Reviews for Harry Potter and the Half-Giant's Wand Rights
redHussar chapter 1 . 7/1
This one-shot nicely explains some inconsistencies with Hagrid. Yes, I always thought that as a friend, Dumbledore should help Hagrid, but the truth is that after removing humorous parts, Hagrid is really dangerous to other people simply because of being a simpleton.
Iniga chapter 1 . 6/22
"I assume they are simply a previously obscure breed of creature." Ha! That is so very, very Dumbledore.

And I loved your ending. Well played.
avigor chapter 1 . 6/16
Now I kinda want to see this become a fuller fic, as Harry takes a more "ends justify the means" approach with fewer inhibitions...
darthapprentice chapter 1 . 6/15
Loved the story. Thank you!
miguce chapter 1 . 6/5
A unique look/twist. All of your stories are amazing.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30
I like this
QuestWithAmbition chapter 1 . 5/26
Really enjoyed the story!
tricorvus chapter 1 . 5/1
OMG that was wonderful! So many points covered!
Rock on
im1 chapter 1 . 4/19
freaking awesome story
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28
wow, thank you for the story! loved it
Wolcen chapter 1 . 3/3
I always thought it was weird that no one thought Hagrid might have deserved to be expelled for raising a man eating spider (potentially venomous) within a school, than setting it free when he was caught. I mean that looks pretty bad. It's much like how Sirius did deserve to go to jail for causing one of his classmates to get eaten alive or the quarter of the friends participating in sexual harassment (that seen in Snape's memories where they hang him upside down and taking off his pants). I love the characters and many of them didn't get in trouble for the right reasons, but I can see that these things are not in any way alright.
BMS chapter 1 . 2/11
Can't say I believe a word coming out of Dumbledore's mouth in this though.
Kknd2 chapter 1 . 1/13
... that is, by far, the most disturbing definition of a 'Light Lord' I have ever read. Holy god that explains so much. 'break the law to protect good people, without regard to the hypocrisy of their actions'. Combine that with his 'greater good' viewpoint and literally everything about Dumbledore makes total, consistent sense. Why is he so full of hypocritical actions that hurt so many people, that cause so much widespread harm? Because he know's hes a hypocrite and thinks himself noble for doing it. It's so convenient, isn't it? To literally have a double-think excuse for every one of your crimes? To have the self-rightous authority to do anything, to anyone, at any price to others without a qualm? Rarely, in all my more than thirty years of life, have I ever felt so horrifyingly disgusted by understanding something or someone, real or fictional. Stalin, Himmler, Big Brother itself wish they had such a neat, tidy licence for their evil.

One can only hope that Harry in this world utterly misinterprets what Dumbledore meant, to find something that is less pure self serving evil as a way to view the world.
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 1/6
Very interesting story, shame that so many authors who put politics in their story never think of this. Happy new year.
kimjo2 chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Interesting premise. Good point about Hagrid. Thanks
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