Reviews for Naruto: For The Love of Family - Alternative
Guest chapter 4 . 6/8
Boo terrible
ShadowKiller37 chapter 4 . 8/21/2019
plz continue to update both stories (but take your time because these are the BEST stories I've read ever) I love the characters and just the story in general. Keep It Up! -)
sagarkmr108 chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
please update soon i want to know about the the next part
OriginalDrakey chapter 4 . 6/7/2016
Great job... NOT... SYKE! I'M KIDDING!
Tjhunt99612 chapter 4 . 3/28/2016
Please update soon
Guest chapter 4 . 3/11/2016
Please update
my 2 guys chapter 4 . 2/24/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
Nobody chapter 3 . 1/1/2016
Please update soon
Elements1999 chapter 4 . 12/12/2015
Awesome story so far. I LOVE IT! And I find Sarutobi's lack of involvement with Naruto sad. I mean he should be around more. Hell he should be trying to prove to Kushina that Naruto is her sob more. I mean a simple blood test would be simple enough. Make a seal that can only be used by direct decendants of Kushina and have Naruto activate said seal. Have blood be drawn from both, anazlyze both samples, and then prove that Naruto is Kushina's biological son. Pull Naruto's birth cirtificate and show it to Kushina. I mean seriously, Sarutobi is a smart man and yet he's done nothing to help Naruto get his mother back. Hell, Sarutobi is a kind man who cares about everyone in tue village and has dobe nothing for Naruto. It's making me sad.
Brehze chapter 4 . 9/14/2015
Amazing chapter keep it up can't wait for the next one
JKLO chapter 4 . 9/11/2015
I'll be honest, this story is way better than your original version.

The first chapter was rocky, but immediately you showed the stepping stones of such amazing potential that my heart literally dropped by the end of the second chapter.

I love Kushina. I only believe in incest when it comes to fictional works and even then it is only in few situations. Typically I like seeing a bashing of Minato and Kushina and even Jairaiya everyone now and then. It's enticing to see how their repsective characters react; especially how a heart broken Kushina would try to redeem herself.

This little twist on neglect stories has made me actually hate Kushina and feel a state of absolute remorse for Naruto. Props to you, sir, props to you. Not many can deliver such an impactful piece and keep it going through multiple chapters.

I am livid with hate for a character I usually love and I can't wait for more. That is how excited I am to see this through.

My only hope is that you keep up with the type of Naruto you're doing. Untrusting, fearful, hestitant, and surprisingly smart. Those qualities in your character's personality, I believe, will echo very nicely and compliment this cold and calculating Kushina. What ever you have planned for their interactions, I'm looking forward to a reverb element of hoping with every inch of my soul that Naruto will obtain all that he observes and that Kushina has the equivalent of dying in the Hell's of fire just for Naruto to forgive her. Resolving their issues makes the most sense, but I wouldn't want Kushina to go unscathed or be without guilt.

These four chapters I read in under 15 minutes and that has been the best fucking 15 minutes of my night.

As a final note, I encourage that you try to find another pairing for your story.

If it's the plan like your other version, I can see Hinata. However - with the tone and all the possibilities you've put into play, I'm just not seeing it. That wholly is dependent on your continued portrayal of Naruto but obviously we will see.

Hinata, with this type of Naruto, just doesn't seem strong enough to be his counterpart or anchor with such issues plagueing his life. A Sakura (as much as I fucking hate post 4th War Sakura) even seems to be the better option. Hell, pairing him with someone older sounds nice, too.

It just seems to me, now that Hiruzen isn't able to protect Naruto anymore (gotta admit, this was a stupid choice for him and I hope he regrets it), and everyone turning on him, he really needs a foundation that, whether the romance is inteoduced early or, a strong female charcter could provide him. Hinata is that strong The Last.

Anyways, lovely story and absolutely dying for more!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/7/2015
i think you should pair naruto with kushina and mito

since i know you won't pair kushina with someone else and kushina remaining as the late wife of minato will be better and or else kushina might destroy her faith and loyalty in and towards minato in other people and beside i don't think and know kushina is a person that would betray minato even after his death and it would destroy your story

and mito with gaara or sasuke but mito\gaara or mito x gaara will be better beside gaara is same as naruto and jinchuuriki

and you may not write incest but we readers like it and want it as

naruto x kushina x mito

also maybe you could make naruto defect to orochimaru and cause kushina to learning about naruto or trying to find everything about naruto's birth from naruto's files or from hiruzen sarutobi

or orochimaru telling her about naruto beaing her child and son to mentally weaken her in battle
Guest chapter 4 . 9/7/2015
when will kushina learn naruto is her son or will she go through naruto's birth certificate or when will she ask 3rd hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi about naruto
Da Vicks Guy chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
Nice to see that you're back at work :}
comment chapter 4 . 8/29/2015
i hope you don't plan to make this story a long one. meaning the story will be around a certain number of chapters like 20. this story seemed interesting but the fact you have not updated it in so long has cause me to think that it is only a matter of time before you abandon this story. so my suggestion to you is this get on the ball and finish this story soon instead of waiting a few months to add a new chapter. which at the rate it will take years before this story will be finished
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