![]() Author has written 22 stories for X-Men: Evolution, X-Men, Harry Potter, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, and One Piece. Most of my stories are on hold or abandoned. If you like to adopt one, just ask and I'll tell you if its okay. Many have notice of on hold or abandoned on them. My current interests are Harry Potter and a select few manga. One Piece I read every week, and Kuroshitsuji every month. A few others I like but haven't read lately are Bastard!!, Jack Frost and Soul Eater. I also have an account at DeviantArt dot com, with the same name. I can't draw but I enjoy coloring the scans(even ifs amateur work, I try) from manga, so far its all One Piece. But I may try coloring a few panels from others like Yu Yu Hakusho and Bastard!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I like Harry Potter fanfiction, its about 90% of stories I follow. I love the books ... except that last few of the series. The 6th book was bad, 7th was the absolute worse. For me, the biggest problem of the 7th book was inconsistant facts. Parts of it contradicted the early years. 1- Harry mourned more for Dobby than he did for Hedwig. He yelled for Hedwig when she was hit, then it was "Okay, I cried out 'no!' and now I'm fine"... Seriously Rowling killed off Hedwig just so she wouldn't have to write about her anymore. There was not intelligent reason there. Seriously, if Harry had just half the wits he did in early years, he would not have had Hedwig in that cage as the "7 Harrys" made the escape. He would have had her fly off earlier in the day, then she wouldn't be in danger. DUH! edit Dec. 2014- I've heard comments of Rowling killing off Hedwig as symbolism of Harry's childhood was over/dying. I seriously hope that's just fan comments and not an actual fact from Rowling because its utter nonsense, as stupid as why Molly Weasley was the one to kill Bellatrix. For one, Hedwig didn't symbolize Harry's childhood, that childhood was next to non-existent. His innocence died before that as well, with all the crap he's gone through in school from seeing a schoolmate being killed, to seeing his godfather falling through the veil. IF 5th year (Sirius' death) wasn't the end of his childhood, then the leaving of Privet Dr., the location of his dismal childhood was. Actually, the end to whatever childhood he had was at the end of 4th year when he was kidnapped, saw the death of a class mate, used as part of a resurrection ritual that revived the monster that killed his parents, then was tortured by the same man that killed his parents? That was not the symbolized moment of the end of his childhood? Instead it was the death of his pet? A caged owl? Only thing can sum that up = WTF Frankly, I still stand by the comment, Rowling killed off Hedwig because she didn't want to write her in anymore. 2- The anger of Neville Longbottom, the danger of Belatrix Lestrnage and the non-experience of Molly Weasley creates the most anti-climatic ending to a feud in the series. We find out that Neville's parents were tortured by the 3 LeStranges and Crouch Jr. Then in book 5 when the LeStranges escape we see that Neville pushing himself to learn in the DA and improve so much that only Hermione was getting the spells faster than him...but didn't it say a few spell he got faster than her? We are shown that the focus of Neville's anger was always on Bellatrix LeStrange, not her husband or his brother. When in the Ministry, it was Bellatrix that taunted Neville, not her husband. Ever since the first introduction of Bellatrix, she is portrayed as a very powerful and dangerous witch. So at the final battle, does Neville faces off with Bellatrix to avenge his parents? No. Who kills her? Was it a fighter that has been trained to duel and has experience in combat? No. It was a housewife that always seen doing houshold charms, but could not even take care of bogart. It was Molly Weasley who took out Belatrix. After all the hoslitiy between Belatrix and Longbottom, having a simple housewife kill her off was very anti-climatic. Pathetic really. 3- The incosistancy of the facts of Parseltounge and Parselmouths. The biggest pet peeve is the one that made me put the book down and it was over a week later before I could force myself to finish the book. All the way back in 2nd book, we hear that parseltounge is rare and most wizards cannot use it. In fact its so rare that within the books only a few wizards/witches in past 1000 years have been named to use it. The main ones that are mentioned in the books are Salazar Slytherin, Tom Riddle aka Voldemort, and Harry Potter. There are a few minor characters that were parcelmouths but most don't appear or are mentioned in the books. The few that are mentioned, were already dead by time Harry's parents were born. Those were the Gaunts, Tom Riddle's maternal relatives, esp. his uncle Morfin. I think Herpo the Foul may have been mentioned the books but that's about it for the books. There ARE other parselmouths in the HP-verse but they were not revealed in the books nor alive in Harry's time (at least by time of typing this - leave it to Rowling to create new characters that haven't appeared yet) Yet how does Ron and Hermione get into the Chamber of Secrets in 7th book without Harry's help? Back in book 2 Ron couldn't understand parseltounge. Why Ron hisses 'open' to get in. WTF! We are suppose to believe the laziest boy in Harry's year remembers what that hiss sounded like 5 years later? Remember that he was worried about his sister at the moment and that he can't remember simple stuff from classes. I heard rumors later it was