Alright people this is an important thing for all of my stories so please if you read any of my stories read this
I want to start off by saying this is not easy for me to do this but I'm pulling the plug on all of my stories Excluding at this point Reaper of Remnant now before you stop reading and begin to curse me out this is not a permanent thing I am pulling the plug but I am going to re-write them merging ideas and tossing out unneeded ideas this will also include ideas from Jinchuriki to three (For those who have read that story and were disappointed when it ended)
I am really really sorry for those looking forwards to the next chapters for stories but hopefully this will make them all better in the end
And also to the people who requested stories that I said I would write those are now also off the table you may get a message if I use the full idea or part of it in one of my new stories
Please don't curse me out for doing this I already feel terrible about doing this it's just getting to much for me to be updating my nine stories within fourteen days, I know that to some that might not seem like a lot of work but to me it is
I am so sorry to disappoint you all of you guys and I hope you will check out the new stories when they are posted
One last time I will say I am so sorry for doing this and please don't curse me out
With all of that said…
Blarg Blarg McBlarg
SNake Out