Hey Guys, I'm the new guy, Bloodredsword23's profile got hacked, and I'm taking over for him. Besides he has a great life outside of fanfiction, so we all wish him the best of luck. Anyways, Yes this is a naruto neglect story, yes they are overdone, but I still wanted to do one. And try to add my own twist on it.

Anyways, the first chapter of this will not be good, as this is just an intro, so you can all get a basic idea of it all.

Also, yes he will be a viking, yes in the Naruto world a viking would probably die, but considering even the Samurai are seriously OP in that show. Trust me, I can make a Viking as equally powerful. Just wait and see.


Naruto was sitting in the family library. His parents were busy training his younger sisters. While he was sad that he wasn't down there training with them. He figured his parents had a good reason for not training him at the same time. He knew about the Nine Tailed Fox being sealed within them. His sister Midori held the Yin, and his other sister Kozakura held the Yang. He held the soul, but his father had made it VERY clear to not only him but to the villagers who held doubts that he was not the Fox itself.

Hell he remembered the time his parents told him the story of how they literally had a giant presentation explaining to the villagers slowly how he was not the fox, complete with slides and a lecture. He chuckled a bit at that memory. Overall he was a fairly happy child. But he did feel lonely at the fact that his parents were spending more time with his sisters. And the fact that it was also taking away time from his sisters.

He had a feeling that it wasn't so much that they were being trained that was the problem, it was that it really took them out of it. Sometimes Naruto would come home, and both of his sisters would already be up in bed sleeping from a hard days work. While his Dad had to go to the office and resume his duties as Hokage, and his mother would be passed out on the couch, Naruto would always put a blanket over them to keep them warm whenever they slept. Even though he didn't get to spend as much time with them as he would like. That didn't mean he didn't care for them.

It's just that he really wished they could spend more time with each other. But just because he wanted that, he could also see a problem with his parent's line of thinking. Yes it was important to train his sisters as they could be dangerous without training, but what if he was to be kidnapped and held for ransom? Would that not also be an issue? He was not arrogant enough to say he could beat his would be kidnappers with only a slight amount of training, that would be ridiculous, and he would have to be a prodigy to do that. He was simply saying, if there was ever a situation where he was to be kidnapped, he would rather go out fighting than go along like a good little hostage.

That was one thing that he knew was strange about his personality. Naruto had a strange craving for battle, he didn't understand why, but he had a urge to go out onto a battlefield and fight someone. He didn't know if that was just boyhood fantasies, but he couldn't help but feel a certain lust for blood. Of course, he kept it under wraps, if he mentioned it to his parents, they would probably think the fox was influencing him or something crazy.

"Hm? Whats this?" Naruto said as found a few old books that may as well have been tomes covered in dust in the family archives.

"I don't recognize these." Naruto said as he saw his mother walking by, ready to pass out.

He knew he needed to catch her quick before she fell asleep.

"Hey mom!" He said as he ran up to her.

"Hm...Oh yes...Naruto...did you...need something?" Kushina said as she was feeling very drowsy. Training your kids and also working as a Jonin was tiring work.

"I found these old books in the library, do you recognize them?" He said as she looked over them.

"Hmm, nope, your father got these from an old trader, but he never got around to looking at them, If you want, you can read them." She said as Naruto nodded.

"Thanks Mom, you should really get some rest." He said as she didn't respond.

"Mom?" He asked as he noticed she was leaning against the wall, seemingly sleeping while standing up.

"Thats something new." He said as he chuckled a bit.

He may be feeling lonely, but he had to admit, that was pretty funny. He gently helped his mother to the couch where she proceeded to fall into hibernation.

"You should really take a break sometimes, spend some time with the family outside of work." He said in a sad tone.

But he shook those thoughts away, he wasn't going to be a baby and cry about things such as that. He had new books to read! And that made him happy! Now all he needed was to find someone willing to train him and he would be set.


He turned to see his friend, a raven who he named Midnight perched by the window.

"You know, people would find it weird that I have a Raven for a friend." He said as he fed the bird some bird feed he kept in his pocket.

The bird cawed and flew away as Naruto sat down and opened up the tome. He felt a shiver go down his spine for some odd reason as he looked over the old tomes.

"What the? What language is this?" He asked himself as he saw that instead of Kanji, he saw some strange lettering. He didn't know how to describe it, it reminded him of Kanji, but less complicated.

"Great, I guess I can't read it after a-" He said as he suddenly saw a sheet of paper drop from the book.

"Huh?" He said as he picked it up.

"Viking Rune Alphabet translation." He read the title as he saw there was a system showing the strange language's lettering translated into his own.

"Well that's convenient." He said as he looked over the tome.

"This is going to take awhile." He said as he got to work.


"Why the heck did I want to do this again?" He asked himself as he hadn't made any progress, mostly because the lettering in the tomes, while still readable, was very faded, and he had to work hard to even translate one word.

