
Chapter 24

"Prime of Hope - Part 3"

The first thing Orion heard when he entered the giant chamber containing Primus's spark were three words:

"You're late."

Such seemingly simple words… and yet they confused him more than any ancient text.

They meant that he was expected, which is illogical because his decision could not have been more impulsive.

Could not have been more desperate.

"I don't know what you mean." He whispered into the room his calm voice filled with resentment and anger, knowing he should be weary as he addressed the God that gave his planet life.

But all he could think of was the poor younglings that lost their lives in this horrific war, of Ratchet that has long since given up hope…

Of everyone else this very God had condemned to death.

"Come closer, brave one." The voice said echoing from all around him, sounding gentle and kind, but also tired and worn out.

So Orion stepped up to the giant ball of glowing light, trying not to get blinded by it's light.

It's glow should have been enlightening… awe inspiring and glorious.

But to Orion it was just as hollow as the optics of his dead friends and comrades.

"You're late." Primus repeated himself gently, the shine of his spark shimmered alongside it's soft rumble.

"And you never came." The clerk responded unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice. "No matter how many of us perished, no matter how many younglings died for crimes uncommitted…" his voice shook at the thought of those poor little ones that died such grissly a death, "not even when Sentinel, our Prime, your own disciple, got slaughtered did you do anything." Orion couldn't look into the spark that shone brighter than the sun now that he was so close to it, but he could swear that the glow dimmed a bit at the verbal assault. "You simply… left us. Alone without anyone to lead us."

"A Prime there should have been." The God whispered softly, not disproving Orion's accusations.

"The Senate was… neutralized not long into the war." The clerk responded rubbing his wrist with his other hand. "Not long after, Sentinel Prime followed them into the AllSpark. By the time the conflict began for good… there was… no one left to appoint a new Prime."

"Sentinel's rule was at a pass." The God's voice echoed through the empty chamber. "A new Prime… long before all this… should have risen."

"They have not." Orion shook his head. "The Autobots are as leaderless now as they were at the beginning of the conflict."

"Fearful this child is…" The omnipotent being whispered, it's voice gently vibrating against Orion's blue frame. "Hesitant and unwilling... to become who he is meant to be… a star afraid of glowing… brighter."

So it was a 'he', the clerk nodded along with the God.

At least this narrows things a bit.

"This cannot continue." He spoke up, surprising himself with the sternness in his own voice. "The time for hesitation has passed along with the first innocent life being unjustly taken. Please, I must know the name of the mech." Orion was ready to fall to his knees and beg. If only to have this fleeting sense of hope that everything could be fixed, that this doesn't have to continue into further energon-shed and there can be a leader that can unite that which was parted, make them whole again.

"The mech… what shall become of him… once you find him?" The deity asked, curiosity heard in the gentle rumble.

"I shall try to convince him about the necessity of his destiny." Orion answered honestly. "Perhaps he is out on a distant colony, unaware of everything that's transpired here on Cybertron. Perhaps all one must do is inform him of his critical importance to persuade him to return and take up the mantle."

Perhaps that's all we need to do to have hope again.

"Caught unawares of the war… he was not." The orb shimmered and glowed, continuing to speak critically and without clarity. "Know of everything… he does, yet unwilling he remains."

This answer confused the young cleric, for by all accounts, it didn't make sense.

There is no Autobot he knew that wouldn't step up to the mantle once the war has started.

And any Decepticon destined for Primehood would most likely be Megatron's most prised Ally.

There was no way the spot remained vacant for so long, if the one fated to take it, was aware of the destructive conflict that plagues Cybertron.

"I don't understand…"

Orion could have sworn he heard a smile in Primus's voice as he answered once again:

"You're late…"

"And what did you say to… that?" June asked looking up at her friend in concern.

"What any other would in my place." Optimus answered softly, voice distant and blue eyes avoiding her.

"I denied."

"No…" Orion backed away from the spark, a fearful note entering his usually smooth baritone. "This can't- You cannot possibly mean…"

"Fate rarely calls upon us in the moment of our choosing." The wise God responded gently.

"This must be a mistake." Orion's entire frame was shaking in denial. "I am not- I could never be-There must be someone else…"

"The time for hesitation has passed along with the first life being unjustly taken." The young cleric blistered at his own voice being played back at him.

