I know i have bad gramer. send a post of the right word and i will fix it.
Hi my name is Max Pax. Weird name right. Anyway, I am the adopted daughter of Optimus Prime. But here is the thing. I'm a human, and not just any human I'm a mutant.
I can transform into a dragon. My height larger than 'Bee but smaller than Bulkhead. I can call certain abilities while as a human. Like my wings and scales. I can also call for height, but that brings out my scales and wings.
When the 'bots first found me I was alone in this world. My mother, father, and little sister died in a fire when I was six. I found out about my abilities while I mourned about my family at the scene of the fire. The police found me, and seeing how they had never seen not only a dragon or a mutant before. They knocked me out and sent me to the government.
I over heard things. People saying with a little work I could become the perfect weapon. That is when they started to do test. They pulled out some of my scales after scaring me. They would make me run and do other exercises. I started to try breaking out. My mutation also gave me certain instincts. I loved being high up, and I hated being in close spaces with no way out.
One day, after I had turned seven, I finally got out. I ran as hard as I could. I went into cities and towns some times. I learned they were dangerous places. That humans only meant pain. My dragon side began to become stronger.
The idea of living in the wild, alone became a good idea. I began to pull away from civilization. I was tired of having to move from city to city, avoiding the police at a very fast pace. While in the mountains I could stay in one place far longer.
I began to live on my own. Learned my scales could be used for other things. I taught myself to fly to move without leaving trace. I made my own tools. Bows, arrows, and knifes. I set up snares to catch things only hunted food when I need it. I found that being a full dragon required more energy than a hybrid form. I had the ability to breath fire, and when I was feeling negative emotions I could breath ice. Ice that could last for days.
Soon after I hit 13 I ran into a crystal mine. I was fascinated by them the cave wasn't very deep maybe 1-2 miles down or so. But I loved the crystals color a deep blue I pulled off a chunk. The crystal hummed with energy.
Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the cave. I ran for the entrance to see large robots fighting each other. I watched for a moment there were two sides. One had a red symbol and the other a purple signal.
I knew if robots were here humans weren't far behind. I needed to run, before they got here. No way after six years was I going to be caught and caged again. I waited a moment before making a break for the thicker part of the forest only to be snatched up.
"What do we have here?" asked the grey pointy robot. He had a grey signal on his chest.
"Put the human down, Starscream. She has no part in this." Said a deep voice behind us. I stared at him in the eye.
"You have spirit for one so small. Stand down Prime before she is nothing more than a liquid. I struggle to free my hand. Starscream enjoyed watching me struggle. I got an arm free and pulled a knife and thru it at his eye. He yelled in pain and dropped me. It accrued to me, these are no mechanical meaical . This was something else. I took off running only to be stopped by several of Starscream's friends. I transform fully and hit one of them with my tail. One I ram. Two others I hit by flaring my wings.
I have to get out of here. I didn't eat enough to have the energy needed for a full transformation. I will calpse soon if I don't eat soon.
"Leave her alone 'con" a female's voice traveled thru the air. A small blue robot that looked to be a female came crashing in and took down one of the ''cons' I took down that was starting to get back up. Soon all but two where down a faceless one and Starscream.
"Decepticons, retreat!" he yelled a green portal opened behind them. I looked the ones who fought besides me. The largest being taller than me, with blue with a red flame job. The second tallest being all army green. The third being a yellow with black stripes. Finally the smallest being the blue with pink femm.
"What is that thing?" asked the green robot. I growl at being called 'that thing.' I looked at him out of the corner of my eye.
"I don't think she likes being called a thing, Bulk." The femm said to the green bot. I snorted thinking 'understatement.' I started to walk away when I felt pain on my right foreleg. I definitely don't the energy for this. Wait energy! The crystals. Maybe I could use them, they radiated energy. I walk towards the cave. I heard beeping.
"Optimus, she's injured, and where is she going?"
"I do not know Bumblebee, but you are correct she is injured." Came the deep voice from earlier. I walked into the mine and lay down next to the crystals looking out of the cave. I felt energy seep into me. Not by much but it was there. Soothing me. I almost feel asleep when two of the robots from earlier came into the cave.
"Alright, enough energy to last us a couple of months." Celebrated the large green bot. I growled they dare cut me off from the exit, and they want to take these crystals.
'No, my treasure.' My instincts called. I had long ago trusted them to just take over when they pleased. I usually got something good out of it. I growled at the bot.
