It was almost a month later, and spring had truly blossomed in Ottery St. Catchpole. Lily Potter stood in the doorway of the Rookery, closed her eyes, and breathed in of the fragrant vernal afternoon. The sky was a brilliant blue that was rarely seen near populated areas, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sun beat down warm and serene, and there was just enough of a breeze to make it quite pleasant outside. The gentle wind carried with it the scents of pine, honeysuckle, and an odd, tangy aroma that Xenophilius Lovegood claimed was from the dirigible plums that grew upside down in the orchard next to the rook-shaped house.

The last few weeks had been quite eventful, and she was now ready to put it all behind her. After giving her statement to Madam Bones, at her request the DMLE head had given her twenty-four hours before the news of her son and his girlfriend sacrificing their lives would be released. She had taken the opportunity to go to Gringotts and discreetly close all the Potter accounts, removing all the money and heirlooms into chests with professional-level expansion charms permanently anchored by platinum-inlaid runes carved into the interior.

The entire nation was left reeling in shock at the news that their saviour was dead. Few were surprised that he had given his life so selflessly, but most mourned his passing as if he had been a close family member. There were immediate calls for him to receive the Order of Merlin for his sacrifice, as well as having a memorial statue placed at the site of his death. When it was revealed that his girlfriend Hermione Granger was right there with him at the end and joined him as an equal partner in stopping the still-unknown menace, the more fair-minded insisted that she receive the exact same award since she effectively performed the exact same actions. Much to the chagrin of the few remaining blood bigots, the moderates whole-heartedly agreed and pushed the awards through. The proposed statue, which was also approved, was modified to include her as well. The commissioned artist designed the life-sized sculpture to depict the two standing together hand in hand, wands extended in a dramatic pose. He unknowingly captured the pose almost exactly as it had happened in real life. Once completed, the statue was placed in the centre of the glass basin left behind in the Wiltshire field below Liddington Castle. That portion of the field was purchased for a handsome sum from the muggle farmer who owned it, and it was immediately placed under muggle notice-me-not and repelling charms. Over the course of the next few weeks, hundreds of magic-users travelled to the site to pay their respects.

As Lily had anticipated, there had been a surreptitious move on the part of the Ministry, spearheaded by none other than Dolores Umbridge, to claim the Potter vaults now that the line had officially died out. She wished that she could have seen the expression on the toad-woman's face when she learned the vaults had already been emptied and closed.

According to Madam Bones, when Dumbledore, who was still residing in a Ministry cell, heard the news of Harry's death, he suffered a heart attack – apparently his second in less than six months. The old man recovered enough to stand trial a few weeks later, but anyone who looked at him could tell that his spirit was broken. He used up every last bit of political capital he had left and just managed to stay out of Azkaban, but his Gringotts vault was wiped out after the reparations he was required to pay to the Delacour family. Unfortunately, everything he'd done to the Potter family in general and to Harry in particular was technically under his purview as Chief Warlock, though everyone agreed that it was still a gross abuse of his authority. While he could not be officially charged with wrongdoing, it was agreed by all that he could not be trusted in such positions of authority ever again. He was dismissed from his sole remaining position as Headmaster of Hogwarts and forever banned from holding both any position of authority over children and any public office. Even the Order of Merlin he'd received for defeating the dark lord Grindelwald back in 1945 was rescinded for his more recent disgraceful conduct. After all titles and awards were stripped from him, he was allowed to leave on his own recognizance, a beaten, broken man.

Though the government was done with him, Sirius and Remus were not. Working in conjunction with the infamous gossip columnist Rita Skeeter, they published a series of articles exposing the highlights of Dumbledore's misdeeds to the wizarding public. Those columns were advertised as teasers promoting a tell-all book the three would collaborate on over the course of the next few months. Despite Skeeter's reputation for stretching facts beyond all recognition in order to make her stories juicier, the Marauders decided to work with her anyway for her uncanny ability to dig up dirt on practically anyone. Even though she had a penchant for melodrama, the woman had unquestionable skills matched only by her relentless attitude when it came to investigation. By the time she was through with Dumbledore, the man wouldn't be able to show his face again in public, let alone continue with his manipulations.

Lily was satisfied with his fate, to be honest. Though she'd happily strangle the man given the chance, this way had its own distinct appeal. At least this way he'd suffer in ignominy for much, much longer.

Sirius took up his Wizengamot seat as Lord Black and immediately established himself as a moderate. His goal, he confessed to Remus and Lily, was to help steer the Wizengamot into much-needed reforms. When he was satisfied that magical Britain was progressing adequately into the twenty-first century, his plan was to withdraw more and more from public life until he could join the rest of his family in the Otherworld.

