This is Ryu Kotei apologizing for the very long wait as I haven't been able to do much writing since I got my job, but I will update any of my stories when I can and I may not be on Fanfiction as much.

On a final note, I do not own Naruto, anything from DC, or any songs, movies, play, etc. used in this fan fiction.

"Reaper!" normal speech

"Reaper!" thought/mind speak

"(Reaper!)" Language change

"Reaper!" demon speak

Chapter 12

In Gotham, Tsunade and Slade were walking out of one of the city's fancy restaraunts.

"Thanks for dinner, Slade." Tsunade said as she was wearing an elegant, forest green dress with a fur coat draped over her body, "You sure know how to treat a lady."

"Well I was married once," Slade said with a slight smile, "but let's just say that my ex and I…didn't agree with how things have gone."

"This fur coat is nice considering how many looks I was getting when I had it off." Tsunade said as she was tempted to knock some teeth out of a few people, waiters included, that were staring at her…more specifically at her endowment.

"Well you do have to consider that not many women are naturally that size," Slade commented as he remembered all those stares as well, "but you are just as beautiful, even if you didn't give Pamela Anderson competition."

Tsunade chuckled a bit before a street thug approached them, wielding a knife that shone dangerously in the light of twilight.

"Give me yer money!" the crook threatened as he then saw Tsunade's necklace, "I'll also take the pretty lady's necklace! I'm not going to ask twice!"

Tsunade looked over the thug before her before she took off the fur coat and handed it over to Slade.

"Hold this for me, would you?" the blonde asked, ignoring the crook's shocked look, "I'll give this guy just what he deserves!"

"Wh-What are you doing!?" the crook asked as he saw the woman hold a hand with her pointer finger behind her thumb.


Slade watched in surprise as the crook was suddenly tossed into a brick wall before falling into a dumpster underneath.

"Hopefully that'll teach him a lesson!" Tsunade said as she took her fur coat back and put it on, "Never mess with me."

"Wow…" Slade said as he blinked a few times, "you're just as strong as Superman."

"That pushover?" Tsunade said with a chuckle in her voice, "He's just too much of a gentleman to arm wrestle me and he blushed every time I tried to talk to him."

"You are full of surprises, Tsunade." Slade said with a chuckle of his own, "How about I take you to my place for a short while before you go back to the Watchtower?"

"Actually…" Tsunade said with a distant tone, "I don't plan on going back to that place, nor am I thinking of going back to my world. Both places have bad memories that I'd rather not talk about right now."

"Very well." Slade said as he and Tsunade had made it to one of Slade's personal vehicles, "I'll try and make things comfortable for you."

In a warehouse the Alaska, Robin was still fighting Lati after getting a call from Batgirl.

"You look silly with that hood!" Lati giggled as she went for a roundhouse, but Robin had quickly dodged it.

"Ever since the incident that caused Naruto's death, a new rule was added that none of our uniforms could reveal too much about us." Robin said as he threw a punch towards his opponent, but missed as Lati summersaulted over him.

The masked woman had landed a few punches on Robin's shoulders before the Boy Wonder spun around and deflected a few of the other punches from his opponent.

"Hope your friends can handle Hydra!" Lati said cheerfully before her voice became sultry, "He's quite a handful in combat."

"Who's Hydra?" Robin asked as he blocked a kick before grabbing Lati's leg, keeping his opponent on one leg.

"He's a grumpy pants that Reaper had found!" Lati said as she returned to her child-like personality, "He also kept talking about someone named Static and how they planned on showing him how much stronger they had gotten."

Before Robin could ask more questions, Lati quickly jumped on her free foot and went into a spin that allowed her to use her free leg to kick the side of Boy Wonder's head. The force of the attack had caused Robin to lose his grip on Lati's other leg before being launched a few meters away.

Dammit! Robin thought as he quickly rolled away to avoid Lati trying to stomp on him before jumping onto his feet, She's fast!

After rubbing the blood off the corner of his mouth and spitting some out on the floor, Robin quickly tightened his fists before charging towards Lati, ready to take her down.

Elsewhere, Cyborg and Static continued to fight the legion of robots while Gear hacked away at the box's security system.

Last security system… Gear thought as sweat dripped from his forehead, Still makes me wonder what is inside this thing.

As the teen continued to hack through the security, Gizmo was finally able to pry Back-Pack off of him before turning his attention on Gear.

"I don't think so, Barf-For-Brains!" the micro villain said as he rushed towards the taller opponent.

Seeing Gizmo on the move, Cyborg quickly amped the power of his sonic cannon.

"Hey Gear!" the cybernetic teen called out before aiming at the box and firing, "Get down!"

Seeing the attack coming, Gear quickly dodged out of the way in time to the sonic blast to not only create a small explosion that knocked Gizmo back, but had also fried the security lock on the box.

