All disclaimers are located on the first chapter.

Please Read, Review and I hope you are enjoying the story.

In medbay Optimus set me down onto one of the medbay berths in the room. Basically the berth was a large metal table or work bench, I guess would be the best way to describe it. Ratchet was glaring at me as he was getting the necessary tools he needed to fix my foot. The one I shot. Optimus stood near by watching all this. I can't tell if it was in amusement, disappointment, argravation, annoyance, concern or something. I never really could read the bot's emotion all that well.

"What exactly happened to your foot, Skywarp?" Ratchet snarled at me. He did not look happy and to be honest even myself wasn't happy about what happened to my foot. I know Skywarp's pissed and Thundercracker is trying to keep from laughing at the whole sitation deep inside my head. I feel a headache forming because of them. Believe me, having two cons living inside my head is not fun.

"You mean how I shot myself in the foot?" I asked nervously with a laugh as Ratchet snarls at me. "Funny wasn't really paying attention and well the blaster had a mind of it's own...and well it sort of went off on me?" I offered with a weak smile at Ratchet who was glaring at me. He than suddenly hits me on top of my helm with one of his tools making me yell in pain and grip my head.

" nice. You have to remember he's still adjusting to his new body." Optimus said sounding older than before, while I rubbed my helm. My head feels like it's ringing just a tiny bit and the headache grows worse.

"Optimus, this is a bad idea teaching him how to use his weapon systems! If he's able to do this-" Ratchet snarls as he suddenly yanks my injured foot up into the air so Optimus could see the damage that i had caused to myself. While making the back of my helm smack hard into the metal table in the process when he had yanked my foot up into the air without any warning. The very same table I was currently resting on, all in one swift motion. "I hate to imagine what he would do to us!"

He's a lot stronger than he looks for being a older Cybertronian. Who ever said Ratchet is nice, I seriously think they need to be dropped into my position and than we can see what happens. I thought to my self bitterly. "Why...must you be so violent towards me?!" I asked in annoyance as I heard ThunderCracker laughing at my misfortune and Skywarp screaming death threats at me again. Yep, Skywarp was so going to murder me when I die again.

"Ratchet, you have to remember he was human before he ended up in Skywarp's body." Optimus reminded Ratchet who huffed as he went to fix my foot.

"He's going to need that sparkling energon soon. It would be a lot easier to just-" Ratchet started but Optimus had quickly fled the room making Ratchet snarl in annoyance at this.

"Experimenting on the lowest grade of energon, it isn't that bad is it?" I asked quietly to break the thick uneasy silence between us.

"Through trial and error, until we find what type of energon your body needs. The problem is we don't have much energon to experiment with. That's why it would just be easier if we got the sparkling energon from Optimus." Ratchet said sighing as he glances at me. I frowned at that as I remembered just how little energon the Autobots really have to work with and needed in order to survive. "Because of your abnormal situation. You might not even need any form of energon."

"Do you know that for sure?" I asked hopefully so I don't have to taste that horrible stuff again.

"I don' all honesty you should not even be functioning right now." Ratchet said as he glared at me. "You honestly go against everything I was ever taught when I became a medic. You also go against all logic, nature and medical science that I know of." He added as he glares at me.

"Sorry, it's not like I asked for this." I grumbled bitterly.

"I know...but why the pit did you have to end up in Skywarp's body? Why couldn't it have been someone elses or primus at least giving you your own body?" He grumbled as he worked on my foot.

"That's what I would like to know, Ratchet! Why the pit, did it have to be this fleashy?! Why couldn't it have been someone else other than me, that could have been stuck like this?!" Skywarp yelled.

"It's because the fleashy is your human counterpart from whatever dimension or time Primus pulled him from, Skywarp." ThunderCracker's voice says softly.

"Say what!? Are you serious ThunderCracker? How the pit is that fleashy me?!" Skywarp screams making me sigh just as I felt the headache forming from these two grow into a migraine or something. Dealing with Skywarp was bad enough, now I hav to deal with both of them inside my own head. However I was also curious as to how i was Skywarp's human counterpart. We had nothing in common as far as i was aware of. I mean when I took a few transformers personality tests I usually always ended up being Prowl or on a rare mishap I would end up as Skywarp or Ravage. However I don't think that was case.

"I remember a little bit from what Primus told me, before he sent me here to keep you in line and to keep the fleashy from getting himself and us klled."

"Would have been nice if he included me in on all this as well." I growled back at the two voices in my head. However like usual I get ignored or given death threats by Skywarp. Yep nothing new about that. Other than the fact i was most likely going insane.