supposedly "Harry talks in his sleep" *and would say/hiss 'open' so years of this Ron knows it ... again WTF! I've heard its because Ron listened when Harry opened the locket in book 7, more believable than the sleep talking but it still has issues of being impossible. Because even if its from when Harry opened the locket, Ron wouldn't know the difference between a hissed "open" and "don't you talk to me! I'm angry for you taking that last piece of chocolate!" Sure "Harry just did the deed, of course Ron knows it was "open". But Ron doesn't KNOW the language so couldn't make one hiss be different from another. If he heard Harry using a spell like the 'wingardium leviosa', (a spell that used actual words and not hissing) he could remember it, as he knew the words that were said then. But Harry was hissing and most hissing to human ears sounds the same. And just because you hear it, does not mean you can pronounce it correctly. It would be like an English speaker trying to say a Japanese word without being able to read the language. we hear the word 'tori' but depending on the subtlety of how it was said (TO-ri or to-RI) it could mean either bird or bridge! and native Japanese speakers usually talk fast so a foreigner doesn't pick up on the differences. In short , Ron may have hissed, but everyone can too. As its a girls restroom, there are bounds to be hundreds of angry girls going in there in the past (Myrtle only died 50 yrs ago) and ...well as a woman I can tell you that when we do get angry, some of us do slurr our words so its a hiss,(done it myself) but there are only two times the chambers were opened before 7th book- 50 years ago and in Harry's 2nd year. Its simple really, Ron may have hissed but he does not have parseltounge so there should be no magic to empower the hiss. But after all the books giving that impression, in the 7th book, Rowling said "to hell with continuity!" Note= not related to rant on book 7 but is more of an observation of fanfiction. I've noticed that a lot of fics use parselmouth and parseltongue in wrong cases. Sometimes they use the two interchangeably or use the wrong one. Parseltognue is the language itself. Parselmouth is someone who can speak parseltongue. * Thanks to TheFlowerOfTheCourt for pointing out that I forgot about Morfin Gaunt was also a parselmouth. Of course there are other things wrong with the HP series. IF you see something that I didnt' include and want to drop a note, go ahead, but give both what's wrong and the reason why its wrong. If I agree, I'll add it below as I did for these= 4- Hermione and the Obliviations "And god, was that a terrible book. Did JK fall asleep and forget what she'd wrote? I mean, in the book, Hermione obliviates her parents and then a few chapters later, they're caught in a muggle cafe and she's told to obliviate the muggles, but she panics and says she doesn't know how and might mess up their minds. Right. Might mess up the mind of complete strangers. Never mind her poor parents. " - Summited by She Who Cannot Be Turned 5- The Problem of the Fidelius Charm and consistancy "Hi, I just read your profile where you mentioned the three worst things about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and thought I'd point out another large inconsistency. Well, I say inconsistency, I could very well use the term "Plot hole as long and deep as the Grand Canyon, but twenty times as wide." When the gang are at Shell Cottage, where Bill and Fluer live, Bill states quite clearly that the house is under the protection of the Fidelius Charm, with him as the secret keeper. He then states that the rest of his family are staying at their Aunt Muriel's house, with Arthur as secret keeper. See the plot hole? Even if you argued that neither Bill nor Arthur actually owned the houses they were hiding in, there is still the flaw of them being able to live in the respective houses. Clearly there was nothing to either prevent James or Lily from being their own secret keeper or from forcing Peter to stay where they could keep an eye on him at all times. Either Rowling did not think this through, or James and Lily were very very very very very stupid! Summited by sprinter1988 member- thehelpinghand also had something to say about this charm= "I was just reading through the things that you find wrong with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and another plot whole that can be found is also around the whole Fildius Charm thing. The Secret keeper must speak or write down the name of the house and only they can speak the location freely as shown in book 5. However there are four problems with this: Again, thanks for the info :) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A rant why I think Molly isn't a great mother or even a good mother. Yes, she loves her kids, but that alone isn't what makes a good mother. I'll go into detail of Molly's negative traits. I first I'd like to say, I used to love Molly, in the first time reading the books I really did. But on re-reading and seeing some things, I now see how imperfect she is. She is certainly not the worst mother but she is not the Saint of Motherhood some fans make her out to be. She is a loving mother, no doubt about it but I stop short of saying she is a decent mother. -1st book= First we hear the twins asking why Percy got new stuff (new robes AND an Owl) "Because he's a prefect." was Molly's answer. Sounds okay, I can understand wanting to reward a kid who reached a high position in school... BUT take in consideration other factors= Percy really didn't NEED new robes, he was able to deal with the 2nd hand