"That's one way to hack a lock." Gear joked as he saw the small villain on the ground unconscious.

Rushing towards the downed villain, Gear quickly found the control to the robots Cyborg and Static were fighting destroyed. After a moment of thinking, the blond genius called Back-Pack over and quickly repaired the controller to find a voice modulator.

"These things respond to voice commands…" Gear said to himself before moving a watch that he had on his wrist to his mouth, "Let's see if I can trick those robots."

Static and Cyborg suddenly found themselves against each other's backs as the army of robots edged closer to them.

"Not the way I expected to go out." Static said as the sheer number of robots were too much, even with the power of electricity.

"Kinda thought I'd lose the rest of my human body before my death." Cyborg said as his battery was getting low.

"Alright, listen up!" Gizmo barked out as everyone looked to just see Gear, looking a bit nervous at the odd looks the robots were giving him, "I need you scuzzballs to shut down right now!"

Please work, please work, please work! the blond thought to himself as he thought of something funny.

"You know what," Gear said as he continued to speak into the watch, "I want all of you Bolt-For-Brains to do the entire dance routine for Thriller for eighty hours before shutting down!"

A few robots suddenly turned into stereos with Thriller playing loudly while all of the other robots going into a huge dance routine with a few of them had danced Micheal Jackson's part of the dance.

"Holy crap!" Gear thought as he lowered his hands, "That actually worked!"

"Admire the dancing robots later," Static said as he and Cyborg flew up to where Gear was, "we still need to rescue Flash!"

"Yo Static," Cyborg said as he got the electrified teen's attention, "mind giving me a little boost?"

Static nodded as he placed a hand on the cybernetic teen's back and gave him a nonlethal shock that fully charged Cyborg's battery.

"Thanks, man." Cyborg said as he took a deep breath before noticing Gear looking inside the partially destroyed box, "What's up Gear?"

"I need to see something as this box was heavily guarded by multiple firewalls and locks." Gear answered as he reached inside the box, "Gizmo said that Reaper had let him use those robots, so that means…oh no."

"What's wrong?" Static asked as he and Cyborg were now cautiously curious about the blond's discovery.

"You're not going to like this…" Gear said as he pulled his arm out to reveal…a snow-white shotgun.

With Starfire and Raven, the two continued their battle against Puff and Onyx with Puff and Raven fighting in the air while Starfire and Onyx were on the ground.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zenthos!" Raven called out as she used her telekinesis to lift a couple of heavy crates and threw them towards her opponent.

After completely turning her body into smoke, causing the boxes to harmlessly pass right through her, Puff smirk as she said, "Did you really think that I'd get hurt by some wooden boxes? Dumb bitch!"

Seeing the poisonous cloud that Puff had sent her way, Raven quickly encased herself with her magic as the clouds ate away as some of the nearby boxes and steel beams.

On the ground, Starfire was punching Onyx with her hands covered with her energy while the behemoth used his thick arms to block them.

"If that's the best you got," Onyx said with a smirk on his face before giving the Tamaranean a massive punch to her stomach, "then you've got nothing on me!"

The force from the attack had launched Starfire into a wall before she fell onto the ground. The young girl had slowly picked herself onto her hands and knees before letting out the contents of a couple of her stomachs onto the floor.

"Ahawhaw!" Onyx said as he slightly flinch away, with a victorious smirk still on his face, "Nasty! Guess that's already a victory for me!"

After getting to her feet, Starfire wiped the bile off of her mouth with her knuckle and said, "Our battle has just begun!"

Letting out a Tamaranean battle cry, Starfire used her ability of flight to dash right through Onyx's and gave her opponent a powerful uppercut before following the attack with a massive haymaker to his jaw.

The titanic man tumbled onto his knees, but he still managed to keep himself up as blood began to ooze from his mouth.

"Not bad," Onyx said before wiping the blood of his mouth with his own knuckles before spitting some out on the ground, "but let's see you do that again."

The metahuman's battle fury was reignited as he rushed towards the Tamaranean girl with a massive haymaker ready to be delivered. Starfire quickly dodged the attack before infusing her knuckles with an energy bolt and giving her opponent a head-ringing strike. Taking advantage of her combined nimbleness and enhanced strength, Starfire used the immediate opening to grab the metahuman's arm and toss him towards Puff. The misty girl never saw her ally coming as the force from the impact caught her off guard before she was sandwiched between Onyx and a metal support beam.

Before the two metahumans could recover, Raven used her telekinetic powers to bind them together with the very metal beam they had struck while also binding Puffs mouth shut through her magic.

"That should hold them." Raven said as she landed next to Starfire, "How are you holding up?"

"I am fine," Starfire said as she felt her back tingling with an occasional twitch, "my back is starting to act up a bit, though."

