Disclaimer: I do not own 'Naruto'
Ah, new story. I'm anxious and scared for my exams so i wrote this to keep me calm. I most likely will be continuing it!
Kurama was sweating nervously inside his kit's brain. For once he couldn't live up to his name of being stunningly wise, because right now the word 'wise' pertaining to him has done a complete 180. Flipped on its axis so to speak. The bright idea Naruto came up with – for once in his miserable life – was shredded. Time traveling to Naruto's gennin days to make sure nothing bad ever happens in the future was brilliant. Slightly stupid in certain ways because Kurama wasn't entirely convinced Naruto could pull off playing dumber than he already was, but Kurama couldn't disagree it was better than dying. So he went along with the plan. It was all going great, swimmingly in fact.
And then Kurama had to go and shit it all up.
He may or may not have gone a little overboard with the whole chakra jazz and created a wormhole that had sent not only his foxy self but Naruto along too. So now they're in the middle of who gives a crap and probably fucked to hell. Not only that but he was pretty sure that Naruto won't be too pleased that they were in another dimension.
So yes he was sweating, he was used to this kind of crap happening to Naruto. But to him? No, this was too much crazy. Pacing in his cage Kurama rubbed a paw over his eye before he felt an all too familiar chakra signature he hasn't felt in sixteen years.
"Well shit in a box and call me a cat, he's alive."
Please review and tell me your thoughts!