robes for years. While new robes are nice, they are not mandatory for school performance. Hogwarts has hundreds of school owls, Percy could have used them so he didn't NEED a new owl. Also that year, Mr/Mrs Weasly & Ginny go to Romania to visit Charlie at Christmas. We find out in 3rd book that travel is not cheap when Ron says most of the Lottery winnings his dad won went to the family trip to Egypt. So even if Molly bought those things for Percy, if she was really a great mother she would have told Arthur (whom I suspect didn't know since Molly is main one shopping for kids) that they couldn't go to see Charlie since they need to buy a proper wand for Ron at x-mas time. -2nd year = Yes she has a right to yell at the twins & Ron for sneaking out ... but not in front of a guest and/or someone that is not family. Since that was the very first time Harry met her (few seconds at the platform does not count), Harry can NOT be considered 'extended family for the Weasleys'. So yes, a good mother would scold her kids for sneaking out ..but only after taking them into a different room so the guest wouldn't witness a family issue. And not only did Molly scold the twins & Ron, she screamed at them (which is never good) and worse she screamed in front of Harry (again someone not of the family shouldn't be witness to a family issue). THEN one twin tried to tell her that the Dursleys were starving harry, she yells "YOU!" at the poor boy, then proceeds to butter some bread for Harry...and that was it. Oh I forgot she was also comparing all three (Ron, Fred & George) to the older 3 boys (Percy, Charlie & Bill). Anyone whose raised kids knows that it a bad move as it causes resentment between younger & older siblings. -3rd book - at Christmastime when Harry sneaks into Hogsmead= while looking at various candies like acid pops, blood pops, fizzing whizbees, at Honeydukes Ron tells Harry about the time one of the twins had given him an acid pop and it ate a hole in his tongue. So if the twins give their brother a trick candy, it won't last long. But Molly's reaction? Ron tells Harry that she walloped him (the twin who gave the candy) good with a broom. So she didn't spank the twin ... she beat his ass with a broom! and due to the wording I doubt it was with the bristle end but with the hard handle. -4th book- Again she yells at the twins in front of guests : Harry & Hermione. This time she also is yelling in front of two younger siblings who were not part of the behavior. Molly goes farther - too far- this time though ranting and raving where the guests and younger siblings can hear her. She goes so far as saying "they have no ambition" and "that while they have brains, they aren't using them". She goes even farther saying "if they carry on they way they're going, they will end up in front of the Improper Use of Magic office." and "I don't know where we went wrong with them". This shows she really doesn't think that the twin's can realize their ambition of creating and running their own business, a joke shop. Heck it shows that she doesn't think highly of the twins, period. Molly never asks them if they have researched what it takes to make a business, if they know what they are getting into. No instead she destroys their creations. Yeah some were questionable, but not all their products. Her actions made sure they would go behind her back and left them without a parent to talk to for advise. -5th book- at the end when Harry meets the order and the twins at the platform. Molly comments in a hesitant way that the twins are going good in their shop. It happened after Ron comments about he dragon hide jackets the twins are wearing, and they say how well the shop is doing. Gee thanks for the support mom! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A bit more on the Weasleys= I've noticed the oddity of the Weasleys and the accountant cousin that is a squib. I've always thought the Weasleys were a bit hypocritical in dealing with the squib cousin. l call bullshit to that. The book was clear, it is not that "they don't talk TO the cousin", its "the Weasleys don't talk ABOUT the cousin." There is a very strong difference there. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Some more on Hermione Granger and her parents= Ever noticed how little time Hermione spends with her parents? On the visits, first let me explain my math, for summer they (normally) have the last week of June, then all of July & August, that's about 68 days, then two weeks, 14 days, of winter Hols. 6814=82 year 1= goes home on x-mas, On the visits, first let me explain my math, for summer they (normally) leave on the 3rd Thursday of June, then all of July & August, that's an average of about 68 days, then two weeks, 14 days, of winter Hols. 6814=82 Save for 4th year due to Tri-Wizard Tournement, summer is shorter, students didn't get home until July 3rd, stays at Hogwarts for x-mas so students have 52 days for summer instead of the 68 year 1= goes home on x-mas, = = sees parents 82 days out of the year. Unfortunately I cannot remember year 6 summer well. I know that Harry spent half of summer at the Burrow but can't remember about Hermione. And for year 7 = The guard arrives on July 27, Hermione is one of the "7 Harrys". We do not know when she left her parents. We know she did spend some time as she obliviated them this summer. Since the first 5 years are only time we can accurately (mostly damn TWT), lets stick with those. in 5 years time Hermione only sees her parents for 352 days. That's about one year worth of seeing her parents spread over 5 years. I've heard people yelling "But she had to go to be safe!" I answer with "So it didn't' matter if her parents were not safe? After all, they were left behind and didn't get to come with her." If people thought that DEs would go to Granger's house, see she's not there and leave her parents alone, they are stupid. The DEs would still kill her parents. "But Arthur Weasley was injured!" Yes but Hermione is not a healer, her presence could not change anything. "But Ron needed the support!" Not to be callous but Ron had his family, again Hermione's presence could not change things. 