Roselyn was at the clock tower with Barbara and had learned a great deal about computers and an abundance of software. She was showing a great affinity for using hi-tech equipment and had actually impressed Batman. She still was a little iffy about the man in the cape, but when she found out he was Bruce Wayne, she found herself not judging his other persona as much. He had sat down and explained to her about why he felt he needed to take her away from Poison Ivy. Rosie was old enough to understand as she wasn't that eleven year old kid anymore. She didn't necessarily like what he had done back then, but if he didn't, then she wouldn't have had the opportunity to live with Barbara Gordon and have a safe place to call home.

Although safe probably wasn't the right word after the whole Joker incident, at least she didn't have to worry about being left alone since Barbara wasn't an Arkham patient. It was nice to have the stability she provided. "Dodona," Tim said her codename into her headset. "Is it okay to go left?" He had come back to work with Batman for a short period of time and went back and forth between Gotham and Jump City.

"Yup," she said as she hadn't located any possible threats around the corner of the corn maze. She was so thankful to be working behind the scenes as going after Scarecrow in a corn maze seemed horrifying. She wondered how Batman and Robin weren't afraid and continued to trudge forward.

"Nothing around me?"

"Not at the moment," she confirmed.

"So, as I try to find something interesting in all this corn, how's life?"

"Not really the time," Dodona huffed.

"You sound a lot like Oracle," he joked.

"Haven't heard that one before," she replied sarcastically.

"Come on, D, I haven't really talked to you in a while."

"We can catch up later," she smiled. "Right now you have to focus on finding Scarecrow without-"

"Found him," Barbara announced. Rosie hoped she could be as skilled as her. It seemed as if her fingers flew around the keyboard and an answer randomly popped up. Oracle and Batman were so much more skilled than Dodona and Robin, but the four of them made a pretty good team. "R, I'm sending you B's coordinates. D, guide R through the maze and keep a look out for any trouble."

"Got it," Rosie and Tim said at the same time which caused them to snicker. Rosie pulled up a new screen which had Batman and Scarecrow's locations. She had no idea how Barbara was able to track both Batman and Scarecrow at the same time while she had enough problems focusing on Robin. Rosie was currently the secondary watch while Barbara primarily kept an eye on everything. She hoped she could be as good as her in the future. She still had a lot to learn.

It took them almost all night due to Scarecrow's maze, traps, and fear gas, but the two men managed to bring him in to Arkham. Rosie and Barbara high fived once they got the confirmation Scarecrow was indeed locked up so the two took off their headsets after Batman told them to get some rest and be ready for the next night. The thought of the asylum always made the girl think of Ivy. She wished she didn't have to be in there with people like Scarecrow, Joker, and the rest of the criminally insane of Gotham. "Hey Barbara?"


"Do you think Pammie's ever going to get better?"

"It's hard to say given her track record," she replied truthfully. "But I've been talking with Dr. Leland and she has really good behavior. I was going to surprise you in the morning, but because of good behavior, she's allowed visitors so we're seeing her tomorrow at nine in the morning."

"Really?" Rosie's eyes went wide in excitement.

"Yup," she nodded. "And if she keeps this up and cooperates, she may be able to start over living a normal and productive life," Barbara announced.

"I hope she keeps this up! This is amazing!" Rosie said and stood up to give Barbara a hug.

"I try," Barbara smiled and hugged her back.

"You're the best!"

Ivy had made it incredibly clear to Joker that he couldn't ever go after Roselyn or her family again. She had done this by pulling his hip out of his socket and twisting it with her plants while they were in the rec room one afternoon. Harley hadn't been happy with her at all when Ivy did this and screamed at her at the top of her lungs. Ivy had turned to her, glaring at her, and said in a cold voice that if she didn't want her messing with Joker, then they better think twice before going after Roselyn or her family again. Her tone scared the blonde as they were all dragged out of the rec room and Ivy was brought down to solitary confinement which meant she couldn't have visitors for a month at best. She knew Rosie would be upset with her for this, but at the same time it had to be done so Joker wouldn't do anything to her again. If he did, the clown was dead, Ivy vowed; if Harley was involved, she could watch him die. She wouldn't harm Harley because watching her beloved clown take his last breath would be worse than death for her.

