my final moments were Alice, my parents, friends and everything about my life. Besides how things could have been or might have been. So many regrets and yet there was absoultly nothing, I could about them. After all I was technecially dead now. Basically you would think that was it. Off to heaven, limbo or hell after you least that's what I always thought and believed.

Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever exspect to be recarnated into the world of Naruto, as the identical twin brother of Itachi Uchiha. To me, this didn't make any sense, and yet here I was, in the Naruto world as a new born baby boy. Thankfully I was still the same gender as my past life, or else I would be screaming bloody murder right about now.

At first when I was first born into this new life, I was confused, disoriented, and having a hard time opening my eyes. When I opened my eyes for the first time, everything was fuzzy, very bright, and it took me a few times to get my vision to come into focus and become clear. I was greeted by the sight of a woman holding me as she was smiling.

"Aren't they bueatiful?" A woman said with a smile on her face. She had tears running down her face, as she appeared to be exhausted.

Wait a damn minute, here...I know I've seen this woman before. I thought as I stared at her face for a few seconds. I was trying to remember, where I have seen her before.

"They are...I can't believe we had identical twin boys." A man said chuckling. Soon as I saw the man holding my identical twin, did everything click into place and came rushing back to me. I died, and I just been reborn into another dimension. A dimension, that was susppose to be only fictional or better known as an anime. Yeah...I think I did the only logical thing anyone in my postion would do.

You wouldn't accept it, and would refuse to believe it. Besides the fact of having a total freak out inside your mind, besides your own little version of full blown panic attack, if not screaming. Like I was currently doing inside my head.

Oh shit...oh shit...oh shit! Please let this be a bad dream, please let this be a bad dream! This can't be fucking happening, this isn't real! Wake up! Damn it! This is not real! I chanted in my head until I heard the doctor comfirm my fears.

"Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha?" The doctor asked calmly.

Please say no...please say no. Anyone but that clan...please say no. I begged as I heared the doctor asked them that.

"Yes?" My new parents asked.

Kami, you fucking bastard! I said in my head.

That was when I stiffened and tensed. I tuned everyone out around me, after I heard my new parents confirm my fears. By now a normal Naruto fan, would most likely be excited about this, and would be totally happy as well as looking foreward to be able to meet their favorite characters. Me on the other hand...I was now honestly furious beyond reasoning, freaking out, and even terrified out of my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the anime known as Naruto. But to be actually recarnated into a world, that you only knew only as a cartoon, believe me you would be freaking out just badly as I was, if not worse. Reguardless of how much of a fan you are. You aren't really prepared for this. And believe me, you would be cursing Kami-sama out big time, you would be using every single curse word, and saying every fowl thing you could ever imagine. I think if Hidan every heared, what I just called kami-sama, he would be blushing in shame or would be in total awe of me.

Oh yeah...I forgot to mension, that I just had one major problem with my new life...Okay besides the fact I know the future of what will be happening in this world. I have always, I repeat always hated the Uchiha clan. Yep you heard me right, I hate the Uchiha clan. Out of all the clans out there in this world or people out there in the Naruto world, that I could have been related too. It just had to be, the one fucking clan, that I absoultly hated with a passion.

True, I thought the sharingan was awesome, besides being the coolest thing ever, due to the fact I like Kakashi Hatake a lot. He was my favorite character besides Iruka, Yamato, Minato, Hidan, Naruto, and Kyuubi or Kurama. However I personaly, I didn't want anything to do with this messed up, evil clan from hell! A clan that I was now related to, and even born into! Why the hell, couldn't I have been Naruto's twin, Kakashi's twin, hell...I would have even been happy to have been Sakura's twin sister for crying out loud! But noooo...I had to be a fucking Uchiha!

Oh shit...The Uchiha-clan massacure...I was going to be emo, duck butt's older brother! I think when I fully realized my situation, that I somehow had the misfortune of getting myself into. I screamed bloody murder, right into the faces of Mikoto and Fugaku or my new parents as you would call them. I know, because as soon as I screamed. I caused Itachi, my older identical twin, too suddenly burst into tears because of my screams of pure fear, alarm, anger, and the fact I was having a total mental break down about my situation. I think if any of you were in my situation, you would honestly do the same thing.

My new mother Mikoto Uchiha, was freaking out as she tried to calm my frightened screams. Which seemed to only make me scream louder, if that was even possible. My new father Fugaku Uchiha, was able to calm Itachi down very easily. I know Fugaku looked just as startled, and alarm as Mikoto was about me screaming like this. I think I only calmed down, when I hurt my throat from all the screaming I just did. I tuned everyone out again, so I missed what was being said between my parents and doctor through out all this.

Was it too late too ask kami-sama, too just allow me to stay dead?! What the hell...did I do, that pissed Kami-sama off so badly, that he did this to me?! Why the fuck was I reborn as a Uchiha! I wondered as I was carefully placed down beside my older identical twin. Itachi was looking at me with wide eyes. If I had to guess, I think he was concerned about me, or he was giving me that look like I grew a second head or something. I don't know, and to be honest, I really didn't care. I silently cursed inside my head as I laid there, cursing at what ever higher force that was out there listening to me or watching me.

I didn't ask for this! I also didn't want this! Out all my favorite Naruto chacters, why did I have to be a Uchiha!? Damn it, now I have too grow up all over again now. My new life sucks! I want my old life back! That was when I began to cry silently as I relised, that I would never again see a lot of people who cared about, and even loved ever again. However I was going to make the Uchiha Clan's life hell on earth. I was very determined about that.

How am I going to be doing this, you ask? Simple by borrowing some of the stunts that Naruto, will be pulling off in the future, but with my own twists added to those pranks. After all I was prankster in my old life, besides a rebel. I don't think I mensioned that...when I was going about my past life earlier...oh well. I will be telling ya about my old pranker ways latter on. I really don't want to be a Uchiha, damn it! However I really don't have a choice about this new life of mine. I never asked to recarnated or reborn into this world.

One thing I know for a damn fact, I will never ever be like Madara Uchiha or like Obito Uchiha. However as soon as I am able to walk and gain some upper body strength...I am bleaching my damn hair, and then dying it a different color. That was a promise. The only upside to all this, was that I wasn't an only child. Having a older brother was going to be an interesting experience for me. I eventually found out my new name was Kero Uchiha.

I have no choice but to just deal with my situation head on, since I didn't have any other choice in the matter. This was honestly going to be hell for everyone, especially for me. I was not at all looking foreward to this, damn it! I then blinked as Itachi's hand suddenly smacked my face. In annoyance I smacked him back, I guess I hit a bit harder then what was nessary, since I just made Itachi give out a loud cry as he began crying loudly.

God damn...he has a pair of healthy lungs on him. I thought bitterly. I bet I was just as loud when I had screamed earlier, but Itachi was screaming right into my left ear, and it hurt like hell. I also had a bad feeling, that I was going to be deaf in my left ear because of this. Seriously this just wasn't fair.

To Be Continued...