Warnings: attempt at humor, characters maybe OOC.

Chapter 1: Team Mission

Team seven noticed something about their sensei. It was the first day of February and couples scattered the streets of Konaha looking for a gift for there specific other. Ever since the first day, the sensei become glump. Just sad goo. Even though he tried to hide it. The team felt bad.

"We need to do something!" Sakura whispered.

"Like what?" asked Naruto.

"I don't know! Anything! We just need to make him happy again!"

"How do you propose we do that?"

"Get him into a relationship?" Sasuke added in. The two other genin looked at him like he said the most horrifying thing in the entire world.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Who would date that pervert?!" Sakura then thought about it.

"Well...Sasuke maybe getting on to something..."

"What?! Nobody will ever date him!" the blonde piratically shouted.

"Shh! He might hear us!"

"Okay, okay!" Naruto thought about it as well "Y'know, it couldn't be such a bad plain. Isn't love suppose to make you happy or something like that?" the other too nodded.

"So...it's a mission." Sasuke said, Sakura and Naruto nodded.

"Our mission is too get Kakashi-sensei a date!" the pink haired girl put her hand out "All in favor in participating in the mission put your hand in the middle!" the two boys did.

"Alright lets do this!" shouted Naruto who got smacked in the back of the head by Sakura for being too loud.

thank you all for reading:)!