Poison Ivy had only spent three weeks in solitary confinement to her amazement and she'd be able to take visitors in another two weeks. She sat in the rec room feeling pretty happy about her life; Roselyn was safe and sound at home with Barbara and Barbara was actually a great parent to Rosie. She was genuinely happy Roselyn ended up staying with someone as open minded as her. She could tell Barbara's love for the girl was honest and she deeply cared about her well-being. Ivy would have preferred if she herself could have just kept Roselyn and would have lived a normal life for her. However, the world didn't work that way and here she was in Arkham yet again.

Ivy sat quietly looking through the photo album of Rosie Dr. Leland let her keep. It made her happy to look at it even though she missed a good two years of Rosie's life. Well, she wasn't about to miss too much again thanks to Barbara Gordon. "Hey, Red," Harley sat beside her. Ivy frowned and closed the photo album on a page that showed Roselyn enjoying her time with Tim, Bruce Wayne, and Selina Kyle on Bruce's yacht. She briefly wondered why Harley was in the rec room since the staff had made it so they wouldn't cross paths per her request. But then again, this was Arkham and the staff usually sucked.

"Leave me alone," Ivy said and turned to get up but stopped when a shaking hand rested on her shoulder to urge her to stay.

"Why…why do you care about her so much when she's Jason Woodrue's daughter?" Harley asked in a quiet voice.

"It doesn't matter who she's genetically related to," Ivy snapped.

"It's just…it doesn't make much sense to me. Rosie's a great kid and all, but," Harley trailed.

"But what?" she turned towards her with a furious look.

"I-I don't know," Harley mumbled. "I mean I didn't think it would be a big deal to hand her over to Mistah J. I could have been a great mom to her for ya, Red."

"Harley, you shouldn't be anyone's mother."

"Oh, and like you should?" Harley glared.

"I put Roselyn first," Ivy began as calmly as she could. She gripped the table until her knuckles turned white against the skin of her fingers. She couldn't believe Harley had the nerve to come up to her and basically say she shouldn't care about Rosie just because of where she came from. Sure, the memories she had of Jason were awful and she'd blocked most of them out and buried them deep in her mind so they wouldn't resurface. When she looked at Roselyn, she didn't see Jason at all. "I always put her first. You, on the other hand, would probably murder your own child if your Puddin," she mocked, "said to because you always do what he says no matter what. I guarantee you he would have killed her eventually if you brought Roselyn to him."

"But I didn't," the blonde pointed out.

"What do you want me to say? Fantastic? Well, here's some news, Harl; you helped cause so much chaos in her life and let Joker torture a thirteen year old mentally and emotionally. He bullied her to the point where she didn't think she should live at home with someone who really loves her and would do anything to help her!" Ivy stood up and slammed her palms on the table. It was obvious she was starting up a commotion. Dr. Leland had been passing by and entered the room and slowly approached the two women who were glaring daggers at each other. She hesitantly placed a hand on Ivy's shoulder and that one touch made her flinch, but reminded her she had to be on her best behavior to receive her visitations.

"Stop it! He was doing what he thought was best for her. She's not like everyone else. She's different like us and she belongs with us!" Harley yelled back.

"Rosie isn't an outcast like us," Ivy grit her teeth in annoyance. "She's a normal teenager and you almost took that away from her. How can you be okay with what you have done to her? What you did to me?" her voice shook. "I thought you meant it when you said you loved me. Every time I'd tell myself you'd leave him and stay with me because you said it was different every fucking time. But it wasn't." Dr. Leland had the guards usher out the other patients as she monitored the two women.

"I do love ya," Harley replied.

"Then why did you do this to me?"

"Because I love him," she began, but was interrupted.

"No. Not that. Why did you try to take away the best thing that has ever happened to me? I know you don't believe it, but she is my daughter and I did what was best for her. What is best for her is not what's best for me. I don't think you understand that at all and I wish you could just be mature for once in your life and clear that head of yours and just get it."

"If she didn't have those plant powers like you, I bet you wouldn't give a crap about her," Harley narrowed her eyes.

