I've read a lot of stories in my life, you could say I was that nerdy guy in class that would always have his nose stuck up in a book.

Mystery, action, adventures, you name it. I love them all, but there was a particular type of material I liked reading.


How can an English native find something as unique as manga? My school offered a wide selection of reading materials, I just happened to stumble on a translated Japanese comic on a lazy day.

Soon after discovering manga, I discovered my guilty pleasure. Fanfiction.

In those fictions I'd often read about a person getting reincarnated in their favorite anime, either as one of the characters or their own unique characters, sometimes even the family of one of the characters.

They were so intruging, the way the authors could change things about an anime through their own created characters.

But would you believe me if I said the same thing that only happens to fictional original characters happened to me?

That just like in those stories I was reincarnated in my favorite anime/manga?

Most would probably think I'm high and wonder if I need some help. People don't get reincarnated in fictional worlds after all.

But I did...

..except no one said I'd be human, no?

Now who was I unkindly shoved into?

Take a guess-I'm sure you won't be wrong.

I'm Kurama, widely known as the Kyūbi no Yōko.

Yeah, it was quite a shock to me too.

But I got used to it, after all being a fox was a small price to pay for immortality, besides I'm sure there's a jutsu out there that could help me transform into a human.

Maybe I could invent a Tailed Beast version of the sexy jutsu, maybe.

A smirk graced my very foxy features at the idea as I imagined how wicked it would be to transform into a human and do whatever I please.

With the amount of chakra I had, I'd be unstoppable!

I cackled madly. "Unstoppable!" I repeated out loud.

"Kurama-nii?" a timid voice questioned making me stop.

Jumping off of the giant rock I was on I landed in front of a mini sized Isobu, better known as the Third Tail.

I looked at him through half-lidded eyes, "Need something my cute little brother?"

Of course I tended to dot on the timid Tailed Beast, he was my favorite brother after all.

"T-they're fighting again..." my timid brother answered.

I sighed, they were at it again? Those two should really learn to get along.

One of these days I'll ask the old man to get rid of the stick shoved up those two's asses.

"This is such a hassle." I stated as the two of us headed towards our cave.

Why did I have to break up those two's fight anyways?

Oh right, I was the oldest, and therefore I'm supposed to be the mature older brother.

Tch, just because I have nine tails.

I actually wanted eight, eight is a perfectly symmetrical number after all.




I once again sighed, this time it was at the childish dispute between my youngest brother and the sixth youngest.

Call it a big ego or whatever, but I feel embarrassed to be grouped in the same category as them.

Tailed Beasts like us should be more mature.

"Oi brats-"


My tails twitched in annoyance, "Hey-"


I released some killing intent. "OI LISTEN TO ME YOU SHITTY BRATS!"

Both jumped in surprise before turning to me, "Kurama!" both exclaimed.

I huffed. "That's big brother Kurama to you two."

The two, being the ones with the biggest ego I've ever seen scoffed, at my statement.

"Shikaku, Saiken show our eldest brother some respect." Gyuki, or otherwise known as the eight tails, seriously told our younger siblings.

"Gyuki.." I proudly whispered.

"Or else Kurama will cry and whine to father and father will force us to have some sibling bonding time again."

"I don't whine and cry!" I cried in protest turning to Saiken and Shukaku, "But I really will do all that if you two don't shove it." I seriously said.

"Not until Saiken stops saying that he's stronger than me just because he has more tails than me!"

"You should stop saying that someone weak like you, who only have one tail, could ever hope to beat me!"

I sweat dropped as the two of them once again began arguing.

"Well, I tried." Gyuki grumbled walking away.

"Are you just going to leave them with me?!" I yelled.

"Yes." he bluntly said.

"Traitor." I grumbled.

"Saiken, Shukaku you two should respect each other. Siblings should all respect one another."

I sighed in relief as the voice of reason of me and my siblings appeared, Son Gokū, or best known as the Four Tails, lectured giving the two a good punch to the head.

"Lucky! Nii-sama got saved by Son-nii!"

Take a guess on who just showed up, maybe you'll guess right.

Yes, it's-

"Chomei, I don't think it's the right time to barge into the argument."

I glanced at my two siblings, Chomei the Seven Tailed Beast, and Matatabi the Two Tailed Beast.

"You two are lively as ever." I noted.

"And lucky, you're actually awake nii-sama!" Chomei happily said.

"Am I really that lazy?" I wondered.

"Depends." Matatabi mumbled.

"Kurama, help me out!"

With an annoyed look I turned towards Saiken, "That's big brother Kurama to you!"

"Whatever, which one of us is stronger? Me or Shukaku?"

I looked at their expectant gazes, "Isn't it obvious who the strongest of us all is?"

It seemed like that got every one of my siblings attention as they all looked at me, even Kokuo the Five Tails appeared from kami knows where

"Who?" Saiken asked.

"Isobu" I bluntly said.

My timid little brother humbly bowed his head down, but I already saw the blush he had.

The rest of my siblings gave me a flat look.

"What? Isobu's cuteness level is so maxed out that he could convince us to kill ourselves!" I defended myself.