"Bulk, I think we have arrived a little too late." Said the femm. She say me move. My black scales easy hiding me in the cave. I knew I could talk in this forms just as I could as a human or hybrid. I had just lost the will too.
"What do you mean. We fault off the 'cons what else could want this stuff?" he questioned looking at her. She was watching me, looking me straight in the eye.
"The creature from earlier." She stated. Bulk seemed to notice that she was looking at me. When he caught sight of me I roared as loud as I could. It only sounded threatening thanks to the cave. I shot ice at them. They both made a run for it.
I felt weak. I had not eaten since yesterday, and these crystals where the only reason I was still awake. And they only did so much. My wounded leg was also sapping my strength. Add that to the cave now being pleasantly cold. I really wanted to go to sleep.
I heard engines in the cave. I knew their was no way I could fight them. Nor would I be able to leave this place I was trapped with no where to go. Several vehicles came around the bend.
'Humans!' my mind entered a panic. I backed up until I hit the wall. I flared my wings and hide my wound. I will not go back, not without a fight. The semi was in the front of the group. They all transformed into the large bots from earlier. I felt less threatened, so I brought out my injury a little. The largest stepped forward.
"My name is Optimus Prime, I am the leader of the Autobots. We have come to mine the energon crystals that lay here." I tilt my head then point to the blue crystals. He walked over to the other side of the cave and pulled out a chunk of crystal.
"You are correct, this is energon. When refined it is our fuel, and ammunition." He told me.
'A power source.' I thought to myself I nod my head in understanding.
"I thank you for your help in the fight earlier. Will you allow our medic to tend to your wounds?" I look at him. Showing no emotion. I dug a line. Devising the cave. I pulled out a crystal from the side he was on and handed it too him.
"We will respect your wishes." He told me. I walked deeper into the cave. I heard sounds of hammers falling onto rock. The cave was small but it was beautiful. I laid back down next to the crystals. I allow my dragon for to fade into my human form. I sit on a high up crystal and pulled off my backpack. I set it down on my lap. I heard foot steps.
"Optimus, we got the good side of the deal. The cave stops less then a mile farther down. We have more of the crystals, and I don't see the creature from earlier." Said the blue femm. I thru one of my knifes down by her feet. My throwing arm my be injured but I am a good shot with my left. She looked up to see me.
"Looks like Screamer was right. You do have spirit." She told me. I glared at her before turning back to my bag pulling out the jerky I made yesterday and the cloth I had. I wrapped my wound and ate a piece of my food.
"So where is your family?" she asked I growled at her. She stood their silently. "Do you have a family, young one?" she asked again gently. My growl deepened. "I'm not leaving until you answer my last question. Do you have a family?" she asked firmly. I shake my head no. I snapped my fingers and a small flame appeared.
"They died in a fire?" she asked she sat down leaning against the wall opposite from me. I nod my head. Taking another bite of the jerky. The soothing power of the crystals starting to make my fall asleep again.
"Why do you like the energon crystals?" she asked. There was no way to respond to her question with out talking.
"Arcee, return to the mining area. We do not wish to over stay our welcome." Said Optimus over the line.
"One my way Prime I was just having a nice conversation with the creature from earlier." she told him as she picked herself up.
"And what did you learn?" he asked. She turned to me asking a silent question. I nodded in response.
"She can transform into a human, and she is alone here. She is a survivor." She told him. The final part I took as high praise.
"Survivor?" he questioned. She looked to me.
"Don't know yet, Optimus. I also know she wants the energon not just for its looks." I was starting to fall asleep. I was scooped up by the transformer. She held me securely but we're if I tried I could easily get away. Must not want a knife in her eye. She was warm and her arms felt safety. I could still feel the crystals. I feel into a comfortable sleep. -
Next thing I knew I woke up to yelling. That's how I woke up to Fowler. He made every fault sound like it was Prime's fault. He saw me and I remembered him. He was on the base. One of the kinder guards. But a guard none the less. When I moved he caught sight of me. He panicked a drawer a pistol. I called for my scales.
"What is she doing here?!" he demanded. I knew I was unarmed cause I couldn't feel me quiver or bag on my back. There was a large crystal next to me. It was probably the only reason I was not panicking. I wanted to call for my wings but he knew to shot them to ground me. I look side to side looking for my bag. I saw it next to the guard. I growl in frustration. It scared the guard and he fired. Before the shot reached me I was snapped up by Optimus Prime.