Raven placed both of her now glowing hands gently on the Tamaranean girl's back and began to heal what irritation she could.

"This injury is actually quite different than the others I have healed." The empath spoke as she studied the energy infused scar, "Kyuubi was using demonic powers that's part of an even greater demon; It's actually living energy and even though it's not enough to outright kill you, it still has an imprint on your body. While most of the women don't like him, we have to have Jiraiya look to see if he can do anything about this imprint and soon."

"And why is that?" Starfire asked as Konoha's seal master had even given her the creeps.

"Because this kind of power can easily overwhelm those who do not have a resistance to demonic energies or a demonic heritage." Raven explained as she could almost feel Starfire's scars breathing, "Eventually this power will try to corrupt you, at first making it seem like a blessing before ultimately changing you in a drastic way. I'm also thinking that your star bolts could also affect it, giving it the edge it needs, but that's only a theory until we know for sure."

After finishing what healing she could provide, Raven then placed a comforting hand on Starfire's shoulder as she then said, "But don't worry, I'll always be here for you should anything happen. After all…we are close friends."

Starfire looked to see Raven giving her a rare smile before smiling herself as she knew that the empath will be there for her…just like the other Titans.

With Robin, the Boy Wonder was still fighting Lati as neither of them giving up.

I need to keep my head in the game! Robin thought as the masked woman he was fighting kept giggling and laughing while delivering her attacks, I can't underestimate her!

The Boy Wonder then pulled out his retractable bo staff, right before blocking a flying kick from his opponent.

"We're using weapons now?" Lati said as she performed a series of backflips to avoid Robin's attacks before going into a fighting stance with knives in both hands, "Let's go!"

Lati dashed towards her opponent before having to jump back as Robin swung his weapon around to give himself space. The Boy Wonder then dashed towards before pole vaulting himself into a flying kick that Lati had blocked. Using the momentum from his jump, Robin then performed a spin and used his staff quickly give his opponent a series of jabs upon her shoulders and torso. A powerful jab to the center of her chest caused Lati to get knocked back before she bounced onto her feet and tossed her knives towards her opponent. Seeing the attack, Robin quickly deflected them before seeing that Lati had multiple knives hidden on her person.

"Why aren't you catching them?" Lati asked as she continued to throw knife after knife, each of them getting expertly deflected, "I thought we were playing Catch?"

Robin remained focused as Lati tossed one last knife that was quickly deflected before she dashed towards her opponent. While still spinning his staff, the Boy Wonder twisted his body around before using the momentum to attack his charging opponent…until Lati quickly slid underneath the attack. Using the momentum of her slide, Lati quickly rose up onto her feet while using two of the knives she picked up to give her opponent cuts on the back of his legs, back, and shoulders.

Dammit! Robin angrily thought as he rolled forward and jumped back onto his feet facing Lati, She purposely lured me into that trap; I should have seen it!

Robin could feel a cool sensation on his back and legs as the blood from his fresh injuries stained his uniform. He had to think of something as it was only a matter of time until he'd end up passing out from blood loss as the number of them were making him bleed a lot.

The Boy Wonder jumped into the air and threw a handful of smoke bombs that exploded as soon as they had made contact with the floor. Using a metal support beam to give himself an extra boost, Robin launched himself towards where Lati was and went in for an attack.


The sound of metal hitting concrete alerted Robin that he had missed, but he couldn't act in time as a flashbang had gone off close to his feet. Badly disoriented, the Boy Wonder then felt something grabbing him at the same time as something had knocked his feet out from under him.

"I really am quite the knockout," said a familiar, sultry voice as Robin tried to focus his sight on the voice, "but you are kind of too young for my taste. Although…"

Feeling pressure on his chest, the Boy Wonder then felt something wet on his exposed cheek before hearing a chuckle.

"You don't taste like my boyfriend as I'm sure you still have some of that boyish charm you and your mentor tried to stamp out…" Lati said as Robin's sight soon cleared to reveal that his opponent was sitting right on top of him, "and don't bother lying about not enjoying my little taste of your face; your…friend is thinking otherwise. But like I said…your too young for my taste and I already have a boyfriend."

Quickly acting after Lati had let up a little, Robin quickly gave the masked woman a swift and powerful punch to her face. The strike was strong enough to not only knock Lati off of the Boy Wonder, but also break the bottom part of her mask.

Robin got to his feet as Lati quickly did the same as her mouth was exposed to reveal a small trail of blood coming from the corner of her lip.

"Impudent brat!" the now semi-masked woman barked out as she sneered towards Robin, "I'm guessing that Batman taught you to always use brawn over brains when pinned down by a woman! I wouldn't be surprised if all that oaf did teach you was to never trust your own allies and keep backup plans should they ever cross you!"