Remus, having struck up a friendship with Nymphadora Tonks, was becoming a frequent guest at the Tonks residence, and the bubbly auror was likewise a regular visitor at Grimmauld Place, especially since her mother, and by extension her dad and herself, was welcomed back into the Black family by Sirius. Remus told Lily that he planned to be a regular visitor in the Otherworld too, but for now he still had things to do here in magical Britain. "Not least of which is helping Padfoot find a good woman who will actually tolerate him," he laughed.

The only other thing of note that happened was one day before Dumbledore's trial, Amelia Bones stopped by Grimmauld Place and explained that the muggles were partially aware of the events that had transpired on the vernal equinox. A paramilitary group called the Sentinels had contacted the Ministry of Magic through the Prime Minister, using the special magical portrait that connected the Prime Minister's office to the Minister for Magic's office. They had many questions as to the events of the battle at Liddington Castle and were generally unsatisfied as to the details Madam Bones was able to provide, though at the behest of the Prime Minister they were given a copy of the official report filed by the DMLE. Bones cautioned Lily that she may be considered a person of interest to the Sentinels and admonished her to be careful when moving in public. The feisty redhead took her words to heart and spent most of her time at Black Manor behind the fidelius charm. She was anxious to see her son again, but she wanted to make sure that Albus Dumbledore would never bother them again.

Now, though, she was ready to leave Britain behind forever. After reading about the results of the trial that had only ended yesterday, she prepared the last of her luggage and took the floo to the Rookery. Xenophilius escorted her through their orchards and down the hill to the island where the ring of megalithic stones stood in a circle.

"Tell Moonbeam I will be wrapping up my affairs here," he requested. "I still have a few issues of the Quibbler that need to be written, but I should be done by midsummer."

"Will do, Xeno. Thank you for all your help." With that, she turned and stepped into the stone circle. The English spring afternoon faded away only to be replaced with the giant white trees of the faerie realm, and with it faded the cares and worries of magical Britain.

Five familiar faces stood waiting, all smiling in greeting, but she only had eyes for one. Her son stood at the edge of the clearing, looking more relaxed than she'd ever seen him. By god, he looked happy. He was flanked by his lady love and their best friend, and the two fae queens stood on either side of the trio.

"Welcome home, Mum," Harry said. He held out his arms and she rushed to her son, embracing him as tears of joy ran down her face. Hermione and Luna both joined in while Titania and Maeve looked on.

After the girls broke the hug, Harry stepped back from his mother with a mischievous glint in his eyes. With barely a hint of a smile, he held his hand up. A moment later, a small globe of azure flame danced in his palm.

Lily gasped in amazement. "You got your magic back!" she exclaimed. Her eyes immediately went to her son's love.

Hermione smiled and produced a similar flame in her hand. "Not exactly," she said. "Our magical cores are gone. That was the cost of our victory. But Titania and Maeve have been teaching us how to use the flows of natural magic generated by the elements themselves. As it turns out, all three of us have a natural aptitude for it."

Laughing in sheer joy, Lily joined the others as they adjourned to Titania's court, where a lavish banquet was laid out in celebration of her return to her home. At long last, all was right in their world. The darkness had been pushed back, and the madness driven away. The price had been paid and the victory won, and they now could enjoy their well-earned rewards. Their part was done. It was now up to others to pick up the torch and carry the light.


"Good night, Dora. I had a wonderful time with you this evening." Remus Lupin leaned in and kissed his new girlfriend after dropping her off at the doorstep of her parents' house. It was a rare Friday night off for Junior Auror Nymphadora Tonks, and they had immediately taken advantage of the opportunity to enjoy their first official date.

"Thanks for taking me out, Mooney," she replied. "I trust that I won't have to kick your bloody arse to take me out again?"

He gave her a rueful smile. "Not at all," he said. "My lesson is well and truly learned. Auror Tonks is perfectly capable of taking care of herself against a moping werewolf."

"And don't you forget it, buster," she said. Grabbing his shirt, she pulled him in for another kiss, this time brushing his lips with her tongue before stepping back, her smile teasing. "Will you be joining us for lunch on Sunday?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Andy's a marvellous cook."

"See you then, handsome."

He watched his bubbly girlfriend go inside before turning and making his way down the walk. He thought about apparating back to Sirius' house, but decided instead that it was a lovely evening, just the right temperature for a walk. There was a station for the Underground not too far away and it wouldn't take much time at all to ride the train back to Islington.

Distracted as he was by thoughts of Dora, he almost missed the scuff of a shoe behind him. He whipped around, ready to draw his wand from its holster, only to see a middle-aged man wearing a suit, trench coat, and fedora standing there with his hands raised nonchalantly in the air. "Remus Lupin?" he asked.

"Who wants to know?" Lupin replied, his voice suspicious. The man was obviously nonmagical, but few outside the magical world even knew his name. Due to the less-than-savoury work he had done in the nonmagical world, those who did were not exactly the sort one would be inclined to invite to a Sunday social.