I tried jumping out of his arms. He fire at me. I want out. I want to be far away from here. I want to return to the mountains. I will not live near humans. My instincts told me to get out. I was trapped here. There was no way out. I call my wings out and took out of the air. More shots were fired. One hit me in the arm. Since it got the still open gash.
I landed in the rafters. I landed in a run. I pulled me wings close to my body. I ran closer to the guard planning on diving landing on top of him grabbing my stuff then getting the hell out of here. Prime seemed to notice my plan. As I ran he got in front of the guard.
"Stop this." He ordered.
"DID THEY STOP!"I yelled my voice gruff from disuse. "DID THEY STOP WHEN I BEGGED." Optimus eyes widened and he looked to the guard.
"Don't pin it on me, mutant." He spat. "You are dangerous you had to be kept in isolation."
"The government was afraid of a six year old who lost her family in a fire. Who only just learned of her powers. Pulling scales out be forcing me to call them out by pain. Shooting or cutting my wings! Only to keep me grounded!" I yelled at him. He winces at the call. My voice is becoming steadier.
"I was under orders." He defended. I was done talking. I jumped and grabbed my things. Prime made no move to intersepte. The new bot who was white with red highlights moved to a computer. He tapped some keys. The room was lock down. I went back into the rafters.
"Explain Agent Fowler." Ordered Optimus Prime. He looked to the guard.
"I was just starting in my military corer. I was assigned to a science facility. She was one of the subjects. I saw her most of the time in passing when she was in testing. I tried to help her when I could. Throw in some meat into her container. Pulled several guards off her time to time when they beat her. It wasn't much. One day she got out. I don't know much I just knew there was a fire, and a dead scientist. I knew the military has been trying to find her. After several months she disappeared." He told them.
The blue femm looked up into the rafters. I had pulled out my food and was eating it. Listening half-heartedly.
"Is there anyway we could protect her?" I looked to the Femm in surprise. They want me here? No this place is just a large cage. I need to get out of here.
"I don't think so. They would let her stay if se would remain here, but seeing how she has been on the move none stop for years I don't think that is wise." He told them. I nod my head in agreement with him.
"As soon as she sees the door open she will be out and will probable return to where she came from. Disappearing for who knows how long." He finished. I finished my store. I had enough energy to get me in the air for hours. I dismissed my wings and scales. No reason to have them out when there is no use for them.
"We will find a way said the green on. I saw a twinkle in his eyes. I didn't like the twinkle.
"The only thing I could think of. Is to adopt her. And the only one I think they will except is you Prime." I was getting angry. I threw down knifes at Prime's and guards feet.
"Seems she doesn't like your idea Prime. If you do adopt her Prime. She is a major flight risk. She has disappeared with out a single sighting for four years. She is likely to do it again." Guard told him.
"It is a risk we will have to take. No life form should have lived a life she has been forced to live. I will take her in." he told Guard. I snarled, a spark appeared on both of me knifes. Guard picked up the knife.
"These are scales you sharpened aren't they, Max?" he questioned.
"It's been awhile since I last heard my name, and they are. I shed them once in a while. Make good knifes and arrow heads. Never had to force them out." I snarled at him. He shinks back.
"You humans are nothing but a pain." I snarl at him another spark is caused be thee knife. He drops it in surprise.
"Not all of us, miss." He says as he walks towards an elevator. "You'll see."
"I highly doubt that, guard." I hiss I remain in the raptors.
"I'll bring food next time I come. She needs to eat. She relies on the energy food gives her. To use her powers." He told the robots. I look over to the bots. The white one watches the screen.
"He's gone you can come out now." He calls up. Might as well. I'm still curious about the crystal, and I need to treat my wound. I jump down jumping from bot to bot. careful not to land on there head. I roll when I land on the ground. I stand keeping my arm level. I look to the leader Optimus.
"Take me back." I demand. He shock his head.
"I will not." He denied. I glair at him in defiance.
"I will not stay here. Humans can come and go as they please here. I refuse to be here, when they are here.
"Are you not a human yourself?" the white one asked. I glared at him.
"Never compare me with them." I hissed with venom in my voice. "I am a mutant, something humans fear. And when a human is afraid they react illogical. They don't care if they have good intensions or bad. They only cause pain." I hissed.
"Someone just talk like Shockwave," said a pure red bot as he entered the room from a door that was locked a second ago.
"I think it's time for interdictions." Beeped the yellow bot. I knew he beeped, but I understood him.
"It's okay if you don't understand him. Most humans can't." said the white one.
"I understood him, and also agree. I only know his name." I point to Optimus.
