I decided to make another Transformers Story. This one follows the Transformers Prime Series but adding Sam into it. I may have to skip some episode if it's not important to this story and I definitely know this might take long to update with, trying to follow each episode. This story will be a Optimus/Sam. Hope this one will be interesting for all of you. Takes place before the series.
Don't own Transformers Prime or anything that is related to Transformers.
Summary: 17 years ago, an accident had occur few miles from the Autobot's base. When arrived at the scene, they saw a flipped car and went to assist for anyone who needs help. They saw a dying mother holding her baby and begged them to protect her baby from those 'evil robots' due to the baby being 'special'. That day changed the life of the Autobots and the baby.
Chapter I: The Fateful Day
"FINALLY!" a voice yelled out with complete exhaustion who suddenly dropped to the ground, lying on its back. "It's about time we finish this damn base! I mean seriously, it isn't suppose for us to take THIS long to finish all of this." it said while using his hand
"But remember Bulkhead," started an equally tired female voice who's sitting on the floor leaning her back on the wall, "we have advance machinery which allows us to work even faster while the humans lacks the advancement of machine. Besides," her voice now turn to a serious manner, "even if we did have our construction machine, we are suppose to keep a low profile. Using it will cause some unwanted attention both from humans and Decepticons."
"I was just saying, Arcee. No need to be all so grumpy." mumbled the one called 'Bulkhead' quietly to himself. But Arcee heard him loud and clear. She wanted go to where Bulkhead was lying and smack him right on the head but was too tired from all the work they have done.
"No need to get your oils in a bunch," came from a cheerfully red mech walking towards them. "at least we were able to finish our Home-Sweet-Home here on Earth."
"WE?" the red mech cringed at the terrifying voice coming from the white and red medic right behind him with wrenches in his hands. "As I recall, Cliffjumper, is that you didn't even help us setting up the base while WE were the one doing all the work for you!"
"Ratchet," Cliffjumper let out a pretended gasp shock with a fake hurt on his face, "I can't believe you would say such a thing. I too did my part on fixing up the base." he finish smugly.
"Yeah right," scoffed Arcee, "I'm afraid going on a look-out mission to watch out for Decepticon activity doesn't really commits to what we're doing here. It was your one-way ticket out of helping building the base."
Cliffjumper turn to Arcee gawking at her. "Arcee," whined Cliffjumper, "you're supposed to back-up your partner not kicking him while he's down."
"Sorry Cliff, but that rule works only at the battlefield. Here, you are on your own." she playfully mocked Cliffjumper.
"Mean." he said with a pout. Arcee just rolled her optics, smiling at her partner's childish behavior.
The Autobots had just finished building their base in the Nevada Desert. The once abandoned military based, given by the U.S government, is now the new home for the Autobots a.k.a 'Team Prime'. They have spend all day working to improve the place to their liking, installing their technology, and a Med-Bay for Ratchet to work in.
"Excellent work Autobots." everyone turn their heads towards the source of that deep voice. Coming from down the hallway walks the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime along with the Autobot's favorite yellow scout, BumbleBee. "With all of your hard work, we were able to finish our headquarter and I would like to reward all of you some day offs from your daily duties."
"About time," said Bulkhead, "anymore work and all my parts will start falling off."
"Are you sure, Optimus?" questioned Ratchet. "But what about the Decepticons? I'm sure they don't do day offs and what would happen when there is a Decepticon Attack while we're out there enjoying ourselves?"
"Do not fret old friend. According to Cliffjumper's reports, there have been no sightings or Decepticon activity for a while now so it's safe to have some time to rest and explore this place." assured Optimus to a worried Ratchet.
"Alrighty then," called out Cliffjumper, "let's go out there and enjoy ourselves while we can." Cliffjumper was about to make a run for it to the outside world but was stop by Arcee who put her hand on his shoulder forcing him to stop.
"I'm afraid you gonna have to wait Cliff," interrupted Arcee, "because it's already late and we all need to recharge for the next day which happens to be our day off."
"Aww man." whined Cliffjumper.
The Autobots started working early in the morning non-stop, wanting to finish quick in case any Decepticons would try and attack. Now it's night time and it's time for the Autobots to get a good night rest. Just as they are about to transform, the alarm blared out, alerting the Autobots that there was a Decepticon attack.
"What the-!" cried out Ratchet heading to the monitor screen. "Optimus, it would have seen the Decepticons are up to no good. It says here that the location of the attack is few miles up south from the base."
"Well, what are we waiting for!?" yelled out Bulkhead smashing his knuckles to his open hand ready for action. "Let's go out there and kick some Decepticon butt."
"Ratchet, open the Ground Bridge to where the Decepticons are. Autobots, transform and roll out!" ordered Optimus. A green portal opened on a pathway and the Autobots turned into their vehicle form driving towards the portal to their destination place.
When they arrived at the location the Decepticons where spotted, they transformed back into their robot form and saw the situation. There were two Decepticon troops along with Starscream, Decepticon's second-in-command, all surrounding a flipped-over car.
"Starscream, what is the meaning of this!?" yelled out Optimus Prime.