"The fact that she's part plant is irrelevant," Ivy pressed her lips together in annoyance. "You can't see past your own psychotic reality."

"I'm sorry," Harley finally cried. "I do love you and I'm sorry I did all this." Her accent was slightly faded as she spoke. "I'm so stupid. So, so stupid," she let her tears fall down her cheeks. Ivy didn't really know what Harley's diagnosis was, but if she were to guess, she assumed she had some kind of multiple personality thing going on. It was rare when it happened, but sometimes her Brooklyn accent wouldn't be as exaggerated and she'd sound more intelligent and tended to feel very guilty. She knew this Harley didn't mean to do any of this and she hoped she could get the other part of her to understand what she did.

"Just promise me you won't do anything like this again," Ivy said and dried Harley's tears on her cheeks gently with her thumb.

"I promise," Harley whispered. "Oh, Pam," her lower lip trembled before she burst into tears. Ivy wanted to bring Harley into a hug and she desperately wanted to believe Harley wouldn't do something like this again. However, she didn't want to be disappointed and see her put a knife to Rosie's throat again. She knew Rosie had been right and she did deserve better. She was slowly starting to believe that and she had somebody else in her life who truly mattered to her. As a parent, Ivy had to put Rosie first and as much as it hurt her, she was thinking she couldn't be in a relationship with Harley. It hurt and she still had feelings for her, but she needed to be a parent first. "What can I do?"

"Prove to me I mean something to you," Ivy said.

"Pamela, come with me please," Dr. Leland said to her. She was thankful to be removed from the situation at hand as it hurt her to leave Harley just standing there crying. The kind psychiatrist led her away and out into the vacant halls which probably should have had more guards on staff. She led her into a therapy room and Ivy was confused because she wasn't scheduled for therapy yet. When she entered, her eyes went wide with shock when she saw Roselyn and Barbara there apparently waiting for her arrival. "A few strings were pulled and we were able to get your visitations from being postponed."

"Pammie!" Rosie exclaimed and excitedly rushed over to her to give her a hug. Ivy returned it, the shock disappearing and the happiness soaring through her very core. She momentarily forgot about her relationship troubles with Harley and focused on her daughter.

"Hey, Rosie," she smiled and released her.

"I bet me and Barbara surprised you," she pointed out.

"You sure did. Hi, Barbara," she acknowledged the other woman in the room.

"Hi, Pamela," she replied. "I'm just dropping off Rosie."

"Barbara and I are going to hang out in my office," the doctor said which was the room right next door.

"You mean these visits are unsupervised?" Ivy queried.

"The worst that can happen is you try to escape, but Rosie here proved herself to be pretty tough. But it is supervised through that camera right there." Dr. Leland proceeded to point to the ceiling where there were cameras pointed towards all possible angles in the room.

"Are you saying she can handle me?" her eyebrow quirked up looking at both Barbara and Dr. Leland. Apparently, the redhead had become soft and didn't require supervision with guards anymore. This thought bothered her because people were supposed to be afraid of her, not feel comfortable leaving a thirteen year old girl in her presence. But the other part of her felt good about this because she proved to others that she can be trusted and she had a purpose.

"Pammie, you're not going to do anything," Rosie stated matter of factly. "Are you?" she suddenly wasn't so confident.

"No," she gave a half smile.

"Oh good," Rosie gave a heavy sigh. "Because I can handle you," she jokingly stuck her tongue out at her, hands on her hips and all.

"Well, we're going to go right next door. The room's going to be locked up so don't even try to leave," Dr. Leland said and left the room with Barbara who told Rosie she'd be back for her in two hours. Rosie nodded and plopped herself on the couch once the door shut and patted for Ivy to sit down next to her. The green hued woman sat beside Rosie and looked at her sternly.

"How is Barbara connected to Batman?" She noted how Rosie's complexion went white and her eyes went wide obviously telling Ivy her suspicions were right because of her body language. Rosie began to nervously twirl her hair which was pulled back into a half ponytail.

"Why would you think that?" Rosie asked too quietly.

"The early visitation."