"You understood?" Asked the yellow bot. he looked excited that someone understood him. I nodded my head. "Awesome." He beeped excitedy.
"He's Bumblebee, we just call him 'Bee. My name is Arcee." The blue femm introduced herself.
"Name's Bulkhead. Feel free to call me Bulk." The green bot told me.
"My name is Cliffjumper. I'm Arcee's partner." Said the pure red bot.
"Ratchet medic, and your leaking." The white bot stated. I roll my eyes.
"It's called bleeding, Ratchet. One of his bullets hit my wound from earlier. Now what are you. You were not made by humans. I know that much." I looked down at me in concern. I sat down and pulled out my last clean bandage. "I'm going to have to go into town again." I mumble. I start to wrap my arm.
"You are correct. We are not of this earth. We are from the planet Cybertron. Are home world no longer has the capability to sustain us. We found that earth has energon. The Decepticons followed us. We only wish to protect humans from the Decepticons."
"So you need the energon that is here to help you defeat the Decepticons who want earth as their home. To use humans as servants, test subjects and untellable horror. Sorry big guy but already lived thru it. So mind opening a door or window. I don't like cages." I tell him.
I know the big guy has been through a lot. His eyes reflected the horrors he has seen. I don't want to be here. Too many unknowns.
"We can not allow you to leave." he told me.
"I know you want to protect the little guys, but around others I get hurt. Can't blame me for wanting to run. It is what I have always done. I went into that cave, cause I felt the energy in the crystals. They were soothing to me. I went in there to rest before moving to the next area." Cliffjumper smirked.
"So you're a runner." He said in a joking tone. He took several steps forward in a threatening way. My insticts ordered I attack.
"It's what's called a flight risk, Cliffjumper. And I would not corner me if I were you." I warned him. He continued to walk forward. He continued walking forward. I backed up. In this form I am venerable. Squishy.
"You won't harm me." He said. I felt the wall hit my back. I was cornered. My instincts kicked up a notch my eyes changed and I felt my nails grow harder.
"Cliff, she can hurt you." Warned Arcee. He dismissed the warning, and continued to approach. I let it lose.
I transformed fully. Ramming him in the chest. I felt my horns pierce his armor. He fell to the floor. I crouch down ready to ram anyone who gets close. I have been threatened, and I want out. I place my tail at his neck. My tail is barber with four horns that I keep closed unless threatened.
"I'll use ice next." I warn him removing my tail. He smirked I bit him gently lifting him up. "I want out." I tell Prime again. "I refuse to be caged." A ring comes from the computer. Ratchet answers the call.
"What is it, Agent Fowler?" he asked.
"The government has agreed to Prime adopting Maxine, but they have put in a condition. If she runs even once. You have to help get here back and hand her over to the authorities They will enforce this condition in three weeks. If she rejects the offer, she is also to be handed over. I'm sorry but there is nothing else I can do." Guard told us. I looked to the consul.
"Three weeks?" I asked. My freedom is being ripped away.
"That's right, I'm sorry Max. I know all you wanted in that facility was freedom, and after seven years. I know it will be hard." He tried to sympathize.
"If it's any consolation, you were one of the nicer guards." I told him. I was still in my dragon form. I lose it for the hybrid. Me hands return to normal. My tail vanishes, and my eyes return to normal. I stand on my legs. The call ended. I turned to look at Prime.
"Looks like I'm stuck with you. One week, I wish to return to where you brought me stay there for one week then return here." I told him even in this form I am smaller than Prime.
Cliffjumper wasn't bleeding, and the gash was small. He was standing to the side. He was covering it with his hand.
"How do we know you will be there?" he questoned. I looked him in the eye.
"You don't. if you must send someone to check. I was sleeping in one of the caverns close by. I stay in the moutain Caverns cause they have multiple escape routs. Caves for hiding. My scales allow me to hide there with easy. The cave full of crystals," I pointed to the crystal I was sleeping by earlier. "was five miles away from the cavern. I'm sure one such as yourself could find me if you tried. But then again I have learned how to disappear." I tonted him. It's been a long time since I was able to. Cliffjumper just scold.
"Watch it before you get my horns." He warned. I laughed. For the first time in years. It felt good. He was smiling to showing he took no offence.
"I'll be with in twenty miles of the crystal cave. You should see me in the morning I fly high in the sky during that time." I told them promising to be there.
And the rest was history. I never tried to run from the Autobots. Clashed with Cliffjumper often. I was able to save him from Screamer. But just barley We were both lucky that day.