"OPTIMUS PRIME!" Starscream yelled out in shock. "Quick you fools! SHOOT THEM!" But before the Vehicons can shoot, they were shot down pretty quick by Arcee and BumbleBee and now Starscream is left alone against 5 Autobots.
"Now tell us Screamer, what are you and your goons up to during this time of night?" asked Cliffjumper with his gun aiming at him ready to fire.
"I will not tell you anything you fools. AND DON'T CALL ME SCREAMER!" said Starscream with annoyance for being all by that nickname.
"Let me try Cliffjumper." said Arcee advancing towards Starscream. "Now Starscream," she said putting her blade right at his throat, "tell us why you're attacking a human or else I'll cut you a new one." she snarled threatening.
Starscream is starting to coward at the advancing Autobots. He has to do something to get out of this situation. He already failed on his retrieval mission and there is no way he would continue with it now that the Autobots are in the way. Then he thought of a clever way to escape.
"LORD MEGATRON!" he yelled. "I'm so glad that you are here, my lord."
The Autobots quickly turn their attention to the leader of the Decepticon, turning their back on Starscream. But when they turn to face Megatron, he wasn't there. They all have questioning looks on their faces but they were snapped out of their dumbfound look when they heard Starscream laughter.
"You Autobot idiots," laughed Starscream, "I can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book." He transform into a silver jet making his escape into his Ground Bridge that Soundwave provided.
"Why you..." Arcee was about to shoot him but was stopped by Optimus.
"Leave him be Arcee. He is not important now." he said. "Our main objective now is helping out the human who is in trouble right now."
The Autobots are heading towards the car all wondering why would Starscream attack the human who are in the car.
"Optimus, why would Starscream attack a human in the middle of no where?" voiced out Arcee.
"Don't know Arcee." he said. "There must be a reason why they would attack on a human. Maybe the humans can give us an answer that is, if we could find them." They have at the crash site but it would appear that the car was empty.
"It looks like the humans had made a run for it during the commotion." stated Bulkhead. "What should we do know Optimus?" he asked to his leader.
"Autobots," he began, "spread out and look for the humans. According to the crash site, they wouldn't have gone far if injured."
The Autobots spread out to look for any injured human that might need help. They looked high and low, bushes to cliffs and yet nothing. Arcee started complaining about not being able to find them due to them being so small. They have been looking for them for quite a while until BumbleBee let out a loud chirp and beep saying that he has found the humans.
"About time they are found." Bulkhead said to himself letting out a tired sigh. "I'm so close to collapsing."
The Autobots have regroup and saw something quite sad to them. The humans that were attacked by Starscream were none other than a human female with her baby in her arms. What's sickening to them was the sight of blood coming from the female human which is starting to stain on both the human female's and the baby's clothes.
"By Primus, look at what they have to these two. Even a human baby was involved." Arcee couldn't believe what the Decepticons did to does two. This was a new low for the Decepticons. Not only attacking a human but attacking a human baby as well. It made her Energon boil with anger at such a thing. She felt guilty for complaining about not being able to find them.
When BumbleBee had found the humans, it had been a sight so horrific. He had found a red trail and decided to follow it knowing that it was human blood. Once he reached at the end of the trail, the sight he had witness made him want to throw up Energon. The woman was lying next to a baby which he believes was hers. The woman was covered in blood and was severely injured on her left side. He carefully picked them up and called out to everyone that he has found them not even caring if the blood smudge his hand.
Bulkhead cringed at the sight that was presenting them. He felt such pain and sadness in his spark seeing the two suffer, getting involved in their battle. He felt such guilt for being so rude about them being found. And now, he watches them in sadness.
Cliffjumper was utterly speechless. He's usually the talkative one but now, seeing as what is in front of him really sets him a new record for being quiet for so long. So this was the ones Starscream was after he thought. He is starting to blame himself for not doing his job right. If he would have done his job right, then maybe he would have might be able to prevent all of this during his look-out mission.
Optimus was staring down at the humans that BumbleBee have found. It pains him to see them in such a state. His team was to protect the humans form the Decepticons and he failed to do so. His train of thoughts were snapped out when he heard a raspy breath coming from the woman. "They need medical attention immediately." he said snapping everyone back to reality. Just as he was about to comm Ratchet, he heard a small quiet voice coming from the human.
"Please..." whispered the woman. Her voice sounds so tired. "Help us."
"Do not worry," assured Optimus, "we are here to help you."
The woman smiled a little before saying a 'Thank You' to him.
Optimus activated his comm link and said, "Ratchet, open the Ground Bridge for us and get the Med-Bay ready." he ordered. "We need medical assistance now!"
What do you guys think? Did you like it so far? I have been thinking of writing this story while writing my first one. Please review and tell me what you think so far. I have already completed halve of the next chapter in 'Broken Souls' and hope to update it on Friday if I'm not too busy with my college work. This story will go before the Transformers Prime series began all the way to the end of the mini-series which is on "Darkness Rising, Part 5". After that, I'll continue this story on a new story starting from Season 1 "Masters and Students". Maybe I will make this a Trilogy. So please review and hoped you enjoyed it.