"Okay...O." He said as he was finally about to get one word out.

"D." He said as he translated the second letter.

"I." One more down. One to go.

"N." He said as he finished it.

"Odin?" He said out loud as he felt a chill go down his spine, almost as if a cool wind passed through the air.

"That was weird, it was almost like when I said that, it felt like something was in here." He said as he looked at the word again.

"Odin." He said as the feeling got stronger and he felt a strange sensation in his head.

"Okay, that's kind of creepy." He said as he looked around, he did not like this feeling, and yet...he felt compelled to say it again.

"Odin..." He said as he heard a Caw again.

"Midnight? What are you doing here?" He said he walked over to the raven.

Suddenly Midnight launched at him, causing him to duck as the bird flew over his head. That was odd, Midnight never did that before. He looked over to see his friend perched on top of the old tome that he had found. This was just getting weirder and weirder. He walked back over to the chair and looked over the book again.

"Can you hear me?" He heard a voice in his mind.

"Who said that? Dad? Are you home?" He asked as he heard a laugh in his mind.

"No Child, your father is not home." He heard the voice say again.

"Okay, whoever is doing that, its not funny, who's doing that?!" He raised his voice a little.

"Look up." He said as he looked up at the raven perched in front of him.

"...Midnight?" He asked as the raven nodded his head up and down.

"That's not my true name, but yes, it is I." He said as Naruto shot out of his chair and backed against the wall.

"Okay, is this some weird dream? Did I eat some bad ramen?" He said as he blinked, wondering if this was real, or if it was some crazy hallucination.

"No, you're completely sane. But I would ask that you calm down." Midnights voice spoke in his head as Naruto made his way back over to his seat.

"Okay, how are you doing this? What is going on?" He asked as the bird looked at him.

"You called my master's name." He said as Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know your master." He said as the bird shook his head.

"And yet, you just spoke it." He said as Naruto gave it some thought.

"You mean Odin?" He said as the feeling came back.

"So many years have passed since that name was been said aloud." He said as Naruto looked at him.

"What are you talking about Midnight?" He asked as the bird looked him dead in the eyes.

"First, my true name is not Midnight, My true name is Muninn, I am a servant for Lord Odin, The All father." He said as Naruto looked at him with a strange look on his face.

"All father?" He asked.

"In your terms, he would be the king of the gods." He said as Naruto spoke up.

"But, what about Kami?" He asked as he could have sworn Muninn was glaring at him.

"Bah, This so called Kami is merely a spirit, he is not a god, he may have some power, but it pales to Lord Odin.'" Muninn said as Naruto was just listening.

"What are you takling about?" He said as Muninn rolled his eyes.

"If I was to tell you everything, you would be here until you died of old age, so instead...look into my eyes." He said as he got close to Naruto's face.

Naruto at first saw nothing but his own reflection. But then it all changed. Visions filled his head. First he saw fire burning down a village full of women and children. And then he saw a group of warriors fighting against others who seemed to be dressed in armor like the Samurai. Then he saw wooden dragons sailing across the sea, with the same warriors he saw from earlier at the helm. He saw visions of another world, where these warriors sat around a large bonfire feasting and drinking. Now to some kids, this would seem odd and maybe a little scary. But Naruto was different.

In a way, he felt a sense of...longing. The comraderie, the battle, the feasts as they regaled in the tales of their youth. Naruto wanted that, the feeling he had for battle that he had since he could walk was now bubbling up again, begging to be let free. What the hell was this?

"So the spirit of the vikings lives on." Muninn said as Naruto fell backwards onto his chair.

"W-What was that?" He asked the raven.

"That was memories of a time long passed, in your words, it would have been thousands and thousands of years ago, the world has certainly changed much since the day that my master ruled." The bird said as Naruto looked at him.

"And this Master of yours...this Odin? He is a god? The True God?" He asked knowing that he may not get another chance to have this question answered.

"You could say he is one of many gods, For there is also Thor, Freya, Loki, Tyr, Frigg, I could go on little one." He said as Naruto suddenly thought of something.

"Why are you telling me all this?" He asked as he couldn't understand why this servant of Odin was speaking to him.

"Because in the thousand of years we have been waiting, you are the only one to truly hold the spirit of the Vikings, in a way, Lord Odin has kept a watch on you since you were young, believing that you are fated for great things, but at the same time, he cannot control your destiny, it wasn't until you spoke his name that I was able to contact you, and now I have a proposition for you young Naruto." Muninn said as Naruto listed.

"Serve alongside Lord Odin, become the warrior you were meant to be. I know you dream of battle and glory, yet you keep it to yourself because you know your parents would not approve of that course of action." He said as Naruto remained silent.

"So what say you?" He asked as Naruto looked deep in thought.

After what seemed like an hours worth of silence. Naruto looked at him and smiled.

"Tell me more about these vikings."