Reviews for The Performer
SwiftWindSpirit chapter 6 . 9/1/2019
I'm going to say it straight up, if I was a robot, that was a very hot fuck!
SwiftWindSpirit chapter 2 . 9/1/2019
Hiring a prostitute you've been turned on in robot sense as an undercover cop.. 3 this should be interesting.
Searece chapter 30 . 8/13/2019
T_T It's over. I'm so sad, but I'm also so happy. The bit of Jazz's memory suppression made me sad and go "huH?" because it feels like it came out of nowhere. But still, this chapter was a fitting end.

I can't believe it's over. I was fourteen when I found this fic near the beginning (and yes the smuts too lol); now twenty, I've come back to this fic countless times. T_T I love this fic.
You know who SL chapter 30 . 6/29/2019
Hey Drac, its me! I can't log in at the moment, stupid work PCs but BABE! THAT was how to end a story and leave us wanting more! I loved it! You were AMAZING at the end there. Knowing a bit of what you plan is just making it all so much better! You spoil me with spoilers! Anyway, Brillaint as always and hope you bring more to the Fandom soon.

Oh, and in case you haven't worked out who I am... Ee Err Ee Err Ee Err!
Mimzy94 chapter 30 . 6/28/2019
This was a great story through and through! I loved every bit of the drama and detective work! If you want, I can offer up my OC for your ‘sequel’ but that’s up to you! Anyways can’t wait to hear and read more from ya! Keep on Writing!
Storylady35 chapter 29 . 6/17/2019
God dam it! I am never going to be able to hear ‘there is no rush’ the same way EVER AGAIN thanks to you! You can turn the simplest thing into perverted thoughts!

Loved the chapter, always happy to read a bit of smut! Keep up the good work Drac!
Mimzy94 chapter 29 . 6/15/2019
Oh my friggin Primus you got me turned on reading this! This was a glorious chapter! You’ve gotten super dearailed with these smut scenes better then any other author that I’ve read in the last six months! And that’s saying something for me! Anyways can’t wait for the next chapter and possible sequel. Keep on writing! Mimzy94
Mimzy94 chapter 28 . 6/11/2019
I have been following this story for it’s smut scenes but I still love the story behind this! Last I read this was chapter 18! Anyways I love this story and I hope you end this story with a bang and maybe a sequel to it if possible. And maybe you can side like one shots of some of the freed Animox. If possible I have an OC that could be of use to you if you want it. Anyways keep on writing! Mimzy94
Storylady35 chapter 28 . 6/2/2019
Okay looks like my first ‘offline’ didn’t make it... so re-sending it.

Woah! 70 years? That’s quiet some time Drac! Loving it! And wow! That was a lot of detail for a game that don’t even exist! Loved it as I knew I would! Keep up the good work
Searece chapter 27 . 5/22/2019
I will be so sad but so satisfied when this fic is complete! I found this fic near when you first posted it, and wow, so much has happened to me in the six years. I'm so happy about this fic. And the scene between Gigamech and the Ghost/Dayyan was so CUTE!
Storylady35 chapter 27 . 5/17/2019
Oh my Primus! ORION PAX is on this story! I squealed! I really honest to Primus squealed. It was so good! Loved it!
perictione chapter 25 . 1/24/2019
Love it!
Searece chapter 24 . 1/11/2019
*flails* I can't believe this story started almost 6 years ago! My goodness! I still love it just as much! *heart* This was fantastic, and I love how Jazz's reaction to Prowl's arm transformation was "sexy."
Storylady35 chapter 24 . 1/4/2019
You know, today I have felt like slag. I have a horrid bug of some kind that has made me go hot and cold faster than a Katie Perry song and I keep wanting to throw up everything in my stomach.

And this story has made me smile for the frist time in days. Thank you! Keep up the good work.
blueinate chapter 23 . 12/17/2018
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