The man lowered his hands but kept them in view. "My name is Miles Braddock. I have a proposition for you…"


Emberstryke had lived for the better part of five hundred years, but never before had she seen one of the Elders, let alone been summoned by one. Granted, most of the rumours concerning them said that they'd all been asleep in their hidden lairs for centuries. Others said that they'd left this world behind, perhaps even the entire dimension, never to return. Yet ingrained into the DNA of every dragon was the knowledge that if summoned by one, it was imperative that the summoned make an appearance with all due haste.

And so it was that she found herself circling in the twilit sky over the picturesque Ogwen Valley in northwest Wales. Her keen eyes picked up the dark silver scales and brass-like highlights of the Elder who had summoned her. He was standing on the banks of a small lake on the west slope of Tryfan, the fifteenth-highest peak in Wales with its distinctive jagged crown, overlooking Llyn Ogwen to the north, the larger lake that was the namesake of the valley.

She quickly landed before him and bowed her head in obeisance. He was easily ten times her size, and she was not considered a small dragon by any means. She could only imagine what the dragon handlers at her former reserve would think at the sight of the ancient dragon standing regally before her. "I have come at your behest, Lord Celedyr," she said.

"Thank you for your prompt arrival," came his reply. His voice reminded her of boulders rolling down a hillside but was not at all unpleasant. "Tell me of the events of the vernal equinox," he commanded.

She complied immediately, leaving nothing out. She knew that if she lied to him or even left out a crucial piece of information he would likely devour her on the spot. The Elders were not cruel, as such, but not a one had any tolerance for dissembling and foolishness.

"Thank you," he said again as she finished her tale. "I called you here to inform you that great changes are on the winds. There has been a shift in the powers of the earth and sky, even the stars themselves, and that shift began on the night of the equinox. That night was like an unchaining of our very souls. Even the land itself cried out in relief. The others will certainly be interested to know what happened. Who knows, I may even tell some of them. For now, watch and wait. The world is not yet ready for us, but soon it will be our time."

"Yes, my lord," Emberstryke replied.

"I would like you to keep in touch with the Potter lad and his family. Dark times are ahead, but there will be much opportunity as well. It will require people of indomitable will and fortitude to make their way through the turbulence, and should they ever decide to return I feel those three would make formidable allies."

"With respect, my lord, I do not believe they will ever return. The magical world holds nothing for them anymore."

The colossal dragon smiled. "The so-called magical world will need to adapt to the coming changes or it will find itself completely irrelevant. They have no idea what is coming and as of now they are in no way prepared for it. In just a few short decades there will no longer be a magical or mundane world, it will just be the world and whatever we make of our own parts in it. Perhaps by then we may find some way to entice Potter to re-join the world."

"Perhaps so. It would be pleasant to fly with him again."

"Even more so if you do not have to hide your flight from anyone."

She looked up, her eyes wide. "What are you saying?" she whispered.

Celedyr shook his head, a twinkle in his eye. "Patience, Emberstryke. You will see. For now, you may return to your lair and your eggs. They should be hatching soon, no?"

She dipped her head in respect. "Any day now, my lord. Thank you for the honour of meeting with me."

He nodded and watched as she turned and leapt up into the air. In less than a minute she disappeared from view against the starry night sky.

The air around the great dragon shimmered for a moment. The gigantic winged lizard disappeared, only to be replaced by a pale young man with copper-coloured hair, wearing khaki pants, a light blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and brown hiking boots. A smile of anticipation played across his lips as he climbed down the steep hillside to one of the carparks along the A5 that skirted Llyn Ogwen. He made his way to a brand-new silver Aston Martin DB7, one of the first of that model off the line. A small sticker on the windscreen indicated that the car was authorized to enter the employee carpark of Oxford Computer Consultants.

As he climbed into the driver seat, Celedyr looked northward in the same direction the smaller female dragon had flown off. "Yes, you will see, my dear Emberstryke. The whole world will see." Without another word, he started his car and sped off into the night.

***Finite Incantatum***

AN: Well, we have come now to the end of this particular journey. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read and reviewed. I did not answer every single review, but I read and appreciated each and every one. As has been pointed out, the ending was a little rushed. That was a concern of mine as I wrapped it up, yet that was just how the story wrote itself. That being said, the reason I write fan fiction and post here is so that I can hone my craft. If you have any ideas for improving or expanding upon what I've written without changing the story, by all means feel free to PM me. I am definitely open to suggestions! I hope you enjoyed the story, and I hope to see you again sometime for a new adventure! I will be spending most of my time in the forseeable future working on original work that hopefully I will be able to earn a living from one day. That being said, I've also got some ideas floating around that could be gelled into a sequel for this one.

Final disclaimer: For the bulk of this story, please refer to the initial disclaimer at the beginning. Any real people mentioned are used ficticiously. Celedyr is owned by Topps.