"You're oddly quiet." Ratchet said as he finishes his work on my foot. I guess I tuned everything out around me as Ratchet was repairing my foot.

"Primus, has a mean sense of humor I guess...or it's because I was the human version of Skywarp." I answered making Ratchet pause as he stared at me.

"Even if that was or is true about you being Skywarp's human aren't him." Ratchet said calmly. "Not even remotely close."

"True...I'm just the wolf in sheep clothing, right now." I said bitterly only to be smacked on top of my head which made me yelp once more.

"Stop putting yourself in a negative light! You are our spy and only seeker on this team right now." Ratchet scolded me.

"Yeah the only seeker who can't bloody shoot or use his damn weapon systems." I growled bitterly. "Let alone being able to speak cybertronian correctly." I snapped back.

"It will come in time." Ratchet said as he finishes the repairs before he starts putting away his tools.

"Time is not on our side...and I need to learn quickly Ratchet in order to help you bots, win this stupid war that a power hungry idiot has caused with his damn greed." I hissed as my optics darkened slightly at him.

"You are in many ways still a sparkling...despite being in adult Cybertronian's body, Skywarp. You are still thinking like a human which you are not." Ratchet reminded him.

"Maybe it would have been easier if I was a sparkling...rather than being like this." I said frowning.

"No it wouldn't have been...The moment the cons learned there was a sparkling here on earth let alone in our care, they would have stoped at nothing until they had captured you. So they would force you to become one of them or they woud have killed you insteantly." Ratchet said as he looked at Skywarp with a serious exspression.

Skywarp's memories of cybertron rushes pass me as I'm forced to watch as the cons murder innocent sparklings in cold blood as well as innocent bots who refused to join them or had joined the bots. Their terrified and painfilled screams echo loudly in my mind and ring in my ears. Seeing my exspression Ratchet's optics widen as he relises something. "You have the real Skywarp's memories." He said breaking the silence between us.

"Along with my human ones, which I thougt i mensioned this before." I said calmly as I looked at him before I sighed. I rub my helm as the headache grows worst. This was so damn confusing. "Skywarp, did terrible things in the name of the am I suppose to be him when I'm disquested with what I-he has done?"

"You move foreward, and make sure you don't become him or become him again." Ratchet said calmly as he rests his hand on my shoulder. "Does that make sense?"

"It does...but I fear my idiot brother is going to do something to really piss me off though." I said as I felt the nagging feeling that Starscream was in the process of making his clones. This was so not going to end well for me, I was going to feel each one of those damn clones offlining as it plays a toll on our bond. I was most likely going to murder Starscream for his stupidity and I think Skywarp and even Thundercracker were agreeing with me on this.

"Starscream is Starscream...I wouldn't really worry about him. Remember not to do anything stupid or reckless...especially to your foot." Ratchet said.

"Are we still talking about about my health or are you warning me not to take any unnessaury risks that could exspose me as an autobot spy?" I asked him only for Ratchet to snarl at me.

"Both." He hissed at me.

"I can promise about my health as for the latter part well that's going to be rather hard to do." I said with a sly grin grin as i ducked away from ratchet when he moved to hit me again. "You missed." I taunted.

"You can leave medbay, brat." Ratchet huffed. Just as Bulkhead entered the room unaware of our little talk.

"Hey, Sky. Why don't you tag along with me on patrol to locate some energon for a while. If your free to leave that is, some fresh air might help you and it gives us a chance to know each other better." Bulkhead offered as he entered the room.

"Sure." I said calmly before Ratchet could protest about me going on patrol with him.

"Let's go rookie." Bulkhead said before Ratchet could voice his protest as he than left medbay as I got of the berth. I paused as I looked at Ratchet.

"Look, I promise to take it easy Doc, or you can clip my wings off." I said as Skywarp insteantly screamed death threats at me as I bet Thundercracker had to hold him back from hitting the barrier that prevented him from killing or harming me inside my own head.

"Don't call me Doc, and you better take care! Also do not transform unless nessaury!" Ratchet snarled as I walked after Bulkhead. Ratchet sighed as he shook his head before muttering something under his breath. I walked with Bulkhead towards the groundbridge.

"Come on rookie, you are going to learn how to mind and locate energon." Bulkhead said grinning as he hands me a tool.

"So how do I work this thing exactly?" I asked blinking my optics at him.

"I'll show ya. Come come on." Bulkhead said as he opened the groundbridge as I followed him through it. Somewhere deep down inside I knew something bad was gonna happen soon.

To Be Continued...