After wiping the blood from her mouth and spitting some of it out of her mouth, Lati then said, "I'd either kill you or horribly cripple you if not for Reaper's plan, but I guess we'll meet another time…"

The woman then quickly undid her skirt and tossed it towards Robin before pulling a string that was connected to gas pellets that were sewn to the underside of the skirt. The pellets released a wall of smoke in front of the Boy Wonder's face while the sound of footsteps echoed in his head.

"Lati!" Robin roared out as he quickly cleared his vision to only reveal that his opponent had vanished into thin air with only her skirt and the bottom half of her mask leaving evidence that she was there, "Dammit!"

After calming himself down, Robin pulled out his communicator and dialed one of the contacts he had listed.

"Beast Boy, come in!" Robin said as he got nothing but static, "Batgirl, come in! Do either of you hear me?"

Seeing that he wasn't getting an answer, Robin tried a few other contacts as he then said, "Cyborg, Static, Gear! Do either of you read me?"

"Read ya loud and clear, Rob!" Cyborg said as his voice was heard from the communicator, "We took care of Gizmo and some of the robots that Reaper had let him borrow and we also found something else…"

"We found a shotgun," Gear said as his voice was soon heard from the communicator, "and judging from the amount of security that was protecting the box it was in, it must be one of Reaper's more powerful weapons."

"You mean the Blades of the End?" Robin asked as his team was briefed about when Reaper had managed to cut Superman with the same sword he used to sever Raven's hand.

"Doesn't look like a blade!" Static growled out due to his strong dislike of guns.

"Whether or not it looks like a blade or not doesn't matter!" Robin said as he could only imagine just what the shotgun Cyborg's team had recovered, "You need to exercise the utmost caution as who knows just what that weapon could do!"

"No problem." Cyborg said before he then asked, "Have you tried contacting the others?"

"I tried to get a hold of Beast Boy and Batgirl, but all I'm getting is nothing but static." Robin answered as he had a feeling that something wasn't right, "I'm going to go check up on them since they had managed to get to Flash. You three are to meet up with Starfire and Raven and give them any assistance that they might need."

"You be careful man." Cyborg said as he soon cut off his end of the communicator before Robin put his away.

"Hang in there you two," Robin said as he recovered his staff and dashed out of the room, "I'm on my way!"

Batgirl groaned a bit as she began to regain consciousness before looking around.

"Wha the…" Batgirl asked as her vision began to correct itself, "Where…Where am I?"

Looking to find Beast Boy and Flash tied together with chains in the middle of a circle of barrels.

"Beast Boy! Flash!" Batgirl said as a fireball flew by both barrels and the captives.

"We suggest that you don't try anything." said a voice as Batgirl looked around to find its source until she saw a shadowy figure hidden in the darkness with eyes and mouth glowing with orange flames, "You might…set off one hell of a bomb, even without this."

The figure held up a clenched hand that revealed Batgirl's utility belt, much to Barbara's shock.

"Oops!" said the figure as he conjured black flames that destroyed the belt, "We're so sorry about that, Toots; We really don't have much control over our powers yet."

"Who are you?" Batgirl asked with a growl in her voice as she glared at the figure venomously.

"That's a good question!" the figure said as he entered the lone lighted area to reveal that the shadowy figure's skin was matching the surrounding darkness despite the figure wearing baggy purple pants, black sneakers, and a black-red T-shirt under an ash grey vest and his hair was actually one massive black flame while smaller black flames were seen rolling off of this person's body, "Just who am we? Well, Toots, we decided to call ourselves Hydra considering one little, intended accident caused my two halves to fuse into what you see right here! Two people, one body and yet we're rocking our new EVOLVED power!"

"I'm guessing that you're even more of a blowhard than both of your halves combined!" Batgirl taunted after reading Hydra's posture and tone, "You're just a run-of-the-mill crook!"

"You watch your bitch-ass mouth!" Hydra roared out as the smaller flames became larger before becoming smaller as the fiery shadow calmed down, "We can't help if We literally have two minds fused together. And just so we're clear on one thing…"

Hydra suddenly stepped back into the darkness and vanished completely out of sight before suddenly reappearing right behind Batgirl and clenched her mouth.

"Try anything funny and we'll have ourselves some barbecued bat!" Hydra said before licking the side of the girl's face, sending chills down her spine.

Feeling her mouth being set freed, Batgirl looked around for Hydra but couldn't find him while the man's hyena-like cackle echoed throughout the surrounding darkness.

For once, Barbara Gordon had never felt so afraid of the dark in her entire life until now.

What awaits the others as they continue their rescue plan? Will Batgirl, Beast Boy, and Flash get to safety?

Now as for who Hydra is exactly, I have left a couple of clues as to who he really is. Some, in not most, of you might already have an idea, but don't spoil it!

Don't forget to rate and review!

Ja ne.