Disclaimer: Please Google Masashi Kishimoto for further references

Uchiha Izumi was a woman (even though Mama always giggled whenever she would see her little girl applying make up, before quickly giving up in frustration) of many virtues.

Number one, she was pretty, kind and quite out-going, which was further proven by the fact nearly half, if not more, of Konoha were part of Izumi fan-club.

Number two, she was brave and definitely not stupid like that Gennin brat on her team kept saying (where she proceeded to show him again and again by whooping his ass during every training session they had).

Number three, Izumi was one of the strongest kunoichi Konoha had to offer, only thwarted by the Legendary Sucker, Blood Red Habanero and Snake Mistress (Seeing how all of these had a bit of crazy going on in order to achieve greatness, Izumi didn't mind being out of top three).

Of course, there were a lot more things that made Izumi the great person that she was, but these three were definitely what stood out the most.

Alas, like all humans, she too had her flaws. And even though many would say it was her stubbornness, hard head, hastiness and somewhat obliviousness, Izumi only managed to find one.

She, like many other kunoichi before her, was a woman in love.

Now, it wouldn't be a problem at all if Izumi's man was just a regular nice guy jonnin that always had a kind word or two. No, she had to go for the one guy that never treated her like a girl or his equal.

She had to fall for Itachi Uchiha, the number one bachelor of Konoha, progeny of the Uchiha Clan, the goddamn most beautiful man in the world.

On one hand, being the awesome woman Izumi was, she has already been graced by the Elders and chosen as his future wife (some inappropriate use of kunai might have happened, but then again, if Blondaime can do it, then so can she)… on the other, she was nothing more than a speck of dust in Itachi's vision.

From the moment they met, Itachi has always belittled her strength, her visions and her very beliefs. She loves him, she really does, but damn it if she doesn't get the urge to strangle him whenever he shows her that damnable Uchiha smirk.

Which is precisely why, in order to save her future marriage life and get that lovable ball of fluff she would one day call their child, Izumi had to stoop so low and actually actively join the SasuNaru fan-club, to which Itachi presided. The sincere and overwhelming smile she received the day she crashed the underground meeting was enough to seal her fate.

And yes, if you're asking, Itachi's sinful face is the reason Izumi is currently carrying unconscious Honorable Son across the rooftops, snuggled into her chest. Looking down at him, Izumi had to ask herself once, before she delivered the goods, how in the holy Amaterasu did Itachi even think his brat of a brother deserved this golden child?

The looks of wander she received from her future husband did poof up her pride a bit and eased up her worries.

"However did you managed this Izumi?" Itachi whispered, trying to release Naruto's iron grip on his fiancée.

Izumi smirked, whipping her hair behind the shoulder:

"Oh please Itachi-kun, do I look like a person who would give away her secrets?"

Even though Izumi enjoyed his unspoken praise, even she realized that if the Blondaime wasn't in that super secret meeting with the Council to decide Suna's fate after the Invasion, even she, in all her grandiosity, wouldn't be able to manage this feat. Thankfully, the only one occupying the Hokage Mansion at the time was Kushina obaa-san, who was easily taken down by Izumi's genious.

Confused, Itachi blinked softly, before leaning into Izumi (a soft growl escaped Naruto's lips but was quickly followed by a cute snore once Izumi petted him).

Izumi blushed lightly, unnerved by the Itachi initiated closeness (she tried to remember if she sprayed that perfume Itachi said he liked 3 years ago).

"Izumi… Did you bathe yourself in ramen?"

"O-one m-must always be step ahead of their enemies!"

A/N: I trust y'all know who Izumi Uchiha is, right? :3