"You were good so they let me visit," Rosie shrugged unable to look at her and suddenly found the ugly brown Arkham carpet rather interesting.

"I could have been a saint and that wouldn't have happened," Ivy pointed out. She wasn't really getting that much satisfaction from watching Roselyn squirm in her seat. However, there were too many things going right and nobody could pull as many strings as Batman. Even Bruce Wayne couldn't get this much accomplished in such a short period of time. There had to be a bat involved.

"I don't know what Batman did but he's always been interested in my case," she said, giving air quotes to the last word.

"Don't try to cover for her. Or yourself."

"I'm not," Roselyn defended. "Besides, Barbara's in a wheelchair. What do you think could possibly do anyway?" Rosie said in a low tone. "You think she's running around rooftops? And she's the commissioner's daughter who has connections to Batman; how do you know Jim didn't ask Batman for all of this?" she queried.

"I don't have any proof, but I think the connections you have to Batman have suddenly become deeper through her," Ivy said.

"I think you're just trying to pick a fight because you're acting like a decent human being and people are actually treating you like a person," Roselyn smartly pointed out. What made Ivy speechless wasn't contained in Rosie's words. Instead, it was the way she looked and she looked a little bit too similar to herself which made her a little bit uncomfortable. Rosie's eyes narrowed the same way hers would when she was annoyed. There was still something else about her that Ivy just noticed but she wasn't sure exactly what it was; perhaps it was the shape of her lips or maybe how Rosie's hands sort of looked like her own. Poison Ivy knew she was beautiful and everything about herself was attractive, but seeing her own features on Rosie was kind of…odd and somewhat confusing. After all, it wasn't like they were related in the slightest. Roselyn's hands were on her hips with her left hip jutted out. "I didn't come here to pick a fight with you. I came to visit you," she finished.

"I don't want to fight," Ivy said and let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I'm really glad you're here. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Rosie smiled and Ivy noticed Rosie had the same mouth and lips she had. Why was she just noticing this now? Maybe it was all in her imagination. She was in an asylum after all. "I know it's weird to have a family when you've never really had a stable one before. I'm still in therapy and talking about everything that's happened to me."

"A…family?" Ivy asked, confused.

"Yeah," Rosie nodded. "It's not the most normal family, but you're part of it, you know. When you get better, Barbara said it's okay for you to come stay with us if you need to…or if you want to. You have a place to go when you leave here, Pammie, and you won't have to be by yourself anymore."

"Rosie," Ivy said to her. "I don't think I'll ever be cured because there's nothing to cure."

"Once you realize there is something to cure, then there'll be progress," Roselyn stood up and began pacing back and forth. Ivy remembered Jason Woodrue used to pace sometimes when he was thinking. And suddenly, Rosie looked more like Jason and her body type was definitely wirey enough to be Jason's daughter. Why…why do you care about her so much when she's Jason Woodrue's daughter Harley's words echoed. Ivy had known for a couple of years, but for some reason it was really sinking in. This girl she thought of has her own daughter was a biological product of her old mentor who had done unmentionable things to her and created Poison Ivy and had left her to die that one night when his experiments went wrong. He had said he loved her, but he got up, ran away, and left her there when she really needed him. His daughter, Roselyn, could potentially do the same, Ivy thought. But would she?

"You know," Rosie spoke up again and stopped walking back and forth. "Dr. Leland thinks I'm good for you and thinks you'll get better faster with me here because you make the most progress when I'm around. But I really think I just make you behave better and give you a reason not to act out," she paused. "Why won't you just get better?"

"Because I'm not sick in the head!" Ivy exclaimed. "Harley is sick in the head. I'm not."

"How is Harley by the way?"

"She's okay, I guess."

"You miss her," it was a statement, not a question. "It's okay to miss her, Pammie."

"She almost killed you," Ivy pointed out.

"I know," Rosie murmured. "But I know there's something really wrong with her. I want the both of you to take Dr. Leland seriously and get the help you need. Keep an open mind and listen to what she has to say. I like Harley when she isn't taking me to Joker or doing something really stupid or maiming or killing people. I like when you're with her because you do make a really cute couple."