6th year was a repeat of how little time she spends with her family. Frankly I'm not surprised at her attitude in 7th book= She showed more problems of obliviating strangers in the café (when DEs caught up to them) than she did with wiping away 17 years (16 years of her life 9 months of pregnancy) when she took away her parents' memories of her. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A lil rant on Remus Lupin, I've had thoughts on him for a while but didn't think to add him to my rant after Molly until I gave a review to dreaming of rocketships on the story "Black Knight". I've seen many fics have Remus call Harry "my cub". "His cub"? WTF Harry is not his cub! IF he was, then Lupin would have tried to do more for Harry. Hell Remus didn't even tell Harry his connection to Harry's parents until the end of the school year, when he confronted with Sirius Black and Pettigrew. And what about after Harry knew who Remus was? In 4th year, when Harry is entered the tournament, he never hears anything from Remus, only Sirius. Then there is the issue of Remus choosing Harry to be the godfather to his son. As dreaming of rocketships pointed out, it was a bit unwise as Harry was on the run and being "Undesirable #1" Really, I have to agree, it was a bad idea for Remus to choose Harry. Harry was only 17, had no experience of having a responsible adult to take care of him (so didn't know what do to himself), no job and was on the run and had Voldemort wanting to kill him. Remus ="Hey, you're the last connection I have to my old friends, despite the fact I never tried to contact you before or after the time I taught at Hogwarts. You're 20 years younger them me, only 17 yourself and on the run. Will you be my son's godfather?" Harry = "I don't know why you're asking me, someone who has a high chance of being killed and not someone who is likelier to survive, like Bill. I'm on the run and we don't know how long this will take, so if you get killed before I finish my mission better hope the grandparents (though you know the grandfather has a high chance of dying because, you know, being muggleborn) stay alive to take care of your son. Though I never got to experience what a father or godfather is suppose to do and the one male influence in form of my Unlce is verbally abusive and neglectful, sure, I'll be honored to be the godfather." -_- yeah right Also ever notice the fics that try to put Remus as the most intelligent one of the Marauders and often make Sirius ...average if not dumb? This is despite the facts= 1- in bk 3 during the x-mas scene in the Three Broomsticks, Minerva said that Sirius and James were brilliant. 2- bk 3 again, it was James & Sirius that found how to become animagi, said to be a difficult task. It wasn't just power or determination. They had to figure out how to do it by themselves (without teachers) Remus did not help out there, in fact he didn't know about it until they succeeded. 3- bk 5? - When Harry saw Snape's worse memory, it showed the Marauders during O.W.L.s, its implied again that Sirius was quite smart. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I have many stories on my "favorite story" list, I have come across a few rare finds in the Harry Potter-verse that have wonderful sence of humor= "Humor Me" by StormyFireDragon = ch 2 - "ALBUS DUMBLEDORE," yelled Minerva. "HOW DARE YOU TRY AND INVADE THE MIND OF A STUDENT?" By now the entire hall was listening to the conversation. Albus was trying to say that he had nothing to do with it and that the voice was lying. Minerva slapped him across the face. When she was done, Poppy stood up and repeated the gesture. From there Pomona took a shot. Filius came up next with a lead pipe and belted him one. Leslie Neilson came up next and slapped the old man. From there a nun with a guitar came up and crashed the instrument over his head. After that a hooker came up and hit him with her purse. Hagrid walked up next cracking his knuckles. Severus was wearing an evil grin on his face as he took a swing with a baseball bat. Sybil Trelawney was waving her tennis racket. An old lady sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. Harry looked around in shock. There was a line of people waiting to take a crack at Dumbledore that made a circuit of the hall all the way to the door. "Where did all of these people come from?" asked Harry looking around. "Isn't that a priest punching the Head Master in the stomach?" "It is," said Hermione in awe. "It looks like the Pope is next." "Partially Kissed Hero" by Perfect Lionhart. I have asked to get permission to add a very funny quote. But respect for a fellow author's property prevents me from adding it UNTIL I get that permission. This story is well written and adds a twist to the "evil Dumbledore" and "Smart/independent Harry" stories. I am only on the 9th chapter and I love the scences with confused Draco mubbling about "The Cononel" and in ch 8= the muggle ignorant Dumbles trying to warn the 'American Ministery of magic' about the threat of the new Dark lord =Cononel Sanders! XD |