"I am no warrior." He argued desperately thinking of all the soldiers that were dying out there without a general to lead them, and how he has little to no strategy programs. "I could never be who they need."

The Autobots needed a hero that could take on Megatron, that would even out the odds even just a little bit, and bring the light of hope into a situation that has none.

How could Primus expect Orion Pax, a research cleric, to be all that?

"Wars are not won by fighting alone." The wise voice responded calmly. "Words can oftentimes be more effective… than physical violence."

But Orion just lowered his head.

Wasn't that the truth.

"I have tried using words instead of fighting… but rather than calm the situation, they exhilarated it to the point of open war." He shook his head.

"You must be mistaken." Orion whispered. "I cannot be the one you seek."

But the presence around him did not change to feel more scolding, like he expected, but remained soft and gentle.

"Making mistakes because you followed your spark, do not make you less worthy." Primus answered, sounding like a caretaker addressing their sparkling. "All is as it should be… even if it happened in less than desirable circumstances."

"What are you saying?" Orion demanded. "Was Cybertron always meant to fall to a Civil War?"

That can't be true... could it?

"Tangled are the weavings of Destiny." The God answered cryptically. "A Gladiator rising to challenge the system for the sake of the mistreated… and Cybertron's humble guardian stepping up to protect her people…" Primus's spark glowed with each word. "Such is the path you must walk together, intertwined by the bondages of destiny."

Orion's spark fell.

So Megatronu- Megatron was always meant to rise up and end the Golden Age of Cybertron.

And he, whether he liked it or not, would always be right in the middle of it.

There was no avoiding this war.

But… maybe there was a way to...

"You said that… all is as it should be, even if it happened in less than desirable circumstances…" Orion asked meekly, already fearful of the answer to the question he was about to ask. "Tell me… could it have gone... differently had I… acted earlier?"

The silence he got was deafening, as the deity mouled over it's answer.

"The outcome of war will always differ… when, instead of one leader, there are two."

"It implies exactly what one would think." The former robot shrugged. "Had there been a Prime, the right Prime, from the very beginning, then perhaps the casualties might have been limited."

"Dear God, Optimus that's-"

"All in the past, Ms. Darby." Optimus answered, still avoiding her eyes.

Still trying to act as if he has long since accepted this and moved on, even as his entire body was shaking.

"You couldn't have known." She said in the end, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Silence answered.

"I cannot do it." Orion shook his head. "How… how can I expect them to follow me when… when I've already cost them so much…?"

Because of him thousands of Cybertronians have perished, more adding to that pile everyday…

Had he accepted who he is…

Had he done it before Megatron had decided that peace can only be achieved through tyranny…

Orion shook his head.

He'll be called a pariah, not a leader.

"Orion Pax will be no more, and with him his mistakes." Primus answered. "In his place the Prime of Hope will rise to Megatron's challenge."

Ah, that's right.

Once he becomes a Prime… a new name will be bestowed upon him, along with the collective wisdom of the Primes that came before him.

The weight of all of Cybertron will be placed on his shoulders.

He will be responsible for everyone who chooses to follow his lead.

Every lost life… every broken limb… every forfeit battle, will be on his head.

It will be a miracle if he lasts a single orbital cycle.

"You will not be alone in this endeavor." Primus stated, trying to sound comforting. "Your Autobot advisors along with the collective wisdom of your deceased brothers and sisters… will always be there to help you in your darkest hour."

"..." The clerk clenched his hand and unclenched it, trying to calm his pulsing spark.

"What say you, Orion Pax?" Primus asked, glowing ever brighter. "Are you ready now?"

"I never wanted this." Optimus whispered to the sky, where, somewhere amidst the many stars, his home was located.

"And yet you still said 'yes'..." June responded softly, the unasked question heard in her tone.

The leader just smiled sadly.

"Ms. Darby, I'm afraid choice is a luxury I am yet to experience."

A blind light flashed through his system with the insertion of the Matrix of Leadership, and he was no longer himself.

He was more.

He was part of the Prime clan, enriched with their experiences and skills.

He was the champion of Primus, hand-picked by the God himself…

He was Optimus Prime.

The Prime of Hope.

AN: Hi.

I have nothing to say for myself.