"You want me to be with Harley?" Ivy asked in disbelief.

"Not when she's so in love with Joker she does things to hurt you," Roselyn said. "And you shouldn't settle for the good times when things will be bad again." Since when did she need relationship advice? "You don't deserve to be treated like a second thought or a second choice, Pammie. Maybe someday Harley will get better, but if she doesn't, there is someone else out there for you. Barbara says there's a lid for every pot and I think she's right."

"Rosie, I promise you I'm not going to be in a relationship anymore that hurts me in any way. No woman deserves to be treated like a second choice." It was true, Ivy thought. She had to be a good example for Rosie because the last thing she needed was Roselyn bringing home someone who didn't treat her right because she thought it was okay. Thankfully, Barbara was in a normal relationship as far as she knew. Although Ivy didn't like men all that much, Dick Grayson seemed to be okay and Barbara seemed to be happy. Barbara never had any bruises on her, or so that she could see, and she had a stable mind. She was raising Rosie right just based on what just came out of the girl's mouth.

"Good," Roselyn smiled and holy crap that was her smile right there. Was there a possibility that…no. That possibility was wishful thinking and completely irrational. Maybe Rosie was right after all and she had to get better in terms of hallucinating herself in the thirteen year old.

"Have you ever wondered who your mother is?" Ivy said without thinking.

"Like my biological mother?" Ivy only nodded.

"Not really," Rosie shrugged. "I already have two."

"How about before we met?" Ivy persisted.

"Pammie, I was born and kept in a test tube for over a year. Nobody was ever pregnant with me. Woodrue probably stole some eggs or…hurt someone to get them to make me. It's really all just a bunch of genetic information, anyway. I never really thought about it more than that." To Ivy, that made sense. But if it were her, she'd probably wonder what the person actually looked like. Her own mother wasn't really mother of the year and had neglected her as a child, but it was nice to know who she came from even if she wasn't a fan of her parents. "Besides, when you find someone and marry them, I'll end up having three moms so I don't think I'll need any more."

"Speaking of me getting married in the future, do you think you'll end up with your friend, Tim?" Ivy laughed at the look of disgust on Rosie's face when she said this.

"No way!" Rosie exclaimed. "That's just wrong, Pammie, why would you ever say that?" Ivy continued to laugh as Rosie protested this theory.

Barbara and Dr. Leland weren't listening to their conversation, but they could see what was going on through body language. She noticed some tension at first, but the two had fallen into an easy conversation. Time was eventually up and she had to go get Rosie from the room. She wished the visitations could be longer, but she wasn't going to argue further because she had angered people quite a bit when she demanded these visitations. It helped that Ivy had been on good behavior and Dr. Leland had been on her side.

Barbara entered the room and thanked Dr. Leland for everything. Rosie hugged Ivy goodbye and promised she'd be back. Barbara smiled at Ivy who returned it. Barbara wheeled herself out of the room with Roselyn not far behind. Once they left Arkham, they were traveling side by side at a slow pace since Dick was running a little late picking them up. "Did you have a nice visit?" Rosie didn't respond right away which made her frown. "What's wrong?"

"She still loves Harley," Rosie said in a flat voice.

"Falling out of love doesn't happen overnight," the redhead pointed out.

"Harley tried to kill me," she reminded. "She was part of Joker's stupid plan to hurt me and let's not forget about how much she still hurts Pammie."

"What exactly is their relationship?" Barbara asked.

"That's a good question," Roselyn crossed her arms and looked down at the ground. "It's on Harley's terms. When Harley wants a girlfriend, Pammie's there and always takes her in."

"It's only when Joker kicks her out or beats her, huh?" Barbara already knew the answer. Harley Quinn was stupidly in love with the Joker and did anything he said. She let him do whatever it was that he wanted and she was okay with it. Their relationship behind closed doors was a mystery even though Harley would state he loved her and how much of a romantic he could be. However, the ex-psychiatrist wasn't exactly the most reliable resource.

