Hello everyone! Are you ready for this! Because this chapter is finally the chapter where Naruto and Minato meet *squeals* I'm just as excited as you guys and I hope you like it sadly I'm going for a long story so it might be a while till we get to the romance but hey! They are finally meeting! Enjoy the story!
Chapter 7
"Oh my goodness! You're my cousin! That explains so much! I usually don't get so hotheaded around strangers, but Uzumaki's are well know for their tempers especially around family members!"
"Which of course you already knew that! Oh my gosh! Were you in Whirlpool during the second war dattebane! Oh my gosh! You must have you poor thing! And here I was miserable just thinking about it but you experienced it. Is that why you questioned why you were a resident? You poor thing! That must have been so devastating that you probably can't imagine living in another village! But don't you worry! I'm going to stick by you through thick and thin. We are the only Uzumaki's left! So we got to stick together! Come on I'll show you my favorite place to eat!"
Stunned all Naruto could do was let himself be carried away by the little red headed tornado. Only to regret letting himself be dragged to her favorite eating place, because he had a gut feeling as to what that place is and it was one of the places he was determined to avoid at all costs.
"You know what I think I'm just going to continue looking for Obito. He's probably looking for me by now."
"Nonsense you can't search for someone on an empty stomach! Plus we just got acquainted, I want to get to know my long lost cousin dattebane."
"Really we can hang out later I promise! However, I'm in charge of Obito for the time being, and we need to figure out where our apartment is."
"Don't worry! Konoha is a safe place and Obito has lived here most of his life. I'm sure he will be fine! Come let's eat!"
"No buts! Those are for sitting Dattebane!"
'And other things'
"Are you okay? Your face is really red Naru? Do you mind if I call you Naru? I know it's kind of abrupt, but I figured it would help break the ice?"
Naruto couldn't remember the last time someone called him by a nickname. Even Sai had stopped calling him dickless when the war got more difficult, and Sasuke only called him baka every now and then when he made a crazy idea. It made Naruto feel closer to this version of his mother. He only got to see his times version for a moment. This version was really in front of him and the fact that even though they shared very little blood at the moment it didn't lessen their closeness. Smiling Naruto made a decision, he wouldn't waste time wallowing over the past/future, he would make new memories and new connections. For these people will never be the people he remembers instead he can get to know the new them, the version he will risk it all to save. It would still hurt, and he might still avoid them for now but at least he will be willing to eventually meet them some time in the future.
"It's alright, Kushina-chan. Feel to call me that."
"Really! Cool! If you can think of a nickname for me feel free to do so!"
"I wouldn't really trust my naming sense that much. Everyone I give a nickname to seems to hate them haha"
"Wow, how bad are they for everyone to hate them?"
"they're not bad just blunt"
"like what?"
"hmm for instance, have you ever heard of the toad sage?"
"you mean that peeper that goes by the name of Jiraiya? Yeah I know of him he's Minato's sensei. Why?"
"Well in a sense he's my sensei too. And the nickname that I gave him after I found out who he was and his...*cough* hobby was..."
"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you what did you say?"
"*cough it was Ero-Senin"
After waiting for a few seconds and not hearing any response Naruto looked at Kushina questioningly. Only to see her eyes wide open and looking at him in pure amazement.
"what's wrong?"
"That is the bested nickname ever! Omg, I have to tell Minato when he comes back from his mission!"
"well I'm glad you like it but the recipient of the nickname doesn't care for it that much"
"I bet that pervert might be shameless, but he does have some pride. Oh how I would have loved to see the look on his face when you called him Ero-Senin haha!"
"It was hilarious I've got to admit."
'Both times actually.'
"Alright, you have got to tell me all of the nicknames you have come up with! Oh man if I questioned how you could be my relative before I don't anymore. You have that Uzumaki prankster streak!"
"You bet I do, I was quite well known for it back at my village, but it helps because I was able to incorporate that ability into my Fuinjutsu's."
"Wait! What?! You have got to show me! I'm pretty good a Fuinjutsu's as well so maybe we can exchange pointers! Ah! We're here. Hey, boss get me two of my favorite, please! Don't worry it'll be my treat since you haven't been here before. And while learning more about Fuinjutsu should be amazing I would like to know more about you?"
"Well, there really isn't much to say..."
'at least nothing that wouldn't give myself away..'
"well, what's your favorite food?"
"Miso Ramen"
"Ohh then you are in for a treat. Boss here makes the best ramen in the world Dattebane!"
"haha then I'm looking forward to it"
'Don't get addicted to that swell again Kit. If my cage starts smelling like that putrid stuff again I'm signing the eviction notice myself.'
*gasp* 'it's not putrid!'
'I'm just telling you to control yourself kit, I'll only allow two bowls and the only reason I'm allowing the second one is because its been awhile'
'how about three?'please!'
'I'm not relenting! Only two! Or I'll make so that ramen makes you sick in the future'
' I guess two is better than nothing'
"order up! Hope you like it boy-o"
'Ah the food of gods!'
'if your talking about the trash gods'
"Hey, Kushina I should have known that you were here!"
"hey Minato! Come and join us!"
"cough, cough... Cough!"
"oh my gosh, Naruto are you ok!?"
'what kind of luck do you have to meet both of your parents on the first day?'