"Yeah," Rosie confirmed. "So she uses Pammie when she needs her. Don't get me wrong, they have really good times together. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun when Harley was there. She's a lot of fun when Joker isn't around. But the moment she thinks about him, she sneaks out in the middle of the night. I've caught her doing that before. She didn't even say goodbye to us when she left," Rosie explained sighing heavily. "Pammie's all like don't let a man take advantage of you but she's always being taken advantage of and it's so annoying."

"I know it's frustrating," Barbara calmly stated. "They both have something mentally wrong with them, especially Harley. I don't think they're capable of seeing reason or making sense a lot of the time."

"I love my mommy, I really do. It's just frustrating to see her go through this endless cycle."

"Did you try to talk to her about how you feel about her relationship with Harley?"

"No," Rosie paused for a moment. "She thinks she's the reincarnation of Mother Nature. Like she really thinks that, Barbara."

"I know, sweetie." Barbara wished she could stand up and bring Rosie into a hug, but she was stuck in that damn chair. She came to terms with her physical disability years ago, however, she still had moments where she felt like she couldn't do anything.

"I can't believe I put her on this pedestal like she was the most perfect person. Why do I remember her so differently? Why did I like her so much? Why do I still love her when she makes me so angry?" she cried.

"Rosie," Barbara took the girl's hands in her own after reaching up to brush away a few tears on her cheeks. "First of all, you know where you came from before you came to Gotham. Pamela was the first person to lift you up onto her lap and give you that sense of comfort and love. She took care of you when you didn't think anybody ever would. To me, that's special and I don't question why you love her. I never did. You were an eleven year old girl who never knew what it was like to be happy until you met her."

"I guess," Rosie said. "She thinks I'm like the daughter of Mother Nature. I know I'm weird, but that's weird."

"You know how my legs don't work?"

"That's random."

"Humor me."

"Okay," Rosie gave her a skeptical look.

"Getting Pamela to think the way we do is like trying to get me to walk. It isn't going to happen."

"But yours makes sense. You just can't walk, but you're still normal."

"But you understand I can't walk, right?" Barbara asked her and Rosie nodded. "It's harder to understand when it's going on in someone's head, but you need to understand she isn't capable of thinking like you and me. Rosie, she can't see reason and she can't suddenly get rid of her delusions because you want her to and tell her she's wrong."

"It's just so frustrating knowing she's probably never going to get better."

"I know, sweetie," Barbara said as she heard Dick pull up in the car.

"I'm not going to give up on her, though."

"Good," Barbara smiled.

"Thanks for everything," Roselyn said honestly. Dick waved at them before Rosie helped Barbara into the car on the passenger's side. "You're the best mom ever for doing all of this for me." Rosie folded up the wheelchair to put in the back seat. Barbara remained speechless and tears of joy welled up into her eyes. She was no Pamela Isley, but she was Barbara Gordon an Rosie saw her as a normal person; or probably as normal as someone with a photographic memory and worked for Batman could be. She hoped Poison Ivy would get better and be able to leave the asylum for good since it would be great for Roselyn to have both of her parents. Barbara had to stifle a laugh as she thought about the fact that she shared a child with Ivy of all people. Roselyn was a great kid and she couldn't wait to see what kind of person she would become in the future. Would she still work with her and remain in Gotham fighting crime behind the scenes? Would she fight crime physically and use her plant abilities for good? Or would she give up the whole crime fighter thing and become a doctor or a lawyer or a scientist? Only time would tell; all she knew was she was going to support her daughter no matter what she chose. Until then, she was going to enjoy her time with her family and get some pizza with Dick and Roselyn followed by laser tag.

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks so much to the people who continued to read and support this story.

Rosie's name, Dodona, was one of the Greek oracles who was devoted to the Mother Goddess which is close to what Poison Ivy thinks of herself as (Mother Nature). Although she chose this code name, she realizes Ivy isn't really the woman she thought she was. Like most teens, she gets annoyed at her parents; she's more annoyed with Ivy rather than Barbara because Ivy has some delusions about herself and it's hard for a teenager to understand. In this chapter, Ivy starts to see some of her own features in Roselyn. Is she imagining this? I'd love to hear about your thoughts/comments in a review or PM.

Please feel free to review and comment on this last chapter. Thank you all so much!